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Smash Switch Most Wanted Newcomer Bracket Challenge (Third-Party)- Game Over; Results Posted

How Often Should Each Round Last?

  • 1 Day

    Votes: 2 5.6%
  • 2 Days

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • 3 Days

    Votes: 11 30.6%
  • Whenever OP feels the votes slow down

    Votes: 9 25.0%
  • Don't care; how it is being handled is fine

    Votes: 10 27.8%
  • Other (explain in comments)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Could people not post running results in the middle of the round?

    Votes: 12 33.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Rising YouTuber
Writing Team
Feb 8, 2014
Game 1: 1. King K. Rool vs 8. Sylux
Sylux as of now is a nobody. K Rool definitely gets my vote

Game 2: 4. Impa vs 5. Chorus Kids
A tough one, but I'd like to see what Chorus Kids bring to the table and I think I'd rather Impa as a Sheik alt

Game 3: 2. Takamaru vs 7. Wonder Red
Wonder Red comes across as more interesting. I use to support Takamaru but he kinda bored me now

Game 4: 3. Captain Toad vs 6. Ganon
Ganon just works better as Final Smash. I don't want him the same size as his human form.

Game 5: 1. Decidueye vs 9. Sami
Decidueye is awesome. Easy vote

Game 6: 4. Chibi-Robo vs 5. Mimikyu
Another tough one, I'd be OK with both but I went with Chibi-Robo to give his series a bone

Game 7: 2. Waluigi vs 7. Skull Kid
Oh ****. RIP Skull Kid. You'll always be my favourite. Maybe you'll surprise me and pull through.

Game 8: 3. Rex & Pyra vs 6. Paper Mario
Easy vote for Rex and Pyra. Never cared for the idea of Paper Mario.

Game 9: 1. Ridley vs 9. Marx
Easy vote for Ridley. There are a number of Kirby characters I'd rather before Marx. And Ridley is among my most wanted and probably the biggest name not in Smash already

Game 10: 4. Andy vs 5. Dillon
Both kinda bore me, I think I'd rather Dillon though

Game 11: 2. Isaac vs 7. Midna (w/ Wolf Link)
Isaac has a lot of fans and there are a few Zelda characters I'd rather see first.

Game 12: 3. Spring Man vs 11. Ray 01
Spring Man easy

Game 13: 1. Bandana Dee vs 9. Starfy
Easy vote for Bandana Dee, my second most wanted

Game 14: 4. Geno vs 5. Isabelle
I hate Geno. This is an easy vote for Isabelle.

Game 15: 2. Dixie Kong vs 10. Krystal
Dixie Kong is admittedly overdue

Game 16: 3. Elma vs 6. Ashley
A tough one, I think I'd rather the little witch honestly

Pizza Robo

Smash Journeyman
Aug 23, 2007
Game 1 King K Rool
Game 2 Impa
Game 3 Wonder Red
Game 4 Ganon
Game 5 Decidueye
Game 6 Chibi Robo
Game 7 Skull Kid
Game 8 Rex and Pyra
Game 9 Marx
Game 10 Dillion
Game 11 Isaac
Game 12 Ray 01
Game 13 Starfy
Game 14 Geno
Game 15 Dixie Kong
Game 16 Ashley

Llort A. Ton

Smash Lord
Aug 12, 2015
The Other Side Of The Computer Screen
Switch FC
SW 1185 9411 4529
Game 1: 1. King K. Rool
Game 2: 4. Impa
Game 3: 2. Takamaru
Game 4: 3. Captain Toad

Game 5: 1. Decidueye
Game 6: 4. Chibi-Robo
Game 7: 2. Waluigi
Game 8: 6. Paper Mario

Game 9: 1. Ridley
Game 10: 4. Andy
Game 11: 2. Isaac
Game 12: 3. Spring Man

Game 13: 1. Bandana Dee
Game 14: 4. Geno
Game 15: 2. Dixie Kong
Game 16: 6. Ashley


Smash Ace
Jan 15, 2014
Game 1: 8. Sylux
He won't win, but gotta believe in my boy

Game 2: 4. Impa
Chorus Kids means we won't get Marshal in Smash, and Impa's pretty cool

Game 3: 7. Wonder Red
Wonderful 101 is so good, just put him in, please Sakurai

Game 4: 3. Captain Toad
He needs to be in Smash, pleaseee

Game 5: 1. Decidueye
Decidueye is sick as hell

Game 6: 4. Chibi-Robo
I don't like Mimikyu so, easy pickings

Game 7: 7. Skull Kid
Hard pick, but Skull Kid gets my vote barely

Game 8: 3. Rex & Pyra
The only "guaranteed" pick I'm genuinely interested in

Game 9: 9. Marx
While I'd personally prefer Magolor or Dark Matter over Marx for a Kirby villain, Marx would still be great

Game 10: 4. Andy
Easy pick here, Advance Wars deserves a rep.

