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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Should have clarified, since the launch of the Switch.

But regardless, the choice to hide the Mii creator behind so many menus is an odd choice.
Okay, so the Switch literally just launched last year and you think Mii Fighters are going to be cut because there aren't enough games where you play as. That's the equivalent of Nintendo wanting to distance themselves from Miis by incorporating them into their new console.

And prompting you to create a Mii as soon as you boot up your Switch for the first time is "trying to hide them."
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Connery, Sean
Jun 27, 2013
Switch FC
It would appear that the previous leak with Ridley, Simon Belmont, and Ice Climbers shouldn't be taken too seriously. The guy who leaked it apparently has gotten in trouble before and completely bamboozled. I wouldn't put a whole lot of stock in it at this point.

I feel like one thing we never talk about here is items! Considering I've been playing Smash 3DS pretty frequently, I have say...the items in Wii U/3DS seem kinda trash compared to other versions. I find the Gust Bellows is one of the most annoying items in the game, the beetle and Boss Galaga get pretty annoying too...I guess I'd like to see fewer weapons like that.

Granted, I actually appreciated the Fan. It was just loads of fun when you could trap people for...like 3 years in a mess of...paper cuts and laughter :troll:
I like the odd item match here and there, but something about a lot of the new additions in Smash 4 rubbed me the wrong way. They all seemed overpowered and not in the fun way. Smash always had its OP items (Fan, Smart Bomb, etc.) but they were fun to use and avoid. There isn't anything fun about the Gust Bellows, being spammed Master Balls, Beetle, Cucco, Special Flag, or the X-Bomb I tell you what, Bobby.

Brawl was just right in that.
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Smash Master
Jul 17, 2014
Canada, eh?
I made a quick prediction/dream roster. It's a little sloppy, but I thought I'd let you guys give me your criticism input.

View attachment 145428

Real quick, just wanted to explain how I organized things.

Any franchise with two or more reps has been ordered chronologically starting from the top (minus Yoshi and Wario). Franchises with a single character are also ordered chronologically, placed at the ends of rows where there was leftover space and at the bottom of the roster. Third-parties are at the very bottom in chronological order (which is probably something you figured out for yourself, but I clarified anyway).

An unrealistic prediction, but a total of 16 newcomers (including returning characters).
  • Paper Mario
  • Dixie Kong
  • Mipha
  • Ridley
  • Bandana Dee
  • Wolf
  • Ice Climbers
  • Decidueye
  • Lycanroc
  • Isabelle
  • Rex/Pyra
  • Takamaru
  • Inklings
  • Spring Man
  • Simon Belmont
  • Crash Bandicoot
You may not agree with all the additions (Dixie over K. Rool, adding a Champion, two Pokémon reps, etc.), but you have to admit, this would cater to a lot of different people.

And just to prepare myself for possible cuts, I continued the tradition and cut five characters from the roster.
  • Dr. Mario
  • Dark Pit
  • Lucina
  • Roy
  • Cloud
I know people probably aren't happy with me cutting two FE characters, but I narrowed it down to Lucas and Roy. Between the two, I felt like Lucas needed to stay more, as FE always has room to grow. And Cloud? Ehh... Just felt like he was the third-party in the most imminent danger of getting cut.
I really like your roster! I agree with all the roster choices except for Mipha. Zelda really does need a newcomer, but I don't think its going to a champion solely due to their one-off nature. That was presumably what held back Midna and Ghirahim, two characters who were just as popular and held an extremely important role in the most recent mainline Zelda at the time.

I'm also not completely sold on the idea of Springman and Crash in the main roster. I think they just missed the boat in terms of making the main roster, ARMS cast went through a lot of development before the final design was reached and Crash's remakes were only announced a few months before the finalization of the project plan. That being said, I think these two stand a very strong chance to be DLC fighters.


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
It would appear that the previous leak with Ridley, Simon Belmont, and Ice Climbers shouldn't be taken too seriously. The guy who leaked it apparently has gotten in trouble before and completely bamboozled. I wouldn't put a whole lot of stock in it at this point.

I feel like one thing we never talk about here is items! Considering I've been playing Smash 3DS pretty frequently, I have say...the items in Wii U/3DS seem kinda trash compared to other versions. I find the Gust Bellows is one of the most annoying items in the game, the beetle and Boss Galaga get pretty annoying too...I guess I'd like to see fewer weapons like that.

