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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Ace
Mar 19, 2009
Goku's been in more video games then Lucario and ROB combined.
They both didn't originate in a video game.
That's great! Good for Goku. Too bad he didn't originate in one. If he was, he'd be a shoe-in. But origin is everything when it comes to third parties, and it eliminates Goku in one fell swoop.

Kirby Dragons

Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2014
Another Dimension
Goku's been in more video games then Lucario and ROB combined.
They both didn't originate in a video game.
Yes, but they're both owned by Nintendo. And Lucario, unlike Goku, was created for a video game.
We don't neeeeed them I just think it would be the coolest base for her move-set. I just am not a huge fan of the whole flower thing even though her name is Daisy. That being said, I'll take any version of her they put in Smash without complaint. (except baby Daisy....do not troll me like that Sakurai)
Crystals would be nice to have in her moveset, but only as a few moves. The moveset I created for her has it as her down smash and Final Smash.


Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2018
His reveal trailer happens right at the end of a trailer for an unrelated Dragon Ball game, no one suspects a thing, Goku is using the Dragon Balls and wishing to fight opponents he's never fought before. All of a sudden boom smash. Sakurai comments only the power of the dragon balls could Goku appear in Smash.
I wouldn't be surprised if they had a trailer for the Switch port of Dragon Ball Fighterz at E3 from either Nintendo or Bandai Namco and at the end just be like "oh Goku's gonna be in Smash too". Unbelievable hype.

Dearth Vader and Mickey Mouse transcend his hype.
Eh, while they are bigger characters worldwide, I think Goku would be much more hype within the context of Smash. Smash is very connected to gaming and Nintendo, which are very synonymous with Japan, which is, of course, pretty much synonymous with manga and anime. People have actually been clamoring for Goku in Smash for years, there's an actual desire that would be satisfied with the hype of Goku in Smash. The mediums that Goku originate from and is most known for are much closer to Smash than American movies, which makes it easier to develop a desire and hype for Goku.


Smash Master
Jun 7, 2013
The Robo Center
Honestly, what's wrong with Samurai Goroh? Yes, F-Zero is dead, as of now, and so is Captain Falcon. Now what is this you say, C. Falcon is more of a Smash character? Hmm ... Ok. Let's talk Little Mac. From a dead series. Now what is this you say, he was an Assist Trophy, and therefore promoted to fighter? But ... His series is dead? How!?

This is the case with Goroh. Goroh was first seen in Melee, in the opening cinematic, together with Ridley and Wolf, who both are heavily wanted, Ridley because of the importance in Nintendo's history, and Wolf because he was a cut veteran from Brawl. Star Fox is not in a good shape, and the fail of Zero makes Star Fox just as bad as F-Zero and Punch-Out!, therefore, other than being a veteran, and Sakurai wanting to please the fans, what else makes Wolf appealing? He was last minute addition, just like Ganon in Melee. Ridley, declined both in Brawl and in Smash 4, people still clamoring for him, even if he was not relevant until recently, sounds familiar? (K .... Roooooool). Still, Yes, Wolf, Ridley and Goroh where all present in Melee's cinematic universe.

Brawl comes around. Ridley get's canned in favor of becoming a boss for Subspace Emissary, and Wolf just barely makes it as a semi-clone last addition. Goroh? The first Assist Trophy shown, to show of the concept. Sure, with a roster of 35, why would Goroh make it if Ridley would not?

Then comes Smash 4 Wii U/3DS. Ridley demoted?/promoted? to a Stage Hazard, being declined once more as a playable. Goroh? Yet again, the first Assist Trophy shown again in the game. That I guess is honoring? ... Wolf? Oh, he got cut completley, even Lucas and Roy got in as a DLC, not Wolf ...

So, with all of this in consideration. In Smash history, Goroh is perhaps just as important than Ridley and Wolf. Why is he getting the bash on him? All of the notable characters are from either dead franchises, or non healthy series. BUT, they all got history in Super Smash Bros. So, if Captain Falcon is relevant, so is Goroh. If Little Mac could somehow make the jump, so could Goroh! Even Isaac got canned, and that was a hit to the heart.

