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Smash Back Room Weekly Character Discussions! FINAL UPDATES: Ness + Lucas. All done!!


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
That vid is awesome, His World with lyrics is awesome, instrumental is okay.

gg @ Halloween Cap'n.

Can't wait for next week's hint.

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop

By the way, you were right about the related videos changing frequently.

and Sir Bedevere - congrats!
lolty :p

Should we make another hint to pass the time? There's still one more day (maybe more, you know how the SBR is with hints, although they've been quite good for the past couple weeks). Or else we'll be bored.

Well, I'll be playing Animal Crossing and listening to SMYN, so I won't exactly be bored, but it would still be cool to do one more. :o

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
lolty :p

Should we make another hint to pass the time? There's still one more day (maybe more, you know how the SBR is with hints, although they've been quite good for the past couple weeks). Or else we'll be bored.

Well, I'll be playing Animal Crossing and listening to SMYN, so I won't exactly be bored, but it would still be cool to do one more. :o
I did the last one, and I completely underestimated it. The next one might actually be harder, if I were to do it. Infzy, Stealth Raptor, JLynn, do you guys have anything you'd like to try?


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
Sir Bedevere's sig just keeps getting better. "Eat yo rice" XD too good.

I'd already contributed my hint-stuffz with those images in the last OS hint. So I'm all out :)
It's already Sunday technically, I'd prefer to just wait for OS' hint, but if someone posts something I won't be able to stop myself from giving it a try at least, lol.

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop
It was a lolopinion.

>___> I wasn't bein' serious, Bedevere.

<3 you.

Smooth Criminal
Oh, I'm sorry, I re-read my post and it seemed semi-serious. :/ Didn't really mean it too much lol.

<3 you too.

But no homo. j/k <333333333


Alright, I got bored and made my own hint. You should be able to get it using Wikipedia and google. There really isn't much extra knowledge that can help you, but it can make you go faster, in some cases.

Character can be any character from Brawl, doesn't have to be done/ not done already.

Only hint I'll give you is that each new line needs a different way of solving. Just because line #1 and #2 look similar, and you solved #1 one way, doesn't mean #2 will be solved the same way.

But it could be. :p

Here ya go:



10 15 8 20 15


Pictures of Shadow

Requires 2


Needs a

2 1st

What do you apply?


The answer to the last question is related to the answer to the hint. Just use your best judgement and pick what is obvious, and you shouldn't be stressing over it too much lol. I may give pointers if need be.

Good luck. :D


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
Hmmmm..... (working on Bedevere's hint)

10 15 8 20 15: spells "JOHTO", ie. Pokémon

005: Pokémon 005 is Charmeleon

Pictures of Shadow: here I'm stuck. There's a Shadow Charizard, and I found a picture of a shadow charizard trading card that "Requires 2" flame mana point things (I don't play cardgames lulz)... but I think this is going in the wrong direction. If he'd wanted Charizard he would have said 006.

There's the deviant art account for the alias "~shadow-charmeleon", but then I can't see what "Requires 2" indicates; he/she's got no pictures up, anyway.

So I'm stuck :)

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop
Hmmmm..... (working on Bedevere's hint)

10 15 8 20 15: spells "JOHTO", ie. Pokémon

005: Pokémon 005 is Charmeleon

Pictures of Shadow: here I'm stuck. There's a Shadow Charizard, and I found a picture of a shadow charizard trading card that "Requires 2" flame mana point things (I don't play cardgames lulz)... but I think this is going in the wrong direction. If he'd wanted Charizard he would have said 006.

There's the deviant art account for the alias "~shadow-charmeleon", but then I can't see what "Requires 2" indicates; he/she's got no pictures up, anyway.

So I'm stuck :)
The lines often correlate directly with each other, so when you move on to the next line, remember not to forget what you just solved from the previous line.

I don't want to give much more than that. :X But you do have the right idea, you just...misinterpreted it at one point.

Or you could listen to Grunt lol.

Reposted for new page:


10 15 8 20 15


Pictures of Shadow

Requires 2


Needs a

2 1st

What do you apply?

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
Pictures of Shadows... In the context of Quilava, That would seem like a Pokemon reference, since in colluseum he was a shadow Pokemon. I guess I'm stuck with the pictures somehow. Pokemon snap?

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop
Ice Climbers
Logic behind this?

BTW, all answers should be followed with a list of links, from where the first place you went to the last.

