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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
TBH it seems like these characters in the leak are added less because they’re surprising and more because they fill a certain role. Porky, Goroh and Medusa literally seem to be added for the sake of adding more villains.
You mean in the same way the Ice Climbers, Zero Suit Samus, Geninja and Corrin were added to fill a quota? (Keep in mind I don't believe in this fake rumour, I'm just having this discussion for fun.)


Smash Champion
Dec 15, 2007
Switch FC
That's not "in a way", Squirtle and Ivysaur were cut no matter which way you look at it. Charizard isn't the "spiritual successor" of PT because the people who played PT for Squirtle and Ivysaur lost their main characters.

Honestly I keep on saying this but I'm gonna laugh when Gen 7 gets no new rep while Squirtle and Ivysaur get back in the game. For some reason everyone loves sleeping on them :laugh:
I've said it before ill say it again, the ballot universally favors all the veterans and they out rank newcomers on almost every poll data for the ballot.

it would be surprising if they choose characters for this game based off the ballot and we dont see tons of cut veterans return, its part of why the simon/snake thing makes sense to me despite all the kojima controversy. I wouldnt be shocked if snake WON the ballot, as in the actual most requested character and so sakurai felt bad blood or not he needed to make a deal with konami to get him back.


You have the strength to overcome your destiny!
Writing Team
Aug 4, 2014
Wave Road
Off topic, but between Nekoo Nekoo , @「 Hinata 」 and myself, we got some Undernight love going on in our signatures.

I'd say "Let's get some Undernight love in Smash!", but
A) Hahahahha no and
B) We have Cross Tag to compensate.

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Smash Champion
Sep 1, 2014
Akrillic Island
TBH it seems like these characters in the leak are added less because they’re surprising and more because they fill a certain role. Porky, Goroh and Medusa literally seem to be added for the sake of adding more villains.
If the theme of the smash is heroes vs villains you would want to add Nintendo classic, popular villains, specially if they have been in smash already in one form or another.


Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
Off topic, but between Nekoo Nekoo , @「 Hinata 」 and myself, we got some Undernight love going on in our signatures.

I'd say "Let's get some Undernight love in Smash!", but
A) Hahahahha no and
B) We have Cross Tag to compensate.

People complain about Bayonetta in Competition, but they don't have to deal with GRIM REAAAPAAAA.


Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2016
Alright I can pretty much tell you all his story, it contains spoilers from both earthbound and mother 3, but if you don't care or you just don't want to play those games, feel free to read:
In the beginning of the game, Porky starts as Ness's neighbor, he is not a bad kid he is just annoying and coward, probably because his parents beat him (this is explicity say, he have AWFUL parents that beat him) it is heavily implied that him and Ness are friends or at least Porky believes they are friends, but then the adventure starts, a prophecy says that Ness and other 3 kids must save the world from a big evil, so Ness leaves his house and goes to the adventure.

Porky is not happy about this, not because he wants to save the world (the opposite, he is a coward, he rather doesn't do it) but because he thinks that he will lose his only friend (or is implied, because the game never really says it), anyways, Porky helps a sect of the blue to kidnapp one of the other chosen kids, Paula.
Ness saves her and when the sect is defeated Porky comes and apologizes to Ness, asking if they can be friends again, but because Ness have a "silent protagonist" status mistakenly gives the impression of harsh shunning, thus causing an insulted Porky to sever all ties with Ness and abandon him.

From this point of the story Porky gains a lot of power, become friends with a rich dude, steals an helicopter that you needed, etc... until the point where he ends up joining sides with the cosmic destroyer, Giygas.
Giygas is in the "Devil's machine", the function of this machine is to contain its enormous power so it doesn't destroys his own mind, but of course and because Porky is now obssesed with destroying ness and his friends, Porky does whatever he wants and turns off the Devil's machine, destroying Giygas mind in the process and becoming an all mighty idiot, like Porky says.
Giygas is defeated, but Porky escapes to another dimension.

That is the part of Earthbound, now the part of Mother 3 and this is the worst and the most spoily parts.
So, this is a different dimension, a lot of time have pass, and Porky has become an immortal kid, have an army of brainwashed people in pig suits, makes ****ed up chimeras, and his actions killed Lucas's mother, ruined his village, forced Lucas to fight with his brainwashed twin brother which couldn't be saved and he ended up shooting himself and dying in his arms, and then Porky destroyed the world because HE WAS BORED, and he couldn't die, so no matter what would happen he will be eternal.