Goroh is possible, and if any F-Zero character would make the next jump, it could easily be Samurai Goroh. So, why all the trash talk lol? Not saying he is highly requested as Wolf or Ridley, but in terms of Smash, and franchise, Smash makes Goroh just as relevant as Little Mac, Captain Falcon, Ness to mention some.

Yes, I'm a huge fan of Samurai Goroh (my favourite F-Zero pilot)
I'm sorry but there is just no comparison between Little Mac, wolf, and Goroh. Just because he's been an assist trophy twice and appeared in the melee intro doesn't mean he's as big as these two. And this is from someone who would actually love to see him get in. This is really kinda silly.


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
What characters do you all support that you never really talk about? The reason behind why you never talk about them can be part of the discussion as well.
  • Pauline: It's really discouraging when the idea of a character is laughed out of the room.
  • Toad: I really don't want him much, but I still think it'd be a nice addition.
  • Waluigi: I just want him because he's Wario's Luigi.
  • Ashley: I'm not even really a WarioWare fan, I just like her.
  • Viridi: Kid Icarus.
  • Krystal: She's dead, Jim.
  • Pokemon Trainer: I mention a few ideas I have for him, but other than that he's pretty dead in the water.
  • Mike Jones: Ahahahahahahaha...hah.


Smash Champion
Feb 16, 2014
That's great! Good for Goku. Too bad he didn't originate in one. If he was, he'd be a shoe-in. But origin is everything when it comes to third parties, and it eliminates Goku in one fell swoop.
Okay the Xeno Goku.

And if not Xeno Goku then



Smash Journeyman
Apr 20, 2018
Goku's been in more video games then Lucario and ROB combined.
They both didn't originate in a video game.
Gen IV was already in development long before the movie even came out. He was designed for Diamond/Pearl before anything else. Pokemon occasionally appear in the anime/movies first to get hype for the next generation going. ROB is a video game accessory.

This is a flimsy argument.


Aug 1, 2014
Switch FC
I don't know why you suddenly talk about XC2 again lol, when the fact that most people... including me have gotten a bit tired of talking about this...

Because you just have people who really love this game and consider this the best
You have people who likes XC2 but consider some aspect a hit or miss, like me as well.
And then... you have people crapping on XC2's anime style and despises XC2's inclusion in Smash, saying Elma (Or Cross) are "better" choice...
You then have people just .... hating this game in general, and even willing to express their bias opinion to make others feel bad.. hm... not sure why...
Then you have people doesn't even understand Xenoblade and consider it only deserves one rep because it's a niche title (And forgot how many FE get...), and also the censorship debate... yikes...
but hey, you just simply give out your XC2 rep ideas, so that's that.
First of all, yes I'm about to talk about Rex and Pyra. I haven't said it before, but I will say it now: I think Elma and a Rex & Pyra team would be great for Smash. Do I want Rex in over Elma? Yes. I'm also quite comfortable saying I think Rex & Pyra will make it as DLC if not on the base roster.
I mean, I'm pretty sure anyone who has played or at least went through all 3 Xenoblade games... will want Rex and Pyra in Smash Bros more than Elma (Or for me, it's Cross).

However, when it comes to possibility, Elma (Or Cross imo) are the more likely, so yeah I am fine Rex and Pyra were later added as DLC afterward, or hell, make them either a free DLC or a pre launch patch download would be just fine.

I think a great stage for XC2 would be Argentum Trade Guild. It's a central location to the game and would provide for some potentially fun hazards.

Here's a pic of the inside and outside:
I know more about Argentum Trade Guild obviously..lol

It is the first location you go once you start to play XC2, and you can say it is a merchant version of Frontier Village in XC1. Where this is where plenty of Nopon characters live and reside...

I won't say fun hazards but this location does have a lot of rooms for you to find...

Besides that... this is pretty much how far I can explain about this place. However, I actually DO NOT consider Argentum Trade Guild to be a Smash Bros stage...

I think Leftheria and Mor Ardain are the best choice, Leftheria you have those floating island which can be a great use of platforms.

