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Smash Brawl Icon Discovery


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
Why can't we just have both Captain Olimar AND Isaac?

With the new DS icon being there I'm starting to lose trust in this theory altogether, though.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Why can't we just have both Captain Olimar AND Isaac?

With the new DS icon being there I'm starting to lose trust in this theory altogether, though.
Well, at this point we need to see icon #22 or higher before we can start guessing what's going to happen further down the line.

Personally, I hope the icon stands for "DS" rather than "Touch! Generation" so the order starts over and there's more room for more series in Brawl.

But, even if the icon is for "Touch! Generation" it doesn't mean the order can't start over down the line.


Smash Cadet
Sep 2, 2007
Are you people guessing or is there an authentic source for this commotion?

I have a distinct feeling that everybody is now going to point out how stupid that post was.

Read the first post.
First off, I was just being a mockery towards someone. And for two, Your "distinct feeling" was obviously emotionally disordered. LMAO.:laugh: In the words of my good friend Stewie, "That's what happens man. Next time you better have my money." :chuckle: I thought I was a geek, SERIOUSLY! There are people on here talking about stuff like, "Yeah, he's not gonna be in the #18 spot. #21 is gonna be filled with so and so." I don't understand where you people are getting this stuff from or what you're talking about. King Dedede just entered the fray. Can anyone determine which bracket he filled? Or tell me where you are finding out who's gonna fill what. Are you guys just guessing? I'm not being an *******, i'm being serious with my questions:)


Smash Journeyman
Apr 5, 2007
There are people on here talking about stuff like, "Yeah, he's not gonna be in the #18 spot. #21 is gonna be filled with so and so." I don't understand where you people are getting this stuff from or what you're talking about. King Dedede just entered the fray. Can anyone determine which bracket he filled? Or tell me where you are finding out who's gonna fill what. Are you guys just guessing? I'm not being an *******, i'm being serious with my questions:)

read some of the first few pages of this thread, and you should have a better idea what everyone is basing their speculations on.


Smash Journeyman
May 24, 2007
In the words of my good friend Stewie, "That's what happens man. Next time you better have my money."
Not only are you stupid for quoting family guy, but the quote itself made absolutely no sense, as with your last 'BFF Jill' quote. There was no point besides making yourself look like a nerd. And I love how you go on to bash nerds right after doing so. WEI 2 GO!


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2007
Nowhere, Alaska
First off, I was just being a mockery towards someone. And for two, Your "distinct feeling" was obviously emotionally disordered. LMAO.:laugh: In the words of my good friend Stewie, "That's what happens man. Next time you better have my money." :chuckle: I thought I was a geek, SERIOUSLY! There are people on here talking about stuff like, "Yeah, he's not gonna be in the #18 spot. #21 is gonna be filled with so and so." I don't understand where you people are getting this stuff from or what you're talking about. King Dedede just entered the fray. Can anyone determine which bracket he filled? Or tell me where you are finding out who's gonna fill what. Are you guys just guessing? I'm not being an *******, i'm being serious with my questions:)
they are basing it series-wise and alphabetical-wise. all the first ones (1-11) were from smash bros. 64, the seconds (12-14, 13 being unknown if its G&W) were from melee, and the ones after those are the brawl ones. that is how they get their theories. if you right click on an icon on the dojo!! the URL says world and then the numbers that the people (geeks?) are talkin about.
PS: that post you did was stupid.


Smash Cadet
Sep 2, 2007
Not only are you stupid for quoting family guy, but the quote itself made absolutely no sense, as with your last 'BFF Jill' quote. There was no point besides making yourself look like a nerd. And I love how you go on to bash nerds right after doing so. WEI 2 GO!
I'm not bashing nerds, u freaking NERD! I, by my own admission, called myself a nerd. I simply stated that these people on here know more than I do. I didn't call anyone out there names like you did. And I just love the way you called me stupid. :laugh: I'm not stupid. I just have a sense of humor:chuckle:. U should acquire one. "the family guy quote made absolutely no sense as with your bff jill quote" Grow up man. Am I that important to u... I'm flattered. I love Super Smash Bros!


Smash Journeyman
Aug 22, 2007
I'm not bashing nerds, u freaking NERD! I, by my own admission, called myself a nerd. I simply stated that these people on here know more than I do. I didn't call anyone out there names like you did. And I just love the way you called me stupid. :laugh: I'm not stupid. I just have a sense of humor:chuckle:. U should acquire one. "the family guy quote made absolutely no sense as with your bff jill quote" Grow up man. Am I that important to u... I'm flattered. I love Super Smash Bros!
besides, family guy sucks. simpsons all the way lol

Lemon Drop

Smash Lord
May 16, 2006
First off, I was just being a mockery towards someone. And for two, Your "distinct feeling" was obviously emotionally disordered. LMAO.:laugh: In the words of my good friend Stewie, "That's what happens man. Next time you better have my money." :chuckle: I thought I was a geek, SERIOUSLY! There are people on here talking about stuff like, "Yeah, he's not gonna be in the #18 spot. #21 is gonna be filled with so and so." I don't understand where you people are getting this stuff from or what you're talking about. King Dedede just entered the fray. Can anyone determine which bracket he filled? Or tell me where you are finding out who's gonna fill what. Are you guys just guessing? I'm not being an *******, i'm being serious with my questions:)
This confirms series to be in Brawl, not characters.

