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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
How can you be so sure?
First of all, hyperbole. Just because someone says "definitely" doesn't mean they literally are certain in what the believe.

Second of all, I've justified why I believe this SO many times, and I'm pretty sure you've read my posts where I elaborate, and I kind of already did a page ago, but I guess I will again.

There is no significant gap between console graphical capabilities this time and little to no updates to apply to character designs/models with the exception of Zelda characters, Star Fox characters, and Animal Crossing characters. Possibly Metroid.

Characters like Mewtwo or Corrin, have not changed in design since Super Smash Bros for Wii U, so to make their models from scratch would be most redundant and unnecessary because they would end up looking exactly the same. The most you could do is slightly improve the models.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 20, 2018
There was a problem fetching the tweet

RelaxAlax has apparently received info on who the new characters are as well. Looks like it's starting to go around to reputable sources. I can already guess other people who probably know now as well.
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Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2014
^ I personally think this is kinda amusing, 'cause people said almost exactly the same before Sm4sh. Once it was revealed, most people's first impressions after playing demos was that it was an in-between between Brawl and Melee. During its development it also seemed like they were gonna focus on the competitive side to a lot of people.

The point is that even if this is true, don't expect them to handle things much differently. Sm4sh, arguably, was already an attempt to make the game more competitive-friendly.
I feel like your second statement was debatable: While Smash 4 did put in extensive efforts to keep a balanced roster for much of it's lifespan, the game slowed down the pace from a 3 stock brawl meta to a 2 stock smash 4 meta. Advanced techniques like Wafting and DACUS were removed as well. I would like a more fast paced meta for this game altogether.


Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2018
There was a problem fetching the tweet

RelaxAlax has apparently received info on who the new characters are as well. Looks like it's starting to go around to reputable sources. I can already guess other people who probably know now as well.
Isn't he just a youtuber though? Seems odd, the wording of the tweet can only indicate that he saw/played the game, it's not like he's just speculating. Or he's just pulling our legs.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 5, 2014
Davis, California
Switch FC
Here is a move-set I made up for Yarn Kirby, one of my most wanted newcomers. I don't really think it would be a practical one (due to essentially completely unique custom special moves), but I feel it introduces some ideas for what Yarn Kirby's gimmick and special moves would be if he was in. I only included special moves and his Final Smash for now, but I feel most of his canon move-set is covered with the special moves I created anyway. Let me know if you want me to expand on it!
Yarn Kirby
Yarn Kirby uses the diverse set of transformations he has using the "material" he takes from parts of the background. Canonically, Kirby uses the Metamortex to transform into his many forms. In Smash Bros., I feel he should instead use the environment to power transformations, similar to how regular Kirby inhales his opponents to copy their abilities. This means, depending on the character or stage he encounters, Kirby can use a different set of special moves. Yarn Kirby is an aesthetic character and I wanted that aspect of him to be reflected in his move-set. Without further ado...

Weight: 75, tied with Mr. Game and Watch
Ground Speed: 1.98, slightly slower than Charizard [uses his Car form in his dash animation]
Jump Height: Around Mr. Game & Watch
Falling Speed: 1.5 (tied with Mario)

Default Moveset:

Neutral Special: Unravel

Yarn Kirby can unravel an opponent, background element (edge, platform, terrain), or item into a ball. This can be either thrown (akin to Kirby spitting out a star) or used to use alternate versions of his special moves. This means Yarn Kirby has alternate special moves depending on which form he absorbs.

Default - Side Special: Strength
Yarn Kirby makes the background fall on opponents. Compared to its function in Epic Yarn, this version of strength is faster and has less range. A more practical trade-off for representation in Smash Bros.!
Default - Up Special: Submarine

Yarn Kirby swims in mid air by turning the background into blue felt and moving through it. Similar to Villager and R.O.B. where it can go far distances but needs fuel.
Default - Down Special: Pendulum

Yarn Kirby can be suspended in mid-air, attack foes around him. Swinging for longer increases his attack power as he builds momentum! This move can also be used to recover horizontally but it doesn't send Kirby very high.
Yarn Kirby's Forms

Kirby's can be determined by the character he faces, the item he picks up or the stage he is on. Forms are ultimately based on a similar style to how Crates and Barrels have different themes depending on the stage. Most "normal" stages will give Yarn Kirby the Earth / Terrain Form while stages with bright or aquatic themes will now give him the Aquatic Form. "Futuristic Stages" that gave us the futuristic boxes will give Kirby the Tech Form. Kirby retains his Neutral Special in these forms; this allows him to change forms at will depending on the situation. Pressing B and then holding down will allow you to remove a form and ravel it into a ball.