Basically, in XC2, there are side quests, shops, and all sorts of fun stuff in this location of the game. The stage could be either set up inside or outside (or both quite frankly). A hazard could be unsecured sliding crates that could strike players as they are fighting. Or you could always have enemies jump up from the Cloud Sea to attack players.
Same with Leftheria but better, once the platform reaches to the bottom islands, there will be some monster jump out.

Music...my favorite part of XC2 discussion. I absolutely LOVE the music from this game and if you haven't played it, I think you will too.

Here are a few tracks that are, to me, among the best. I think these would be great for Smash!
If you really love the XC2 music track, don't hesitate to buy the XC2 OST that just released a few days ago in Japan.

As for music tracks, I am not too fond with Argentum music being a music in Smash, Monster Suprised You... I think it can do...

But I want these tracks as well:

As for other tracks like "You Will Recall Our Names" "Those Who Stand Against Our Path", eh... I don't like them too much.

Let me know what you guys and girls think. I think there's a lot of potential for cool stuff coming from Xenoblade 2.

My personal favorite track is Monster Surprised You. It's just a great Boss Fight track, and I think it would be freaking hype for Smash!
Indeed, it will be a huge miss if Smash Bros Switch has little to none XC2 stuff.

Again, I get that time might be the issue, but hey, they can always release a new patch to add those in.

My favorite track has to be "Exploration" and "Still, Move Forward" and I'm pretty sure there will be a Xenoblade 2 Medley like how they did with XC1.

And Rex and Pyra's Victory jingle has to be...
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Smash Champion
Nov 7, 2015
Realm 75731
OK I need to take down these points one by one because holy **** this logic is awful.
1) Characters that didn't debut/ originate in a video have already been included. One being Lucario, yes people hate this example, but it's true he debuted in the anime as opposed to the video games. The second character being R.O.B. he debuted as a piece of hardware, specifically for two games on the NES. He didn't appear in either of those games.
A few key differences with those examples:
  • Lucario and R.O.B. are heavily associated with video games, which Goku isn't.
  • Lucario and R.O.B. are heavily associated with Nintendo, which Goku isn't.
2) There is an incarnation/ version of Goku that debuted in a video game, he's known as Xeno Goku and has fought other version of himself (most notably against his anime version). So yes Bandai Namco made efforts to differentiate the two Xeno has a different design and back story.
If Nintendo had all odds in their favor and had all the money, licensing, and tools to have Goku playable in Smash, why the **** would they use a lesser-known video game version of him and not go the full mile and use the version from the anime, which is objectively more known?

Also, a common theme you'll see in this post, the main reason against Goku, and likewise other anime characters, isn't simply because they're "anime characters" and "not video game characters" (or not the whole reason, at least). The issue mainly draws from Nintendo having to jump through so many hoops just to get the rights to him that it isn't worth it.
3) Bandai Namco is making Smash 5, and Bandai Namco has the video game rights to Goku. Bandai Namco only had a single character in Smash 4, chances are they will likely get another in Smash 5 as they're developing that one too.
What does that have to do with anything? Nintendo will still need to go through MUCH more effort to have Goku than a regular guest character like PAC-MAN. The company who owns the character doesn't mean jack **** if they're not even in the same division of media.

Also, why the heck would Goku of all people be a second Namco representative? I can think of at least 10 more characters from the company that would be more suited for a Smash appearance than him.
4) Goku has been on far more Nintendo consoles and games then some of these other wanted characters.
Him appearing on Nintendo consoles doesn't matter. His debut is outside of video games, which means it'll take a LOT more effort than your average guest character to get him in, which is something I doubt Nintendo would be willing to, or even be able to do.
5) Goku has been featured in advertisements and commercials using Nintendo products.
Do you have a source on that? Not that it actually matters, since it means jack **** for the reasons above.
6) Goku is the poster child for the Famicom Classic Gold Edition.
For the third time, that doesn't mean a thing. Nintendo appearances, no matter how many he has, mean nothing simply because of his origins as a non-video game character.
7) Smash 4 made a point to break rules and expectations attached to characters, most notably Cloud. If this trend is to carry over to Smash 5. It would appear breaking ground into potential "fourth party" territory would make sense. Goku has been in more video games then any other anime or manga character, and dare I say any fourth party character? He would be the one to represent the impact of anime and manga on gaming. Keep in mind Smash 4 only had Japanese companies, there may be some national pride associated with Smash, and anime & manga are very culturally relevant to Japan.