That way I can weed out the intelligent searchers and the random guessers.

And it's always fun to see the crazy logic behind what you guys do. :D

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
First, Johto. Then Quilava. Then something about Shadow. What is that thingy called, where they show the shadow like they do in every episode of pokemon? I really can't remember the name for a shadow portrait for some reason.

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop
I haven't been looking, I'm just going off of what other people say.
double battles=IC's
Nope, although that would have been a pretty neat idea for this. Thanks for being honest. :p

First, Johto. Then Quilava. Then something about Shadow. What is that thingy called, where they show the shadow like they do in every episode of pokemon?
You mean that "Who's that Pokemon?" thing? No, that has nothing to do with the hint.

You're taking things literally again. Loosen up on your vocabulary and you might get it. :p

But I think the better place to start would be to solve "Pictures".

EDIT: I have to go to bed, so hopefully you guys can get it without my help. :/ Use what I told you to help you, and I'll be back here around 12 to tell you if any of you got it right/give more help. Good night. :p


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
We're just covering up parts of our exploration of Sir Bedevere's (non-SBR) hint, since it's a puzzle involving multiple stages.


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2007
St. Louis, Missouri
Honestly, you smash back room people are doing pretty much nothing to advance the game at all. The debates you have about these characters are based on complete misconceptions from people who don't even play much as the characters that they are trying to talk about. For example, I just read part of the sonic thread and its clear that you have no idea what you are talking about. Rather than try to tell us all vague information that we all already know, you should be trying to find new discoveries, things to change the metagame, ways to destroy metaknight's obvious advantages, etc. Stop wasting your time and ours.


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
magnificentmarth, as much as I agree that the Sonic discussion was regretfully misinformed, I don't think you're in a position to complain about them "wasting their time", and command them to "find new discoveries"... These discussion thread things have been as much a fun community exercise as they have been simply the SBR's impression of the characters. They're also many of the ppl playing at the top of the metagame, so if there are to be metagame/strategy advances of a character lol, you're looking at them, and their "impressions" are truthful...

If you think you're wrong, you'll have to prove it in tournament. If you don't like their discussion, well.... we got ours unstickied, didn't we? Since there doesn't have to be an SBR helping to keep the Brawl tournament scene alive, and this is all largely for the lolz, I don't think there's any reason to be mean to ppl just because they underestimate the power of Steak.

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
magnificentmarth, as much as I agree that the Sonic discussion was regretfully misinformed, I don't think you're in a position to complain about them "wasting their time", and command them to "find new discoveries"... These discussion thread things have been as much a fun community exercise as they have been simply the SBR's impression of the characters. They're also many of the ppl playing at the top of the metagame, so if there are to be metagame/strategy advances of a character lol, you're looking at them, and their "impressions" are truthful...

If you think you're wrong, you'll have to prove it in tournament. If you don't like their discussion, well.... we got ours locked, didn't we? Since there doesn't have to be an SBR helping to keep the Brawl tournament scene alive, and this is all largely for the lolz, I don't think there's any reason to be mean to ppl just because they underestimate the power of Steak.

I think I agree. Actually, I don't completely understand the purpose of character of the week discussions. I understand that the information should be accurate, but I don't completely understand who the information is for. The people who main the character don't actually ever hear anything new if they're familiar with their character, so is it for outsiders?

Also, stuck on 2 1st


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
Well, we got ours unstickied first, because we wanted it that way.

Then it became clear that all subsequent discussion in that thread was gonna be spam, so it got locked, as all spam threads do should. <--- well, not all, lol

I've mained Sonic and ICs, and second Bowser, sometimes messing with PT and Ness. I do find it interesting what the SBR thinks of my characters, as I don't know much about how "real" Bowser/PT/Ness mains play their characters and how matchups go, and ICs have so much depth that it was interesting to see the SBR's comments about them. *shrug*

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
Well, we got ours unstickied first, because we wanted it that way.

Then it became clear that all subsequent discussion in that thread was gonna be spam, so it got locked, as all spam threads do should. <--- well, not all, lol

I've mained Sonic and ICs, and second Bowser, sometimes messing with PT and Ness. I do find it interesting what the SBR thinks of my characters, as I don't know much about how "real" Bowser/PT/Ness mains play their characters and how matchups go, and ICs have so much depth that it was interesting to see the SBR's comments about them. *shrug*
I'm a bit of a PT fan personally. I'm a little worried about how the Back Room plans on handling that character though - the character is too complex for the current character board set up, and doing him as a single character does him serious injustice. Kinda like doing Zelda and Shiek together but then adding Zamus and calling it one character. That's probably the only discussion which I truely need to see an accurate analysis of, as I find the PT board set up a little too cluttered and difficult to understand.

