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Smash Switch Most Wanted Newcomer Bracket Challenge (Third-Party)- Game Over; Results Posted

How Often Should Each Round Last?

  • 1 Day

    Votes: 2 5.6%
  • 2 Days

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • 3 Days

    Votes: 11 30.6%
  • Whenever OP feels the votes slow down

    Votes: 9 25.0%
  • Don't care; how it is being handled is fine

    Votes: 10 27.8%
  • Other (explain in comments)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Could people not post running results in the middle of the round?

    Votes: 12 33.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Deleted member

Game 1: King K. Rool
I'd rather have a character that people genuinely want (Myself included) rather than a "compromise" for no Ridley.
Game 2: Chorus Kids
I couldn't care less about Impa.
Game 3: Takamaru
I actively want Takamaru in Smash, and I know next to nothing about Wonder Red. Sorry
Game 4: Captain Toad
Still on the fence with Ganon. I'm indifferent to Captain Toad but he'd be a decent addition.

Game 5: Decidueye
My most wanted newcomer by far. Would scream in excitement if he made it in.
Game 6: Chibi-Robo
I'm petty and I hate Mimikyu. That is all.
Game 7: Waluigi
Game 8: Rex & Pyra
I don't care either way, just went with the likelier addition.

Game 9: Ridley
Sorry Marx, but the big boy's been waiting for years and I have other Kirby characters that I want more than you.
Game 10: Andy
Don't care either way.
Game 11: Isaac
He's my 3rd most wanted newcomer, Golden Sun needs more love dammit.
Game 12: Spring Man
Again, don't care either way.

Game 13: Bandana Dee
He's my second most wanted character, and my favorite character from my second favorite series.
Game 14: Isabelle
Once again, as the "Geno has no chance in hell" guy, I'm obliged to vote against him despite having nothing against him.
Game 15: Dixie Kong
I like her. Can't say the same about Krystal, although I will give her credit for knocking Daisy out.
Game 16: Elma
She's pretty cool I guess. Don't care either way.

That was easy.
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Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York
  1. K.Rool Again, no contest
  2. Impa The Zelda series needs some love
  3. Wonder Red Tough since I don't really know either character, but Red definitely has a cool design
  4. Ganon
  5. Decidueye
  6. Mimikyu
  7. Waluigi This one was tough. Waluigi definitely deserves it more though
  8. Rex Couldn't care less about either, but Xeno is Nintendo's next big franchise
  9. Ridley Again, no contest
  10. Dillon Another one I really don't care either way
  11. Midna Zelda needs some love, and TP was amazing
  12. Spring Man
  13. Dee
  14. Isabelle
  15. Krystal
  16. Ashley

Sage of Ice

Smash Ace
Feb 27, 2012
reminiscing back in Subspace
it's encouraging to see all my favorites are still in the running :love:

Game 1
: King K. Rool
Game 2: Impa
Game 3: Takamaru
Game 4: Ganon

Game 5: Decidueye
Game 6: Chibi-Robo
Game 7: Skull Kid
Game 8: Rex & Pyra

Game 9: Ridley
Game 10: Andy
Game 11: Midna (w/ Wolf Link)
Game 12: Ray 01

Game 13: Bandana Dee
Game 14: Isabelle
Game 15: Krystal
Game 16: Ashley
Aug 1, 2013
Game 1: King K Rool
Game 2: Impa
Game 3: Wonder Red
Game 4: Captain Toad

Game 5: Decidueye
Game 6: Chibi Robo
Game 7: Skull Kid
Game 8: Rex & Pyra

Game 9: Ridley
Game 10: Andy
Game 11: Isaac
Game 12: Spring Man

Game 13: Bandanna Dee
Game 14: Geno
Game 15: Dixie
Game 16: Elma


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
Game 1: King K. Rool
Game 2: Chorus Kids
Game 3: Takamaru
Game 4: Captain Toad

• King K. Rool is my most wanted. If Metroid gets another rep., the only real choice for me is Ridley.
• Chorus Kids are a great representative of Rhythm Heaven. The three kids can represent three beats. A press of 'A' allowing an attack to repeat again and again (three times in total). Impa feels like trying to hard to rep. Zelda for me, although I know some truly like the character.
• Takamaru has retro status. I feel that either Takamaru or Mach Rider will get that spot. Wonder Red does not have much appeal to me mostly due to limited knowledge.
• I wanted Toad for a long time. I'd rather Ganondorf further removed from Captain Falcon, than Ganon at this point.

Game 5: Decidueye
Game 6: Chibi-Robo
Game 7: Waluigi
Game 8: Paper Mario

• Grass Starters are my favorite.
• Chibi-Robo would rep. a new series and seems fun.
• Waluigi would be hilarious. Skull Kid is cool, but lost in time.
• Paper Mario wins due to loyalty. I hope his moveset borrows from his first two games, which I adored.

Game 9: Ridley
Game 10: Dillon
Game 11: Isaac
Game 12: Spring Man

• Ridley is tied or close to most wanted with K. Rool and is like a glaring omission. Marx would be my pick for Kirby rep, though.
• I like Dillon's design.
• Issac would rep an omitted series. I pick him over Midna.
• ARMs seems like a strong new IP w/ cool, brightly colored characters.