Where do I begin with this one? Having games on Nintendo consoles was never a rule to begin with. It was just something made up by fans who didn't want guest characters to branch too far out. Sakurai seemed to have no problem with Cloud, and found him fun to work on, as shown in interviews, and never once mentioned that being on a Nintendo console was a requirement for guest characters. Cloud was certainly a surprise, as many deemed him unlikely thanks to the fanmade arbitrary rules, but he didn't break any mold regardless.

Once again, no matter how many video games the Dragon Ball franchise has, that doesn't change its origins, which ultimately deem it impossible for Smash.

No, just because Shonen Jump is a Japanese company doesn't mean it gets a free pass to have characters in Smash. PLENTY of companies are stationed in Japan, some completely unrelated to video games or media in general. Would they have dedicated representation just because they're in Japan?

Lastly, since you seem to be doing research here, I'm surprised you missed how Sakurai laughed at the idea of Goku during an interview, and mentioned that Mii Fighters could allow players to use non-video game characters such as Goku and SpongeBob SuarePants in the game.

I've said this before and I'll say it again: go play Super Smash Flash 2 if you want to play as Goku. Heck, last I heard he was among the best characters in the game.
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Deleted member

Bold prediction: Goku is announced for Smash at the same time Mario is announced for Dragon Ball FighterZ, i.e, never.

For real though I don't even like Dragon Ball that much but Goku would be super hype.


Smash Champion
Feb 16, 2014
Gen IV was already in development long before the movie even came out. He was designed for Diamond/Pearl before anything else. Pokemon occasionally appear in the anime/movies first to get hype for the next generation going. ROB is a video game accessory.

This is a flimsy argument.
Pokemon was a well established multimedia franchise at this point.
They were no longer creating pokemon just for their appeal in video games.
Now they are looking at how can we make a "cool" character, how can we market it to young kids?
We need a specific character with certain traits to fulfill this role.

What will move toys, cards, etc.

If you still believe Pokemon is purely video game based I would attest your the one with a flimsy argument.

Plus you're completely forgetting about the development time required for a movie and it's production, which would scale it back even further.


Smash Apprentice
May 10, 2016
Music in Smash? I have only one dream in regards to music, and that is that the entire soundtrack is recorded live. Similar to what they did with Mario Kart 8 and Odyssey, but with a full complete orchestra with all the instruments imaginable. The only thing I ask.

As for actual music, it really depends on what stage it would play on, so until we get a list of stages, predicting music is pretty much impossible.
But I'll give it a shot.

Mario- Give me Battlerock Galaxy, A 3D World Medley, New Donk City and Steam Gardens. Anything else is a plus.
DK- Aquatic Ambiance and Windmill Hills
Zelda- Battle Theme from BOTW, Zora's Domain, and the Main Theme
Kirby- Do a GOOD Marx Battle remix, City Trial, Bouncing Boss Battle, P. R. O. G. R. A. M. and give me Epic Yarn music.
Pokemon- Anville Town (BW), remix Champion Theme from X and Y, Surf(SM), and Ather's Paradise (SM)
Game and Watch- FLAT ZONE 3.
Pikmin- Title Screen (Hey! Pikmin) and Tutorial (Hey! Pikmin)
Animal Crossing- Add K.K. Moody to the KK Slider songs.
Splatoon- Deluge Dirge, Tentacular Circus, and Seafoam Shanty
Xenoblade Chronicles- You Will Recall Our Names, Drivers Battle, and Counterattack (XB2)
Sonic- Studiopolis Act 1, Any Sonic R song, Sonic Colors Main Theme, and a Forces Medley.
Street Fighter-Guile's Theme and Alex's Theme
Pacman- Add the Pacman CE 2 OST, and remix Pac-Step pls.
FF- JENOVA, Monster Ronde (CC) and Cinco de Chocobo.