All of this still being a childish egocentric fatass, his own city have his face everywhere, he laughs at you and taunts at you and calls you stupid every single time you are in his tower.
Yet.. for some reason, when you go to the cinema of his city you can see a movie of Ness and his friends, Porky have a Yo-yo in his room called "Friend's Yo-yo", a big reference of Ness, and there is a room full of stuff and important items from earthbound. So, deep down, inside this fat, evil, immortal kid, he misses Ness, and he still wishes to have been his friend, because that's all what he ever wanted, a friend...
And that's all I remember, I probably missed some stuff or got something wrong.
Wow, your explanation gave me a bit more details (not that I mind, spoilers don't bother me). Wow that IS evil, and poor Lucas I always though he was a cowardly semi Ness clone but damn, my entire heart goes out to him for all he suffered. The poor guy, and from what you describe, he still keeps moving forward no matter what.

I definitely have no doubts the Porky would make a great villain after all what you and someone else told me plus I have a new respect for Lucas too. Can somebody give Lucas a hug?


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
If we are looking at Classic Editions for characters...

NES Classic Edition
- Ice Climbers
- Medusa
- Ridley
- Simon Belmont

SNES Classic Edition
- Geno & Mallow
- King K. Rool
- Porky
- Ridley
- Samurai Goroh
- Simon Belmont
- Wolf

Damn. They neglected to add Ganon and Toad to this leak. We would have finally gotten a playable Toad and a Zelda newcomer. They were in both NES and SNES. Oh, and they need to add Mike Jones from StarTropics. His game was included in the NES Classic Edition.


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2014
I want to confess something.

I have NO idea if this would affect its chances whatsoever in ANY way, but...

I think one of the reasons I’m not getting into Lycanroc is because I think it’s design is boring.

Like...it just looks like a regular dog! Why does it even need to be a fictional animal?

That’s the reason I never used it in my team the first time playing Sun/Moon; it didn’t look interesting to me.

I know it’s a weird thing to bring up, but there it is. If they ever did bring in Lycanroc, I prefer the nighttime one.
I don't mean to start Lycanroc discourse buttttttt...this is a good point. Yes it is subjective, but we do know that Sakurai picked Greninja because it looked cool/interesting. Lycanroc just looking like a wolf might not have interested Sakurai.

Of course I personally hope Sakurai doesn't look for just "cool" because we already have several "cool" Pokemon. But Lycanroc's forms are definitely rather tame in my opinion and don't stand out amongst the other popular choices. Definitely feels like their role in the anime is their only supporting factor and that's never been enough in the past.

But this is all rather subjective, Sakurai might really like rock dogs.
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Smash Champion
Sep 1, 2014
Akrillic Island
Wow, your explanation gave me a bit more details (not that I mind, spoilers don't bother me). Wow that IS evil, and poor Lucas I always though he was a cowardly semi Ness clone but damn, my entire heart goes out to him for all he suffered. The poor guy, and from what you describe, he still keeps moving forward no matter what.

I definitely have no doubts the Porky would make a great villain after all what you and someone else told me plus I have a new respect for Lucas too. Can somebody give Lucas a hug?
And that's the reason why this is the third search of google:

Because Lucas can't stop crying.


Smash Journeyman
May 15, 2014
I don't think the leak is real, but in case it is, I'm not surprised Sakurai went with Goroh. Sakurai doesn't seem too invested in F-Zero, and Goroh is the only F-Zero character besides Falcon that has captured Sakurai's attention in the past. Goroh was an Assist Trophy for two games and appeared in the Melee intro. What I'm trying to say is that Goroh doesn't have much competition in his own franchise.
I also remember reading somewhere that Sakurai is a fan of samurai culture. Don't quote me on that.

I do agree that Goroh only seems to be there to fill some kind of quota, not because of potential. Still, I'm so starved for F-Zero content, that I wouldn't mind Goroh's inclusion at all.

EDIT: Goroh's vehicle has also made an appearance in every F-Zero stage so far. So I guess he has that going for him as well.
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Rising YouTuber
Writing Team
Feb 8, 2014
Maybe the leaked confused Porky with Eric Cartmann. The South Park games are Nintendo and relevant. And he's also fat assets jerk like Porky.

