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Smash Back Room Weekly Character Discussions! FINAL UPDATES: Ness + Lucas. All done!!


Smash Ace
May 4, 2008
Allentown, PA
ok, so Hylian's post "Anyone remember the third post? >.>" could be referring to the third post in this thread which was by infzy:

My guess: (spoiler tags in case this is the only lead we find)


A gameFAQs messagepost from April 8th, title: "Why is Misty?"

Question: Why is Misty from pokemon in this game?

Reply #4 is: "Because Fox for Sex."

which is the only real answer that's given there....
:urg: this might be totally wrong tho :urg:

Edit: This appears to be a small meme of some sorts. I can post where else I've found it (including
Hylian on smashboards LOL
), but I'll leave others to see where this leads.

My only problem with that though is that it makes all of Hylian's other GameFAQs posts irrelevant, which I don't think he would do.


Smash Ace
May 4, 2008
Allentown, PA
What if all of Hylian's other posts are red herrings?
it's definitely possible. If we follow the other posts he made, it seems to lead us to Wario (unless we're missing something) and if we follow his "third post" one, I think it leads us to Fox

I wish GameFAQs had a function to show a user's most recent posts...

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
What if all of Hylian's other posts are red herrings?
Everything in this type of hint is hinted at by another part of the hint. He could have re-edited his third gamefaqs post for all I know, however, at no point does meticulously looking through every one of his posts ever sound like a good idea. Hylian IS a long-time member of Gamefaqs, you can't assume everything he's ever typed contributes to the hint.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 26, 2008
Everything in this type of hint is hinted at by another part of the hint. He could have re-edited his third gamefaqs post for all I know, however, at no point does meticulously looking through every one of his posts ever sound like a good idea. Hylian IS a long-time member of Gamefaqs, you can't assume everything he's ever typed contributes to the hint.
which leaves us with fox, considering that its the only post that we have actually been pointed at


Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2008
Louisville Ky.
Thats the most logical argument i've heard all day. However, it still begs the question: which character will that be???
Like I've been saying. It's tenki. He's brock obama. He main's sonic, who loves steak. Wario, ate the steak, so tenki is masquerading as a wario main. So its wario. I mean sandshrew.


Smash Ace
May 4, 2008
Allentown, PA
ok, this may sound stupid, but Joxer sort of seems like an alias. (if you're not, I'm sorry. It really is a compliment).

The account was made on the 26th, and checking through the post history, all of the posts seem intelligent, which sadly isn't typically the case for a users first posts. He (I'm presuming) also managed to find this thread and all of his posts seem to be pointing us in one direction.

Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but it seems kinda fishy to me.

Everything in this type of hint is hinted at by another part of the hint. He could have re-edited his third gamefaqs post for all I know, however, at no point does meticulously looking through every one of his posts ever sound like a good idea. Hylian IS a long-time member of Gamefaqs, you can't assume everything he's ever typed contributes to the hint.
it's all been recent though. like October 21st and 27th

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop
Oh good, I thought the hint would be solved before I even got to see it...again. >_>

Well, it sorta is, but not 100% for sure, lol.

Anyways, I wasn't sure how any of you got to the page where Hylian says "Look at what Misty found" (I'm a GameFAQs n00b...and not the traditional kind, lol) so I did a google search. First result was from GameFAqs, showing pics of the game.

They reminded me of Star Fox, lawl.

Also, Hylian's sig says "lazer". Fox=lazer.

So its either Fox or Wario (from the theory previously posted).

I say Wario, for now.

Brain is too stupid right now to come up with additional theories. >_> Will come back when my batteries recharge.


Smash Ace
May 4, 2008
Allentown, PA
I think I'm being mindgamed really hard. Either by someone else or myself, I'm not really sure.

you might find out more by looking at some of my other posts
so confused. you're telling me to look through your posts to find out more? that's either saying "look and you'll see i'm not an alias" or "look and maybe you'll get a hint"

I think I should stop looking at this and gameFAQs for a while and just come back later
Feb 20, 2008
I wish these synopses actually said anything about the character. This one sounds like it was written by a third grader.


"Lame, then scary, then mediocre."

What does this even mean? It's not addressed anywhere in the overview.

"Peach is a decent character that will be forever one-upped by the higher tiers."

A harsh statement, care to back it up?

"Most of her good stuff is only good if your opponent doesn't SDI properly or is just plain not used to what you do. "
.....................lol.........................................my opponent?

Can we get a single example? Since she's rendered useless by SDI, it seems as though there would be at least ONE glaring instance. Enlighten us.

"This said, the number of Peach players is low; it is likely this will generally be in your favor as a Peach player."
...................................................................................................................Why would it be in my favor? I don't play Peach.

"Peach plays vastly different than most other characters in the game..."

How? How does she play? How is it different than most characters? How does this help or hurt her?

"...but appears to be similar;"

Similar to what? Cottage cheese? Metaknight? What?

"She often is as confusing as playing the Ice Climbers, though your opponent won't think of it that way."
............................................................................................my opponent?

Assuming that this is talking about playing against Peach (which could be made more clear), why is she as confusing to fight as the Ice Climbers? And why won't "my opponent" think of it that way? EXPLAIN.

"Peach is an excellent pocket character for those that have fallen in love with her."

Can't this be said about any character?