Might have more later.

King Zekrom

Smash Apprentice
Aug 1, 2014
I really want to Goku revealed for Smash. I kind of just wanna watch this place melt down.

Also I really like the idea of Goku in Smash. Kill me.


Smash Champion
Feb 16, 2014
OK I need to take down these points one by one because holy **** this logic is awful.

A few key differences with those examples:
  • Lucario and R.O.B. are heavily associated with video games, which Goku isn't.
  • Lucario and R.O.B. are heavily associated with Nintendo, which Goku isn't.

If Nintendo had all odds in their favor and had all the money, licensing, and tools to have Goku playable in Smash, why the **** would they use a lesser-known video game version of him and not go the full mile and use the version from the anime, which is objectively more known?

Also, a common theme you'll see in this post, the main reason against Goku, and likewise other anime characters, isn't simply because they're "anime characters" and "not video game characters" (or not the whole reason, at least). The issue mainly draws from Nintendo having to jump through so many hoops just to get the rights to him that it isn't worth it.

What does that have to do with anything? Nintendo will still need to go through MUCH more effort to have Goku than a regular guest character like PAC-MAN. The company who owns the character doesn't mean jack **** if they're not even in the same division of media.

Also, why the heck would Goku of all people be a second Namco representative? I can think of at least 10 more characters from the company that would be more suited for a Smash appearance than him.

Him appearing on Nintendo consoles doesn't matter. His debut is outside of video games, which means it'll take a LOT more effort than your average fuest character to get him in, which is something I doubt Nintendo would be willing to, or even be able to do.

Do you have a source on that? Not that it actually matters, since it means jack **** for the reasons above.

For the third time, that doesn't mean a thing. Nintendo appearances, no matter how many he has, mean nothing simply because of his origins as a non-video game character.


Where do I begin with this one? Having games on Nintendo consoles was never a rule to begin with. It was just something made up by fans who didn't want guest characters to branch too far out. Sakurai seemed to have no problem with Cloud, and found him fun to work on, as shown in interviews, and never once mentioned that being on a Nintendo console was a requirement for guest characters. Cloud was certainly a surprise, as many deemed him unlikely thanks to the fanmade arbitrary rules, but he didn't break any mold regardless.

Once again, no matter how many video games the Dragon Ball franchise has, that doesn't change its origins, which ultimately deem it impossible for Smash.

No, just because Shonen Jump is a Japanese company doesn't mean it gets a free pass to have characters in Smash. PLENTY of companies are stationed in Japan, some completely unrelated to video games or media in general. Would they have dedicated representation just because they're in Japan?

Lastly, since you seem to be doing research here, I'm surprised you missed how Sakurai laughed at the idea of Goku during an interview, and mentioned that Mii Fighters could allow players to use non-video game characters such as Goku and SpongeBob SuarePants in the game.

I've said this before and I'll say it again: go play Super Smash Flash 2 if you want to play as Goku. Heck, last I heard he was among the best characters in the game.
Goku & Cell using the 3DS.

I'm not saying Goku will happen, I'm just saying under certain circumstances, the possibility exist... Just saying it's not impossible.

Ie: What if Goku legit won the ballot, then sakurai does want to continue that trend of breaking expectations, Bandai Namco is coincidentally the perfect partner for this to happen. I get he didn't originate in a video game but I could see a reality were Sakurai takes the ballot and Goku's extensive game history into account and uses it to justify his inclusion.

By definition it's not impossible.

It's certainly not likely.


Smash Ace
Mar 19, 2009
Okay the Xeno Goku.

And if not Xeno Goku then

Ok fine, if you're treating Xeno Goku as his own character and contender, I'll treat him like one too. Let's look at Xeno Goku completely separately from Goku himself, then.

1. He's still a third party character
2. As a third party, he's a complete nobody compared to all the other third party options. Goku's got a strong resume, but Xeno Goku? He's from two spinoff games, which weren't even originally going to come to Nintendo consoles in the first place.
3. Even in the games he originates from, he's a secondary character. There's plenty of other characters from Xenoverse more important to the game than Xeno Goku.
4. His series is owned by Bandai Namco, who have infinitely more popular and better options for videogame-based characters and series to pull from, like Tekken, Soul Calibur, Digimon, Tales, and plenty of others.