Game 11: 7. Midna (w/ Wolf Link)
Hard pick, but Midna is my favourite one time Zelda character, so she gets the vote

Game 12: 11. Ray 01
Ray wins out just because I'm not the biggest fan of ARMS.

Game 13: 9. Starfy
If i could add one character it'd be Starfy, the dreammmm

Game 14: 4. Geno
It's Geno

Game 15: 2. Dixie Kong
Dixie is my favourite Kong behind Cranky, and she should have been in last game, easy pickings

Game 16: 3. Elma
Xenoblade deserves more than one character to be honest, so Elma gets the win

Sean Wheeler

Smash Lord
Aug 23, 2013
Game 1: 1. King K. Rool
Game 2: 4. Impa
Game 3: 7. Wonder Red
Gotta have the Wonderful 101 in Smash.
Game 4: 3. Captain Toad
We already have Ganon in the series.

Game 5: 1. Decidueye
Don't know who Sami is, but we gotta have a Gen 7 Pokémon.
Game 6: 4. Chibi-Robo
Don't need a Pikachu imposter.
Game 7: 2. Waluigi
Game 8: 3. Rex & Pyra
Pyra looks kind of hot.

Game 9: 1. Ridley
Ridley is not too big.
Game 10: 5. Dillon
Game 11: 2. Isaac
Game 12: 3. Spring Man
Stretch punch FTW

Game 13: 9. Starfy
Game 14: 5. Isabelle
Geno shouldn't be in the first-party bracket when Square owns him.
Game 15: 10. Krystal
Game 16: 6. Ashley

Organization XIII

Smash Champion
Apr 10, 2015
Game 1: 1. King K. Rool vs 8. Sylux

Game 2: 5. Chorus Kids

Game 3: 2. Takamaru

Game 4: 3. Captain Toad

Game 5: 9. Sami

Game 6: 4. Chibi-Robo

Game 7: 7. Skull Kid

Game 8: 3. Rex & Pyra vs 6. Paper Mario
How am I suppose to choose between them? They are both so fantastic. Ok, I guess at least Xenoblade already has a character so I'll pick Paper Mario since that series doesn't have a character.

Game 9: 1. Ridley

Game 10: 4. Andy

Game 11: 2. Isaac.

Game 12: 3. Spring Man

Game 13: 9. Starfy

Game 14: 4. Geno

Game 15: 2. Dixie Kong

Game 16: 3. Elma


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
Almost no contest for me.

Game 1
: 1. King K. Rool
Game 2: 4. Impa
Game 3: 2. Takamaru
Game 4: 3. Captain Toad

Game 5: 1. Decidueye
Game 6: 4. Chibi-Robo
Game 7: 2. Waluigi
Game 8: 3. Rex & Pyra

Game 9: 1. Ridley
Game 10: 4. Andy
Game 11: 2. Isaac
Game 12: 3. Spring Man

Game 13: 1. Bandana Dee
Game 14: 4. Geno
Game 15: 2. Dixie Kong (RIP Krystal)
Game 16: 6. Ashley


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2018
Game 1: 1. King K. Rool
Game 2: 4.Chorus Kids
Game 3: 7. Wonder Red
Game 4: 3. Captain Toad

Game 5: 9. Sami - Wars really needs a character badly.
Game 6: 4. Chibi-Robo - A friend sold me on Chibi-Robo during the ballot, so I've always liked the idea of him.
Game 7: 7. Skull Kid
Game 8: 3. Rex & Pyra

Game 9: 1. Ridley
Game 10: 4. Andy - Again, Wars is really long overdue for a character.
Game 11: 2. Isaac - Easily my most wanted character, I couldn't pick anyone else above him.
Game 12: 11. Ray 01

Game 13: 9. Starfy
Game 14: 4. Geno
Game 15: 10. Krystal
Game 16: 6. Ashley

Deleted member

Game 1: King K. Rool
I'd rather have a character that people genuinely want (Myself included) rather than a "compromise" for no Ridley.
Game 2: Chorus Kids
I couldn't care less about Impa.
Game 3: Takamaru
I actively want Takamaru in Smash, and I know next to nothing about Wonder Red. Sorry
Game 4: Captain Toad
Still on the fence with Ganon. I'm indifferent to Captain Toad but he'd be a decent addition.