Game 13: Bandana Dee
Game 14: Geno
Game 15: Dixie Kong
Game 16: Ashley

• Bandana Dee would be a satisfying Kirby rep. that fans have won me over on. Luma outshines Starfy now.
• Geno is a nice throwback to a great RPG. I am not against Isabelle, but she loses this matchup for me.
• Dixie Kong was my favorite character in DKC2.
• Ashley is a witch. In a contest w/ two characters I know little about, witch wins over person w/ guns and blades.
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Smash Master
Writing Team
Dec 10, 2013
Game 1: King K. Rool
Game 2: Chorus Kids
Game 3: Takamaru
Game 4: Ganon

Game 5: Decidueye
Game 6: Mimikyu
Game 7: Waluigi
Game 8: Rex & Pyra

Game 9: Ridley
Game 10: Andy
Game 11: Isaac
Game 12: Spring Man

Game 13: Bandana Dee
Game 14: Geno
Game 15: Dixie Kong
Game 16: Elma

Smasher 101

Smash Lord
Jul 21, 2013
Switch FC
Game 1: King K. Rool
Game 2: Chorus Kids
Game 3: Takamaru
Game 4: Captain Toad

Game 5: Decidueye
Game 6: Chibi-Robo
Game 7: Skull Kid
Game 8: Rex & Pyra

Game 9: Ridley
Game 10: Andy
Game 11: Isaac
Game 12: Spring Man

Game 13: Bandana Dee
Game 14: Isabelle
Game 15: Dixie Kong
Game 16: Ashley


Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
Game 1: King K. Rool
Game 2: Chorus Kids
Game 3: Takamaru
Game 4: Captain Toad

Game 5: Decidueye
Game 6: Chibi-Robo
Game 7: Waluigi
Game 8: Rex & Pyra

Game 9: Ridley
Game 10: Andy
Game 11: Isaac
Game 12: Ray 01

Game 13: Bandana Dee
Game 14: Isabelle
Game 15: Dixie Kong
Game 16: Elma

Sailor Waddle Dee

Smash Journeyman
Jun 10, 2014
Saddened to see Qbby eliminated in the first round, but 23 votes is still pretty good for the little Boxboy :)

quite a few of these results were pretty easy to predict.

anyway, onto round 2.

Game 1: King K. Rool vs Sylux
King K. Rool

I love the Donkey Kong Country series and don't have much of an attachment to Metroid. so this is an easy pick

Game 2: Impa vs Chorus Kids

Repping a new series would be nice, but Zelda could also use more newcomers, and I've really come to like the idea of Impa being in the game

Game 3: Takamaru vs Wonder Red

I'd like to see both these guys get in, but I have a stronger connection to Taka having spent more time with his game. and he feels like a more deserving rep.

Game 4: Captain Toad vs Ganon
Captain Toad

Again, I'd like to see both of these happen. but Captain Toad is too charming to pass up.

Game 5: Decidueye vs Sami

Ghost Bird Archers are cool. and I have no attachment to Sami

Game 6: Chibi-Robo vs Mimikyu

This little guy deserves to have SOMETHING good happen to him. and he fits smash super well and would rep his series.

Game 7: Waluigi vs Skull Kid

I have really grown to love just how zany Waluigi is. and I want to see the quartet of "plumbers" be completed

Game 8: Rex & Pyra vs Paper Mario
Paper Mario

(Finally I didn't pick option A) I have no connection to Rex having only played a tiny amount of Xenoblade 1 and X and none of 2. and while Paper Mario is another Mario. he has plenty of things going for him that would make him distinct from his 3 dimensional counterpart.

Game 9: Ridley vs Marx
Sorry Ridley, but Marx is definitely the more appealing of the two of you. he has plenty that he can do between his boss moves, and his ball. I don't have much attachment to Metroid, but I love Kirby. and Marx's resurgence in popularity has been great to see

Game 10: Andy vs Dillon

This is partially because I didn't vote for Sami, plus I feel like Andy could potentially do more and Advance wars is a series more deserving of representation.

Game 11: Isaac vs Midna (w/ Wolf Link)

While I don't have any attachment to the character, he looks cool, and has plenty of fans. and would bring a new series to smash with him. plus I've never been THAT fond of Midna

Game 12: Spring Man vs Ray 01
Ray 01

Tough Choice, but I decided to go with what would make my friend happy. maybe next time Spring Man. once you have had some more time to grow as a character and Arms has more time to grow as a franchise

Game 13: Bandana Dee vs Starfy
Bandana Dee

It hurts to vote against Starfy, but Dee has been one of my most wanted characters since Smash 4 speculation, he just means more to me. and he would probably be a more fun character to use.

Game 14: Geno vs Isabelle

He's cool looking, and I think Isabelle is better suited to an assist trophy.

Game 15: Dixie Kong vs Krystal
Dixie Kong

like with K. Rool, i love the DKC trilogy and played them a ton as a kid, and even replay them now. meanwhile I've never played a Star Fox game. so this is an easy choice.

Game 16: Elma vs Ashley

"I turned my teacher into a spoon~" she just feels more interesting to me personally.

Much easier choices this time for the most part.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
K. Rool
There's no winning choice here for me, and I'm not happy voting for him, but at least K. Rool didn't knock Celica out of the race. RIP Celica. Good riddance, Sylux. :p

Chorus Kids
Infinitely more interesting than Impa.

He knocked out Chrom but that's at least expected. Plus at least he shares Chrom's Japanese VA.

Captain Toad
My second most wanted Mario newcomer vs an alternate version of an existing character? No contest.

One of my most wanted characters.

He's adorable and Mimikyu isn't my first choice for a Pokémon.

One of my most wanted characters over all. WAA.

Paper Mario
Ideally I'd vote for neither of these, but my dislike of the former's designs outweighs my dislike of alternate versions of existing characters. Plus Paper Jam at least implies it's a straight up alternate fictional dimension.

He's adorable. That's pretty much it.