Even if in some magical world Sakurai looked at Xeno Goku on his own merits and didn't just see a Goku costume swap, he's still got no chance in hell. He's an irrelevant nobody in the sea of third parties, even if he wasn't directly tied to a non-videogame franchise.

As for limits being broken, sure, we can break limits. I'm all for breaking more limits, like with Western third parties (Rayman) and characters owned by competitors (Banjo-Kazooie). What isn't meant to be broken is hard rules, like no manga/anime characters. And those hard rules are what keep Goku out.
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Smash Ace
Mar 12, 2018
I can't say Goku is impossible since idk after Cloud everything is possible (ok not to that extent but I really saw Cloud as a impossible character)
But the Lucario/ROB argument isn't that good to me since Lucario was created for a game, his debut in the anime was just a promotional strategy. And ROB is about as a videogame character as an amiibo is I guess

And idk getting a "game-exclusive Goku" doesn't sit that well for his chances to me because he is still Goku, and most importantly, he's not THE popular Goku design I guess. It's like if the Mickey from Epic Mickey was a way to put Mickey in, but it's still a cartoon character and it's not even the most popular version of him

edit: oh and another thing, Goku is so controversial I'm not even sure if he'd end up being a good idea. Yes many people would be hyped but the same number of people would call it dumb and just detract from the hype. If Cloud already caused controversy since he's "0% Nintendo", I wonder what a non-game character could cause
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Aug 1, 2014
Switch FC
Most people are predicting a tag team concept for both Rex and Pyra, a la Rosalina & Luma or Ice Climbers. Rex will probably be the main fihter and Pyra will enhance his attacks or something like that. Admittedly I haven't played XC2 yet.

Or people are assuming XC2 came out too late and Elma is coming instead.
Well, most people already aware I have so the thing is...

Yes, it has to be, either just Rex or just Pyra doesn't live up to their role in XC2 at all. The Driver-Blade team is an important concept, and hell Rex shouldn't just have Pyra/Mythra either, he can use other Blade as well...

As for the rest of rare Blades, my idea is they introduce the new assist item, the Core Crystals.
It looks like this:

As for some just assume Elma a better choice, look what happened to Chrom from FE... and we got Robin and Lucina instead.

So I think we can get Cross, and Nia as a choice lol.
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
Goku's been in more video games then Lucario and ROB combined.
They both didn't originate in a video game.
You basically ignored the entire post for something completely irrelevant. . .

Goku has been in more chapters of manga and episodes of anime than Lucario and ROB combined. If you want to do crazy thigns to change the subject I can too :p


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2014
Canada, eh?
Gunvolt appeared in:
  • Azure Striker Gunvolt
  • Azure Striker Gunvolt 2 (Sou)
  • Mighty Gunvolt
  • Mighty Gunvolt Burst
  • Blade Strangers
What about Spyro and Crash, huh?
And about Quote (from Cave Story) ?


By the way, where came the Duck Hunt Dog moveset? It doesn't make sense.
By game I more meant his series. I probably should've been a bit more specific, my bad.

Crash and Spyro are basically in the same boat. Neither of them are going to make the base roster due to the fact they were largely dead until very recently, but both would be great DLC characters. They're unique, well requested, and are gaming icons. The biggest problem they have in their way is Activision, although they've been a lot cooler about other companies using their characters so never say never.

Quote is kinda a unique case. Cave Story has a very long history with Nintendo and is rather popular. The big thing Quote has in his way is the sheer amount of competition. As a third party, he's up against gaming giants like Simon Belmont, Snake, and Lara Croft for Sakurai's eye. Quote's best chance at success would come if Sakurai intentionally wanted an indie character in Smash, where he would still have to compete against big names like Shovel Knight, Shantae, and Steve, but at least then he'd be punching a better weight class.


Smash Champion
Feb 16, 2014
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May 2, 2015
*sigh* another rumor


How fast do you think it will take us to confirm it fake?