Game 5: Decidueye
My most wanted newcomer by far. Would scream in excitement if he made it in.
Game 6: Chibi-Robo
I'm petty and I hate Mimikyu. That is all.
Game 7: Waluigi
Game 8: Rex & Pyra
I don't care either way, just went with the likelier addition.

Game 9: Ridley
Sorry Marx, but the big boy's been waiting for years and I have other Kirby characters that I want more than you.
Game 10: Andy
Don't care either way.
Game 11: Isaac
He's my 3rd most wanted newcomer, Golden Sun needs more love dammit.
Game 12: Spring Man
Again, don't care either way.

Game 13: Bandana Dee
He's my second most wanted character, and my favorite character from my second favorite series.
Game 14: Isabelle
Once again, as the "Geno has no chance in hell" guy, I'm obliged to vote against him despite having nothing against him.
Game 15: Dixie Kong
I like her. Can't say the same about Krystal, although I will give her credit for knocking Daisy out.
Game 16: Elma
She's pretty cool I guess. Don't care either way.

That was easy.
Hmmm.... you know what, I'm gonna change my vote on game 14.
I have no attachment to Geno and I think he's extremely unlikely, but the former has the potential to change as I do plan on playing the game he's from at some point.
Isabelle, on the other hand, comes from one of my least favorite franchises that's repped by a playable character, and while I did like her in the short time I played Animal Crossing (she's adorable), Geno has a lot more fan support and I can see myself becoming part of that crowd one day.
So, my updated votes:

Game 1: Identity disorder Crocodile with Dyslexia
Game 2: Chorus boiz
Game 3: Japanese Zelda
Game 4: Mushroom man with a backpack
Game 5: Dead birb
Game 6: Not Mimikyu
Game 7: WAAAAAAAA!!!
Game 8: CT-7567 & his waifu
Game 9: Big boi
Game 10: Andy Cerkis
Game 11: Another ****ing Fire Emblem character (I hate myself)
Game 12: Toothpaste hair guy
Game 13: Bandana Goomba (I hate myself x2)
Game 14: Pinocchio
Game 15: Girl Diddy
Game 16: Elmo
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Smash Ace
Apr 15, 2014
Zelda characters immortal round one, eh? The level of disrespect for Tingle is far too high... Also sad that Syrup is out already. =( Anyway, my votes this time are:

Game 1
: 1. King K. Rool - not close
Game 2: 4. Impa - again not close
Game 3: 7. Wonder Red - not suuuper familiar with either, but Wonder Red seems potentially more interesting to me.
Game 4: 3. Captain Toad - not close

Game 5: 9. Sami - I like both, both Sami is both more interesting and would be a new IP
Game 6: 4. Chibi-Robo - Gonna be honest the support for Mimikyu is baffling to me. I would not have even considered him an option had I not seen people talking about him on this site. And I say that as a huge Pokemon fan.
Game 7: 2. Waluigi - Either would be fine. But also don't particularly care for either if that makes sense. Zelda has better options though.
Game 8: 3. Rex & Pyra - not close for me.

Game 9: 9. Marx - don't think he's likely, but he seems more interesting to me.
Game 10: 4. Andy - not close
Game 11: 2. Isaac - not even remotely close. Isaac is my most wanted by far.
Game 12: 3. Spring Man - Either would be fine.

Game 13: 1. Bandana Dee - fairly ambivalent here.
Game 14: 5. Isabelle - not close imo
Game 15: 2. Dixie Kong - not close, second most wanted (and probably most deserving imo)
Game 16: 6. Ashley - Just seems more interesting to me.
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Smash Rookie
Apr 25, 2018
Game 1 King K Rool
Game 2 Impa
Game 3 Wonder Red
Game 4 Ganon
Game 5 Decidueye
Game 6 Chibi-Robo
Game 7 Skull Kid
Game 8 Rex and Pyra
Game 9 Ridley
Game 10 Andy
Game 11 Isaac
Game 12 Ray 01
Game 13 Starfy
Game 14 Isabelle
Game 15 Dixie Kong
Game 16 Ashley

ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
Game 1: King K. Rool doesn't detract from the thematic isolation of Samus.
Game 2: Impa has potential to have a Sheik-like moveset on a relevant character.
Game 3: Wonder Red is more current and, IMO, more interesting.
Game 4: No comment.

