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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
I'm actually surprised there's so little discussion about Rhythm heaven reps/chorus men considering the history of the gematsu leak, smash 4 file leaks, and the new lack of limitations on the switch console. People seem to think decidueye, rex/pyra, ice climbers, and wolf are all super likely candidates but I've not seen people considering a rhythm heaven candidate as likely despite previous circumstances.
Even the leaks/rumors out and about don't really acknowledge rhythm heaven characters much.
I wouldn't be surprised if we got a Rhythm Heaven character.

Roberto zampari

Smash Journeyman
May 7, 2013
  1. It's impossible Goku be in Smash. I mean, Dragonball have games from Nintendo and mostly of Dragonball is ANIME.
  2. Daisy may be a semi-clone of Peach instead of just a clone. It's because her Final Smash must be TATANGA'S SPACESHIP.
  3. Would Classic Megaman be replaced by Megaman X or Zero? It's because of Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite. Does Sakurai loves Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite? We will need MARVEL CHARACTERS IN SMASH...
  4. Eggman is too big when using a mech from Sonic Adventure 2. I prefer Tails because he appeared in a lot of Sonic games.
  6. Captain toad is too weak to be in Smash, nothing special...
  7. Bandana Dee appeared in Kirby Star Allies, but why NOT MAGOLOR ? underrated character? Magolor have a cool moveset?
  9. And about Azure Striker Gunvolt? The Luminous Avenger game is in progress.
  10. Two weeks for E3.
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Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
What characters do you all support that you never really talk about? The reason behind why you never talk about them can be part of the discussion as well.

For me, those characters would be:
Meowth, Tails, King Boo, and to some extent Jack Frost.

I do occasionally talk about Jack Frost, but I often avoid the possibility because the addition of Jack Frost would mean no Joker, though I would be wildly excited for Jack Frost too.

Meowth I don't talk about much because I feel his playable ship sailed back in Melee. He hasn't become any more prominent since gen 1, and it feels like putting a lot of effort into him would definitely prove fruitless.

As for Tails, I just don't expect a second Sonic character.

King Boo just seems impractical. It'd be weird to make him skim across the ground like Bowser Jr in the clown car, and the idea of that doesn't sound good to me. I'll be excited if he's added still, but I can't imagine him in a way that looks and functions naturally in Smash.
There's a slew of characters from Pokémon and Fire Emblem that I'd love to see playable in Smash but don't bring up often. Like, I'll of course bring up Celica and Decidueye since I think they have reasonable chances, and Chrom because of what happened last time, but even beyond them there are several others I don't bring up simply because they don't line up with how Sakurai decides characters for those franchises.

Pokémon: Marowak, Snorlax, Ursaring, Shiftry, Unfezant, Sawsbuck, Chandelure, Klefki, Trevenant, Ribombee

Fire Emblem: Caeda, Merric, Virion, Tobin, Silque, Mae, Saber, Frederick, Hardin, Camus

All of which could be really cool in Smash though.


Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2011
I pull a lot for bosses/villains from all sorts of series, even though none are incredibly likely.

Guys like Ridley, Waluigi, or K. Rool have some chance, but even characters like Dark Samus, Queen Metroid, Marx, Dark Matter, Petey Pirhana, King Boo, Kamek, Giygas, Porky, etc. would make me super happy.

It’s true though, outside of a dozen or so “consensus picks”, people don’t seem keen to discuss characters. It’s all about the all-mighty “relevance”, which for sure plays a part in selections, but using it as a crutch sure does stifle a lot of conversations.
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Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
*Looks at list*
*Doesn't see Paper Mario*


... :troll:
****. Uhhmm...

Mr. Sakurai....

You better get another programmer in here. You gonna need them.

Also let's get to work on some new Rabbid Versions. How about Fuschia Gold Silver Rabbid Waluigi? Yeah. I like the sounds of that.


Smash Champion
Apr 11, 2018
I'm actually surprised there's so little discussion about Rhythm heaven reps/chorus men considering the history of the gematsu leak, smash 4 file leaks, and the new lack of limitations on the switch console. People seem to think decidueye, rex/pyra, ice climbers, and wolf are all super likely candidates but I've not seen people considering a rhythm heaven candidate as likely despite previous circumstances.
Even the leaks/rumors out and about don't really acknowledge rhythm heaven characters much.
Yeah, I'll be shocked if they don't get in. I feel like the chorus kids were planned but with 3 models on screen the 3ds probably melted and they kept them out, or time constraints happened. But whatever happened I'd be shocked if they don't try again considering RH had a game in 2015.

They could go for another character but if the chorus kids were in fact chosen sakurai would have picked them for a reason so I'm betting on them being added again tbh.
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Smash Apprentice
Mar 18, 2018
I'm breaking into Hal/Bandai Namco right now, guys.