The first mistake immediately is safe bets and another user snowballing vegens leak with Simon, Ridley, ice climbers and no cuts
I like it but it doesn't answer how they will get around Captain Toad's inability to jump and they said chnages to the original 8 and I'm pretty sure 64 had twelve characters....I'm too lazy to look that up though. I also don't know why they would take away Nana's ability to grab when grab armor is a thing anyway (for those who don't know you can't be grabbed for a few seconds after being grabbed so chain grabbing wouldn't work anyway.). Listing all the Pokemon is a get-out-of-jail-free card if you ask me. What am I supposed to expect all the others are in pokeballs or as background characters of a stage? Also pretty sure Zelda is confirmed to have a Breath of the Wild design. Didn't we see her silhouette in the trailer?

Like, its believable but feels like its another "leak" riding of the Simon Belmont, Ridley, Ice Climber leak.

True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
Crash and Spyro are basically in the same boat. Neither of them are going to make the base roster due to the fact they were largely dead until very recently, but both would be great DLC characters. They're unique, well requested, and are gaming icons.
Spyro was never big in Japan, which could hurt his chance of being DLC.


Smash Champion
Apr 11, 2018


Smash Champion
Feb 16, 2014
I like it but it doesn't answer how they will get around Captain Toad's inability to jump and they said chnages to the original 8 and I'm pretty sure 64 had twelve characters....I'm too lazy to look that up though. I also don't know why they would take away Nana's ability to grab when grab armor is a thing anyway (for those who don't know you can't be grabbed for a few seconds after being grabbed so chain grabbing wouldn't work anyway.). Listing all the Pokemon is a get-out-of-jail-free card if you ask me. What am I supposed to expect all the others are in pokeballs or as background characters of a stage? Also pretty sure Zelda is confirmed to have a Breath of the Wild design. Didn't we see her silhouette in the trailer?

Like, its believable but feels like its another "leak" riding of the Simon Belmont, Ridley, Ice Climber leak.
I like the idea behind Captain Toad though, even if fake, I like this idea.

I guess Captain Toad could dump his backpack to jump after x amount of time it respawns on his back? idk


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Goku's been in more video games then Lucario and ROB combined.
They both didn't originate in a video game.
That seems like a technicality at best; Lucario and ROB are Nintendo owned characters, while Goku isn't, and he's not owned by a video game company and didn't originate in a video game.


Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2014
I wonder what happens if the Vergeben leak is actually the truth? After many years, Ridley actually gets in the the game, what happens next for smash speculation? What counts as a deconfirmation for a character for future installments? What about copycat or inspired leaks to follow? What about limitations for Third party characters? Angry people for snake?
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May 2, 2015
I wonder what happens if the Vergeben Ridley leak is actually the truth? After many years, Ridley actually gets in the the game, what happens next for smash speculation? What counts as a deconfirmation for a character for future installments? What about copycat or inspired leaks to follow?
Smash Speculation will continue to be the biased mess it is now and likely will have even more rules that make no sense when looking at what Sakurai has already established. Ridley's inclusion will be the death of a meme in the grand scheme of things.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
I mean, this is all stuff I can see happening. I think there was a miscommunication in stating that Captain Toad fights using Power Stars, and I don't believe they would really make all of the character models from scratch because for some characters, there's nothing to change in the ways of design, I mean certainly they'll improve the graphics, which is what they could mean, but how would someone like Mewtwo or Pit look different now as apposed to the last game?

I also believe this game may very well have taken note of fan demand in deciding newcomers, as long as the character has remained alive throughout their series, so someone like Ridley as apposed to someone like King K. Rool. I was talking with my friend about how I believe Ridley could happen because of this prior to the leak, but I wasn't prepared to necessarily expect it.

When the leak happened though, it was pretty funny to see people who thought I was silly for predicting Simon Belmont, now all scrambling to make rosters with him on it. I mean, how did nobody even consider a Castlevania guest character?