Earth / Terrain Form - Side Special: Off-Roader

Kirby plows through opponent with a mix of Wario's bike and Bowser Jr's Clown Cart Dash. Takes some time to reach max speed and Kirby is vulnerable in the start up animation. Also allows Kirby to have exceptional jump height.

Earth / Terrain form - Up Special: Train / Train Tracks

Kirby draws and track and then follows it. The track can be drawn by the player after the Up-B input is executed, similar to Ness' PK rocket. This is most similar to Pac-Man's side special.

Earth / Terrain form - Down Special: Digger (I feel sorry for the person who spells this wrong on accident)

Kirby digs down into the ground and then digs back up. Pressing a direction after the down-B input will allow Kirby to appear left of right of his starting location. If an opponent is caught in the initial dig, they will be buried. This move cannot be done in the air.
Tech Form - Side Special: Rocket

Yarn Kirby fires at his opponent in a short burst. This can be held and thus angle up or down in four direction (up, down, left, or right) in the air or on the ground. This does not leave Kirby helpless, so he can use other moves or recover after using this move.

Tech Form - Down Special: Starshooter

Yarn Kirby charges and fires a shot out of his iconic star shooter. He can save his charge by shielding and change direction while charging. He can also charge his move in the air (unlike most chargeable moves in Smash Bros.).

Tech Form - Up Special: Saucer

Yarn Kirby rises upwards taking any items he finds with him. He can even deactive Bo-Bombs or other explosives and , preventing their explosive climax from harming him. These items with neatly drop back onto the playing field if Kirby becomes helpless after using Saucer. Kirby can also absorb items and projectiles entirely, and release an electric shock using them. The items become destroyed if he does this, however.
Aquatic Form - Side Special: Spin Boarder

Yarn Kirby slides across the stage, being able to spin attack any foe he comes into contact with. Kirby can only use this move on the ground, but he can hop to get some air time. He can also spin when he's in the air!

Aquatic Form - Down Special: Fire Engine

Yarn Kirby sprays foes with water. pushing them back This can be charged like Mario's F.L.U.D.D. [hopefully FLUDD can die so this move can be its successor ;) ]

Aquatic Form - Up Special: Dolphin

Yarn Kirby swims a large distance in a certain direction. Similar to Lucario's Extreme Speed, where you can hold a single direction and recover. Kirby, has an ability to attack with a tail flip at the end of the recovery, however.
Final Smash: Tankbot

Using the Megamortex, Kirby transforms into the menacing Tankbot, with the complementary Superspicy Curry music from Kirby's Dream Land. He can shoot missiles with the A button and control a boxing glove with the B buttons. The tank can be angled using the control stick and jumping can be performed (regardless of control scheme) using the X, Y, L, R or related shoulder buttons.


Edit: I'm not sure why it made two spoilers, I think it's due to the size of the image. Not sure how to fix it :dizzy:
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Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2011
I speculate that there will be a return of Melee-esque tech skill. It probably won't be a Melee 2.0, but an in-between of Smash 4 and Melee.

And for anyone who doubts this, it is very obvious that Nintendo has been pushing e-sports in their games since the Switch's launch. You see it in Pokken, Splatoon and ARMS. Do you really think Nintendo is ok with their largest e-sport (both in terms of viewership and number of entrants) being a 17 year old game? No, they'd obviously want as many people possible playing the new game. Call it delusional or wishful thinking, but if there is any logic behind the people running Nintendo, they'd be going for the Melee audience, which likely means some movement-based equivalent of wavedashing and/or dash-dancing.
I’m not sure it’s worth it. I feel like Melee players will always play Melee, so there’s probably no point in trying to appeal to them alone with the newest version. Continue to tweak things to make it better? For sure. But adding tech back in to try and draw away Melee die-hards is likely just a waste of time.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 20, 2018
Isn't he just a youtuber though? Seems odd, the wording of the tweet can only indicate that he saw/played the game, it's not like he's just speculating. Or he's just pulling our legs.
Nah, he's very well known in the Smash community, and I know for a fact that he has friends and contacts in a position to know this kind of stuff. The roster has apparently been known about for weeks now. It's spreading around to trustworthy people. Alax wouldn't lie to people, that's not him at all.
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Smash Apprentice
Mar 22, 2018
Here is a move-set I made up for Yarn Kirby, one of my most wanted newcomers. I don't really think it would be a practical one (due to essentially completely unique custom special moves), but I feel it introduces some ideas for what Yarn Kirby's gimmick and special moves would be if he was in. I only included special moves and his Final Smash for now, but I feel most of his canon move-set is covered with the special moves I created anyway. Let me know if you want me to expand on it!
Yarn Kirby
Yarn Kirby uses the diverse set of transformations he has using the "material" he takes from parts of the background. Canonically, Kirby uses the Metamortex to transform into his many forms. In Smash Bros., I feel he should instead use the environment to power transformations, similar to how regular Kirby inhales his opponents to copy their abilities. This means, depending on the character or stage he encounters, Kirby can use a different set of special moves. Yarn Kirby is an aesthetic character and I wanted that aspect of him to be reflected in his move-set. Without further ado...