Granted, I actually appreciated the Fan. It was just loads of fun when you could trap people for...like 3 years in a mess of...paper cuts and laughter :troll:
remember that 'leak' where l-cancelling returned, you could jump in three different directions, and ridley and K. Rool were on it



「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
Okay, so the Switch literally just launched last year and you think Mii Fighters are going to be cut because there aren't enough games where you play as. That's the equivalent of Nintendo wanting to distance themselves from Miis by incorporating them into their new console.

And prompting you to create a Mii as soon as you boot up your Switch for the first time is "trying to hide them."
Not enough games, no games.

Maybe I could be wrong, maybe all the games this year will release with Miis.

I forgot about the prompt. I wish they'd put the Mii Creator in the open, it's going to cause confusion if Miis are in Smash and you have to go through several menus to make new ones.

Unless Sak just includes an in-game creator. I don't know.


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
I just realized.

Smash Bros. Switch and Kingdom Hearts 3, two of the biggest crossover games ever, will be having news will be coming this E3, and I do not know if my body is ready to contain this much hype.

If Smash is confirmed to dump a pile of news like Nomura confirmed with KH3 at E3, then I might just collapse and be at the hospital, trying to recall all of the new information that these two games will offer.

E3 will literally kill me.


Smash Champion
Feb 16, 2014

Only 151 ey? Ha nope this is fake news.
Ermm... I don't know if I like the idea of only 151...
I love gen 1, but it's not practical for only Kanto pokemon to be in a game...
They sorta did this with Fire Red & Leaf Green... but it got weird there was some evolutions but not all... and they became available after completing the game... which didn't make sense...

The typings are all different now too... like some are steel or fairy... even the original 151 have changed so much that they're not really the same pokemon any more any way.

I do however like the idea of a Kanto based game being true to the Pokemon found in the Kanto region.
But it's gotta include their Mega's and new evo's and pre-evo's, in the least.
Can't retcon Kanto Pokemon every gen then undue it when you go back to Kanto.


May 2, 2015
You can still get legendaries in Poke Balls.

Also, Goldeen in Master Ball, lol.
I know...I've played the game for four years. I know what the items can do despite the fact that I don't like them.
You could just turn off masterballs.
I know, but I'm a hater and liked the Melee pokeball system better.

Also remove Goldeen. Its a waste of a Pokemon slot and it could have just been Magikarp to begin with.
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Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Not enough games, no games.
Wrong again. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Go Vacation. And most likely, Super Smash Bros. Nintendo hasn't made a lot of sequels to games that use Miis. Give them a break, dude. We just got past year one.
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Smash Champion
Dec 15, 2007
Switch FC

Only 151 ey? Ha nope this is fake news.
I'd only be ok with this if the next game is like breathe of the wild level graphics and scope and the pokemon are actually out in the world doing stuff in their own specific areas where you have to sneak up and literally catch them, battles happen right on the map etc... ya know that pokemon game everyones wanted since N64 and gamefreaks refuses to give us. That would in my opinion make it totally fine and reasonable to just have the original 151, however if its just a yellow remake and its not much different than sun and moon than we better get johto post game with all those mons and all the evolutions and pre evolutions and forms etc... for all the original 151 that have been added over the years (scyther to scizor, glaceon, rhyperior, pichu etc... for example).

personally id rather drop back to 151 IF it meant getting a truly gigantic interact-able explore-able open world pokemon game.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
If the 3rd Party company is friendly with the company making the game in any way possible. As is the case with Sega that should be obvious already, most of Capcom (No Marvel Vs. Capcom or non-remake/re-release Street Fighters on a Nintendo System for a long time. But they have support like much of the recent Megaman stuff and there's also the Ace Attorney series which for the exception of mobile re-releases and Phoenix being in Marvel Vs. Capcom once has dedicated itself exclusively on Nintendo systems), Bandai Namco (Who even helped make Smash for crying out loud), and Platinum Games (Makes Bayonetta exclusively for Nintendo since the 2nd game on Wii U, not to mention is owned by the already mentioned very Nintendo friendly Sega).

Not sure that's as much as big of a deal. What exactly does Nintendo lose/give up on when renewing the licenses if most of the 3rd Parties from Smash 4 return that's all that costly anyway?
Im not sure what you are trying to say as your first sentense isn't a complete thought. If you start with "if" thats a dependent clause. I'll just add this.

Adding old character is always more costly in this regard. Nintendo doesn't get the headlines or publicity from bringing back those characters. The initial excitement is gone. No one will care that Cloud is in Smash again. If you are going to go through the trouble with guest characters, then you might as well get someone that will make a splash. Sonic was a big deal when he was added to Brawl but not so much for Smash 4 (Nintendo didn't give him much fanfare either). Megaman was a big deal as he was new. Now, it wont matter much if Megaman was added.