Seems about as likely as the leak being true.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
TBH it seems like these characters in the leak are added less because they’re surprising and more because they fill a certain role. Porky, Goroh and Medusa literally seem to be added for the sake of adding more villains.
Well that and Medusa would fit the Kid Icarus class of 86 (for Japan)/87 (for America)

13. Dark Pit (Kind of)
13: Dark Pit is another rival / anti-hero character.
More of a plain old good guy (the Raphael/Vegeta to Pit’s Leonardo/Goku)...but ultra moody and edgy enough to not wanna be Pit, yet needs him to never die

People complain about Bayonetta in Competition, but they don't have to deal with GRIM REAAAPAAAA.
KI Grim Reaper >

I did mention the Guardians in one of my Adventure mode concepts, but they would be treated as enemies.
Wouldn’t they be of better use if they were implemented in the moveset of either Link or Zelda?

I want to confess something.

I have NO idea if this would affect its chances whatsoever in ANY way, but...

I think one of the reasons I’m not getting into Lycanroc is because I think it’s design is boring.

Like...it just looks like a regular dog! Why does it even need to be a fictional animal?

That’s the reason I never used it in my team the first time playing Sun/Moon; it didn’t look interesting to me.

I know it’s a weird thing to bring up, but there it is. If they ever did bring in Lycanroc, I prefer the nighttime one.
:4duckhunt: > all other dogs in Nintendo

Deleted member

Uh- I missed this little game about the Imgur Rumor. I'll do it by going full RTC with Hype/Chance in case that rumor is BS...which it probably is.

Ridley: Hype: 70% Chance: 80%
Simon: Hype: 80% Chance: 50%
Wolf: Hype: 75% Chance: 50%
King K. Rool: Hype 40% (never really liked him) chance: 80%
Dixie Kong: Hype: 50% Chance: 60% (totally indiferent about the DK series lmao)
Sora: Hype 100% Chance: 30%
Geno/Mallow: Hype 100% Chance: 40%
Chorus Kids: Hype 65% Chance: 65%
Porky: Hype 80% Chance: 20%
Medusa: Hype: 70% chance: 45%
Mimikyu: Hype 70% Chance: 60%
Elma:Hype 80% Chance: 70%
Snake: Hype: 10000000% chance: it all depends on Simon%
Icies: Hype:65% Chance: 100%
Goroh: Hype: 80% Chance: 30%
Takamaru: Hype 75% chance: 90%

It's sad Because I would be so hype for that roster but it's ain't happening lmao.
Ridley Hype: 100% (long overdue)

Simon Hype: 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999900000000000000000000% (im the owner of the Simon thread if you couldn't tell)

Wolf Hype:75% (not as eager as i used to be, but i still want him)

K.Rool Hype: 100% (really liked him)

Dixie Kong Hype: 100% (too much of a fan of the DKC sereis lmao)

Sora Hype: 45% (would prefer to keep third parties to a minimum, and i only played DDD)

Geno and Mallow Hype: 0% (if Geno was by himself, this would be a 90%, and if Mallow was by himself it would be 10%, but since they seem to be together ala IC or PT im not excited)

Chorus Kids Hype: 50% (i like Nintendo franchises getting a playable character for the first time, but im not quite sold on the idea of a RH char)

Porky Hype: 0% (i don't want any new EB chars, thank you)

Medusa Hype: 0% (unless it's Hades, im not interesed in anything KI has to offer to Smash, im quite full with everything it got in Smash 4)

Mimikyu Hype: 10% (would rather have Mewtwo back on the base roster over any other outcome for new Pokémon, don't care too much about any new Pokémon for Smash outside of MAAAAAAAAAAYBEEEEE Midday Lycanrock and ONLY the Midday version)

Elma Hype: 0% (would rather have Rex and Pyra, not a fan X's OST and im on the tiny tiny fraction of people that doesn't like Elma's design, particualry the White Hair)

Snake Hype: 35% (i wouldn't be that bothered if Snake never returned since i never was a fan of his inlcusion in Smash, but if Codecs return then this becomes 60% Hype for that alone since those are supperior to Palutena's Gudances)