Game 5: No comment.
Game 6: Chibi-Robo because he's cool, full of personality and has a tonne of unique moveset potential.
Game 7: Skull Kid is not a troll character like Waluigi and is actually pretty cool. I like him.
Game 8: Paper Mario has plenty of moveset potential and also isn't Rex, the blandest character in his series.

Game 9: Marx because a fight on Ridley as a stage is way too good an opportunity to pass up for a janky, fragile as all hell looking fighter.
Game 10: Dillon because I like the way he plays and think that it would translate well to Smash
Game 11: Wolf Link (w/ Midna) because he's a cool, non-bipedal fighter who, despite being a 3rd or 4th Link, would be utterly unique.
Game 12: Spring Man because he's a fun and goofy looking fighter who'd provide an equally fun gameplay style.

Game 13: Starfy because he's actually a character.
Game 14: Geno because Animal Crossing's Villager reps the series, not the character.
Game 15: Krystal because she'd add a second moveset to the starfox cast and also not be another Diddy Kong character who doesn't reference Diddy Kong Racing.
Game 16: No comment.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 5, 2014
Cornfields (aka the Midwest)
Switch FC
Game 1: King K. Rool
Game 2: Chorus Kids
Game 3: Wonder Red
Game 4: Ganon

Game 5: Decidueye
Game 6: Chibi-Robo
Game 7: Skull Kid
Game 8: Paper Mario

Game 9: Ridley
Game 10: Andy
Game 11: Isaac
Game 12: Spring Man

Game 13: Bandana Dee
Game 14: Geno
Game 15: Dixie Kong
Game 16: Elma


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
Game 1: King K. Rool
Game 2: Chorus Kids
Game 3: Takamaru
Game 4: Captain Toad

Game 5: Decidueye
Game 6: Mimikyu
Game 7: Waluigi
Game 8: Paper Mario

Game 9: Ridley
Game 10: Dillon
Game 11: Midna
Game 12: Spring Man

Game 13: Bandana Dee
Game 14: Isabelle
Game 15: Dixie Kong
Game 16: Ashley


Smash Ace
Aug 6, 2013
In that corner over there
Switch FC
Game 1: 1. King K. Rool
Game 2: 4. Impa
Game 3: 7. Wonder Red
Game 4: 6. Ganon

Game 5: 9. Sami
Game 6: Can't choose
Game 7: 2. Waluigi
Game 8: Can't choose

Game 9: 1. Ridley
Game 10: 4. Andy
Game 11: 2. Isaac
Game 12: 3. Spring Man

Game 13: 1. Bandana Dee
Game 14: 4. Geno
Game 15: 2. Dixie Kong
Game 16: Can't choose


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2014
Game 1: 1. King K. Rool
Game 2: 4. Impa
Game 3: 7. Wonder Red
Game 4: 3. Captain Toad

Game 5: 1. Decidueye
Game 6: 5. Mimikyu
Game 7: 2. Waluigi
Game 8: 6. Paper Mario

Game 9: 1. Ridley
Game 10: 5. Dillon
Game 11: 2. Isaac
Game 12: 3. Spring Man

Game 13: 1. Bandana Dee
Game 14: 5. Isabelle
Game 15: 2. Dixie Kong
Game 16: 6. Ashley

Again my top tens went up against each other! (Sorry Marx & Chibi :( )

Well there are only about 3 more characters on here I really want....

So if this comes down to K Rool and Ridley that would be dissapointing and anti climatic because we know K Rool will probably win because of the top 10 thread.
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Smash Lord
Jul 29, 2014
Drenthe, NL
Game 1: K.rool
Game 2: Chorus men
Game 3: Wonder Red
Game 4: Captain Toad

Game 5: Decidueye
Game 6: Chibi-Robo
Game 7: Waluigi
Game 8: Paper Mario

Game 9: Ridley
Game 10: Andy
Game 11: Isaac
Game 12: Ray 01

Game 13: Bandana Dee
Game 14: Geno
Game 15: Dixie Kong
Game 16: Elma


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2015
Brisbane, Australia
Game 1: 8. Sylux
Game 2: 4. Impa
Game 3: 2. Takamaru
Game 4: 6. Ganon