Its more typical that guest get removed from subsequent titles. This has been consistent with Soul Caliber and Mortal Kombat. People like to focus on Snake not coming back but no one ask why Sonic did come back. People assume that it was popular but in truth, Nintendo signed an exclusivity deal with Sega at the time for 3 exclusive Sonic titles. Heck, Sonic's new stage was from one of those exclusive titles, Sonic Lost World. In contrast, Kojima was a VP at Konami during Smash 4's development and wanted to see Snake in the game. It could have been done, but Nintendo never asked.

This is why I see a lot of the guest characters getting removed. I don't think Nintendo will bother relicensing these characters for little gain. At the same time, the Smash roster is getting enormous and will be bigger with this game. We're talking over 50 characters from the previous game. Characters are going to get let go and the guest characters are one of the easiest ways to start. This doesn't stop them from adding new guest, and Nintendo may want to focus there. Nevertheless, it will be far less than fans are expecting. At least that's my prediction.


Oh okay.
Jul 14, 2014
You tell me.
Switch FC
Man, the wait looks short, but I know that it's gonna feel like an eternity.
I'll start writing your obituary. :p

E3 is an exciting time for everyone. It's like a second Christmas for crazy video game fanatics.
I think you mean "obituary".

Unless you're trying to say that Blue's life is arbitrary.

Edit: Ah, you edited it. Nevermind then.
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Deleted member


Only 151 ey? Ha nope this is fake news.
Arceus is dead, and Genwunners killed him.

Currently polishing up my Smash Bros. roster newcomer analysis, and wow, look at how much I have written over the course of two months.

Nearly 13,200 words total. I must have written more than the average university papers, haha! I am so eager to share it soon. :)
I wish i could have the same passion as you. Not gonna lie.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 18, 2018

Only 151 ey? Ha nope this is fake news.
Honestly strikes me as a leaker knowing everyone believes him and then deciding to stir the pot and see what fans do, since it was just a passing remark over 7 weeks after the original leak with no other substance. While Game Freak are pretty notorious for taking out perfectly good features in their games to make new ones stand out more, this is too much and reminds me of when people thought megas would be stripped pit of Sun and Moon. Not to mention Gen 1 has already been remade with evolutions and other new Pokémon locked out until postgame, and that was one of FRLG's primary criticism points. HGSS and ORAS since chose to include the new evolutions and expanding on Gen 1's Pokédex in the same way would make it far better than the original. Additionally, while this is less likely, they should address the type balance in-game and a few Pokémon that are Kanto-associated like Houndoom and Togepi, as well as Alolan Forms being in the Safari Zone would go a long way to fixing that issue.


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
Wrong again. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Go Vacation. And most likely, Super Smash Bros. Nintendo hasn't made a lot of sequels to games that use Miis. Give them a break, dude. We just got past year one.
Both of those are ports, but I'll concede.



May 2, 2015
My argument against Miis returning:
1. they are garbage gameplay-wise
2. received 0 balance changes despite being garbage
3. I hate customs in Smash 4. They are fun but screw over DLC and Palu and some are just so...pointless. Its like they had an idea for customs and then got lazy and just made slight alterations from the base attack out of laziness or a lack of care.The Miis are immediately what comes to mind when I think of customs so I hate them by extension.
4. They were not playable online except against friends.
5. Their move-sets are completely uninspired. Even some of the alternative customs (excuuuse me, specials) are just soooo lame. The discus that goes no where and slightly comes back? Just....why? It's not a kill move, it does no damage, it doesn't combo into anything, its a horrid projectile, just.....why?
6. I don't like them.
7. The Mii mains were mean to me two years ago and I'm petty.
8. And, yes they have taken a back seat post-Switch release. Argue and rage all you want at me but its a fact that they are not as prevalent as they were. Are they still there? Sure but that is not what I'm arguing.