He's just cool in general. Plus armadillos are great.

I mean he's basically an earthbender.

Spring Man
I love him and his Colgate hair.

Starfy is a pipedream character of mine.

I don't even like Animal Crossings ute she just deserves to be in, far more than anyone else people say "deserves" an inclusion.

Dixie Kong
Grappler who gets in close by shooting bubblegum at people to stick them in place? Sign me up.

Awesome design.


Smash Ace
Aug 12, 2012
1: King K. Rool
2: Impa
3: Takamaru
4: Ganon

5: Decidueye
6: Mimikyu
7: Skull Kid
8: Rex & Pyra

9: Ridley
10: Dillon
11: Midna (w/ Wolf Link)
12: Ray 01

13: Bandana Dee
14: Geno
15: Dixie Kong
16: Elma


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
Game 1: King K. Rool
Game 2: Impa
Game 3: Wonder Red
Game 4: Captain Toad

Game 5: Sami
Game 6: Mimikyu
Game 7: Skull Kid
Game 8: Paper Mario

Game 9: Ridley
Game 10: Andy
Game 11: Midna
Game 12: Ray 01

Game 13: Starfy
Game 14: Geno
Game 15: Krystal
Game 16: Ashley


Smash Rookie
Jul 11, 2014
1: King K. Rool
2: Impa
3: Takamaru
4: Ganon
5: Decidueye
6: Mimikyu
7: Skull Kid
8: Rex and Pyra
9: Marx
10: Dillon
11: Isaac
12: Ray 01
13: Starfy
14: Geno
15: Dixie Kong
16: Ashley


Smash Ace
Mar 23, 2018
Switch FC
Game 1: 8. Sylux
Game 2: 5. Chorus Kids
Game 3: 7. Wonder Red
Game 4: 6. Ganon

Game 5: 1. Decidueye
Game 6: 4. Chibi-Robo
Game 7: 2. Waluigi
Game 8: 6. Paper Mario

Game 9: 9. Marx
Game 10: 4. Andy
Game 11: 7. Midna (w/ Wolf Link)
Game 12: 3. Spring Man

Game 13: 1. Bandana Dee
Game 14: 4. Geno
Game 15: 10. Krystal
Game 16: 6. Ashley


PM me ur character ideas girl
May 21, 2015
Switch FC
Game 1: 1. King K. Rool
Game 2: 4. Impa
Game 3: 7. Wonder Red
Game 4: 3. Captain Toad

Game 5: 9. Sami
Game 6: 4. Chibi-Robo
Game 7: 2. Waluigi
Game 8: 6. Paper Mario

Game 9: 1. Ridley
Game 10: 4. Andy
Game 11: 2. Isaac
Game 12: 11. Ray 01

Game 13: 9. Starfy
Game 14: 5. Isabelle
Game 15: 10. Krystal
Game 16: 6. Ashley
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
Game 1:Sylux
Game 2:Chorus Kids
Game 3:Wonder Red
Game 4:Captain Toad

Game 5: Decidueye
Game 6: Mimikyu
Game 7: Waluigi
Game 8: Rex & Pyra

Game 9: 1. Ridley
Game 10: Dillon
Game 11: Midna (w/ Wolf Link)
Game 12: Spring Man

Game 13: Bandana Dee
Game 14: Geno
Game 15: Dixie Kong
Game 16: Elma

This one was actually easier than last time since a lot of the characters I like got beat first round.

All that was left was a lot of rounds where I like one and don't particularly care for the other. Only one that took me a sec was round 1 because I don't have a strong opinion on either :p


PM me ur character ideas girl
May 21, 2015
Switch FC
Game 1: King K. Rool
Game 2: Chorus Kids
Game 3: Takamaru
Game 4: Captain Toad

• King K. Rool is my most wanted. If Metroid gets another rep., the only real choice for me is Ridley.
• Chorus Kids are a great representative of Rhythm Heaven. The three kids can represent three beats. A press of 'A' allowing an attack to repeat again and again (three times in total). Impa feels like trying to hard to rep. Zelda for me, although I know some truly like the character.
• Takamaru has retro status. I feel that either Takamaru or Mach Rider will get that spot. Wonder Red does not have much appeal to me mostly due to limited knowledge.
• I wanted Toad for a long time. I'd rather Ganondorf further removed from Captain Falcon, than Ganon at this point.

Game 5: Decidueye
Game 6: Chibi-Robo
Game 7: Waluigi
Game 8: Paper Mario

• Grass Starters are my favorite.
• Chibi-Robo would rep. a new series and seems fun.
• Waluigi would be hilarious. Skull Kid is cool, but lost in time.
• Paper Mario wins due to loyalty. I hope his moveset borrows from his first two games, which I adored.

Game 9: Ridley
Game 10: Dillon
Game 11: Isaac
Game 12: Spring Man

• Ridley is tied or close to most wanted with K. Rool and is like a glaring omission. Marx would be my pick for Kirby rep, though.
• I like Dillon's design.
• Issac would rep an omitted series. I pick him over Midna.
• ARMs seems like a strong new IP w/ cool, brightly colored characters.

