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Smash UK Discussion Thread - Check first post for tournaments, facebook info and videos!

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
Thanks to j3ly and fuzzy for having me round last couple of days, good times.

I reckon j3ly and deathgazer could throw in a few surprises this tournament, they were doing some **** **** yesterday. Playing against deathgazer is like fighting a massive brick wall, but once you weaken it slightly, it becomes much easier to get through. Still get gimped too easy man, gotta work on the predictability of your recovery, u should def take note of how fuzzy recovers with falco. And j3ly, best doc in UK lol? Maybe, but you gotta work on grab stuff cos the other areas of your game are ****, but you didn’t do much from grabs, and you weren’t really getting many grabs in, jab-grab bit more maybe.

Dash, where was the **** you promised man? Lol, still, good to see that your ICs having improved a lot, especially with their grabs, but you need to be much quicker along the ground man, need to wavedash a lot more cos you were just standing there against me.
J3ly doesn't play doc he plays mario and yes he is the best mario in the UK, he is a better Mario then Bullet Bill is a doc lol.

London has too many good people, where is the rest of the UK at baby?

BAD NEWS - Last Dragon is being a WASTE and saying that he cannot make this, he just recently got a job and you can't take a day off of work so quick when you have got the job but he says no matter what no human is stopping him from coming to PH2.
Gantz is being a fool and saying he isn't going if LD ain't but he WILL come and I will force him to.

Gantz ak-47

Smash Journeyman
Jul 7, 2009
Hey guys, I hope everyone is going to enjoy this tournament.

I just got done playing Professor Pro and yeah he is pretty amazing, he ***** me all day and I don't stand a chance in the Grand Finals when we play each other. I hope he goes easy on me or atleast goes falco on me cos I got him down to 2 stock which I was really happy about.

I'm going to have to play another character at this rate. I was wondering if anyone has advice on playing him and what I should do because it's really getting stressful playing him with his highly technical and smart fox. :/
i think you should main jiggz and captain falcon. aaron has surpassed most of your charecters but the jiggs has always been consistent. and just in case i cant make it can we do somethin this friday please. mini rambat perhaps?

The Lust

Smash Cadet
Oct 12, 2009
BAD NEWS - Last Dragon is being a WASTE and saying that he cannot make this, he just recently got a job and you can't take a day off of work so quick when you have got the job but he says no matter what no human is stopping him from coming to PH2.

Gantz is being a fool and saying he isn't going if LD ain't but he WILL come and I will force him to.
Gants better come beacuse he needs to be ther for team OOC to have the full meaning of our name!

GANTS stop beaing a wasteman and come to the ranbat or i will merk you!


Smash Apprentice
Aug 26, 2009
Cheers for the smashfest j3ly, was fun and managed to get in some good practice.
On the down side I woke up last night in cold sweats after having a nightmare about your dogs coming to get me....


Smash Master
Aug 30, 2008
England, Orpington, S.London
prof: j3ly could do, he's got a proper sweet doc you know

your crew had better not john bout last dragon not being there when our crew ***** yours this saturday ;) cos it wont make a difference

And those dogs were sweeet lol

Gantz ak-47

Smash Journeyman
Jul 7, 2009
i almost forgot about the rambat. i'm sorry for the privious posts i made lool. just got into the hype but i will onesly try my best to make this torny rigardless of my wasteman partner:)

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
prof: j3ly could do, he's got a proper sweet doc you know

your crew had better not john bout last dragon not being there when our crew ***** yours this saturday ;) cos it wont make a difference

And those dogs were sweeet lol
Well obviously LD not being there is going to affect our team, similar to you not being their and it affecting your team and you would prob call off the crew battle if you weren't there lol.

But despite that we are still playing it anyway unless Gantz doesn't come then it makes it kinda pointless but now that it's 4 vs 4 you don't have 5 stock now and it's pretty obvious that when I play you first that I am going to beat you then you will send out Dave and I will take like 3 stock off of him and then the first of your crew is **** from there.