Before anyone starts calling me out:
1. Fact.
2. So did Jigglypuff I know but shes considered a joke character (sadly) meanwhile the miis are....irrelevant I guess?
3. My own bias that isn't a real point I know.
4. Already said by others I'm just reiterating it.
5. Opinion...if you want to call it that. I don't know how or why anyone would argue the contrary but I'm sure it'll happen.
6. Subjective opinion I know.
7. I'm petty as **** :laugh:
8. Fact.
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One winged Devil

Smash Ace
Feb 19, 2018
Green Hill Zone/Chicago
Switch FC
My argument against Miis returning:
1. they are garbage gameplay-wise
2. received 0 balance changes despite being garbage
3. I hate customs in Smash 4. They are fun but screw over DLC and Palu and some are just so...pointless. Its like they had an idea for customs and then got lazy and just made slight alterations from the base attack out of laziness or a lack of care.The Miis are immediately what comes to mind when I think of customs so I hate them by extension.
4. They were not playable online except against friends.
5. Their move-sets are completely uninspired. Even some of the alternative customs (excuuuse me, specials) are just soooo lame. The discus that goes no where and slightly comes back? Just....why? It's not a kill move, it does no damage, it doesn't combo into anything, its a horrid projectile, just.....why?
6. I don't like them.
7. The Mii mains were mean to me two years ago and I'm petty.
8. And, yes they have taken a back seat post-Switch release. Argue and rage all you want at me but its a fact that they are not as prevalent as they were. Are they still there? Sure but that is not what I'm arguing.

Before anyone starts calling me out:
1. Fact.
2. So did Jigglypuff I know but shes considered a joke character (sadly) meanwhile the miis are....irrelevant I guess?
3. My own bias that isn't a real point I know.
4. Already said by others I'm just reiterating it.
5. Opinion...if you want to call it that. I don't know how or why anyone would argue the contrary but I'm sure it'll happen.
6. Subjective opinion I know.
7. I'm petty as **** :laugh:
8. Fact.
Mii are dumb, therefore they fit in right at home with the other Smashers.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
Currently polishing up my Smash Bros. roster newcomer analysis, and wow, look at how much I have written over the course of two months.

Nearly 13,200 words total. I must have written more than the average university papers, haha! I am so eager to share it soon. :)
Interesting, any ETA on when you'll complete it.

It would appear that the previous leak with Ridley, Simon Belmont, and Ice Climbers shouldn't be taken too seriously. The guy who leaked it apparently has gotten in trouble before and completely bamboozled. I wouldn't put a whole lot of stock in it at this point.

I feel like one thing we never talk about here is items! Considering I've been playing Smash 3DS pretty frequently, I have say...the items in Wii U/3DS seem kinda trash compared to other versions. I find the Gust Bellows is one of the most annoying items in the game, the beetle and Boss Galaga get pretty annoying too...I guess I'd like to see fewer weapons like that.

Granted, I actually appreciated the Fan. It was just loads of fun when you could trap people for...like 3 years in a mess of...paper cuts and laughter :troll:
The items were pretty bad in Smash 4. Most of the items are too powerful and are just "get X and win." The Gust Bellows were certainly that, but Galaga and the Beetle aren't much better. Also not sure why we needed Daybreak AND the Dragoon. I think the latter is the better item anyway. There were a few good items. The firepole was good. Cuccos needed to be in the series ages ago, even if they are more "throw and win".

Hopefully Smash 5 will be better. With BoTW, Xenoblade, ARMS and Splatoon, they can definitely come up with some more interesting items.


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2013
Gainesville, Florida
Switch FC
My argument against Miis returning:
1. they are garbage gameplay-wise
2. received 0 balance changes despite being garbage
3. I hate customs in Smash 4. They are fun but screw over DLC and Palu and some are just so...pointless. Its like they had an idea for customs and then got lazy and just made slight alterations from the base attack out of laziness or a lack of care.The Miis are immediately what comes to mind when I think of customs so I hate them by extension.
4. They were not playable online except against friends.
5. Their move-sets are completely uninspired. Even some of the alternative customs (excuuuse me, specials) are just soooo lame. The discus that goes no where and slightly comes back? Just....why? It's not a kill move, it does no damage, it doesn't combo into anything, its a horrid projectile, just.....why?
6. I don't like them.
7. The Mii mains were mean to me two years ago and I'm petty.
8. And, yes they have taken a back seat post-Switch release. Argue and rage all you want at me but its a fact that they are not as prevalent as they were. Are they still there? Sure but that is not what I'm arguing.

Before anyone starts calling me out:
1. Fact.
2. So did Jigglypuff I know but shes considered a joke character (sadly) meanwhile the miis are....irrelevant I guess?
3. My own bias that isn't a real point I know.
4. Already said by others I'm just reiterating it.
5. Opinion...if you want to call it that. I don't know how or why anyone would argue the contrary but I'm sure it'll happen.
6. Subjective opinion I know.
7. I'm petty as **** :laugh:
8. Fact.
Miis seemed to be a bit too much. I don't see them going anywhere (they were huge parts of Nintendo) but I wouldn't be surprised to see some sort of overhaul.