IC Hype: 35% (don't care about IC, and i could name you 5 retros that i would rather have)

Goroh Hype: 0% (not interesed in F-Zero newcomers)

Takamaru: 85% (would prefer Balloon Fighter, but Taka's a great choice for an old school revival in general)

There are 6 characters that im not excited for, but K.Rool, Dixie, Takamaru, Wolf and ESPECIALLY Simon make this automatically superior to Smash 4's Newcomer pool in my eyes where the only newcomers that i really ended up liking were Mega Man, Little Mac, Greninja and Cloud (and the latter 2 were more of a neat bonus for me at best)

Not that this matters too much for me because this rumor is ******** up to the point i do could my own overly cryptic rumor using ambigous images of characters i want.

Sorry for not bothering with the chance score.
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Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2016
If Sora got into Smash Brothers. I'm already calling it? Simple and Clean? Sanctuary?

Not gonna be in the music that comes with him. Let the riots commence before hand.
As disappointing as that is, when the FF stage didn't get One Winged Angel, I prepared myself for future versions of Smash that would sometimes exclude awesome music.


Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013
I'm confused to why people are starting to believe the imugar leak?

All because snake was added to vergeben leak it's more believable

I mean I wouldn't be too surprised if Ridley was not the big E3 reveal I see king k rool as a better hype candidate since he's probably number 2 on the ballot logically from fan versions


Banned via Warnings
Jul 17, 2014
If the theme of the smash is heroes vs villains you would want to add Nintendo classic, popular villains, specially if they have been in smash already in one form or another.
If the theme of the game is heroes vs villains, why is Bowser standing alongside Mario in the first trailer?


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2014
I'm confused to why people are starting to believe the imugar leak?

All because snake was added to vergeben leak it's more believable

I mean I wouldn't be too surprised if Ridley was not the big E3 reveal I see king k rool as a better hype candidate since he's probably number 2 on the ballot logically from fan versions
Not a single post on this thread in the last several pages mentions anyone believing it. Instead people have been mentioning they don't think it's likely.

Stop assuming because people are discussing rumors that they believe them.


Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
I'm confused to why people are starting to believe the imugar leak?

All because snake was added to vergeben leak it's more believable

I mean I wouldn't be too surprised if Ridley was not the big E3 reveal I see king k rool as a better hype candidate since he's probably number 2 on the ballot logically from fan versions
No one's believing it.
We're just discussing anything in that dreaded drought periods right before E3 and it appears that it's the only Leaks we have around that piggyback Vergeben, and a leak that will 95% get debunked at E3 with how odd it's choice are.
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Rising YouTuber
Writing Team
Feb 8, 2014
I'm confused to why people are starting to believe the imugar leak?

All because snake was added to vergeben leak it's more believable

I mean I wouldn't be too surprised if Ridley was not the big E3 reveal I see king k rool as a better hype candidate since he's probably number 2 on the ballot logically from fan versions
I have no idea. I guess it was a fun guessing game at first that turned into people taking it seriously.

You could probably find a bunch of leaks on any site that could be as credible.


Smash Champion
Sep 1, 2014
Akrillic Island
I'm confused to why people are starting to believe the imugar leak?

All because snake was added to vergeben leak it's more believable

I mean I wouldn't be too surprised if Ridley was not the big E3 reveal I see king k rool as a better hype candidate since he's probably number 2 on the ballot logically from fan versions
Nobody does! we are just having fun!
If the theme of the game is heroes vs villains, why is Bowser standing alongside Mario in the first trailer?
Because is a trailer to set the mood, not to tell you what the story is gonna be about.


Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013
Well atleast try to talk about something else other than leaks

But fun is a good reason to still talk about though
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Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
Well atleast try to talk about something else other than leaks
Let people have their fun right before E3.
We did this for 1200 pages of circle discussion about Zelda, Pokemon, Mario, Fire Emblem, DK, Rex and Pyra, Daisy.
Having a leaks even a fake one is a breather.


Smash Champion
Sep 1, 2014
Akrillic Island
Talking about this leak is like trying to solve a puzzle, one that may end up being a middle finger, but is still fun to try to put all the pieces together.