So sorry and I say this with 0% cockyness but I actually know we are going to win.

i almost forgot about the rambat. i'm sorry for the privious posts i made lool. just got into the hype but i will onesly try my best to make this torny rigardless of my wasteman partner:)
You better come you FAT WASTE, we are sleeping round Dash's house on friday and Monrone is going but not sleeping round so you have no choice but to come and the moment we get there we will not let you leave the house so YOU ARE COMING!


Smash Ace
Oct 24, 2007
played PMS this weekend he came all the way over frm nottingham uni n he still is **** lol his samus is way 2 gay he keeps usin those bombs 2 bounce of ur shield n u cnt do anything but take the hit or run im currently hatin his sheild pressure lol but yea shld b kl 2 c u guys on saturday j3ly might b doin sum jam thing at angelina on the friday so ur more than welcome 2 come ramz shld b there not sure who else aparently though he wnts 2 quit coz u've been a sore winner not gd man dnt worry though we will bring him bac into the game =]


I'm sharpening my knife, kupo.
Aug 9, 2006
I'm gonna start attending lots of random smashfests again + actually train at home lool, take it more seriously. :confused:

I mean I'm missing this and everyone else is playing each other this month and I haven't played smash since the last ranbat. :(


Smash Master
Aug 30, 2008
England, Orpington, S.London
prof: LD is as important to your crew as cheez is to ours, and i dont mind taking you with 4 stocks man, you just dont wanna do the crew battle if gantz doesnt come because you know you will lose if both him and LD are out, dont try covering it up with 'i will **** you too much on my own' bs lol.

Also, what is this being part of two crews bs lol? I dont mind you being in their crew at all, but how can you be part of two crews at the same time, conflicting interests much?


Smash Champion
Mar 19, 2009
sore winner!!?!

he hyped how he would destroy me for a good solid 30MINS, how id never seen the full falco, then when he lost the 3-set MM i declined his money!!

the man just cant take being gimped, and cant see how marios nair edgeguard is alot harder to pull off if he uses upB - which he doesnt! what bull **** about me being a sore winner, wtf, i only just began being better than him, and i even STOPPED edge-hogging, because he doesn't do it, and thinks its gay, despite being a large part of Marios game vs falco

grr youve made me all angry -_-
holy sheez, ima try my fkin hardest to **** his world over and over again if he comes to this tourney, then ill show him what the meaning of sore winner means!

and i can safely say that anyone who i beat has never experienced sore winning - i say nothing, pickup the pad, start a new game and maybe compliment their play style, or sometimes give a little advise. gdammit.. gdammit.

and WIN to me being the best doc :D
but words mean nothing unltill i play doc a whole tourney, and place higher than bill - which there is no chance of, because doc is one of the most boring characters in the game. either way i would love to doc ditto with him and see whats up.

im not the best mario in the UK... fuzzy is.. he has setups, mindgames, mad DI, even more crazy prediction nd a all around better understanfing of the gam, all i have a little pockets of knowledge and very inconsistent tech skill lol. But this is a good thing, cos i wanna be better than him soo much, and unlike some of most of his chars this is in clear, and not to hard to reach sight.

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
prof: LD is as important to your crew as cheez is to ours, and i dont mind taking you with 4 stocks man, you just dont wanna do the crew battle if gantz doesnt come because you know you will lose if both him and LD are out, dont try covering it up with 'i will **** you too much on my own' bs lol.

Also, what is this being part of two crews bs lol? I dont mind you being in their crew at all, but how can you be part of two crews at the same time, conflicting interests much?
Your a dam fool if you think LD is really worth cheez and I seriously just lost respect for you, cos on a honest note he is about the same worth as you and if not more.
He is wayyy more valuable then cheez, hugo don't touch him and I saw that when I played him and same with Clockmire.

I am basically saying that if two of our best players (besides me) aren't there then there's not much point of doing it cos it's not really a crew battle if the majority of the crew there, dunno how that relates to me thinking 'I will **** you too much on my own' but in your world anything makes sense i guess.