Don't worry, I got all of us Mario fans.

See you at E3 when I force them to reveal work has begun on Waluigi, Daisy, Captain Toad, Geno, Birdo, King Boo, Fawful, E. Gadd, Mallow, Koopa Troopa, and Honey Queen.

I got us, fam.
At that point I'd just be glad Spike wasn't shoehorned into another game.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
waluigi is a trash meme character. change my mind.
Feast your eyes. Waa.

Normal Attacks:

Jab: A two strike move, where Waluigi takes his tennis racket and does two quick strikes. One from the left, one from the right. Each swing is punctuated with a "Waa."

Dash Attack: Waluigi lunges forward and dives at the opponent with arms outstretched, grabbing for their ankles. This move may cause the foe to trip, as Waluigi takes them to the ground with him, but it relies on good spacing so that Waluigi's arms line up with the foe's legs. A risky move, as it has notable end lag, but it's offset if the foe trips, as they'd need to get up before striking back.

Side Tilt: Waluigi does a soccer-style kick upwards, and pressing side tilt again causes his foot to come back down in an axe kick motion. The first hit is punctuated with a Waa.

Up Tilt: Waluigi points skyward and swings his hip, performing the Disco Finger move. Hitting this move again will have Waluigi withdraw his finger, which has an additional hit box. Up tilts can be chained together for a combo move as Waluigi dances.

Down Tilt: Waluigi crouches down and crosses his arms in front of his chest, extends one of his legs outward and spins while sitting on his other foot. There's a name for this dance move but I don't know what it is, but you bet your bottom dollar Waluigi knows what it is.

Aerial Attacks:

Neutral Air: Waluigi performs a split in mid air, launching foes that hit his feet completely horizontally, not unlike Jigglypuff's down smash (though obviously far less powerful...Waluigi can only cheat so much).

Forward Air: Waluigi uses his tennis racket and spikes the foe, sending them downward. There's a bit of a startup here as Waluigi aligns his shot, but otherwise it's a fairly standard forward air dunk.

Back Air: Waluigi swings his body around in a three strike maneuver. First he hits with a backhanded racket swing, then his right leg, and finally his left leg.

Up Air: Waluigi pulls a potted Piranha Plant out of hammer space and holds it upward. It chomps three times before Waluigi puts it away, with the third chomp inflicting higher knockback. A three strike move.

Down Air: Cheating physics once again, Waluigi stays right where he is in the air and stomps the "ground" twice, Waa-ing angrily and somehow kicking up a dust cloud. Can be used to stall Waluigi's fall.

Smash Attacks:

Side Smash: Waluigi takes a running start before smashing his racket into the foe, sending them flying. This is Waluigi's best kill move, showcasing his tennis prowess. The longer the move is charged, the further Waluigi runs before striking.

Up Smash: Waluigi pulls out what looks to be a baseball. He then tosses it skyward, not unlike Snake's up smash, where it's revealed the baseball is simply a crudely-painted bomb that Waluigi snuck into the battlefield. It explodes on impact. The charging animation involves Waluigi quietly laughing to himself as he tosses the ball lightly up in the air and catching it.

Down Smash: Waluigi pulls out a small yellow and black remote control with a big red button on it. Upon releasing the move, Waluigi pushes the button, causing the ground on either side of him to blow up. That's right, Waluigi is very thorough in his cheating. He planted remote bombs inside the stage just for this purpose. The charging animation features Waluigi taunting the foe, muttering "I'm gonna press it!" while hovering his finger over the button.

Grab, Pummel, and Throws:

Grab and Pummel: A standard grab, with the pummel involving Waluigi bashing the foe overhead with his racket. Each pummel is punctuated with a Waa.

Forward Throw: Waluigi pulls a full sized cannon out of his pocket, stuffs the foe inside, and fires them away.

Back Throw: Waluigi twirls around and tosses the foe as one would a frisbee, waving at them as they go. "Bye bye, loser!"

Up Throw: Waluigi swims skyward, holding onto the foe, before lobbing them up.

Down Throw: Waluigi leaps onto the foe as both are covered in a cartoony fight cloud. Waluigi emerges victorious as the foe bounces off the ground.

Special Attacks:

Neutral Special: Rally/Zone Shot - If the button is pressed, Waluigi tosses a tennis ball up and whacks it with his racket, sending it hurdling forward. A rally then starts. The opponent is able to knock the ball back at Waluigi, but it returns to him slightly slower than how he launched it. Combined with his near lagless neutral special, Waluigi can send the ball back at blazing speed, and it gains a minor homing effect. This makes it easier for Waluigi to reflect it and harder for the foe to dodge it. Waluigi can hit the ball back at the foe twice (not including the initial serve), but on the third attempt, Waluigi's racket shatters as he stares at it in disbelief, leaving him susceptible for a counter as he pulls a new racket from hammerspace.