Game 13: Bandana Dee
Game 14: Geno
Game 15: Dixie Kong
Game 16: Ashley

• Bandana Dee would be a satisfying Kirby rep. that fans have won me over on. Luma outshines Starfy now.
• Geno is a nice throwback to a great RPG. I am not against Isabelle, but she loses this matchup for me.
• Dixie Kong was my favorite character in DKC2.
• Ashley is a witch. In a contest w/ two characters I know little about, witch wins over person w/ guns and blades.
I'm not criticizing the choice, but please don't compare Starfy to Luma. They're nothing alike.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
Game 1: King K. Rool
Game 2: Chorus Kids
Game 3: Takamaru
Game 4: Ganon

Game 5: Decidueye
Game 6: Chibi-Robo
Game 7: Waluigi
Game 8: Paper Mario

Game 9: Ridley
Game 10: Andy
Game 11: Isaac
Game 12: Spring Man

Game 13: Bandana Dee
Game 14: Geno
Game 15: Dixie Kong
Game 16: Elma


Smash Ace
Aug 12, 2012
Game 1: Sylux (personal preference)
Game 2: Impa (a singular character with a broader personality)
Game 3: Takamaru (samurai guy)
Game 4: Captain Toad (I am opposed to Ganon)

Game 5: Decidueye (more interesting of a character than a soldier)
Game 6: Chibi-Robo (even if I weren't opposed to Mimikyu, Chibi-Robo is much cooler of a choice imo)
Game 7: Skull Kid (more important to a franchise's story, with more opportunity for uniqueness)
Game 8: Rex & Pyra (I am opposed to Paper Mario)

Game 9: Marx (more interesting of a character)
Game 10: Dillon (not much of an Advance Wars fan)
Game 11: Isaac (I mean, come on)
Game 12: Spring Man (Woohoo!)

Game 13: Bandana Dee (more moveset potential)
Game 14: Geno (let's be honest here)
Game 15: Dixie Kong (truly an all-star choice)
Game 16: Elma (diversity)

I suspect it's gonna get a whole lot harder next round.

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Smash Journeyman
Mar 17, 2018
Game 1: 1. King K. Rool
Game 2: 5. Chorus Kids
Game 3: 2. Takamaru
Game 4: 6. Ganon

Game 5: 9. Sami
Game 6: 4. Chibi-Robo
Game 7: 2. Waluigi
Game 8: 3. Rex & Pyra

Game 9: 1. Ridley
Game 10: 4. Andy
Game 11: 2. Isaac
Game 12: 3. Spring Man

Game 13: 9. Starfy
Game 14: 4. Geno
Game 15: 2. Dixie Kong
Game 16: 6. Ashley


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
Sad to see most of my favorites got killed on the first round. Then again, I was always one to root for the underdog. This makes the voting easier for me. (Also, what the hell is up with people and Fire Emblem. It’s really getting toxic.)

Game 1: King K. Rool
Game 2: Chorus Kids
Game 3: Takamaru
Game 4: Captain Toad

Game 5: Sami
Game 6: Chibi-Robo
Game 7: Waluigi
Game 8: Rex & Pyra

Game 9: Ridley
Game 10: Andy
Game 11: Isaac
Game 12: Spring Man

Game 13: Bandana Dee
BY FAR the toughest pick.
Game 14: Isabelle
Game 15: Dixie Kong
Poor Krystal’s gon get annihilated.
Game 16: Ashley


Smash Journeyman
Apr 14, 2014
(Also, what the hell is up with people and Fire Emblem. It’s really getting toxic.)
The grumbling started when people thought that Chrom was likely and that we were going to get “another blue-haired anime swordsman.” Even when that didn’t happen, things got a bit more toxic when we got both Robin and Lucina (a clone). And then they got even more toxic with Roy as a DLC character, adding yet another FE rep. And then… there was Corrin. A character that probably almost nobody nominated on the ballot, another FE character, and obvious advertising.


It’s been toxic for a while now. Honestly, I’m glad it wasn’t worse. Celica and Lyn, even if they didn’t win, were both competitive. It would have been nice if one of them got through, but I guess we can't get too greedy.


Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
The grumbling started when people thought that Chrom was likely and that we were going to get “another blue-haired anime swordsman.” Even when that didn’t happen, things got a bit more toxic when we got both Robin and Lucina (a clone). And then they got even more toxic with Roy as a DLC character, adding yet another FE rep. And then… there was Corrin. A character that probably almost nobody nominated on the ballot, another FE character, and obvious advertising.


It’s been toxic for a while now. Honestly, I’m glad it wasn’t worse. Celica and Lyn, even if they didn’t win, were both competitive. It would have been nice if one of them got through, but I guess we can't get too greedy.
Hopefully the dust settles soon...I liked all the FE characters in the last game, and I still don't get the hate right now.
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Smash Ace
Mar 30, 2018
Game 1: Sylux - Both could be interesting, but I'll pick the underdog. At least his series hasn't left him to rot.
Game 2: Chorus Kids - More unique.
Game 3: Takamaru - Still rooting for the sister games to be completed in Smash.
Game 4: Captain Toad - I'll take the unique guy over another form of someone.

Game 5: Decidueye - I still think he is over-rated, but I have 0 connection to Sami.
Game 6: Mimikyu - Chibi-who? Mimikyu doesn't have that issue.
Game 7: Waluigi - Still think he has potential in move set.
Game 8: Paper Mario - Still don't like the outfits of Rex and Pyra. And i grew up with the original Paper Marios, the good ones with actual character building and amazing partners.

Game 9: Marx - Still not sold on Ridley looking right on Bowser's scale. I think I'd rather have a playable boss mode where 3-4 players fight a boss controlled by another player in terms of Ridley.
Game 10: Dillon - Why not.
Game 11: Isaac - Not a fan of Wolf Link. Wolf is the only wolf we need.
Game 12: Spring Man - Like his design a lot more than little robot man.

