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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Champion
Feb 16, 2014
Not enough people play With Friends, hence why there's so many people still thinking they were unusable online(which they are, just not With Anyone). And it's not the same reason as Custom Moves entirely. Custom Moves are hated on due to taking a lot of development time and being a pain to get them all. Miis are hated for lots of development time and because they can't be used fully in every potential mode. They have similarities, but it's not completely accurate.

Making them into proper characters would be making an all new character instead. Mii Fighter is an extremely specific set of 3 characters. If they want a Wii Sports Mii, they could make one, just change up the names a little(have the announcer say Mii in this case, and say Mii Fighter(or Mii Brawler, Mii Gunner, and Mii Swordfighter) instead of trying to remove an entire character to add a blatantly different one).

I was actually interested in a Wii Sports Mii myself. I'm more happy with the final outcome, but having its own moveset and be a different unique character is cool too. Just give 'em 8 normal costumes, with a default weight/height. There's more than enough generic designs to work off of. Of course, it might be smart to give them something to make sure they can't be easily confused with any Mii Fighter, which is the biggest hurdle in having both Miis and Mii Fighters.
Sorry, yes, I know the different reasons for each being disliked differently. (Custom moves/ Mii fighters).
The commonality I meant was custom moves couldn't be used online, nor could mii fighters.
Yes, you could with friends... but that's still only with friends.

When you have characters and character assets that aren't able to be fully implemented in every capacity of the game. For example every game mode included in the game. It garners some resentment or dislike because those assets feel like half-baked ideas, or bad ideas because they're too hard to balance or too broken for competitive or online play.

Yes, the Mii Fighter's have 3 specific sets.
They would ideally be 3 different characters.
Which they essentially are now, just with more customization and restrictions on what modes they can used in.
I surmise that dropping the over customization in favour of no game mode restrictions, would be a more popular choice.
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Deleted member

It's because they were only half characters and couldn't be used online.
It doesn't have to do with their relevance/ recency.
They're hated for the same reason custom moves were hated.

Alternatively they could just be made into proper characters without the extreme customization.

Realistically they'll probably just return in the same capacity as they did in Smash 4.
Ah, I see now. Yeah, that makes sense. Custom moves were a really mishandled idea, and not being able to play as Miis online was pretty silly.

I just want them to come back because I like them and their games, tbh. Miitopia was one of my top ten games last year, and seeing stuff from it in Smash is something I'm really hoping for, lol.


Smash Cadet
Jun 16, 2014
Okay so that makes sense and I agree with what you’re saying. But I just don’t believe Ridley has the potential to have a diverse move set that makes him stand out from all the other characters. Nothing against Ridley or any of these characters, but I just don’t think that they would be able to fit in with smash. But I respect your opinion and I’m happy that you respect mine. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve just said my opinion and got spammed with all caps saying I’m an idiot

It kinda does. You can’t say that Tetris piece would be able to have a diverse move set and would work perfectly fine as a character
But... Sonic?

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Sorry, yes, I know the different reasons for each being disliked differently. (Custom moves/ Mii fighters).
The commonality I meant was custom moves couldn't be used online, nor could mii fighters.
Yes, you could with friends... but that's still only with friends.

When you have characters and character assets that aren't able to be fully implemented in every capacity of the game. For example every game mode included in the game. It garners some resentment or dislike because those assets feel like half-baked ideas, or bad ideas because they're too hard to balance or too broken for competitive or online play.

Yes, the Mii Fighter's have 3 specific sets.
They would ideally be 3 different characters.
Which they essentially are now, just with more customization and restrictions on what modes they can used in.
I surmise that dropping the over customization in favour of no game mode restrictions, would be a more popular choice.
Ah, fair point. I don't think it's an issue myself, though if I remember right, With Anyone doesn't allow customs anyway? Which also means that Mii Fighters couldn't work in that mode regardless since they don't exist unless you create a custom one. The other factors I mentioned some time back are the main relevant ones, which this is a coincidence.