Side Special: Fake Item Box - Waluigi pulls out a fake item box from the Mario Kart series and lobs it overhead, letting it land on the stage. It stays there for about the length of one of Diddy Kong's banana peels before disappearing. If an opponent is hit by the box or runs into it while it's on the stage, they get stunned for a bit and take electrical damage, allowing Waluigi to come in for the kill. This move showcases Waluigi's trickery and deception.

Up Special: Air Swim - One of Waluigi's most iconic, and arguably strangest, abilities is his ability to cheat logic and physics themselves and swim through the air. It's an ability he's had since his debut in Mario Tennis, and it makes for the perfect recovery move in Smash. Waluigi propels himself in the direction the control stick is held, being able to perform upward to three strokes. In application, it's somewhat like Greninja's Hydro Pump or Pikachu's Quick Attack. It doesn't go as far, but it causes quite a bit of damage in comparison.

Down Special: Bomb Launcher - Waluigi pulls out a pitching machine and plants it on the stage, which he can then use as a turret of sorts. Pressing the button next to it has Waluigi yell "Fire!" and launch an explosive out of it. As well, while Waluigi is yelling "Fire!" the player can still control the bomb's trajectory mid-flight, referencing Waluigi's penchant for cheating, as well as things like the Liar Ball from the Mario Baseball series, where this sort of illusionist trickery isn't something Waluigi is above.

Final Smash: Whirluigi - Waluigi begins to dance as a spotlight shines on him. Eventually he begins to rapidly spin, putting him in the eye of a massive tornado. The player takes control of this tornado and can move it around the stage, picking up enemies, trapping them, and shooting them outward at the end of the move. Waluigi then stops spinning and strikes a pose.

Special Gimmick: Waluigi Time!
Waluigi's love of cheating is only beaten by Waluigi's love of himself. Boastful and quick to jeer his opponents, Waluigi is known for his flare for the dramatic. As such, Waluigi gets a small boost in power if he taunts after KO-ing an opponent, and a slightly larger boost if he does well enough to warrant a crowd cheer. A smaller gimmick that isn't as noticeable in the heat of battle, not unlike Bowser Jr.'s knockback resistance when hit from below, but it could help in a pinch and fits Waluigi's personality.

Side Taunt: Waluigi poses as he tosses a rose behind him. This actually does damage, as well, for every rose has its thorns.
Up Taunt: Waluigi tosses his head back and raises his arms as he laughs maniacally.
Down Taunt: Waluigi performs his infamous crotch chop.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
I'm breaking into Hal/Bandai Namco right now, guys.

Don't worry, I got all of us Mario fans.

See you at E3 when I force them to reveal work has begun on Waluigi, Daisy, Captain Toad, Geno, Birdo, King Boo, Fawful, E. Gadd, Mallow, Koopa Troopa, and Honey Queen.

I got us, fam.
Amy Rose because she's actively hated by many Sonic fans, let alone non-Sonic fans. Plus the idea is next to impossible when comparing her to Eggman, Tails, Knuckles, and Shadow.
Only if it’s Boom Amy...cause that Amy is best Amy


Smash Journeyman
Nov 29, 2001
Since the "rule" that no non-video game-originating characters as playable in Smash still appears to be in effect, do you think the fact that Medusa and Hades are actually characters originating in mythology would prevent them from achieving playable status?

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
Also did I see Amy Rose slander?

In front of me?

Amy Rose is a queen in all her forms. She may be annoying and lovestruck on Sonic, but damn it. It's endearing and it actually has lead to a really good character path for her being her own hero in some games.


Amy Rose is a queen and not one of you is gonna talk trash.



Smash Champion
Nov 7, 2015
Realm 75731
Alright some of this is pretty weird, so let's handle this point by point:
It's impossible Goku be in Smash. I mean, Dragonball have games from Nintendo and mostly of Dragonball is ANIME.