Game 5: 9. Sami
Game 6: 4. Chibi-Rob
Game 7: 7. Skull Kid
Game 8: 6. Paper Mario

Game 9: 9. Marx
Game 10: 4. Andy
Game 11: 2. Isaac
Game 12: 11. Ray 01

Game 13: 1. Bandana Dee
Game 14: 4. Geno
Game 15: 2. Dixie Kong
Game 16: 3. Elma


Smash Journeyman
Jul 22, 2008
Game 1: 1. King K. Rool
Game 2: 4. Impa (FTW!)
Game 3: 7. Wonder Red
Game 4: 6. Ganon

Game 5: 1. Decidueye
Game 6: 4. Chibi-Robo
Game 7: 2. Waluigi
Game 8: 6. Paper Mario

Game 9: 1. Ridley
Game 10: 4. Andy
Game 11: 2. Isaac
Game 12: 3. Spring Man

Game 13: 1. Bandana Dee
Game 14: 5. Isabelle
Game 15: 2. Dixie Kong
Game 16: 3. Elma

Deleted member

Game 1: 1. King K. Rool
Game 2: 4. Impa
Game 3: 7. Wonder Red
Game 4: 3. Captain Toad

Game 5: 1. Decidueye
Game 6: 5. Mimikyu
Game 7: 7. Skull Kid
Game 8: 3. Rex & Pyra

Game 9: 1. Ridley
Game 10: 5. Dillon
Game 11: 7. Midna (w/ Wolf Link)
Game 12: 3. Spring Man

Game 13: 1. Bandana Dee
Game 14: 5. Isabelle
Game 15: 2. Dixie Kong
Game 16: 3. Elma


Majestic Space Pirate
Jun 9, 2011
Florida, USA
Game 1: 1. King K. Rool
Game 2: 4. Impa
Game 3: 2. Takamaru
Game 4: 6. Ganon

Game 5: 1. Decidueye
Game 6: 4. Chibi-Robo
Game 7: 2. Waluigi
Game 8: 6. Paper Mario

Game 9: 1. Ridley
Game 10: 4. Andy
Game 11: 2. Isaac
Game 12: 11. Ray 01

Game 13: 1. Bandana Dee
Game 14: 4. Geno
Game 15: 2. Dixie Kong
Game 16: 3. Elma


Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2014
I feel like I should have done it in my prior vote, but here's my legend:

Strong preference
Notable preference
Small preference
Hesitated which one to pick

Game 1: King K. Rool
Game 2: Chorus Kids
Game 3: Wonder Red
Game 4: Captain Toad

Game 5: Decidueye
Game 6: Mimikyu
Game 7: Skull Kid
Game 8: Paper Mario

Game 9: Ridley
Game 10: Andy
Game 11: Isaac
Game 12: Spring Man

Game 13: Bandana Dee
Game 14: Geno
Game 15: Dixie Kong
Game 16: Elma


Smash Journeyman
Apr 14, 2014
Update: I'll try to not do this often, but I'm going to pull the closing time for voting up to 10:00 AM EDT tomorrow. This is for a couple reasons:

1. I'm going to be traveling this weekend, starting as of tomorrow afternoon, and I'm becoming less certain I'll be able to update much until Sunday. I don't want the round lingering that long because of #2
2. Almost everyone who voted in the first round has already submitted this round. I wasn't sure if people would be as active on weekdays, but that ended up not being a problem.

It looks like votes start to dry up after about 2 to 3 days. I'll probably try to keep the voting periods between that time span. We'll play it by ear.

So now you know. I didn't want to spring this upon people without warning, so I'm letting you know now so you'll have time to get your pick in if you are one of the very few that haven't do so yet. Thanks!
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Smash Journeyman
Feb 17, 2015
I'll make use of the extra time and weigh in
Game 1: 8. Sylux
Game 2: 4. Impa
Game 3: 7. Wonder Red
Game 4: 3. Captain Toad

Game 5: 1. Decidueye
Game 6: 4. Chibi-Robo
Game 7: 7. Skull Kid
Game 8: 3. Rex & Pyra

Game 9: 1. Ridley
Game 10: 5. Dillon
Game 11: 2. Isaac
Game 12: 3. Spring Man

Game 13: 1. Bandana Dee
Game 14: 5. Isabelle
Game 15: 10. Krystal
Game 16: 6. Ashley


PM me ur character ideas girl
May 21, 2015
Switch FC
Really, I've seen several instances of a generic bandana waddledee in videos, with no indication that they're anything more than that.
Have you seen the SSf2 version, or checked out any of the movesets posted here? It doesn't have a crazy unique gimmick, but I wouldn't call it generic either.
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Deleted member

Really, I've seen several instances of a generic bandana waddledee in videos, with no indication that they're anything more than that.
I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "generic". The bandana is meant to set Bandana Dee apart from the rest of the Waddle Dees.
If you think his design/moveset is generic, that I can understand (although I disagree), but Kirby canon states that Bandana Dee is an individual character.
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Smash Journeyman
Apr 14, 2014
Round 2 Over. No further voting will be counted.