Game 13: Bandana Dee - Spear.
Game 14: Isabelle - Still don't understand the Geno hype.
Game 15: Dixie Kong - She isn't viewed partially responsible for the downfall of her series.
Game 16: Ashley - Cute cartoon girl feels more Nintendo than more anime looking people.
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Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
The grumbling started when people thought that Chrom was likely and that we were going to get “another blue-haired anime swordsman.” Even when that didn’t happen, things got a bit more toxic when we got both Robin and Lucina (a clone). And then they got even more toxic with Roy as a DLC character, adding yet another FE rep. And then… there was Corrin. A character that probably almost nobody nominated on the ballot, another FE character, and obvious advertising.


It’s been toxic for a while now. Honestly, I’m glad it wasn’t worse. Celica and Lyn, even if they didn’t win, were both competitive. It would have been nice if one of them got through, but I guess we can't get too greedy.
I mean, I understand all that. But characters like Lyn, who have been fan-favorites for god knows how long, losing?

If Smashboards wasn’t an isolated bubble, I’d actually be scared for the prospects of Fire Emblem as a series.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 14, 2014
I mean, I understand all that. But characters like Lyn, who have been fan-favorites for god knows how long, losing?

If Smashboards wasn’t an isolated bubble, I’d actually be scared for the prospects of Fire Emblem as a series.
The world will never know, but I honestly think she might have won in a different matchup. Porky, Sylux, Hades, and maybe more would have been beatable. Unfortunately, she got paired against a well-liked character from a beloved unrepped franchise (I picked the seeding, but the actual matchups were done by an online bracket maker). I suspect a lot of those that voted for Sami actually like Lyn (I am among those).


Smash Apprentice
Apr 1, 2018
Game 1: 1. King K. Rool
Game 2: 4. Impa
Game 3: 2. Takamaru
Game 4: 3. Captain Toad

Game 5: 1. Decidueye
Game 6: 4. Chibi-Robo
Game 7: 2. Waluigi
Game 8: 6. Paper Mario

Game 9: 1. Ridley
Game 10: 4. Andy
Game 11: 2. Isaac
Game 12: 3. Spring Man

Game 13: 1. Bandana Dee
Game 14: 4. Geno
Game 15: 2. Dixie Kong
Game 16: 3. Elma


Smash Ace
Mar 30, 2018
I mean, I understand all that. But characters like Lyn, who have been fan-favorites for god knows how long, losing?

If Smashboards wasn’t an isolated bubble, I’d actually be scared for the prospects of Fire Emblem as a series.
Fire Emblem, out of all the Series, probably deserves the most criticism currently as it gained 3 new characters and regained one former cut character making it one of the very few series to gain 4 reps between games. (LoZ did this in 64 to Melee) What doesn't help this is that two of those characters are clones and one was a pure advertisement in the time of people thinking we'd be getting more ballot choices or Wolf instead of some FE character people didn't even know about. Even though Corrin is pretty unique, they still brought yet another sword user from the series. So the roster does feel a bit bloated with anime looking sword users.

Compare Fire Emblem to the other series with high rep counts as well.

Fire Emblem
:4marth::4feroy::4lucina: - Anime swords users
:4myfriends: - Anime heavy sword user
:4corrin::4robinm: - Anime sword user with magic

:4pikachu: - Electric rat
:4greninja: - Ninja frog
:4jigglypuff: - Singing diva puffball
:4charizard: - Fire dragon
:4mewtwo: - Psychic abomination
:4lucario: - Anubis canine thing

:4link: - Swordsman
:4tlink: - Cartoon swordsman
:4ganondorf: - Evil punch man
:4zelda: - Magic princess
:4sheik: - Ninja

:4mario::4luigi::4drmario: - Cartoon plumbers
:4peach: - Cartoon, girly princess
:rosalina: - Cartoon, space princess with a star baby puppet
:4bowser: - Large cartoon turtle dragon
:4bowserjr: - Small cartoon turtle dragon in a flying clown car with contraptions

One of these series high amount of reps come with a smaller list of unique traits among those reps. I honestly do think FE may need to lose 1-2 reps if it wants to gain some in the next Smash. At the least, Lucina should be demoted to a costume. I'm fine with a new Fire Emblem character myself, but I want them to being something new to the roster and not just another generic anime sword user. Lyn or Celicia honestly doesn't break the mold enough, but I would take either lady over Lucina and possibly Corrin or Roy. And if the new lord doesn't break the sword user mold, I honestly would rather pass on them and take yet another LoZ, Mario, or Pokemon rep as at least they bring very different characters into the mix.
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Kirby Dragons

Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2014
Another Dimension
Game 1: 1. King K. Rool vs 8. Sylux
Game 2: 4. Impa vs 5. Chorus Kids
Game 3: 2. Takamaru vs 7. Wonder Red
Game 4: 3. Captain Toad vs 6. Ganon

Game 5: 1. Decidueye vs 9. Sami
Game 6: 4. Chibi-Robo vs 5. Mimikyu
Game 7: 2. Waluigi vs 7. Skull Kid
Game 8: 3. Rex & Pyra vs 6. Paper Mario

Game 9: 1. Ridley vs 9. Marx
Game 10: 4. Andy vs 5. Dillon
Game 11: 2. Isaac vs 7. Midna (w/ Wolf Link)
Game 12: 3. Spring Man vs 11. Ray 01

Game 13: 1. Bandana Dee vs 9. Starfy
Game 14: 4. Geno vs 5. Isabelle
Game 15: 2. Dixie Kong vs 10. Krystal
Game 16: 3. Elma vs 6. Ashley

Last game, the round I paid the most attention to was Krystal vs Daisy. I'm just glad it wasn't as much of a stomp as I expected.