If you want Goku, go play as him in Super Smash Flash 2. Hell, they even have other anime characters like Naruto and Luffy you may enjoy,
Daisy may be a semi-clone of Peach instead of just a clone. It's because her Final Smash must be TATANGA'S SPACESHIP.
I'm in the camp that, as is, feel that Daisy has enough potential to be her own unique character. I've heard somewhere on this thread that putting her in her athletic outfit comes off as trying to be different from Peach than being her own fighter, but as it fits her tomboy personality, I feel it'd be alright. I meantioned on a previous post that giving her a stamina mechanic could make her unique, much like the Smash 4 newcomers and how they focused on unique mechanics; she'd have pretty favorable stats but the more you take advantage of them, the more Daisy tires out and the lower her stats get - a reverse-Lucario's aura if you will. As such, just like in real sports you need to constantly make strategies depending on where you and your opponent is at any given time, and conserve this energy to pull off some god combos and setups. Throw in the flower motif and Super Mario Land references and you have a pretty unique character.
Would Classic Megaman be replaced by Megaman X or Zero? It's because of Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite. Does Sakurai loves Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite? We will need MARVEL CHARACTERS IN SMASH...
I... what...?

Why would Mega Man be replaced with X? Maybe Zero could get added as a secondary character, but I see no circumstances when Mega Man gets replaced with X. Especially when the Mega Man X series is already represented in Mega Man's moveset (Final Smash).
Eggman is too big when using a mech from Sonic Adventure 2. I prefer Tails because he appeared in a lot of Sonic games.
I doubt we're getting either honestly, though Eggman would be infinitely more interesting than who would only amount to a Luigified Sonic.
Like Daisy, I think he has enough potential to be his own thing. His moveset could revolve around cheap tactics, almost cheating if you will. A down throw that buries opponents, an Ultra-Hand side special that pulls him towards opponents and smack them, perhaps a neutral special that has him pull an item like a Green Shell or Beam Sword out of a sack? Couple that with the weird abilities he has in the Mario sports games and you have a cool and fun moveset flourishing with personality.
Captain toad is too weak to be in Smash, nothing special...
Duck Hunt doesn't do anything other than lift ducks when you shoot them down, suppose he can't be in Smash either.
Bandana Dee appeared in Kirby Star Allies, but why NOT MAGOLOR ? underrated character? Magolor have a cool moveset?
  1. Mangolor is more than likely planned as a Dream Friend for Kirby Star Allies.
  2. Mangolor is a pretty overrated villain imo - not bad but dreadfully boring. From the first trailer that had him in it I knew he was gonna turn on Kirby day one.
No way to know at the moment. I sure hope so though, some indies would be more interesting than AAA characters imo.
And about Azure Striker Gunvolt? The Luminous Avenger game is in progress.
Would be rad ngl
Two weeks for E3.
And it couldn't come any sooner.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 10, 2014
Rotterdam, Netherlands
How are Captain Toad and Bandana Waddle Dee different from each other. Toads and Waddle Dees are super generic and these are just 2 of the generics who took a right instead of left.

In my opinion they both have the same chance to be or not to be in Smash.


Luminary Uppercut!
Mar 8, 2014
  1. Bandana Dee appeared in Kirby Star Allies, but why NOT MAGOLOR ? underrated character? Magolor have a cool moveset?
Magolor's gonna show up in Star Allies as a Dream Friend. I believe he's third wave. Daroach and the like are part of wave 2.
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Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
Since the "rule" that no non-video game-originating characters as playable in Smash still appears to be in effect, do you think the fact that Medusa and Hades are actually characters originating in mythology would prevent them from achieving playable status?
Nah. Characters of that nature are open and free range for anyone to use. It's why you don't see a lot of law suits whenever there's the new 10 millionth adaption of them as a character.


Smash Master
Nov 18, 2014
Charleston, South Carolina
Switch FC
Since the "rule" that no non-video game-originating characters as playable in Smash still appears to be in effect, do you think the fact that Medusa and Hades are actually characters originating in mythology would prevent them from achieving playable status?

To expand on that a bit, Pit seems inspired by the story of Icarus and how his wings burned up, but he still appears in Smash. In the same way, Medusa / Hades / etc are distinct characters in their own right, despite sharing a name / etc with figures from myth. This also isn't something that would ever "prevent" a character from being playable anyway, since Sakurai is free to bend his own rules as he pleases – which is good to keep in mind.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 18, 2018
Spike? From Ape Escape?

Ooh, he looks kinda cool. Wouldn't be opposed to this guy. (Shame he has no Nintendo console appearances)

I was referring to the annoying green thing that got shoved into Mario Party 10 and is coming back for Mario Tennis Aces. I've hated it and those steel bars it throws ever since 3D World: the Mario game where depth perception goes to die and Spike personally kills it off.
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Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
The main problem that Daisy and Waluigi have are the fact that they're only really seen in Mario spin-off titles. That pretty much puts them at the bottom of the pecking order, alongside all the other spin-off exclusives.