Weight: 75, tied with Mr. Game and Watch
Ground Speed: 1.98, slightly slower than Charizard [uses his Car form in his dash animation]
Jump Height: Around Mr. Game & Watch
Falling Speed: 1.5 (tied with Mario)

Default Moveset:

Neutral Special: Unravel

Yarn Kirby can unravel an opponent, background element (edge, platform, terrain), or item into a ball. This can be either thrown (akin to Kirby spitting out a star) or used to use alternate versions of his special moves. This means Yarn Kirby has alternate special moves depending on which form he absorbs.

Default - Side Special: Strength
Yarn Kirby makes the background fall on opponents. Compared to its function in Epic Yarn, this version of strength is faster and has less range. A more practical trade-off for representation in Smash Bros.!
Default - Up Special: Submarine

Yarn Kirby swims in mid air by turning the background into blue felt and moving through it. Similar to Villager and R.O.B. where it can go far distances but needs fuel.
Default - Down Special: Pendulum

Yarn Kirby can be suspended in mid-air, attack foes around him. Swinging for longer increases his attack power as he builds momentum! This move can also be used to recover horizontally but it doesn't send Kirby very high.
Yarn Kirby's Forms

Kirby's can be determined by the character he faces, the item he picks up or the stage he is on. Forms are ultimately based on a similar style to how Crates and Barrels have different themes depending on the stage. Most "normal" stages will give Yarn Kirby the Earth / Terrain Form while stages with bright or aquatic themes will now give him the Aquatic Form. "Futuristic Stages" that gave us the futuristic boxes will give Kirby the Tech Form. Kirby retains his Neutral Special in these forms; this allows him to change forms at will depending on the situation. Pressing B and then holding down will allow you to remove a form and ravel it into a ball.

Earth / Terrain Form - Side Special: Off-Roader

Kirby plows through opponent with a mix of Wario's bike and Bowser Jr's Clown Cart Dash. Takes some time to reach max speed and Kirby is vulnerable in the start up animation. Also allows Kirby to have exceptional jump height.

Earth / Terrain form - Up Special: Train / Train Tracks

Kirby draws and track and then follows it. The track can be drawn by the player after the Up-B input is executed, similar to Ness' PK rocket. This is most similar to Pac-Man's side special.

Earth / Terrain form - Down Special: Digger (I feel sorry for the person who spells this wrong on accident)

Kirby digs down into the ground and then digs back up. Pressing a direction after the down-B input will allow Kirby to appear left of right of his starting location. If an opponent is caught in the initial dig, they will be buried. This move cannot be done in the air.
Tech Form - Side Special: Rocket

Yarn Kirby fires at his opponent in a short burst. This can be held and thus angle up or down in four direction (up, down, left, or right) in the air or on the ground. This does not leave Kirby helpless, so he can use other moves or recover after using this move.

Tech Form - Down Special: Starshooter

Yarn Kirby charges and fires a shot out of his iconic star shooter. He can save his charge by shielding and change direction while charging. He can also charge his move in the air (unlike most chargeable moves in Smash Bros.).

Tech Form - Up Special: Saucer

Yarn Kirby rises upwards taking any items he finds with him. He can even deactive Bo-Bombs or other explosives and , preventing their explosive climax from harming him. These items with neatly drop back onto the playing field if Kirby becomes helpless after using Saucer. Kirby can also absorb items and projectiles entirely, and release an electric shock using them. The items become destroyed if he does this, however.
Aquatic Form - Side Special: Spin Boarder

Yarn Kirby slides across the stage, being able to spin attack any foe he comes into contact with. Kirby can only use this move on the ground, but he can hop to get some air time. He can also spin when he's in the air!