Chihiro Fujisaki

Smash Journeyman
Jun 14, 2014
Game 1: 1. King K. Rool vs 8. Sylux

Game 2
: 4. Impa vs 5. Chorus Kids

Game 3: 2. Takamaru vs 7. Wonder Red

Game 4: 3. Captain Toad vs 6. Ganon

Game 5: 1. Decidueye vs 9. Sami

Game 6: 4. Chibi-Robo vs 5. Mimikyu

Game 7: 2. Waluigi vs 7. Skull Kid

Game 8: 3. Rex & Pyra vs 6. Paper Mario

Game 9: 1. Ridley vs 9. Marx

Game 10: 4. Andy vs 5. Dillon

Game 11: 2. Isaac vs 7. Midna (w/ Wolf Link)

Game 12: 3. Spring Man vs 11. Ray 01

Game 13: 1. Bandana Dee vs 9. Starfy

Game 14: 4. Geno vs 5. Isabelle

Game 15: 2. Dixie Kong vs 10. Krystal

Game 16: 3. Elma vs 6. Ashley


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2010
Game 1: King K. Rool
Game 2: Impa
Game 3: Takamaru
Game 4: Captain Toad

Game 5: Decidueye
Game 6: Chibi-Robo
Game 7: Skull Kid
Game 8: Paper Mario

Game 9: Ridley
Game 10: Dillon
Game 11: Isaac
Game 12: Spring Man

Game 13: Bandana Dee
Game 14: Isabelle
Game 15: Dixie Kong
Game 16: Ashley


PM me ur character ideas girl
May 21, 2015
Switch FC
Is it really wrong people don't want more Fire Emblem? Calling people toxic because no FE characters made the second round?


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
Most Wanted Round 2r.png

Bit easier than the first:

K. Rool vs. Sylux; between DK and Metroid, I just prefer DK
Impa vs. Chorus Kids: Impa's in my top four and the Chorus Kids Gematsu leak was very irritating back during Sm4sh spec.
Takamaru vs. Wonder Red: Between yet another anime swordsman and a guy who can form into a giant fist with a heap of his buddies I'll go for the creative one.
Captain Toad Vs. Ganon: My most wanted character in Smash since 64(now in Captain flavour) vs. not even my fifth choice of Zelda newcomer. No contest.

Decidueye vs Sami: I'm just really not feeling any of the Pokemon newcomers this time round. Decidueye will win this easily, but I'd rather SOMEONE from Advance Wars makes it.
Chibi-Robo vs Mimikyu: Again, really not feeling the Alola Pokemon, and Chibi-Robo is adorable.
Waluigi vs Skull Kid: Memes aside, I really don't care for Skull Kid whilst I've always liked Waluigi's ridiculous design since day one.
Rex & Pyra vs Paper Mario: Paper Mario. This was tricky since I don't really want three Marios, but Rex really doesn't do much for me.

Ridley vs Marx: I like Marx a lot, but Ridley fans deserve him in more.
Andy vs Dillon: Dillon...close, but I prefer Dillon's Rolling Western to Advance Wars. Still deserves a character though!
Isaac vs Midna (w/ Wolf Link): If Isaac wasn't an adept and just a swordsman this would have gone differently, but the boy offers more than Midna I feel.
Spring Man vs Ray 01: Not exactly rooting for either, but I can see how Spring Man would play a lot easier than I can with Ray.

Bandana Dee vs Starfy: Nothing against Starfy, but Dee is in my top four so you'll have to spin on pal.
Geno vs Isabelle: Isabelle easily. Geno is the one Mario character I don't really 'get' the smash support for.
Dixie Kong vs Krystal: Dixie Kong easily. Top four again, and one of the notable heroines of Nintendo not getting a look in...
Elma vs Ashley: Elma. Ashley's landslide appeal over other WarioWare characters has always baffled me. 9-Volt would make for a more interesting moveset with his retro Nintendo fandom. Elma is more anime swords, but hey; she also brings guns and a mecha.

Deleted member

1. Sylux
2. Impa
3. Wonder Red
4. Captain Toad
5. Decidueye
6. Chibi-Robo
7. Skull Kid
8. Rex and Pyra
12. Springman
15. Krystal


Smash Ace
Aug 10, 2013
Now that we're a bit shorter on characters, I'll start to give some reasoning on my choices.

Game 1: King K. Rool
Game 2: Chorus Kids
Game 3: Takamaru
Game 4: Ganon

King K. Rool: I love the Donkey Kong Country franchise far too much to let this guy down. I'll probably stick with him to the end.
Chorus Kids: I desperately want a Zelda newcomer, but I want a Rhythm Heaven newcomer even more. It's the only franchise currently not represented in Smash that I desperately want to see.
Takamaru: Don't really care about either, but samurais are cool.
Ganon: I desperately want a Zelda newcomer. Not really feeling Captain Toad, despite being a huge Toad player in terms of Mario Kart.

Game 5: Decidueye
Game 6: Mimikyu
Game 7: Waluigi
Game 8: Rex & Pyra

Decidueye: I'm not really knowledgable with the Advance War series. Plus, Decidueye has a super cool design, being one of the only modern Pokemon I'd consider myself a big fan of.
Mimikyu: Not a huge fan of Mimikyu, but I'm not interested in the Chibi Robo series whatsoever, and it seems like it's a dead franchise now, after Zip Lash.
Waluigi: Memes. Also, I'd rather have Impa or Ganon as a new Zelda character.
Rex & Pyra: If Sticker Star and Color Splash didn't exist, Paper Mario would've easily taken this for me, even though I adore Xenoblade 2.

