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Smash Brawl Icon Discovery


Smash Journeyman
Sep 13, 2007
Think what you want.
I don't know Japanese, but I can read English just fine. I'm sticking to what I believe is the "order" and I don't expect you to.

P.S.- What's a weeaboo, anyway?
You don't know Japanese... yet you're still trying to promote this idiocy?

Right, whatever. Like you said, you believe what you want to believe, just don't go promoting it as fact to others.

... So I'd say, put some disclaimer at your "Icon Theory" thing, or something.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
You don't know Japanese... yet you're still trying to promote this idiocy?

Right, whatever. Like you said, you believe what you want to believe, just don't go promoting it as fact to others.

... So I'd say, put some disclaimer at your "Icon Theory" thing, or something.
Ummm... I'm not promoting it as fact. That's why it's called a "theory".
I wonder if you're part of an organized religion?

Derogative used on "ebaumsworld." Refers to people who have an annoying obsession with anime, manga, video games, and Japanese things in general. Similar terms include "wapanese," "yellow fever," and the non-derogatory "otaku."
Ohhh... that's silly. First off, eBaumsWorld is fail. It was cool in, like, 7th and 8th grade, but once you hit high school you should probably see what eBaumsWorld really is. Second, I'm not overly obsessed with anime, manga, or Japanese things. I'd say my obsession with video games is just as serious as anyone else's who subscribes to SWF, so I don't want lectures or insults from people who I know are on the same level as me but with different beliefs.

And third... I do get yellow fever... sometimes. ;)


Smash Journeyman
Aug 1, 2007

That's what Weeaboo truly is.

Anyways, I think people need to even stop talking about this subject because there's already been about 10 holes pointed out that invalidate it from being a theory at all.

wWw Dazwa

Feb 23, 2006
Ohhh... that's silly. First off, eBaumsWorld is fail. It was cool in, like, 7th and 8th grade, but once you hit high school you should probably see what eBaumsWorld really is.
protip: "eBaumsWorld" is codeword for 4chan. They blame everything on ebaums.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
4) Metroid (Samus/#6) is the ONLY outlier to break the "order rules".
Yours is the most convincing of what I've seen. Most just go back and forth between series name and Character name.

However, a couple discrepancies...

First, Samus isn't the only one to break the rule. "Super Mario" is the other. It should just be "Mario," unless you're going to argue that since Luigi was in there, too, they used the series name...whatever.

But even with Metroid being considered the only one as breaking the rule, you still have to account for it. If you have a theory and there is one flaw or one inconsistency, it still falls through. That's how math/science and hypotheses/theories work. You create a hypothesis, test it, and if it fails, you modify it. You can't just right it off and say "oh well, it was just once." You have to account for the difference, otherwise it fails.

So, even while this is still the best I've seen as far as organizing and creating a good icon theory, it still fails because it doesn't account for Metroid breaking the chain.


Smash Champion
Jun 21, 2007
The worlds were limited to 18 before. Then Sonic and DS came along. For all we know, the series could go to 100...well I hope for at least 25 (G&W, Golden Sun, Pikmin, Megaman, and Custom Robo ftw!)


Smash Journeyman
Sep 13, 2007

So you just added another character name switch instead of a series name? You're making the list fail even more.

Not to mention you used "Ness", who, at this point, is looking to be cut. Even if that did have achance of working, it would only do so if Ness were confirmed.

Ummm... I'm not promoting it as fact. That's why it's called a "theory".
You initial post opens with "No order to the icons, huh? Well, let me show you my research...", implying that there is an order which you have "discovered" (Although I'm positive other tried this before you). Whether you're intending to pass it off as fact or not, that's the impression that's gien from the opening lines.

I wonder if you're part of an organized religion?
And what the hell is that supposed to mean?

And I've already pointed out the logical failures in using the English alphabetization system on the Japanese language system, so I won't even bother going into that again.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Oh great! What now?

So you just added another character name switch instead of a series name? You're making the list fail even more.
What? I did put the series names in.
Mario >> Super Mario Bros
Pikachu >> Pokemon
Marth >> Fire Emblem

Everything (except Metroid and Pit, somewhat) still works.

Not to mention you used "Ness", who, at this point, is looking to be cut. Even if that did have achance of working, it would only do so if Ness were confirmed.
No? It still works just the same because Ness was in SSB64. Sakurai is using the order from previous games.
If he was taking Lucas into consideration, then he'd have rearranged the entire order altogether.

You initial post opens with "No order to the icons, huh? Well, let me show you my research...", implying that there is an order which you have "discovered" (Although I'm positive other tried this before you). Whether you're intending to pass it off as fact or not, that's the impression that's gien from the opening lines.
Well I'm sorry you think that's what I meant.
It's not.

And what the hell is that supposed to mean?
Nothing. Don't worry about it.

And I've already pointed out the logical failures in using the English alphabetization system on the Japanese language system, so I won't even bother going into that again.
Alright, thanks for that.


Smash Ace
Nov 9, 2007
I'm tempted to subscribe to the theory simply because Rokkuman would fit nicely between Parutena no Kagami and Sonikku, but it all seems pretty iffy. There is a pattern, albeit a somewhat fractured one...but I've seen stranger coincidences.