Aquatic Form - Down Special: Fire Engine

Yarn Kirby sprays foes with water. pushing them back This can be charged like Mario's F.L.U.D.D. [hopefully FLUDD can die so this move can be its successor ;) ]

Aquatic Form - Up Special: Dolphin

Yarn Kirby swims a large distance in a certain direction. Similar to Lucario's Extreme Speed, where you can hold a single direction and recover. Kirby, has an ability to attack with a tail flip at the end of the recovery, however.
Final Smash: Tankbot

Using the Megamortex, Kirby transforms into the menacing Tankbot, with the complementary Superspicy Curry music from Kirby's Dream Land. He can shoot missiles with the A button and control a boxing glove with the B buttons. The tank can be angled using the control stick and jumping can be performed (regardless of control scheme) using the X, Y, L, R or related shoulder buttons.

Love the concept, but I think it would be better applied to Prince Fluff, just so we could stay away from the whole "it's this character but in this form" thing, i.e. Dr. Mario.

Deleted member

There was a problem fetching the tweet

RelaxAlax has apparently received info on who the new characters are as well. Looks like it's starting to go around to reputable sources. I can already guess other people who probably know now as well.
The long time fan favorites thing makes me think we could be seeing Ridley, K. Rool, Geno, and maybe even Isaac.
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Smash Journeyman
Oct 1, 2013
I’m not sure it’s worth it. I feel like Melee players will always play Melee, so there’s probably no point in trying to appeal to them alone with the newest version. Continue to tweak things to make it better? For sure. But adding tech back in to try and draw away Melee die-hards is likely just a waste of time.
That's sort of a ridiculous presumption you're making. You're basing a Melee fan's behavior on how they treated Brawl and Smash 4 - two games that have deliberately taken mechanics away from Melee. Of course they won't play the new games if it plays nothing like the old one. Bring back these mechanics, and I can definitely see Melee players (myself included) giving the new game a try.


Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2018
Nah, he's very well known in the Smash community, and I know for a fact that he has friends and contacts in a position to know this kind of stuff. The roster has apparently been known about for weeks now. It's spreading around to trustworthy people. Alax wouldn't lie to people, that's not him at all.
Interesting, I knew that he was well known for Smash but didn't think he'd be at the level to hear about this stuff. I prefer these kinds of "leaks" over the others we've gotten, real people like Alex seem a lot more trustworthy than a text leak on 4chan or GameFaqs when we know almost nothing about the game yet.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 5, 2014
Davis, California
Switch FC
Love the concept, but I think it would be better applied to Prince Fluff, just so we could stay away from the whole "it's this character but in this form" thing, i.e. Dr. Mario.
I don't see why it would make sense to bring in the second player option but not the character on the box art.

I know people are allergic to different forms, but I don't know why Yarn Kirby with a Prince Fluff alternate costume wouldn't be the default concept for a Epic Yarn representative. Prince Fluff alone is a huge stretch similar to Ribbon Girl over Spring Man.

This common default to Fluff for the sake of "uniqueness" confused me back in Smash 4 and it confuses me now.

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Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Alax isn't the kind of guy to make stuff up.

So if he says this, he probably believes it.

That does mean that there is potential real information around here.


An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
There was a problem fetching the tweet

RelaxAlax has apparently received info on who the new characters are as well. Looks like it's starting to go around to reputable sources. I can already guess other people who probably know now as well.
Hmm, longtime fan favorites huh? Looking to the past, the biggest ones off the top of my head would definitely be Ridley, King K. Rool, Geno, Dixie, Toad, Bomberman, Simon, and Banjo in terms of newcomers, so I would look to those in terms of that grouping. Veterans like the Ice Climbers and Snake would also be good possibilities since they are beloved veterans people want to see return.

In terms of the wilder characters, I'll just leave that up to the future since I doubt I'd be able to guess Sakurai in that regard. :p

Autumn ♫

I'm terrible with these Custom Titles.
Apr 20, 2013
Sakurai's Secret Headquarters
Possibly real leaks being out there kinda worries me, especially since we haven't even seen the game yet.

I might end up going into hiding until the game comes out just so I can save myself from being spoiled of all the characters.