Please have patience as I finalize the votes and prepare the game for the next round. Thanks.

Sean Wheeler

Smash Lord
Aug 23, 2013
I just want to ask, why is Geno in the first-party bracket? I know he came from a Mario game, but Square Enix's ownership of him makes him a third-party.


Smash Master
Writing Team
Dec 10, 2013
I just want to ask, why is Geno in the first-party bracket? I know he came from a Mario game, but Square Enix's ownership of him makes him a third-party.
This was mentioned earlier in the thread.

Also to make this not a throwaway post I am excited to see how far Decidueye Ridley and K Rool will go. Hopefully future rounds will be closer for these titans.

Deleted member

I'm expecting this round to be incredibly easy.
I counted the votes (most of them) and I'm pretty sure my favorites are gonna win.
Also to make this not a throwaway post I am excited to see how far Decidueye Ridley and K Rool will go. Hopefully future rounds will be closer for these titans.
Mfw my boy Decidueye is one of the big 3 now


Smash Journeyman
Apr 14, 2014
Alright, we’re back up for Round 3! Thanks for another great round! We had 57 voters, which is pretty good retention considering a lot of people probably lost some of their favorite characters.

@NeonBurrito There’s no requirement to make a pick for all of the games, so don’t feel like you must flip a coin if you genuinely don’t have an opinion either way. That will probably keep the data more accurate to actual opinions, too.
Sean Wheeler Sean Wheeler Great question that I've already answered in two different places :p Like you said, Geno's from a first party franchise, and I'd rather have him go against his own people. If this was a Chances Bracket rather than a Want, I probably would have approached it differently.

And of course, here are your results! Some were pretty close, and you may not know who won if you didn’t count them up manually, so let’s approach the reveals with a little bit of fanfare:

1. King K. Rool defeated 8. Sylux by a score of 46-10
Going against K. Rool is the kiss of death.
4. Impa defeated 5. Chorus Kids by a score of 32-25
This was incredibly close for a long time, but Impa eventually took over late. I honestly thought she was going to lose for sure, so this was a nice surprise for me.
2. Takamaru defeated 7. Wonder Red by a score of 31-26
Closer than I expected, especially after Takamaru started so dominant. The comeback fell short as there just weren’t enough people left to vote for the underdog.
3. Captain Toad defeated 6. Ganon by a score of 37-19
A Nintendo All-Star versus a variant of a character already on the roster? It wasn’t hard to foresee this. Ganon gave a decent effort, though. People must really like that trident.
1. Decidueye defeated 9. Sami by a score of 42-14
Remember last time when I suggested Decidueye might be vulnerable? Ignore everything you read. That time has not yet come.
4. Chibi-Robo defeated 5. Mimikyu by a score of 41-15
The only dominant performance by a 4-seed this round. Good for you, little guy.
2. Waluigi defeated 7. Skull Kid by a score of 34-23
Waluigi took it home in the end, but I must give my credit to the dedication of Skull Kid’s supporters. I almost wanted to change my vote so I could get a Like from Aqi. Sorry that I did not. Forgive your friend.
3. Rex & Pyra defeated 6. Paper Mario by a score of 32-24
Once again, early dominance prevented an upset. They’re going to be facing tougher competition next time, though.
1. Ridley defeated 9. Marx by a score of 43-14
Marx still had some supporters, but it was never going to be enough.
4. Andy defeated 5. Dillon by a score of 32-25
A lot of the games started in favor of one character and then shifted towards another. This was an exception- Andy had a slight lead early on and finished with a slight lead. Good matchup.
2. Isaac defeated 7. Midna (w/ Wolf Link) by a score of 45-12
A lopsided victory, but Isaac was bound to be a tough opponent. Midna fans shouldn’t feel too bad about this.
3. Spring Man defeated 11. Ray 01 by a score of 39-18
Spring Man got it easier than the rest by getting to play the lowest seed still in the game. Next time he’s going to have to prove himself against a stronger threat.
1. Bandana Dee defeated 9. Starfy by a score of 43-14
Starfy didn’t stand much of a chance against a character as popular as Bandana Dee. I would actually have liked to see Starfy go against Geno or Isabelle, as the upset might have been possible there.
4. Geno defeated 5. Isabelle by a score of 33-24
Solid close matchup. Geno will need to do better than that if he wants to beat Bandana Dee.
2. Dixie Kong defeated 10. Krystal by a score of 44-13
We knew this was inevitable. To Krystal’s credit, she actually performed a vote better than Midna in similar circumstances. Good effort!
6. Ashley defeated 3. Elma by a score of 31-24
Started back and forth, then went heavily for Ashley, and then Elma went on a late six vote streak. But, like Wonder Red’s fate, the votes dried up before Elma’s comeback could be completed. This was the only upset of the round. Ashley beating Dixie seems very unlikely, but congratulations for being the only Sweet 16 pick that is not a top-four seed!