I don't know, I'm talking about it like the leak was real. Either I'll be right and able to gloat, or I'll be pleasantly surprised, so either is a win win situation. The ladder would definitely be a more entertaining experience.
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Smash Lord
Mar 7, 2014
Lying about my country.
*sigh* another rumor


How fast do you think it will take us to confirm it fake?

The first mistake immediately is safe bets and another user snowballing vegens leak with Simon, Ridley, ice climbers and no cuts
So he doesn't have info on the full roster, but he knows for a fact that all characters will return with no cuts. It's really hard to confirm who's playable and who isn't, but he knows newcomer details down to general playstyle and specific moves. There aren't any direct contradictions, really, but there's a lot of **** that doesn't make sense in the context of what he claims to know.


Bandana Brigade Captain
Aug 13, 2013
(v(- ' ' -)>↑
I wonder what happens if the Vergeben leak is actually the truth? After many years, Ridley actually gets in the the game, what happens next for smash speculation? What counts as a deconfirmation for a character for future installments? What about copycat or inspired leaks to follow? What about limitations for Third party characters? Angry people for snake?
The first thing that would happen is that I would have a new main.
K. Rool will be the new meme, replacing too big with too irrelevant.
People will start requesting giant characters like Petey Piranha and Metal Face.
Sakurai's word will lose a lot of credibility.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
Something I just wanted to briefly mention because I've been thinking about it.

First of all, yes I'm about to talk about Rex and Pyra. I haven't said it before, but I will say it now: I think Elma and a Rex & Pyra team would be great for Smash. Do I want Rex in over Elma? Yes. I'm also quite comfortable saying I think Rex & Pyra will make it as DLC if not on the base roster.

Just wanted to make sure I said that.

ANYWAY, I was thinking about Xenoblade 2 content aside from a playable character. Music, stages, etc...

I think a great stage for XC2 would be Argentum Trade Guild. It's a central location to the game and would provide for some potentially fun hazards.

Here's a pic of the inside and outside:
View attachment 146079 View attachment 146080

Basically, in XC2, there are side quests, shops, and all sorts of fun stuff in this location of the game. The stage could be either set up inside or outside (or both quite frankly). A hazard could be unsecured sliding crates that could strike players as they are fighting. Or you could always have enemies jump up from the Cloud Sea to attack players.

Music...my favorite part of XC2 discussion. I absolutely LOVE the music from this game and if you haven't played it, I think you will too.

Here are a few tracks that are, to me, among the best. I think these would be great for Smash!

Let me know what you guys and girls think. I think there's a lot of potential for cool stuff coming from Xenoblade 2.

My personal favorite track is Monster Surprised You. It's just a great Boss Fight track, and I think it would be freaking hype for Smash!
Xenoblade 2 has a lot to draw from in general. Music, stages, items ect. As far as stages go, Argentum could work. I figure that any stage that is in the game has to use the cloud sea as its too iconic in Xenoblade 2. Argentum works as its basically a big boat through the music would need to be remixed a bit. It doesn't lend itself well to the other songs. This is why Gormott might work better as a stage and it can also use the rising tide thing.

Between X and 2, I think the latter lends itself better for Smash in multiple regards, including stages. 2 is closer in theme to 1 so it helps it mesh better where I don't think Mira and NLA work as well with Shulk's world. Gormott, too, would feel alot like Gaur Plains and have the familiarity, akin to other series. I think theming does matter for Smash. DK is always in a jungle. Metroid usually has an alien or high tech theme, Fire Emblem has its medieval look, Kirby is bright and happy. Xenoblade 1 and 2 share quite a lot with each other in this regard which I think makes it more appealing for content. Same goes with the music as well.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
The aspect of "no cuts" I keep seeing is very odd considering we know it's a brand new game.

You're telling me that they're going to bring back all 58 characters while on top of that adding new characters, despite developing the game from scratch again. That sounds extremely unrealistic considering the circumstances.


Bandana Brigade Captain
Aug 13, 2013
(v(- ' ' -)>↑
Also, call me biased, but any leak that mentions Marx instead of Bandana Dee or even Magolor is fake for me.

He only started being popular weeks ago thanks to Star Allies DLC and the roster was finalized years ago.
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