Smash Ace
Oct 15, 2007
Los Angeles, California
7) Smash 4 made a point to break rules and expectations attached to characters, most notably Cloud. If this trend is to carry over to Smash 5. It would appear breaking ground into potential "fourth party" territory would make sense. Goku has been in more video games then any other anime or manga character, and dare I say any fourth party character?
Not that it matters, but I have a hard time believing Goku has been in more games than Mickey Mouse, and he can't be in THAT many more than Batman or the Ninja Turtles.


Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2011
That's sort of a ridiculous presumption you're making. You're basing a Melee fan's behavior on how they treated Brawl and Smash 4 - two games that have deliberately taken mechanics away from Melee. Of course they won't play the new games if it plays nothing like the old one. Bring back these mechanics, and I can definitely see Melee players (myself included) giving the new game a try.
I mean it certainly doesn’t apply to everyone, and I’m sure most (if not all) Melee players would give it a try, but the hardcore players that have played one game, with one controller type, on specific TV sets in some cases, for 17 years... I don’t see them moving to Smash 5 even with some tech thrown their way. And if it’s not going to draw them and I’m not sure that tech benefits any one else, then it doesn’t seem like a good move for the series. That’s all.

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
This being the fan game makes a lot of sense.

The ballot is probably heavily gonna weigh into who gets in.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
Really wonder where these "leakers" get their sources from. Everything seems to "leak" all the time.

Although if what Alax says is true, that's pretty encouraging.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say one WTF character I think would be awesome.

Wave Racer.


Smash Champion
Feb 16, 2014
There was a problem fetching the tweet

RelaxAlax has apparently received info on who the new characters are as well. Looks like it's starting to go around to reputable sources. I can already guess other people who probably know now as well.
"The wilder ones"

Oh god the hype is real.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 22, 2018
I don't see why it would make sense to bring in the second player option but not the character on the box art.

I know people are allergic to different forms, but I don't know why Yarn Kirby with a Prince Fluff alternate costume wouldn't be the default concept for a Epic Yarn representative. Prince Fluff alone is a huge stretch similar to Ribbon Girl over Spring Man.

This common default to Fluff for the sake of "uniqueness" confused me back in Smash 4 and it confuses me now.

I mean, I don't see the possibility of any representation of Kirby's Epic Yarn in the newest Smash game. I just personally feel like a unique idea deserves a unique implementation. Dr. Mario doesn't really upset me because he's a clone, he practically is Mario, sans a few differences in physics and moveset behavior.

Not to say that Yarn Kirby would be upsetting, I just think it could be better.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 5, 2014
Davis, California
Switch FC
That's sort of a ridiculous presumption you're making. You're basing a Melee fan's behavior on how they treated Brawl and Smash 4 - two games that have deliberately taken mechanics away from Melee. Of course they won't play the new games if it plays nothing like the old one. Bring back these mechanics, and I can definitely see Melee players (myself included) giving the new game a try.
Clamtasm is right though, why would it be worth catering to competitive Melee players anyway? It is a niche group, plain and simple. I would rather have a mechanic that would benefit the game itself and not a community that is probably only a few hundred thousand strong at most. If Wavedashing helps solve the terrible ground movement Smash has? Great. If removing multiple air dodges leads to more engaging gameplay? Great. But trying to cater to any community (especially one so small) is not what should be done.

I can get you want Melee players to try the game out. They probably will, as half of the Invitational guests are Melee players and it's freaking Smash Bros. But I don't think any game is going to have them drop Melee or at least have them give significant time out of it. If it has a stronger offensive style, I can imagine some might play it as a side game, similar to Zero and Armada with Project M. If it isn't their thing or it remains similar to Smash 4, they won't play it. This is just called different tastes lol.

Alax isn't the kind of guy to make stuff up.

So if he says this, he probably believes it.

That does mean that there is potential real information around here.
Given this is very unprovoked I feel he is trolling. There are no tweets related to this at all, and it is incredibly vague. I want to see if he has more info, but he can just hindsight us regardless of who is revealed. I want him to genuinely drop a name (or at least hint to a character or something lol). He already made a prediction video a month or two ago which makes me think he got this insider info recently (if he got it at all).