But seriously you are dellusional and you talk too much **** without showing skill which is what I saw at Fuzzynessso lets all put in Ј10 each then and I will put in my teams money if they don't have it just as long as you lot do it.
Deal or not??? If you don't accept it your a pus$y and you're not confident and if you do then you're losing your money. So either way I win.:)

lool So what if I am part of two groups, I am part of one which consists of my good friends in the same community and I am part of one which consists of the best players in London, my friends are more important though. It doesn't affect my life though, does it affect yours that I am?


Smash Champion
Mar 19, 2009
whoever is sorting out pools, if it can be done, i want to fight Hype (aka DaHy/DarqHype) either in pools, or in the first round of brackets.


Smash Master
Aug 30, 2008
England, Orpington, S.London
I said LD is as important to your crew as cheez is to ours, i aint talking bout their respective skill levels man.

I dont fall for petty jabs at my confidence in my crew ok, dishing out tonnes of money is irrelevant, i dont care for money, i just care about winning.

Not showing skill at fuzzys? ok well im sure you werent going full tilt at fuzzy rite? Well i know i wasnt anyway, thats nowhere near what i can do man, as im sure is the same for you, though if you were, then oook... Also, I believe there was only one person who got 4 stocked at fuzzys IIRC... lol ;)

And i already said i dont care bout you being in two crews, just thought it was weird, thas all.


Smash Champion
Mar 19, 2009
yeah its true lol, no johns because he ***** me 95% of the time, but its impossible to show ur full ability vs fuzzy. maybe its just me because that kinda awesomeness dis-inspires me (when rotation and having to watch others play until its your go again is in effect) to move around alot and trying to combo. i found myself standing totaly still, which i never do, for quite some time during those games - why? foac knows.


Smash Champion
Mar 19, 2009
my dream tourney would be somethin like sending bill to losers first bracket, sending hype to losers 2nd, then sending tamoo to losers 3rd. By this point even dreaming is a little pointless, but getting knocked out by fuzzy/prof would atleast be somewhat gratifying.

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
I said LD is as important to your crew as cheez is to ours, i aint talking bout respective skill levels man.

I dont fall for petty jabs at my confidence in my crew ok, dishing out tonnes of money is irrelevant, i dont care for money, i just care about winning.

Not showing skill at fuzzys? ok well im sure you werent going full tilt at fuzzy rite? Well i know i wasnt anyway, thats nowhere near what i can do man, as im sure is the same for you. Also, I believe there was only one person who got 4 stocked at fuzzys IIRC... lol ;)

And i already said i dont care bout you being in two crews, just thought it was weird, thas all.
If you're not comparing skill level whatelse are you gonna compare, friendship level lol???

Who cares about 4 stocks lol, only dumb people talk about 4 stock in a sandbagging funny match so it's unimportant unless you get a **** 4 stock in tournament or something.
Esp against a character that I don't even play and you weren't the one who did it either lol.

You talk too much and you have nothing to prove with your ability, when we were playing I could tell what level your at, going full out or not, somethings are just obvious when you play someone.

Why do you bring it to me and I bring it back and then you back off all the time lol.

When you back up your talk with money then it will mean something, so how about this, put the money up or we're not playing you.
I don't see the point of doing this Crew Battle if money is not at stake.

Ј10 each crew member deal or not?

If you don't accept then obviously there is doubt in your mind and your scared then it ends as us winning.:)


Smash Ace
Aug 27, 2008
London, UK
lool im loving the hype going on here.
j3lly: soz i cudnt make it on sunday btw any1 from your crew looking to come to our hosted lil smashfest/tournament??


Smash Ace
Oct 24, 2007
dnt worry bout it man come over n beat his *** 2 b honest if prof is hypin u up then i knw ur gettin seriously gd just do wat i do when ppl get jealous shrug it off n **** them hard lol so man just bring ur a game at the tournament and **** hard n hve fun

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
J3ly isn't pissed off :confused: all I know is that he is going to **** you Ben.

Come with your A game as KingNDJ and you will leave the venue with an F when you're done with J3ly.

Blaze - Did your other account get perm banned cos I swear it should be unlocked by now lol.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 29, 2009
yeah it got perm banned lol



Smash Apprentice
Aug 29, 2009
it was quite justified so im not gonna go into it lol

wanna rehearse questions or just on the spot?
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