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2013
The Crow Buffet
My argument against Miis returning:
1. they are garbage gameplay-wise
2. received 0 balance changes despite being garbage
3. I hate customs in Smash 4. They are fun but screw over DLC and Palu and some are just so...pointless. Its like they had an idea for customs and then got lazy and just made slight alterations from the base attack out of laziness or a lack of care.The Miis are immediately what comes to mind when I think of customs so I hate them by extension.
4. They were not playable online except against friends.
5. Their move-sets are completely uninspired. Even some of the alternative customs (excuuuse me, specials) are just soooo lame. The discus that goes no where and slightly comes back? Just....why? It's not a kill move, it does no damage, it doesn't combo into anything, its a horrid projectile, just.....why?
6. I don't like them.
7. The Mii mains were mean to me two years ago and I'm petty.
8. And, yes they have taken a back seat post-Switch release. Argue and rage all you want at me but its a fact that they are not as prevalent as they were. Are they still there? Sure but that is not what I'm arguing.

Before anyone starts calling me out:
1. Fact.
2. So did Jigglypuff I know but shes considered a joke character (sadly) meanwhile the miis are....irrelevant I guess?
3. My own bias that isn't a real point I know.
4. Already said by others I'm just reiterating it.
5. Opinion...if you want to call it that. I don't know how or why anyone would argue the contrary but I'm sure it'll happen.
6. Subjective opinion I know.
7. I'm petty as **** :laugh:
8. Fact.
1. Not a fact. I don't like 4 that much in general, but Brawler can be fun.
2. Doesn't matter for what should happen.
4. Which can be fixed by flipping a switch
5. Some of them are fun, some aren't, but I feel like you weren't looking all that closely. Even if many are recycled, being able to choose which means it's still interesting.
8. I haven't seen many ROB peripherals for a while, I guess he's getting cut too.

One winged Devil

Smash Ace
Feb 19, 2018
Green Hill Zone/Chicago
Switch FC
Miis seemed to be a bit too much. I don't see them going anywhere (they were huge parts of Nintendo) but I wouldn't be surprised to see some sort of overhaul.
Yeah I see a lot of people saying they should be cut but no one saying what can be inproved and add like a new type like a Caster (Mage) or Cooker.

Infact yeah what kind of changes would you like to see made to the Mii Fighters and what type of Mii would you like to see added to game?
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Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2013
Gainesville, Florida
Switch FC
Yeah I see a lot of people saying they should be cut but no one saying what can be inproved and add like a new type like a Caster (Mage) or Cooker.
I do not want another Mii type. It'd just be more of a mess.

I really wish they didn't make three types of Mii classes and just made some creative moveset based on all the "Wii" games. But that ship has sailed. We're essentially left with 3 unpopular characters that are going to be stuck in the game.
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May 2, 2015
Miis seemed to be a bit too much. I don't see them going anywhere (they were huge parts of Nintendo) but I wouldn't be surprised to see some sort of overhaul.
If they overhaul them I won't complain. I just hate seeing an idea be implemented then thrown to the wayside like Miis were. I don't really see them leaving, either. I just prefer tat they would based on what they were in 4.
1. Not a fact. I don't like 4 that much in general, but Brawler can be fun.
2. Doesn't matter for what should happen.
4. Which can be fixed by flipping a switch
5. Some of them are fun, some aren't, but I feel like you weren't looking all that closely. Even if many are recycled, being able to choose which means it's still interesting.
8. I haven't seen many ROB peripherals for a while, I guess he's getting cut too.
1. Is a fact. I wasn't talking about "funness" I was talking about balance compared to other characters.
2. I'm saying if they want to bring them in just to leave them in the dirt and watch them squirm then I'd rather they didn't bother reprogramming them. If they want to actually balance them and make them a genuine charcater of the game then by all means but their existence in 4 is a joke at best.
3. (I'm assuming you meant to put a 3 there) No it can't. Miis are required to pick customs which created hell for tournament organizers. It isn't a "oh you're just lazy and don't want to hit a switch for no customs" argument. Customs created a problem for the competitive side of things just for the devs to not work with any of them post-release. It's embarrassing. If they want to actually put time and effort into completely integrating customs into Smash then I'm fine with it but once again the state they were left in was a joke.
5. Totally not. No, never. Why would someone who has been searching for a main for four years playing one game look at move-sets closely. I can't even count the time I've put in every character in the game, including Miis. Some are fun but all are bad. I'm not arguing the premise is bad. I'm arguing the execution was bad and if they intend to perform the same execution again then they shouldn't bother in my opinion.
8. This argument is silly and misses my point by a mile. Miis were forgotten post-release of 4. They were bad and never even attempted to be balanced. They sat there in the corner of the screen, unable to be played in most online modes, and now they aren't even especially relevent in general this generation. R.O.B. is a part of Smash. He was huge in Subspace and returned in four and many people enjoy him for what he is. Who attaches themselves to Miis? They have no personality. ONLY TWO THINGS they have going for them are the fact that they are kind of a character creator and they sell costumes in DLC. The customization of Miis in 4 is only barely better than just using customs on any other character. You get to pick their face and outfit, woot. It's allso been suggested that they release DLC costumes for every charcater as opposed to just Miis in 5 which is way cooler and further invalidates Miis.
where the hell did the 'miis haven't had a new game' bs come from? are we pretending that miitopia never happened or what?
I genuinely have never heard of it, tbh. Was that a Switch release?