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Smash Journeyman
Apr 20, 2018
Since the Resetera mods/admins and now Alex apparently know which new characters are getting in, I can make some guesses as to who else probably knows. Based on the connections, I think the guys at Gamexplain absolutely know, Rogersbase and Shofu also definitely know, D1 and PushDustin also most likely know as well. I expect them to not say a thing about this for the next two weeks, though.
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Smash Master
Jan 24, 2015
There was a problem fetching the tweet

RelaxAlax has apparently received info on who the new characters are as well. Looks like it's starting to go around to reputable sources. I can already guess other people who probably know now as well.
Oh man... The wait is almost over... just two weeks... and it seems we'll get some older fan-favorite characters, this will be interesting.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 1, 2013
I mean it certainly doesn’t apply to everyone, and I’m sure most (if not all) Melee players would give it a try, but the hardcore players that have played one game, with one controller type, on specific TV sets in some cases, for 17 years... I don’t see them moving to Smash 5 even with some tech thrown their way. And if it’s not going to draw them and I’m not sure that tech benefits any one else, then it doesn’t seem like a good move for the series. That’s all.
Once more, you're putting every Melee fan into a single stereotype. Consider the fact that a good chunk of Melee fans don't play highly competitive at all. The viewership numbers don't lie, as it consistently exceeds Smash 4's viewership by a large margin. I will again bring back the point I made earlier - do you really think current Nintendo, the new Nintendo that is going all-in for e-sports and competitive multiplayer games, will want their premier game to be from THREE (3) generations ago and almost two decades old?


Smash Ace
Aug 10, 2013
There was a problem fetching the tweet

RelaxAlax has apparently received info on who the new characters are as well. Looks like it's starting to go around to reputable sources. I can already guess other people who probably know now as well.
Now look, I'm not saying anything. I'm still a believer that every single leak that has come out so far has been total BS.

However, there seems to be a really common theme amongst all of the leaks, from all across the internet, no matter how respectable of a leaker they may be or not.

Whether its the ResetERA "big" teasing, Emily Rogers saying that this will be a roster that really gets people excited, Vergben's leak about Belmont and the Ice Climbers, and now a reputable Smash YouTuber saying that we'll have some "longtime fan favourites" making their debut.

Considering the insane amount of similar information coming from numerous different sources with some sort of reputation or past success in leaking, ALONG with how the Smash Ballot is being used to choose newcomers for this game...

Now, I'm not saying anything. Like I said before, I am one of the biggest skeptics possible for these leaks. But I think this time, we might actually be getting a certain, purple dragon we all know and love.

Generation II Shiny Charizard is in, baby!



Smash Ace
Mar 12, 2018
Gonna be honest, while I don't doubt Alax's (and Emily's by extension) claims (as in if they saw the wrong roster, it's their source's fault, they aren't lying across the board or anything), I don't think they mean much since they're highly subjective???? Like a "longtime fanfavorite" can mean anything from Ridley to Sora or even Goku

It's nice however that people seem to be really happy with the roster, if they're getting real info in the end. Gives me hope for my big purple boy to get in finally :') (if I'm talking about Waluigi, Ridley, or both, is up to you to wonder)
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Smash Master
Apr 29, 2018
The island of Svölbard
Remember everyone, just because there's evidence for a new roster of fan-favorites doesn't mean that we shouldn't expect everybody that we desire. There's always gonna be a few who are disregarded, and a couple that nobody expects, like WFT in the last game or G&W in Melee. It's best to lower your expectations to prevent a massive wave of disappointment.

I should start running now, should I?


Smash Journeyman
Oct 1, 2013

Clamtasm is right though, why would it be worth catering to competitive Melee players anyway? It is a niche group, plain and simple. I would rather have a mechanic that would benefit the game itself and not a community that is probably only a few hundred thousand strong at most. If Wavedashing helps solve the terrible ground movement Smash has? Great. If removing multiple air dodges leads to more engaging gameplay? Great. But trying to cater to any community (especially one so small) is not what should be done.

I can get you want Melee players to try the game out. They probably will, as half of the Invitational guests are Melee players and it's freaking Smash Bros. But I don't think any game is going to have them drop Melee or at least have them give significant time out of it. If it has a stronger offensive style, I can imagine some might play it as a side game, similar to Zero and Armada with Project M. If it isn't their thing or it remains similar to Smash 4, they won't play it. This is just called different tastes lol.
You can't argue that Melee's appeal is niche if it's competitive viewership and playerbase (something that nu-Nintendo is actively seeking) far exceeds every other game of Nintendo's current repertoire. The numbers don't lie. The fact that Melee has stood the test of time as a competitive game speaks volumes about its specific mechanics ad gameplay, which is quite literally impossible for Nintendo to ignore at this point.
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