Anyway, in regards to a potential new Super Mario Bros. rep, Toad has the best playable odds, especially with his Captain Toad alter ego being highly notable. The only real thing hurting Captain Toad is his inability to jump, but that's easily negated if one of Toad's palette swaps has him wearing his Captain Toad outfit.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2014
Canada, eh?
  1. It's impossible Goku be in Smash. I mean, Dragonball have games from Nintendo and mostly of Dragonball is ANIME.
  2. Daisy may be a semi-clone of Peach instead of just a clone. It's because her Final Smash must be TATANGA'S SPACESHIP.
  3. Would Classic Megaman be replaced by Megaman X or Zero? It's because of Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite. Does Sakurai loves Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite? We will need MARVEL CHARACTERS IN SMASH...
  4. Eggman is too big when using a mech from Sonic Adventure 2. I prefer Tails because he appeared in a lot of Sonic games.
  6. Captain toad is too weak to be in Smash, nothing special...
  7. Bandana Dee appeared in Kirby Star Allies, but why NOT MAGOLOR ? underrated character? Magolor have a cool moveset?
  9. And about Azure Striker Gunvolt? The Luminous Avenger game is in progress.
  10. Two weeks for E3.
Just responding to some of these ideas:
1. I agree, Goku is kinda a meme answer at this point and will never be in Smash, at least not while Sakurai is directing
2. We've had full clones with unique final smashes before (Dark Pit, the cloniest clone in all of clonesville has a different final smash then pit), so Daisy could still be a clone with a unique final smash. I do agree that Tatanga's spaceship would be an awesome final smash, but I don't see Daisy as a clone. I think an alt works fine for her
3. I really don't see this happening (and X is one of my favourite characters in gaming), but I could potentially see Sakurai adding X or Zero as DLC while Classic Mega Man is in the base roster. Regarding Marvel characters, it will probably never happen. Both Marvel and Disney are super protective of their IP, so (even if Sakurai adds non-gaming characters) I just can't see Nintendo going through the trouble of wrestling with a corporate giant for a character or two in Smash.
4. I prefer Tails to Eggman as well, but I don't think Eggman's mech would be too big. Tails' and Eggman's SA2 mechs are the same size, and Sonic isn't too much shorter than Tail's mech. It could easily be resized.
5. Waluigi doesn't exactly fight like a mix between Wario and Luigi. Sure, that mix is the entire basis of his character design, but the way his moves is far from both Wario and Luigi
6. Captain Toad being weak isn't a great excuse for his exclusion. Plenty of characters are given buffs/nerfs from their respective series to make them more balanced fighters. Moveset potential matters much more than in-series strength
7. Magalor will probably appear as a DLC character down the line for Star Allies. I would prefer Bandana Dee in smash though. He's a little more reoccuring and the spear gives him a unique moveset.
8. Sakurai has stated in his Famitsu interviews that he plays certain Indie games, so they're on his radar. That doesn't mean in an indie character is a shoe-in for Smash
9. Sadly, Gunvolt is pretty unlikely. His game isn't as popular as something like Minecraft and the character himself isn't super requested unlike Shovel Knight or Shantae. He would be really cool, though!


Smash Journeyman
Nov 29, 2001

To expand on that a bit, Pit seems inspired by the story of Icarus and how his wings burned up, but he still appears in Smash. In the same way, Medusa / Hades / etc are distinct characters in their own right, despite sharing a name / etc with figures from myth. This also isn't something that would ever "prevent" a character from being playable anyway, since Sakurai is free to bend his own rules as he pleases – which is good to keep in mind.
I've only played a little bit of Kid Icarus: Uprising, so I had no idea that Pit had any sort of connection to the Icarus myth other than the name of his game, having wings, and the Greek mythology-esque world he inhabits. Cool to know.


Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2014
The real question is, what is a "consensus pick"? What drives people to widely consider some characters extremely likely while others to be extremely unlikely? Marketing? Ballot appeal? What about series importance? Series representation?

For example, according to smashboards polls ( https://smashboards.com/threads/rat...tion-day-79-concept-decloned-dark-pit.453357/ ); Rex/Pyra, Decidueye, Takamaru, Dixie Kong, Bandana Dee, Captain Toad, K Rool, Rayman, Isabelle, and Elma are the 10 most likely Smash switch newcomers.

But by default, is it more likely that just one of Dixie/K Rool gets in Smash Switch, thus making the other more unlikely by the nature of the system? Likewise, does the popularity of Rex and Pyra decrease the chance of Elma getting into the game unless there are multiple newcomers for Xenoblade? Also, I would argue that it's more likely that less than half of the "most likely" contenders get in rather than more than half, just because of the nature of speculation for this game is so scattered and unpredictable given upon the fact that smash 4 already has most of the largest video game characters in their animated arsenal.