I know it's kinda far into Brawl's lifespan, but how would I request 4 sub-boards in the PT boards; one for each pokemon and a general PT discussion as well? I suppose I would have to contribute more to have the right to ask, though.


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
No... IMO, PT is one character, you can't go all-Charizard the way you can go all-Zamus. You need to know all of them. If you think PT merits extra discussion, they could just talk about each Pokémon in depth in one thread. But you have to talk about switching Pokémon, ie. using all of them, when you're talking about any of them. I think the PT boards do okay with using different threads for different Pokémon... but I'm not in those boards a lot *shrug*

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
No... IMO, PT is one character, you can't go all-Charizard the way you can go all-Zamus. You need to know all of them. If you think PT merits extra discussion, they could just talk about each Pokémon in depth in one thread. But you have to talk about switching Pokémon, ie. using all of them, when you're talking about any of them. I think the PT boards do okay with using different threads for different Pokémon... but I'm not in those boards a lot *shrug*
I don't think you understand. You have to use all of them, but they are radically different. You cannot talk about them tactically all at the same time and do the character justice. It would be like trying to stuff three characters into one discussion. Four, if you discuss switching.

Pokemon Trainer may be harder to master than IC's because of the fact that knowledge of all three is necesary, and nothing that is true of one pokemon is true of another. It is one character that is harder to learn than any other character in the game, because it is really three characters that you switch between several times per match. Even as a single character, he needs more discussion than any other character.

EDIT: post # 2000


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
Cap'n: I understand, I'm saying that if you want to discuss say "anti-air strategies", instead of one paragraph you'd have three. They are radically different characters, but because they're intermixed I think it could work fine within one WCD thread. One thread, moar text.

Unfortunately, the SBR discussion will be stuff like "Ivysaur sucks" "No, Ivysaur's totally beast" "NOWAI just SDI out of bullet seed, too easy to gimp lolol" "Charizard is the best" "Yeah, Santi plays Charizard, too bad he's stuck with the other pokémanz" and that's about it. Some mentioning of some cool combos or strats, and that PT has "potential", meaning we don't know anything until some really good ppl actually dedicate themselves to PT, which seems pretty unlikely anyway; what with MK and all.

comboking: hints usually come on mundayz.

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
Cap'n: I understand, I'm saying that if you want to discuss say "anti-air strategies", instead of one paragraph you'd have three. They are radically different characters, but because they're intermixed I think it could work fine within one WCD thread. One thread, moar text.

Unfortunately, the SBR discussion will be stuff like "Ivysaur sucks" "No, Ivysaur's totally beast" "NOWAI just SDI out of bullet seed, too easy to gimp lolol" "Charizard is the best" "Yeah, Santi plays Charizard, too bad he's stuck with the other pokémanz" and that's about it. Some mentioning of some cool combos or strats, and that PT has "potential", meaning we don't know anything until some really good ppl actually dedicate themselves to PT, which seems pretty unlikely anyway; what with MK and all.

comboking: hints usually come on mundayz.
The top paragraph is pretty much what I am hoping for in a discussion. The second paragraph is the reason I am very concerned that they won't split the three pokemon up. At least as three distinct characters, I can be sure he'll get more than a general overview.

You know, PT might actually be top tier if the people who mained him were not thrown off by being forced to switch their style six times a match, nor were forced to memorize three times the matchups than the users of any other character. At least, those are the main issues that wreck my PT. Sure, I can use Charizard and Squirtle, but Ivysaur is insanely tough for me to learn. Things like that are probably holding PT back more than the abilities (or lack thereof) of the individual pokemon, IMO.


Smash Hero
Jan 5, 2006
at this point i don't really care what the sbr discussion says about pt, the sonic discussion kinda dampened my excitement for this. i'm sure that no one involved will bring up anything new, and very few of them will actually care.


Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2008
Just fully explain the progress of the hint. I don't get where the anagram came from.

Speaking of anagrams, did you know that Mother-In-Law is an anagram for Woman Hitler?
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