Smash Ace
Dec 1, 2005
Listen, it's very simple. The purpose of a theory about the icon list order is to allow us to predict what can come next and what can't. But that's only possible if we come up with a theory that is absolutely watertight. The N64 -> Melee -> Brawl ordering is a theory that is extremely solid, and more or less proves Game & Watch's presence. That's because there has yet to be a single exception over all this time. Your theory, on the other hand, is flimsy and full of holes. It only works if you make giant stretches of logic and ignore certain icons. When there are still inconsistencies in the current listing, how can we possibly draw any conclusions about future entries? Without certainty, an icon theory is completely useless.

Byron X

Smash Journeyman
Nov 26, 2005
Excuse me everybody, I have an announcement to make.......Icon number 19 is the Pikmin series. That is all.

*Teleports from Thread*


Smash Fan
Oct 23, 2001
What do you mean when he has a good source? I'd love for it to be the Pikmin series, but i don't just believe a random guy who posted in the thread.


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2007
I hope he was joking... I don't care if they put in Pikmen as long as I see a well known third party character added, Sonic and Snake got me going. (Megaman?)


Smash Ace
Jul 14, 2006
Livermore, CA
His source said Megaman won't be in. :(
His source is the same guy who claimed Sonic would be revealed on Wednesday, the exact date, like 1-2 weeks before.


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2007
Megaman wasn't exactly cut out for brawl anyway, but I do really hope there will be a third party character left to reveal.


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2007
Isaac>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Captain Olimar. But I don't doubt that Olimar has a greater chance than Isaac.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 18, 2007
Megaman wasn't exactly cut out for brawl anyway, but I do really hope there will be a third party character left to reveal.
how is a character who has appeared in more fighting games than everyone else in Brawl be cut out for a fighting game.

A few of those were also crossover games, much like Smash Bros


Smash Apprentice
Oct 7, 2007
His source said Megaman won't be in. :(
His source is the same guy who claimed Sonic would be revealed on Wednesday, the exact date, like 1-2 weeks before.
It was all fake. I was lying. Later, NyaseNya was revealed to be lying.


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2007
Dyce, how confident are you in the alphabetical part of the icon theory? And why do you think the order could restart?


Smash Apprentice
Nov 19, 2007
if anyone hasnt noticed yet, there is an obvious order these icons follow. If everything about this discovery theory IS true, then Megaman and Pikmin are highly likely. Take a look at the list in Japanese that the creator of this thread put up where he talks about how some people think its in alphabetical order. Not only is it all in alphabetical order, but it goes from smash 64 alphabetical then starts over with melee newcomers alphabetical then moves onto the newcomes in brawl that we know of so far newcomers. This gives us more evidence to believe there is an order rather than there not being one. Cmon, thats way too much evidence of an order for those of you who think its not.

Anyways, if my theory is true about an order, then the missing number 19 would be a letter between P and S.... Pikmin or Rockman? Very likely if my theory is correct. Also it fits in with the other missing letter too - number 13. If you take a look at the Japanese list its right after F... Game and Watch maybe?


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Dyce, how confident are you in the alphabetical part of the icon theory? And why do you think the order could restart?
Well obviously I'm confident enough in it to make a detailed post about it. ( lolz )

And I feel the order could restart because of the two potential names that could be given to Icon 21.

Every other icon is fairly obvious as to what it's given, but this one is relatively unknown.
It most likely will stand for DS, but there is a chance it could stand for Touch!Generation.
Yes, Touch!Generation does have its own logo, but there are two major points as to why it may have been given the DS logo in its place:

-First, there's the fact that DS has no recognizable mascots, while Touch!Generation has tons. (But this really holds no water. There's nothing to say that every icon needs a character. But it would be nice. ;))
-Second, Touch!Generation actually has two logos. One for the eastern versions of the games (a square "G" with a stylus), the other for the western versions of the games (three stick figure silhouettes in a circle). This could be confusing with eastern and western civs meeting via Wi-Fi, and it would be annoying for Nintendo to have to put in two different logos in the corresponding versions of the game. Adversely, the DS logo is universal, so it would just be easier.

Also, I believe the order may start over because of how early the letter "D" (for DS) is in the english alphabet. The restarting of the order could have been a last minute decisions to help add characters. Sakurai may have stopped originally before Sonic, then added many more for some reason. If it was something maybe closer to the letter "S" (for Sonic, the logo one place before it) like the letter "T" (for Touch!Generation, obviously) then I will assume the order will continue. Or if it started with a letter maybe a bit earlier than "S" (like the letter "R" or even "Q") then I would just dismiss it as a misplacement.

But at this point, there's no defiinite telling of what it means. I'm leaning towards DS (which may or may not include Touch!Generation {hint-hint}) because the logo is what it is. It's just odd for Sakurai to add a logo for a series that is otherwise unrepresented by a character.

But then we have to remember, Brawl is a COMPLETELY new game. There's no telling what Sakurai will do!


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2007
I bet the 19th spot will be pikmin :(. I'd prefer Isaac or Megaman though. ****, these theories do nothing but heighten my anticipation.


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2007
I just noticed how few series' they added from 64 to melee. Maybe we shouldn't expect anymore than 3 additional franchises.
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