Most of the remaining characters (that aren't 3rd party all stars) are merely shadows in the popularity of returning characters, and fanbases are so well split out among a wide variety of candidates. Most of the remaining all star first party characters are older characters from existing franchises that were considered nonviable for previous games for various reasons. Many characters have been noted to have been considered for previous installments for the smash bros series but were ultimately dropped. I honestly believe that looking at looking at Smash 4 considered/dropped characters (and possibly brawl considered/dropped characters) is a really strong start on looking for viable candidates for the next game.

We know of a small number of characters from previous titles that were ultimately scrapped but worked on (In particular for Brawl: Dixie kong, Tetra/Toon Zelda, and plusle/minun. For Smash 4, what looks to be extremely likely based upon data mining and interviews was that the ice climbers, chorus kids, and Alph being a possible olimar semi-clone due to rock pikmin files in the game and Sakurai interviews.) In my opinion, looking at data found in smash 4 is the best source to look for future characters first and foremost due to the likelihood of system limitations causing the exclusion of those particular characters.

After which, we likely look at Sakurai's interviews in the smash 4 era on characters he stated that he had considered (Particularly: Geno, Heihachi, and Takamaru). Of these characters, only Takamaru really is seen as likely, despite Geno and Heihachi also being considered very popular characters.

Another note of popular characters to receive mii costumes in smash 4; Likely at least some of these mii costumes were likely influenced by the smash ballot, with possible examples being Takamaru, K Rool, Inklings, Isabelle, Toad, Geno, Ashley, Toad, Geno, Knuckles, Tails, and Zero. Sakurai has noted previously that mii costumes were made in some cases in response to him knowing that a character was popular, and acknowledging that popularity in a form that wasn't quite a playable fighter, but also wasn't ignoring them either. These characters are definitely acknowledged as popular characters and many possibly have a good chance of getting in smash switch.

Then there's the odd exceptions list: Characters whose popularity have been noted by interviews but Sakurai states that playability is unlikely or impossible for that character. Ridley and Ice Climbers in 4 fall into this category. Ridley being stated as a character known to be extremely popular but also stating that his correct role was as a boss, and Ice Climbers being noted as extremely popular veterans who wouldn't work on the 3ds engine. Both of these are possible to change in Smash Switch (although much more likely the latter than the former, despite some possible leaks benefiting the former).

In conclusion, while certain likely new picks are definitely getting attention (Rex/Pyra, Decidueye, Takamaru, Dixie/K Rool, Ice Climbers, Wolf, etc), Others are much more likely than people may think and may be hiding under the radar for a lot of people (Geno, Decloned Alph, Chorus kids, Tekken Reps, and Ashley). I definitely feel that, considering the evidence, a lot of newcomers will be surprises on who does and does not get in for the next installment, although some may have been hinted at previously.
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Smash Champion
Nov 7, 2015
Realm 75731
The real question is, what is a "consensus pick"? What drives people to widely consider some characters extremely likely while others to be extremely unlikely? Marketing? Ballot appeal? What about series importance? Series representation?
For example, according to smashboards polls ( https://smashboards.com/threads/rat...tion-day-79-concept-decloned-dark-pit.453357/ ); Rex/Pyra, Decidueye, Takamaru, Dixie Kong, Bandana Dee, Captain Toad, K Rool, Rayman, Isabelle, and Elma are the 10 most likely Smash switch newcomers.
But by default, is it more likely that just one of Dixie/K Rool gets in Smash Switch, thus making the other more unlikely by the nature of the system? Likewise, does the popularity of Rex and Pyra decrease the chance of Elma getting into the game unless there are multiple newcomers for Xenoblade? Also, I would argue that it's more likely that less than half of the "most likely" contenders get in rather than more than half, just because of the nature of speculation for this game is so scattered and unpredictable given upon the fact that smash 4 already has most of the largest video game characters in their animated arsenal.
Most of the remaining characters (that aren't 3rd party all stars) are merely shadows in the popularity of returning characters, and fanbases are so well split out among a wide variety of candidates. Most of the remaining all star first party characters are older characters from existing franchises that were considered nonviable for previous games for various reasons. Many characters have been noted to have been considered for previous installments for the smash bros series but were ultimately dropped. I honestly believe that looking at looking at Smash 4 considered/dropped characters (and possibly brawl considered/dropped characters) is a really strong start on looking for viable candidates for the next game.
We know of a small number of characters from previous titles that were ultimately scrapped but worked on (In particular for Brawl: Dixie kong, Tetra/Toon Zelda, and plusle/minun. For Smash 4, what looks to be extremely likely based upon data mining and interviews was that the ice climbers, chorus kids, and Alph being a possible olimar semi-clone due to rock pikmin files in the game and Sakurai interviews.) In my opinion, looking at data found in smash 4 is the best source to look for future characters first and foremost due to the likelihood of system limitations causing the exclusion of those particular characters.
After which, we likely look at Sakurai's interviews in the smash 4 era on characters he stated that he had considered (Particularly: Geno, Heihachi, and Takamaru). Of these characters, only Takamaru really is seen as likely, despite Geno and Heihachi also being considered very popular characters.
Another note of popular characters to receive mii costumes in smash 4; Likely at least some of these mii costumes were likely influenced by the smash ballot, with possible examples being Takamaru, K Rool, Inklings, Isabelle, Toad, Geno, Ashley, Toad, Geno, Knuckles, Tails, and Zero. Sakurai has noted previously that mii costumes were made in some cases in response to him knowing that a character was popular, and acknowledging that popularity in a form that wasn't quite a playable fighter, but also wasn't ignoring them either. These characters are definitely acknowledged as popular characters and many possibly have a good chance of getting in smash switch.
Then there's the odd exceptions list: Characters whose popularity have been noted by interviews but Sakurai states that playability is unlikely or impossible for that character. Ridley and Ice Climbers in 4 fall into this category. Ridley being stated as a character known to be extremely popular but also stating that his correct role was as a boss, and Ice Climbers being noted as extremely popular veterans who wouldn't work on the 3ds engine. Both of these are possible to change in Smash Switch (although much more likely the latter than the former, despite some possible leaks benefiting the former).
In conclusion, while certain likely new picks are definitely getting attention (Rex/Pyra, Decidueye, Takamaru, Dixie/K Rool, Ice Climbers, Wolf, etc), Others are much more likely than people may think and may be hiding under the radar for a lot of people (Geno, Decloned Alph, Chorus kids, Tekken Reps, and Ashley). I definitely feel that, considering the evidence, a lot of newcomers will be surprises on who does and does not get in for the next installment, although some may have been hinted at previously.
Bruh split that **** into paragraphs if you want people to read it, Christ.
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Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2014
Since the "rule" that no non-video game-originating characters as playable in Smash still appears to be in effect, do you think the fact that Medusa and Hades are actually characters originating in mythology would prevent them from achieving playable status?
I was just thinking about this today! As everyone pointed out totally not an issue, but interesting. It would be the first character in the series that didn't originate from/for a videogame series. (Although character is a loose term. It's really just the name).