Game 9: Ridley
Game 10: Andy
Game 11: Isaac
Game 12: Ray 01

Ridley: He's Ridley. Not really sure what else there is to say. Never really understood where all of Marx's popularity comes from anyway. He's cute, but he showed up once. He's as important as Wham Bam Rock.
Andy: I don't really know anything about either franchise, but I definitely think Andy both deserves the spot more, and brings a lot more to the table moveset-wise.
Isaac: I'd prefer Impa or Ganon as a new Zelda character. Also, I'd rather represent some new franchises rather than put in a one-off character.
Ray 01: I just don't like ARMS.

Game 13: Bandana Waddle Dee
Game 14: Geno
Game 15: Dixie Kong
Game 16: Elma

Bandana Waddle Dee: Not a huge fan of Bandana Waddle Dee, but I am a big fan of Kirby. I've only played one Starfy game (the DS one), and thought it was enjoyable, but I like Kirby a whole lot more. I think Starfy is fine where he is now: an Assist Trophy.
Geno: Not a huge fan of Geno, but I really am just not very fond of Isabelle. She stole the "iconic animal" role from Tom Nook, and that sucks. Tom Nook everyday, man.
Dixie Kong: Donkey Kong Country is just too good. Also I'm not really interested in a furbait character
Elma: I literally just flipped a coin for this one. I couldn't care less about either.
Last edited:


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
Fire Emblem, out of all the Series, probably deserves the most criticism currently as it gained 3 new characters and regained one former cut character making it one of the very few series to gain 4 reps between games. (LoZ did this in 64 to Melee) What doesn't help this is that two of those characters are clones and one was a pure advertisement in the time of people thinking we'd be getting more ballot choices or Wolf instead of some FE character people didn't even know about. Even though Corrin is pretty unique, they still brought yet another sword user from the series. So the roster does feel a bit bloated with anime looking sword users.

Compare Fire Emblem to the other series with high rep counts as well.

Fire Emblem
:4marth::4feroy::4lucina: - Anime swords users
:4myfriends: - Anime heavy sword user
:4corrin::4robinm: - Anime sword user with magic

:4pikachu: - Electric rat
:4greninja: - Ninja frog
:4jigglypuff: - Singing diva puffball
:4charizard: - Fire dragon
:4mewtwo: - Psychic abomination
:4lucario: - Anubis canine thing

:4link: - Swordsman
:4tlink: - Cartoon swordsman
:4ganondorf: - Evil punch man
:4zelda: - Magic princess
:4sheik: - Ninja

:4mario::4luigi::4drmario: - Cartoon plumbers
:4peach: - Cartoon, girly princess
:rosalina: - Cartoon, space princess with a star baby puppet
:4bowser: - Large cartoon turtle dragon
:4bowserjr: - Small cartoon turtle dragon in a flying clown car with contraptions

One of these series high amount of reps come with a smaller list of unique traits among those reps. I honestly do think FE may need to lose 1-2 reps if it wants to gain some in the next Smash. At the least, Lucina should be demoted to a costume. I'm fine with a new Fire Emblem character myself, but I want them to being something new to the roster and not just another generic anime sword user. Lyn or Celicia honestly doesn't break the mold enough, but I would take either lady over Lucina and possibly Corrin or Roy. And if the new lord doesn't break the sword user mold, I honestly would rather pass on them and take yet another LoZ, Mario, or Pokemon rep as at least they bring very different characters into the mix.
It seems pretty reductive to say that they’re all the same just because they’re sword users, given that Ike, Robin and Corrin have radically different movesets than Marth. Looking at just the base game, we got one new character and one clone, things only got out of hand with DLC and even then it was pretty balanced between new and cloned. Then again, I was never one to complain about clones if I like the character, so maybe I’m just having a disconnect from everyone else.

Is it really wrong people don't want more Fire Emblem? Calling people toxic because no FE characters made the second round?
Oh, sorry if I expressed myself poorly, I’m not saying anyone’s acting toxic because they’d rather have one character over another. I was speaking more about how, on this site at large, it would seem that just because we got 3 newcomers in one game some people outright hate FE now.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 26, 2015
Temple of the Ancients
Game 1: King K. Rool
Longer history and more popularity than Sylux

Game 2: Impa
Impa has a greater place among the Zelda series and has better moveset potential.

Game 3: Takamaru
Harder choice, but Takamaru has been so close to being playable that it needs to happen now.

Game 4: Captain Toad
As much as I would love to see Ganon, Toad needs a playable spot on the roster.

Game 5: Decidueye
Decidueye, no contest.

Game 6: Chibi-Robo
Chibi gets my vote as Decidueye took the new spot for Pokemon

Game 7: Skull Kid
Skull Kid is an old favorite and I would love to see him represent MM in Smash.

Game 8: Rex & Pyra
Rex & Pyra would bring a very unique fighting style to the table, plus their designs are great!

Game 9: Ridley

Game 10: Dillon
I never had an attachment to AW, but with Dillons new game and his stellar character design, he needs to join the roster.

Game 11: Isaac
This one hurts, like alot. I want Midna so bad, but I truly want to see Isaac smash with the best of them. Isaac wins this round.

Game 12: Ray 01
Ray 01 is another pipedream choice. He gets my vote.

Game 13: Bandana Dee
Game 14: Geno
Game 15: Krystal
Personal preference of wanting a new Star Fox rep that is way different from Fox and Falco.

Game 16: Ashley
It would feel nice if WW got a new character.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 18, 2014
Game 1: 1. King K. Rool vs 8. Sylux
Sylux is actually one of my most wanted newcomers, but King K. Rool is so much more deserving.

