Smash Ace
Gen 1: Jigglypuff(Unless we did this hundreds of pages ago,) Let's play a game. The roster of playable Pokémon in Smash Bros. is completely reset with the exception of Pikachu, the series mascot. Your job is to put in a sole representative from each generation into Smash Bros. as a playable character. (Stuff like Plusle & Minun as a pairing is acceptable, but NO TRAINERS.) And please, no flame wars or anything over anyone else's picks.
I'll start:
Gen 1: Mewtwo
Gen 2: Scizor
Gen 3: Blaziken
Gen 4: Lucario
Gen 5: Zoroark
Gen 6: Greninja
Gen 7: Decidueye
Gen 2: Sunflora (criminally ignored by most)
Gen 3: Crawdaunt
Gen 4: Bronzong
Gen 6: Aegislash
Gen 7:
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