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Since the "rule" that no non-video game-originating characters as playable in Smash still appears to be in effect, do you think the fact that Medusa and Hades are actually characters originating in mythology would prevent them from achieving playable status?
To elaborate on what others have said, another reason it doesn't really matter is because all of the characters are public domain. The only reason the rule exists is rights issues, which wouldn't exist for a public domain character.

Likewise, Henry Fleming (and the rest of Code Name: S.T.E.A.M.'s playable cast) are all based on characters from public domain
literature and folklore, but the S.T.E.A.M. versions are, in theory, fair game for Smash. There are just other reasons why he won't happen haha kill me.


Smash Lord
May 7, 2018
United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 5950 1333 3717
I'm actually surprised there's so little discussion about Rhythm heaven reps/chorus men considering the history of the gematsu leak, smash 4 file leaks, and the new lack of limitations on the switch console. People seem to think decidueye, rex/pyra, ice climbers, and wolf are all super likely candidates but I've not seen people considering a rhythm heaven candidate as likely despite previous circumstances.
Even the leaks/rumors out and about don't really acknowledge rhythm heaven characters much.
I am a supporter for Tap Trial Girl and I do think we have a strong chance of getting a Rhythm Heaven character. We really need to shut up about Chrous Kids though. What relevancy do they have other than Gematsu? There are other characters out there. Karate Joe seems like the obvious pick but I doubt he will be added. Marshall? Ehhh, I'm not sure. Tibby however is the main character of the story mode in the newest game. In my opinion it would be best to go for a recurring character which has unique moveset possibility which is why I support Tap Trial Girl. A character based around dancing really intrigues me.


Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2018
Since the "rule" that no non-video game-originating characters as playable in Smash still appears to be in effect, do you think the fact that Medusa and Hades are actually characters originating in mythology would prevent them from achieving playable status?
Haven't played Kid Icarus, but I'm pretty sure those characters and that world is meant to be its own thing. Heavily influenced by Greek Mythology, but not actually Greek Mythology.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
I am a supporter for Tap Trial Girl and I do think we have a strong chance of getting a Rhythm Heaven character. We really need to shut up about Chrous Kids though. What relevancy do they have other than Gematsu? There are other characters out there. Karate Joe seems like the obvious pick but I doubt he will be added. Marshall? Ehhh, I'm not sure. Tibby however is the main character of the story mode in the newest game. In my opinion it would be best to go for a recurring character which has unique moveset possibility which is why I support Tap Trial Girl. A character based around dancing really intrigues me.
I mean, the Chorus Kids were all over the marketing for the DS version of Rhyhm Heaven, the first internationally-released game.