Is there a place where I can actually talk about Miis because this place kinda blows.
Pretty sure they have Returning Veteran threads for Miis and they have their own sections in Smash 4 Characters.

To wrap up this post:
I'm just saying why I don't want them to come back. You don't have to agree since it's very opinionated, obviously. I just think that, for the 12th time this post, that they were just completely ignored post release and made TOs lives harder because they had to deal with "Are Miis legal?" "Yes, but you have to go 1111 and standard size. " "THATS BS, WHY SHOULD I HAVE TO FOLLOW THE RULES OF EVERY OTHER CHARACTER REEEEEE." Most of my bias against Miis come from this type of player and the situations they brought up, honestly. Them being thrown in the dumpster despite it all was just more salt in the wound.

(For those who don't know customs were banned in competitive and Miis too for a while. Then they decided due to Mii main outcry that they would allow Miis but only if they were subjected to the same standards as every other character, which lead to them wanting special treatment because their character's customs were called "specials." Instead of taking the $1000 check they said "Make it a million." Unbe-****ing-lievable. Yes, I know I'm generalizing and thats bad but it was all saw. I didn't see any satisfied Mii player.)
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Smash Ace
Apr 11, 2017
I just realized.

Smash Bros. Switch and Kingdom Hearts 3, two of the biggest crossover games ever, will be having news will be coming this E3, and I do not know if my body is ready to contain this much hype.

If Smash is confirmed to dump a pile of news like Nomura confirmed with KH3 at E3, then I might just collapse and be at the hospital, trying to recall all of the new information that these two games will offer.

E3 will literally kill me.
Please God, let them coincide and reveal Sora is in Smash. PLEASE.


Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.
Nov 10, 2013
Switch FC
Pretty positive this whole E3 is gonna be a cluster truck.
If my brain does not explode from the sheer amount of news we get at least 3 times, this year's E3 will be a total failure.

Bradli Wartooth

Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2014
I can't wait to not be able to talk to all of you during E3 because this place will surely be crashed. And not in the Bandicoot sense. Well, maybe in the Bandicoot sense. I guess we'll just have to wait for E3 to find out :p


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
If my brain does not explode from the sheer amount of news we get at least 3 times, this year's E3 will be a total failure.
The bad news for you is, Wal-Mart Canada has basically leaked up most of E3.

The good news is, this year is some of the most hyped games all in one circuit that we know almost nothing about, along with that. Kingdom Hearts 3, Read Dead Redemption 2, TLoU2, Death Stranding, and Cyberpunk: 2077 are ones to look out on the non-nintendo circuit. Nintendo-wise, we at least have Pokemon, MP4, Yoshi, FE, and Smash

So fasten your seatbelts.

One winged Devil

Smash Ace
Feb 19, 2018
Green Hill Zone/Chicago
Switch FC
The bad news for you is, Wal-Mart Canada has basically leaked up most of E3.

The good news is, this year is some of the most hyped games all in one circuit that we know almost nothing about, along with that. Kingdom Hearts 3, Read Dead Redemption 2, TLoU2, Death Stranding, and Cyberpunk: 2077 are ones to look out on the non-nintendo circuit. Nintendo-wise, we at least have Pokemon, MP4, Yoshi, FE, and Smash

So fasten your seatbelts.
Did they say anything about Nintendo?
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