Game 2: 4. Impa vs 5. Chorus Kids
Zelda needs more representation, and Impa would be interesting, but I'd rather see Rhythm Heaven get some love.

Game 3
: 2. Takamaru vs 7. Wonder Red
Didn't play Wonderful 101, don't plan on playing it. Takamaru would be cool, so he gets my vote.

Game 4: 3. Captain Toad vs 6. Ganon
I don't really want Ganon that much, but I really don't want Captain Toad.

Game 5: 1. Decidueye vs 9. Sami
Don't really care either way, I'm just more familiar with Decidueye.

Game 6: 4. Chibi-Robo vs 5. Mimikyu
I think Chibi-Robo could have an awesome moveset with grapples and long range attacks. I never got the appeal of Mimikyu.

Game 7: 2. Waluigi vs 7. Skull Kid
Skull Kid is cool and all, but he hasn't been relevant in a long time. Waluigi has earned his spot on the roster by now.

Game 8: 3. Rex & Pyra vs 6. Paper Mario
I loved Xenoblade 2, but didn't really care for Rex. I only chose him because I've never played Paper Mario and have no interest in him.

Game 9: 1. Ridley vs 9. Marx
Ridley and Marx are both characters that I want, but I think that Ridley deserves to be in much more.

Game 10: 4. Andy vs 5. Dillon
Don't care for either of them, but I'd choose Andy because he may fill the void Snake left.

Game 11: 2. Isaac vs 7. Midna (w/ Wolf Link)
Isaac would have a much more interesting moveset than Midna.

Game 12: 3. Spring Man vs 11. Ray 01
Spring Man is much more relevant and likely, but Ray 01 always appealed to me.

Game 13: 1. Bandana Dee vs 9. Starfy
I have no interest in Starfy.

Game 14: 4. Geno vs 5. Isabelle
I never got the Geno hype, but I also don't get the Isabelle hype. I really can't see what she could do in battle, Villager already pretty much took everything from Animal Crossing for his moveset.

Game 15: 2. Dixie Kong vs 10. Krystal
Eh, whatever, don't like either.

Game 16: 3. Elma vs 6. Ashley
Definitely the hardest choice on either rounds. Elma and Ashley are both of in the top three most wanted newcomers. It sucks that they got paired this early. I much prefer Xenoblade X to any Warioware game, but I have to go with Ashley. I prefer her character and think she could bring something more unique to Smash than Elma.


Smash Ace
Jan 23, 2010
Princeton, NJ
Game 1: 8. Sylux
I think he'd be cool, plus he's actually relevant.
Game 2: 5. Chorus Kids
Rhythm Heaven deserves a rep more than Zelda deserves a 6th.
Game 3: 7. Wonder Red
Like I said last time, I can pretend WR is Viewtiful Joe, plus I hate the annoying Takamaru fanboys.
Game 4: 3. Captain Toad
Toad deserves it by now.

Game 5: 9. Sami
I don't care that much for either, but AW deserves a rep.
Game 6: 5. Mimikyu
I feel bad voting against Chibi-Robo, but I definitely want Mimikyu more.
Game 7: 2. Waluigi
It's time.
Game 8: 6. Paper Mario
I love(d) Paper Mario and don't care about Xenoblade.

Game 9: 1. Ridley
Ridley would be pretty cool, and I didn't like how Marx played in Star Allies.
Game 10: 4. Andy
AW deserves a rep.
Game 11: 2. Isaac
I don't care about either series, but Golden Sun deserves a rep more than Zelda deserves their 6th.
Game 12: 3. Spring Man
Spring Man seems like he'd be more fun.

Game 13: 1. Bandana Dee
After playing as him in Star Allies, I want him. I still find his fanbase annoying, though.
Game 14: 5. Isabelle
Geno was in one game 20 years ago. Isabelle is much more relevant.
Game 15: 2. Dixie Kong
I don't particularly care for Dixie, I like Cranky and Funky a lot more, but I'd much prefer her to Krystal.
Game 16: 6. Ashley
I like WarioWare, I think Ashley would be cool, and I don't care about Xenoblade.


Smash Ace
Mar 30, 2018
It seems pretty reductive to say that they’re all the same just because they’re sword users, given that Ike, Robin and Corrin have radically different movesets than Marth. Looking at just the base game, we got one new character and one clone, things only got out of hand with DLC and even then it was pretty balanced between new and cloned. Then again, I was never one to complain about clones if I like the character, so maybe I’m just having a disconnect from everyone else.
I placed those 3 away from Marth in my listings. But even so, they all boil down to anime looking swordsmen/women. Compare that to the variety of the other largely represented franchises and it's pitiful. Lances, axes, laguz, and mounts could be exciting. But instead, we have 4 regular sword users, a sword user with magic, and a sword user with some laguz/dragon/whatever stuff going on. Only Starfox imitates the lack of creativity and choices on a similar level, and they were cut down to only 2 reps. Though Robin and Corrin are examples of how they can start to move away from the swords, but Lyn, Chrom, and Celicia don't break away from the already existing mold very far. Now they'd likely do it better than Roy or Lucina, but there really isn't a good reason to push Fire Emblem into more reps than bigger names like Pokemon, Mario, and LoZ while their characters are offering very little diversity.

The best bet would be to cut the fat (Lucina and possibly Roy) and decide whether Corrin was successful enough to stay. Then from there, decide whether the new upcoming lord offers anything new. (lance, mount, or axe) If not, then maybe the best bet is to let the series simmer for a generation of Smash and not place yet another sword user from the same series as other series offer more unique sword users like Takamaru or Isaac than what would be the 7th for Fire Emblem.
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