Also to actually answer your question about determining if there will be a playable character or not. No, it does not confirm characters, only series. A series can have multiple characters, or might have none at all (only true for Animal Crossing and Nintendo DS series at the moment)


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2007
There's no need to question.
Believe me or don't.
I really don't care on this one.
It's a matter of opinion.

But thanks for your support Repryx.
You da man.
Actually, I didn't say I don't believe you. It actually seems plausible, but I'd rather it weren't true simply because it most likely means fewer new franchises.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Actually, I didn't say I don't believe you. It actually seems plausible, but I'd rather it weren't true simply because it most likely means fewer new franchises.
Hey, I hope I'm wrong too for the same exact reason. But you need to realize that even if the alphabetical order continues with "Touch! Gen", it doesn't mean that the order couldn't start over somewhere else down the line.


Smash Cadet
Sep 2, 2007
I already knew what the icons meant, dyce. But it's not that serious to me. Trying to calculate a pattern or predict who and/or what series is gonna appear in the game...I'll just wait for the game release to find out or continue to visit Dojo. I just wanted to know where u seen certain icons, say for instance the coin block for "G&W" unofficially. but thanks anyways homie.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
I already knew what the icons meant, dyce. But it's not that serious to me. Trying to calculate a pattern or predict who and/or what series is gonna appear in the game...I'll just wait for the game release to find out or continue to visit Dojo. I just wanted to know where u seen certain icons, say for instance the coin block for "G&W" unofficially. but thanks anyways homie.

Well, I actually drew the coin blocks to represent that there is no icon there for the time being...

And there is no "calculation" as to what series is going to be in Brawl, you just have to see what fits where and leave it at that, speculating for the time being.

But anyway, no problem dawg. I do my best.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 14, 2007
Miramar, Florida
Sakurai should release an update with the Icon number 52 or something just to screw with us. (There won't be that many series, though. I bet he is reading this and enjoying our little speculations. =O)


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Sakurai should release an update with the Icon number 52 or something just to screw with us. (There won't be that many series, though. I bet he is reading this and enjoying our little speculations. =O)
Haha! That's funny. I was thinking about something like that the other day.

It's like painting the numbers "1","2", and "4" on three pigs and letting them loose in a building.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 7, 2007
IMO, this is a sadistic mindgame created by Sakurai's staff. Just when you think there's a perfectly logical pattern, the site throws a weird curveball.


Smash Lord
Mar 19, 2007
[Hide my Location]
Precedence shows us that we have yet to have a stage without a PC rep in previous smash titles(give Final Destination and Battlefield, as they are Smash originals)...
Battlefield doesn't have the smash symbol, it has a different one not used by any character, seen only on the stage select screen. I call it the "Shatter" symbol.

Other characters don't have a nintendo logo, Sonic doesn't have a Sega logo, and Snake doesn't have a Konami logo.
Sonic's symbol is the Sonic Team's logo, and Snake's symbol is Kojima Production's logo.

I don't even like saying this icon represents "Touch Generations" because that's a brand name and not a gaming universe.
As opposed to the gaming universe of "DS?" I don't think this represents Touch Generations, either, just pointing out that your reason doesn't make sense.


Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2005
Chicagoland (NW Indiana)/Purdue West Lafayette
That's true^^^^ There could be icons after 21 that are playable that don't follow a "pattern"
GRAH. Yes they do. All icons after 14 are new to Brawl. All icons from 12-14 were introduced in Melee. All icons before 12 were introduced in 64. That pattern will only be broken if they put a completely new icon (say Golden Sun) in slot 13. If G&W is 13, then the pattern holds true.


Smash Ace
Sep 9, 2007
so if pattern holds true....G&W is basically confirmed

btw, someone told me about this....so i checked it out and then i saw a forum for this...good i didnt have to look at every icon)


Smash Journeyman
Oct 18, 2007
Sakurai wouldnt put the characters name in the icon (alphebetically I mean) at least for new icons because it would allow us to know it. If the animal crossing logo fit for "Tom Nook" we would know he was playable, etc

The new series are simply stated as series, opposed to the old series, so that character names are not revealed. I don't know why anyone had thought differently.

So in theory, they COULD be alphebetical, Popo cold be, as someone stated before Popo Nana


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
What I've come to conclude from all this is that there is an order, and to an extent, things can be predicted. Sakurai stopped basing the icons on character names, as to not give anything away. HOWEVER, not all icons necessarily have to be for newcomers. So even though we can make guesses, we will never truly know until the very end.


Smash Champion
May 30, 2007
Even then we wont know cuz Sakurai is too smart...I tried to assasinate him the other day and Mindgamed's the heat seaker and WD near a space heater and moonwalked outta his house
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