I get what you mean though. Restricting character options feels kind of eh. I'm not too bothered since it's not a key mode to play, but I get ya. I mean, I'd be fine if IC's were in but not playable in 8-Player Smash myself, as I'm not that picky(seeing that Mii Fighters share the same issue, who I support coming back, I feel as if restricting characters in modes isn't an actual issue, as long as it's not a key mode like Classic, All-Star, or basic Multiplayer, as in regular Group/Coin/etc. Special moves, imo, should be allowed exceptions because they already don't follow normal rules. As shown in Event Mode, which is very restrictive, depending the particular event. Smash Tour also bans Miis, as they are basically only used like the regular non-Smash Miis, just your current avatars).

The last thing I said related to what I meant by confusing Miis and Mii Fighters too, which could be one of the reasons why they aren't playable in that mode directly. Though that theory feels a bit too farfetched, so eh.

Deleted member

Imagine if Sakurai said to everyone he is not adding Ridley and adds Ridley anyway. :troll:

Probably only Fire Emblem-Related countdown but I need to check my roadmap on that soon.
Ooo... They always look so fancy.
Speaking of Burb, he doesn't visit here much, does he? :p
He should visit here more, because he can give some common sense in an enlightened way to people like Roger Smith.
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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
My husbando gets on every now and then. He's just not talking about the speculation period this much.

Probably because there isn't much to talk about really.
I didn't know you two were married. Congratulations!


He should visit here more, because he can give some common sense in an enlightened way to people like Roger Smith.
Not so much common sense as pointing out some realism. Common sense is a bit too subjective due to people thinking differently.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2013
People are looking vastly as his words wrong; he doesn't really contradict himself.

What he does though is make a reason he hasn't included the character at that time. Ridley may be the only potential case as an actual "won't happen" character, and we have yet to see that as correct. He didn't even consider him as playable for Brawl. Smash 4 is the only time he outright thought about it.
I wasn't specifically referring to Ridley but in general.

I believe that his guidelines for picking a character aren't solid unchanging rules. That they aren't flexible and and more of just a personal philosophy rather than something set in stone.

I think Rosalina is the perfect example of this.


You have the strength to overcome your destiny!
Writing Team
Aug 4, 2014
Wave Road
My husbando gets on every now and then. He's just not talking about the speculation period this much.

Probably because there isn't much to talk about really.

OTP for sure. Burb makes a great Tsundere. :happysheep:

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
He should visit here more, because he can give some common sense in an enlightened way to people like Roger Smith.
Are you....implying I don't have common sense? That I'm some buffoon who says things that make no sense?

50 percent of me is offended, the other 50 percent is like:

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Deleted member

Well if we're talkin FE characters...

If Chrom was added into Smash Bros. Switch, than I think you all would have a bouncing Marsipual in this thread.
*The marisupal is still waiting for that moment.*

My husbando gets on every now and then. He's just not talking about the speculation period this much.

Probably because there isn't much to talk about really.
Speaking of Burb... where is he? I miss him. His posts are always well educated and true like yours.
Just 3 weeks and a day.
Just 3 more weeks.
Love your gifts.
IntelliHeath1 IntelliHeath1
How do you make those gifs? They are so darn impressive, and I really encourage you sharing them. Do you just put clear words over the gifs?
Also I am reminded E3 is in ALMOST THREE WEEKS!

Edit: If you are curious, Roger Smith has common sense.
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Deleted member

Edit: Mistake. Delete this Moderators please.

Mod Edit: Post needs to stay for multiple reasons. Content is irrelevant.
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Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
Oh well, thank you.

I'm still a blithering idiot from time to time though. So last post still stands.
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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
I wasn't specifically referring to Ridley but in general.

I believe that his guidelines for picking a character aren't solid unchanging rules. That they aren't flexible and and more of just a personal philosophy rather than something set in stone.

I think Rosalina is the perfect example of this.
Pretty much what I was getting at. Guidelines only go so far. We have only one thing set in stone, and that wasn't clear right away(no non-game characters for 3rd parties. However, he only originally said no manga/anime characters, but then made it clear he wants game characters in a later interview). But to be fair, we've already know that he considered them before in James Bond, meaning that just not being from a game isn't the sole reason. Licensing is very difficult for some options, which makes it understandable to avoid it(and to say the least, this is part of why Sora might be hard to get in. Being owned by Disney isn't the issue alone. Representing the game series is more difficult as is, since having a stage based upon Disney non-game locations is pretty unlikely. And using FF-related stuff requires two companies to license. But since when does a 3rd party not get a stage? It's complicated, basically).