And we have our Sweet 16! Congratulations to all the characters who made it this far- you’re the real deal! However, everyone left is either a top two seed, or is playing a top two seed. You’re playing with the big boys now. I feel like only the 2 vs 3 matchups will be nail-bitingly close, but we will get to see who moves on to the ugly round coming next time.

Here are your matchups:

Game 1: 1. King K. Rool vs 4. Impa
Game 2: 2. Takamaru vs 3. Captain Toad
Game 3: 1. Decidueye vs 4. Chibi-Robo
Game 4: 2. Waluigi vs 3. Rex & Pyra
Game 5: 1. Ridley vs 4. Andy
Game 6: 2. Isaac vs. 3. Spring Man
Game 7: 1. Bandana Dee vs. 4. Geno
Game 8: 2. Dixie Kong vs. 6. Ashley

I will aim to end this at 22:00 EDT on Saturday, April 28, but as I mentioned on my previous update, it’s likely I will not be able to end it until sometime Sunday. I will also let it run longer if we still have a lot of votes coming in consistently. I don’t mind extending, but I would hate to cut it down again. I imagine votes will probably move faster as we have fewer games left.

Here’s my picks:

Game 1: 1. K. Rool
Impa is a great choice, in my opinion, but K. Rool is K. Rool. Very ikonik, historically important to series, moveset potential, oozing with personality… will they please just put him in Smash already so he stops dominating all of these games?

Game 2: 3. Captain Toad
Toad is such an icon, and the Captain is a fun, defined character. Hard for Takamaru to overcome that, even if he is pretty cool.

Game 3: 1. Decidueye
Voted against him last time, but Decidueye is back on top. Personal preference beats getting a new series in this case, though it was one of the tougher decisions.

Game 4: 2. Waluigi
No doubt. I wish now that their places had been exchanged; that Rex & Pyra were upset and that Elma had lived. I can’t say that Rex & Pyra are “bland” as I haven’t played their game (though I can say I strongly dislike their designs), but I know Waluigi is hilarious. Rex & Pyra probably have more moveset potential, but ultimately I play Smash for the characters, and Waluigi is a character indeed.

Game 5: 4. Andy
Individually, I probably want Ridley more than Andy. However, getting an Advanced Wars rep is more important to me, and Andy is now the only choice left. Tough call.

Game 6: 2. Isaac
Sorry Spring Man, but I’ve wanted Isaac in for too long. Maybe next time if your game turns into a series.

Game 7: 1. Bandana Dee
Easy choice. Much more important to his series and is actually relevant. The spear could be fun.

Game 8: 6. Ashley
Dixie is going to win this, which is fine as she’s a great choice, but I’m going to stick with the little witch for now. I want Dixie in, but I want K Rool more, while, WarioWare could really use another rep to establish itself as more than “Why is Wario dressed like that?” to the casual audience. Dixie probably wouldn’t have more than a few moves cloned from Diddy, which is good, but I still think that Ashley has more potential to be interesting to play as.
We march to victory or we march to defeat. But we go forward, only forward.

Submit your votes for Round 3! It will run until at least 17:00 EDT on Saturday, April 28 unless we go 6 straight hours without a vote and I might reconsider
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Deleted member

I predicted who's gonna win completely accurately. Anyway, voting time.