You have the strength to overcome your destiny!
Writing Team
Aug 4, 2014
Wave Road
Talking about this leak is like trying to solve a puzzle, one that may end up being a middle finger, but is still fun to try to put all the pieces together.
That's the most beautifully poetic thing I've read all week.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
Let people have their fun right before E3.
We did this for 1200 pages of circle discussion about Zelda, Pokemon, Mario, Fire Emblem, DK, Rex and Pyra, Daisy.
Having a leaks even a fake one is a breather.
And Dark Pit/Lucina being gone, Steve from Minecraft, the piles of Smash 4 stages, nothing about buffs/nerfs, and voices?..& Knuckles


Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
If the theme of the game is heroes vs villains, why is Bowser standing alongside Mario in the first trailer?
The teaser/Trailer was probably to set the tone of the game.
Far from the colorful atmosphere from Splatoon- with almost all "totally in" veterans

True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
I'd like to see individual Break the Targets for each character return, or if that is unreasonable, individual ones for each franchise with playable characters.


Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
I'd like to see individual Break the Targets for each character return, or if that is unreasonable, individual ones for each franchise with playable characters.
Imagine doing almost 70 break the target Characters and testing them day and night.

Poor soul in the development team


Smash Champion
Sep 1, 2014
Akrillic Island
Imagine doing almost 70 break the target Characters and testing them day and night.

Poor soul in the development team
Too bad for that dude, Smash is THE nintendo seller and the game must be bigger and better than smash 4.
and with bigger I mean Ridley, of course.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Too bad for that dude, Smash is THE nintendo seller and the game must be bigger and better than smash 4.
and with bigger I mean Ridley, of course.
I knew Smash fans were slavedrivers but...


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
Well, it's June now. We made it. Just over one more week until E3 comes along. Ya'll ready?


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
I don't mean to start Lycanroc discourse buttttttt...this is a good point. Yes it is subjective, but we do know that Sakurai picked Greninja because it looked cool/interesting. Lycanroc just looking like a wolf might not have interested Sakurai.

Of course I personally hope Sakurai doesn't look for just "cool" because we already have several "cool" Pokemon. But Lycanroc's forms are definitely rather tame in my opinion and don't stand out amongst the other popular choices. Definitely feels like their role in the anime is their only supporting factor and that's never been enough in the past.
In all fairness, the anime does have a pretty good track record with Smash. I'd be genuinely surprised if Lycanroc, Mimikyu, or Incineroar didn't end up being the next newcomer (I'm sure there's more that would makes sense in time, but those are the only ones that stand out to me right now).

But this is all rather subjective, Sakurai might really like rock dogs.
Even if Sakurai likes something, don't always bet on it being something he shows blatant favoritism to. Once I learned that he had a cat, I thought Mewtwo would be treated like Sakurai's baby. Boy, was I wrong.

...I say that now, but watch Incineroar be the next Pokemon rep. :laugh:


Smash Champion
Sep 1, 2014
Akrillic Island
I hope Sakurai used a whip this time to "motivate" the smash team.
Maybe that's where he got the idea of adding Simon Belmont.
By the way and just to be clear... I'm just joking here, I'm not some kind of villain that wants people to suffer, I hope everyone that worked in this game had a lot of fun.


Smash Lord
Jul 19, 2014
Wow, your explanation gave me a bit more details (not that I mind, spoilers don't bother me). Wow that IS evil, and poor Lucas I always though he was a cowardly semi Ness clone but damn, my entire heart goes out to him for all he suffered. The poor guy, and from what you describe, he still keeps moving forward no matter what.

I definitely have no doubts the Porky would make a great villain after all what you and someone else told me plus I have a new respect for Lucas too. Can somebody give Lucas a hug?
The details of the a certain late game boss are even worse

Lucas wears the Franklin Badge, which reflects lighting attacks.
Lucas does not attack during the final battle vs. brainwashed Masked Man/Claus, his twin brother. You win by healing, as Masked Man struggles with regaining his identity while he attacks Lucas, until he finally kills himself by attacking Lucas with a big lighting attack.
One of the best bosses I've ever seen in a game. Creative, emotional and brutal.
That **** ****ed me up. Mother 3 is a masterpiece and I fully understand why there's such a big push to get it finally here. Dead franchise or not, I'd love to see more content from it. There's nothing quite like Mother/Earthbound in all of Nintendo's franchises.
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