Smash Champion
Feb 16, 2014
If Chrom was added into Smash Bros. Switch, than I think you all would have a bouncing Marsipual in this thread.
*The marisupal is still waiting for that moment.*
View attachment 145402
Mii custom, and was in a final smash.
Plus that trailer clip is (my opinion - probably wrong) foreshadowing his playable appearance in Smash 5.
I dun care if right after the trailer there's a "no that day is today" - no it was not... that's not what Chrom meant by he'll get his chance someday, he meant playable some day! lol

That gif... is adorable as heck.
He's just a little guy tryin to hitch a ride.
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Deleted member

To add something SUBSTANTIAL, I am going to say that I think Ridley is fine for Smash Bros. Bowser looks small in Smash 4, so why can Ridley not look small either? Plus, maybe Ridley's gliding can be his recovery. Ridley can glide for not long, but he can glide.
Oh. Well then these guys listed in the yellow text are your brothers.
Yellowlord, Vaanrose, Opossum, Swampasaur, GoldenYuiitusin and redfeatherraven would mix to create the ultimate NintenZone daddy.
Now you're just trying to stroke my ego. Stop that.

Or keep going but you know not to the point you derail the thread like we're close to doing right now. Maybe in PMS?
Daawww everyone needs some positivity. Do not struggle in the dark embrace.

Also please do not infract me, all I wanted to do was to help someone out.
I promise to not derail the thread into a cliff with a love story between Burb and Roger Smith.
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Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
To make something every more substantial to talk about? Is anyone else surprised by the amount of leaks for not?

They've been so few this time around.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
To make something every more substantial to talk about? Is anyone else surprised by the amount of leaks for not?

They've been so few this time around.
I'd say when somebody got their Twitter taken for leaks? Maybe some are more afraid of the NDA now.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
To make something every more substantial to talk about? Is anyone else surprised by the amount of leaks for not?

They've been so few this time around.
Is it just me or were rumors more predictable this time?

Deleted member

What is going on?
NintenZone is what is going on in this thread.

Okay before I get banned, there were a lot less leaks than I thought there would be. I guess the leakers are getting more quiet. That is a good thing, because the surprise is going to be real in E3.
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Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
Also allow us to use custom moves in All-Star Mode. Makes zero since to have em available for Classic and not All-Star.
The reason why customizations aren't allowed in All-Star mode is due to the fact that some equipment bonus effects can bypass the recovery restrictions that that game mode has. If equipment and custom special moves were separate, however, then that issue would've been fixed up, as the Miis could use their custom special moves in All-Star mode.

Deleted member

We are all children of Roger now.
Now we will all refer to Roger Smith as "best dad".
I can make some if you want.
>Everyone starts talking about 150 different Bandanna Dee leaks and one Bandanna Ridley leak.

The reason why customizations aren't allowed in All-Star mode is due to the fact that some equipment bonus effects can bypass the recovery restrictions that that game mode has. If equipment and custom special moves were separate, however, then that issue would've been fixed up, as the Miis could use their custom special moves in All-Star mode.
I still think customs should not be a Mii-thing only. Customs was a creative idea poorly executed. What killed it for me was how scattered and random they were when trying to find them. At least make them more organized when trying to unlock them, like "You get all of Robin's classic moves if you do All-Star mode Hard Difficulty mode!".
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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Okay, let's rerail it back a bit, please.

As for All-Star, I just want it to be more like Melee's, randomized. I thought it was pretty eh in Brawl and 4, as it had way too many enemies at once, making it feel overwhelming.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
Okay, let's rerail it back a bit, please.

As for All-Star, I just want it to be more like Melee's, randomized. I thought it was pretty eh in Brawl and 4, as it had way too many enemies at once, making it feel overwhelming.
I highly agree that All-Star mode has to go back to being random with the opponent order. It would at least make the game mode not feel so repetitive.


Smash Champion
Nov 7, 2015
Realm 75731
The reason why customizations aren't allowed in All-Star mode is due to the fact that some equipment bonus effects can bypass the recovery restrictions that that game mode has. If equipment and custom special moves were separate, however, then that issue would've been fixed up, as the Miis could use their custom special moves in All-Star mode.
Hence why I said earlier in the post to axe equipment but keep custom moves :p
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