Game 1: King K. Rool
I genuinely want King K. Rool unlike a lot of people who just want Impa because she's another Zelda rep. I can't believe she made it this far.

Game 2: Takamaru
Samurais are cool. He could be quite unique.

Game 3: Decidueye (Duh)
Props to Chibi for knocking out Mimikyu, but in the end of the day Decidueye will always be my choice.

Game 4: Waluigi

Game 5: Ridley
He's Ridley, enough said. This is gonna be pretty one-sided.

Game 6: Isaac
Golden Sun needs more love and I don't care about ARMS. This is the only instance where I can see my character losing though (Except for maybe Game 2)

Game 7: Bandana Dee
He's my favorite Kirby character, of course I want him in.

Game 8: Dixie Kong
The only one of those choices that isn't in my top 10 (She's probably like top 20 tho). I don't much about Ashley.

That was incredibly easy as all of the characters I voted for are characters that I actually want. Funnily enough, I picked the first choice on each one of these.
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Smash Ace
Aug 12, 2012
Game 1: King K. Rool (We need more 'heavy' characters as opposed to more swordsmen)
Game 2: Takamaru (cool samurai guy)
Game 3: Chibi-Robo (new franchise representation)
Game 4: Rex & Pyra (Mario has enough reps; let's throw a bone to Xenoblade)
Game 5: Andy (Advance Wars needs it more than Metroid)
Game 6: Spring Man (more interesting of a character in my opinion)
Game 7: Bandana Dee (I'm sorry, Geno...)
Game 8: Dixie Kong (iconic all-star character)
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Organization XIII

Smash Champion
Apr 10, 2015
Game 1: 1. King K. Rool
Impa is someone I'd rather not see in Smash.

Game 2: 2. Takamaru
Treasure Tracker is fun but Mysterious Murasame Castle and Captain Rainbow are better.

Game 3: 4. Chibi-Robo
I have nothing against Decidueye personally but I'm not a fan of Sun and Moon and I am a fan of Chibi Robo
Game 4: 3. Rex & Pyra
Xenoblade 2 is amazing and Rex and Pyra are better than the meme with legs

Game 5: 4. Andy
I only support Ridley because his fans deserve better but I actually care about Andy

Game 6: 2. Isaac
Why is Isaac not already in the game?

Game 7: 4. Geno
I like the Dee but I'm indifferent to his inclusion and Geno is cool

Game 8: 2. Dixie Kong vs. 6. Ashley
I honestly can't decide who I care for less. Neither one means anything to me even though I have played every DKC game and played no Wario Ware. I guess I'll vote Dixie since I have at least played her games.
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Smash Ace
Mar 23, 2018
Switch FC
At least one of the characters I want is still here. Could care less about any of the others though.

Game 1: 1. King K. Rool
Game 2: 2. Takamaru
Game 3: 1. Decidueye
Game 4: 2. Waluigi
Game 5: 4. Andy
Game 6: 2. Isaac
Game 7: 4. Geno
Game 8: 6. Ashley


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
Aw man, Chorus Kids are out? That’s too bad. Anyway, it’s votin’ time.

Game 1: King K. Rool
I shall consider this revenge for the kids.
Game 2: Takamaru
Game 3: Chibi-Robo
Farewell Chibi-Robo, you’ve had a nice run.
Game 4: Waluigi
Game 5: Andy
You can probably tell how much I want an Advance Wars rep at this point.
Game 6: Isaac
Game 7: Bandana Dee
Game 8: Dixie Kong

Will be interesting to see how this round turns out, it’s really mostly heavyweights left.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
K. Rool vs Impa = Impa
I've started to want K. Rool less and less after some folks began to sour him for me. :/

Takamaru vs Captain Toad = Captain Toad
TIME FOR ADVENTURE. Captain Toad is a national treasure tracker.

Decidueye vs Chibi-Robo = Decidueye
Grass. Ghost. Archer. Owl. My most wanted Pokémon newcomer.

Waluigi vs Rex and Pyra = Waluigi
One of my most wanted newcomers vs characters I'd rather not have due to disliking their designs. Waluigi wins, no contest.

Ridley vs Andy = Ridley

Spring Man vs Isaac = Spring Man
Give me toothpaste boy. He is aesthetically pleasing.

Bandana Waddle Dee vs Geno = Bandana Waddle Dee
Now if only Sakurai didn't have something against him...

Dixie Kong vs Ashley = Dixie Kong
Hair grapple bubble gum,
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