here is my bigg confession list
- the first time i saw isai on galaxy like the third week i stared playing i played him on the server and he kick me cuz of my lag and tell me i was gonna be on a black list of laggy players
so i blame him verry bad lol i really disliked isai, fortunately i think he forgot it lol, now thx to him i think i got really
good at this game cuz he also give me the chance to play him p2p a lot of times since
nobody wanted to get pwned in the stream
-the first time i played jaimehr i stared taking serious this game cuz i wanted
to beat him so bad most of it cuz he is from my country and i wanted to be the best
in mexico (so get ready for apex 2014 jaime :D)
-i havent beat superboomfan in a single match
-when superboomfan accepted me on pps even knowing it was just a inactive clan i really motivated me a lot
to keep playing this game thank youuu boom
-i started maining fox (now pikachu) because of sheermadness gameplay i got amazed of his way of playing fox only
using laser,tilts and 0 smashes most of my ssb64 gameplay evolve from that point so if u already lose vs me blame sheermadness lol
-alot of ppl hate MATTS! i think cuz he trolls and for his gay kirby idk but im verry proud that MATTS! always help me improve my game talking a lot with him and playing
vs his beautifull and super gay kirby lol and also think he is one of the coolest guys in this community
-i hate bad lossers or rage quitters and i focus all myself to be not his friend
-my favorite match up is pika dittos in dreamland
-of all characters the most i really hate playing is link, sword,bombs and bomerang so annoying i really get frustrated playing him
-i love playing games with items on i think you could play some really high skilled games with them and also think just asuming the beam sword is the top tier
item in the game lol
-i really suck at teams cuz i never had the chance to play teams in low frames and that makes me feel frustrated cuz i want to improve my team skills to get better
-i think one of the secrets that isai is too good is cuz he plays with all characters and not only focus in 1 or 2 chars like 99% of the players
-one of the things that really makes me angry are the players with low frames that laggs its just so disrespectfull for high frame players
-i hate when ppl waits for me to chose a character so he can counter it.... also i hate when they complain about the stage so thats why i never chose a stage i always let them
choose it
-i want to know what is a FAT B.ii.tch in apex :D
-my original name was Dext3rm
-the most funny match i have ever played was vs peek in mushroom kingdom fortunately we recorded :D and its on youtube
-i miss peek
-i always try to help new players that want to play competitive cuz lot of ppl helped me
- i really belive i can be one of the best players at this game if i keep playing :D