Smash Lord
Jul 19, 2014
The thing to consider when calling Goku impossible is that literally no other character in existence can bring as much hype as him. "Goku in Smash" is not just a meme.


Smash Master
Nov 18, 2014
Charleston, South Carolina
Switch FC
If we're talking about a Rhythm Heaven rep, I'd say the best pick is definitely the samurai. He's had a steady role in all four games, and has lots to pull from as far as a moveset goes. He could summon the demons from the Wii minigame, or ride the legendary Samurai Skateboard and even a giant hawk. And there's also loads of sword swing animations you could lift from the games.

He'd also represent the idea of rhythm quite well. I reckon that a trained, precise swordsman meshes quite well with the idea of properly timing your attacks.


Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2018
The thing to consider when calling Goku impossible is that literally no other character in existence can bring as much hype as him. "Goku in Smash" is not just a meme.
When I think of Bandai Namco having the video game rights to Goku, Goku appearing in tons of video games since the NES, the Shonen Jump Famicon with Goku as marketing, and the sheer amount of hype that Goku would bring to what Sakurai wants to be the #1 character game... Goku's definitely not impossible. If the only hurdle he has to jump is of him not originating from games is mitigated by his video game presence and how easy it would be to license with Bandai Namco, I'd actually say he has a shot. A near-impossible shot, but a shot.


Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2014
The thing to consider when calling Goku impossible is that literally no other character in existence can bring as much hype as him. "Goku in Smash" is not just a meme.
Sakurai: But, you know I get requests like, “Please put Goku in”
Sugita: GOKU!?
Sakurai: “Please put Spongebob”
Sakurai: That’s impossible.
Sugita: Spongebob’s games are only sold abroad!
Sakurai: That’s right
Sugita: The really energetic, yellow square right?
Sakurai: Yes.
Sugita: Even Spongebob…
Sakurai: Well, those kinds of requests are pretty common.


While I do think it's possible Sakurai Changes his mind, If I wanted Goku in smash I would rather not expect him and just be very pleasantly surprised and somehow smash does a 180.
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May 2, 2015
I really want to move on from the Daisy/Waluigi thing but who decided that spin-off games were less worthy than mainline games? Who cares if a game is a spin-off? It's still a video game. Did Sakurai ever say spin-offs were inferior? Why should Smash care about not adding spin-off characters? Is Ashley screwed? Why does Doctor Mario exist? Is Toon Link a main series character? Isn't Captain Toad's thing a spin-off?

I'm not even defending anything here I just have no clue what spawned this idea or even what constitutes a spin-off for that matter. The line gets kinda blurry.
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Smash Champion
Nov 6, 2012
Sakurai: But, you know I get requests like, “Please put Goku in”
Sugita: GOKU!?
Sakurai: “Please put Spongebob”
Sakurai: That’s impossible.
Sugita: Spongebob’s games are only sold abroad!
Sakurai: That’s right
Sugita: The really energetic, yellow square right?
Sakurai: Yes.
Sugita: Even Spongebob…
Sakurai: Well, those kinds of requests are pretty common.


While I do think it's possible Sakurai Changes his mind, If I wanted Goku in smash I would rather not expect him and just be very pleasantly surprised and somehow smash does a 180.
He called Spongebob impossible, not Goku :p


Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2018
Sakurai: But, you know I get requests like, “Please put Goku in”
Sugita: GOKU!?
Sakurai: “Please put Spongebob”
Sakurai: That’s impossible.
Sugita: Spongebob’s games are only sold abroad!
Sakurai: That’s right
Sugita: The really energetic, yellow square right?
Sakurai: Yes.
Sugita: Even Spongebob…
Sakurai: Well, those kinds of requests are pretty common.

If Sakurai can go out of his way to say that Ridley won't be playable for certain reasons and people can still support Ridley, I don't see how this should stop Goku speculation.

Roberto zampari

Smash Journeyman
May 7, 2013
9. Sadly, Gunvolt is pretty unlikely. His game isn't as popular as something like Minecraft and the character himself isn't super requested unlike Shovel Knight or Shantae. He would be really cool, though!
Gunvolt appeared in:
  • Azure Striker Gunvolt
  • Azure Striker Gunvolt 2 (Sou)
  • Mighty Gunvolt
  • Mighty Gunvolt Burst
  • Blade Strangers
What about Spyro and Crash, huh?
And about Quote (from Cave Story) ?

Would be rad ngl

By the way, where came the Duck Hunt Dog moveset? It doesn't make sense.
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