"She is a wild card of the utmost degree whose gameplay focuses on using the tried-and-true tactics of good spacing, feints, and shield pressure that can be a frustrating experience for an opponent that just wants to rush in blindly."..................................................................OOOHHHH, I get it! This overview isn't talking about me. So wait, why were all the "you"s in there again?

Here it is! The substance of the overview, finally! Too bad it's only one sentence long and now the synopsis is over. This is the only useful information in the whole report; Everything else could have been left out and it would of had the same exact meaning (unless the previous ideas were expanded upon).

Please, next time, try to include more information and less random... oh what should I call it... CRAP.


Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2008
Switch FC


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2005
Westminster, CO
I wish these synopses actually said anything about the character. This one sounds like it was written by a third grader.


"Lame, then scary, then mediocre."

What does this even mean? It's not addressed anywhere in the overview.

"Peach is a decent character that will be forever one-upped by the higher tiers."

A harsh statement, care to back it up?

"Most of her good stuff is only good if your opponent doesn't SDI properly or is just plain not used to what you do. "
.....................lol.........................................my opponent?

Can we get a single example? Since she's rendered useless by SDI, it seems as though there would be at least ONE glaring instance. Enlighten us.

"This said, the number of Peach players is low; it is likely this will generally be in your favor as a Peach player."
...................................................................................................................Why would it be in my favor? I don't play Peach.

"Peach plays vastly different than most other characters in the game..."

How? How does she play? How is it different than most characters? How does this help or hurt her?

"...but appears to be similar;"

Similar to what? Cottage cheese? Metaknight? What?

"She often is as confusing as playing the Ice Climbers, though your opponent won't think of it that way."
............................................................................................my opponent?

Assuming that this is talking about playing against Peach (which could be made more clear), why is she as confusing to fight as the Ice Climbers? And why won't "my opponent" think of it that way? EXPLAIN.

"Peach is an excellent pocket character for those that have fallen in love with her."

Can't this be said about any character?

"She is a wild card of the utmost degree whose gameplay focuses on using the tried-and-true tactics of good spacing, feints, and shield pressure that can be a frustrating experience for an opponent that just wants to rush in blindly."..................................................................OOOHHHH, I get it! This overview isn't talking about me. So wait, why were all the "you"s in there again?

Here it is! The substance of the overview, finally! Too bad it's only one sentence long and now the synopsis is over. This is the only useful information in the whole report; Everything else could have been left out and it would of had the same exact meaning (unless the previous ideas were expanded upon).

Please, next time, try to include more information and less random... oh what should I call it... CRAP.
This is a good post.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
I wish these synopses actually said anything about the character. This one sounds like it was written by a third grader.


"Lame, then scary, then mediocre."

What does this even mean? It's not addressed anywhere in the overview.

"Peach is a decent character that will be forever one-upped by the higher tiers."

A harsh statement, care to back it up?

"Most of her good stuff is only good if your opponent doesn't SDI properly or is just plain not used to what you do. "
.....................lol.........................................my opponent?

Can we get a single example? Since she's rendered useless by SDI, it seems as though there would be at least ONE glaring instance. Enlighten us.

"This said, the number of Peach players is low; it is likely this will generally be in your favor as a Peach player."
...................................................................................................................Why would it be in my favor? I don't play Peach.

"Peach plays vastly different than most other characters in the game..."

How? How does she play? How is it different than most characters? How does this help or hurt her?

"...but appears to be similar;"

Similar to what? Cottage cheese? Metaknight? What?

"She often is as confusing as playing the Ice Climbers, though your opponent won't think of it that way."
............................................................................................my opponent?

Assuming that this is talking about playing against Peach (which could be made more clear), why is she as confusing to fight as the Ice Climbers? And why won't "my opponent" think of it that way? EXPLAIN.

"Peach is an excellent pocket character for those that have fallen in love with her."

Can't this be said about any character?

"She is a wild card of the utmost degree whose gameplay focuses on using the tried-and-true tactics of good spacing, feints, and shield pressure that can be a frustrating experience for an opponent that just wants to rush in blindly."..................................................................OOOHHHH, I get it! This overview isn't talking about me. So wait, why were all the "you"s in there again?

Here it is! The substance of the overview, finally! Too bad it's only one sentence long and now the synopsis is over. This is the only useful information in the whole report; Everything else could have been left out and it would of had the same exact meaning (unless the previous ideas were expanded upon).

Please, next time, try to include more information and less random... oh what should I call it... CRAP.

The synopsis is a basic overview of how we feel about the character as a whole. Whenever there's a line, I make the call because I'm writing it. "Lame, then scary, then mediocre" is a reference to how Peach is seen. You pick her up and she sucks. You play someone like Edrees who is really good and she's scary. You get used to the matchup, then she's just mediocre.
Your examples of SDI refer to her lack of actual kill moves, as SDI often removes their effectiveness, but more strongly references her excellent dair combos... that are rendered nigh useless by SDI.

I could go on, but I won't. I'm not going to entertain someone unwilling to read the thread and put pieces together. Especially if they're trying to give me writing advice when they can't even think of a name better than "Judo Chop Action Super Buddha".

Quid pro quo'd, yo.


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2006
@Judo Chop Action Super Buddha: How about you take the time and read the actual discussion thread like you should instead of just glancing at a synopsis :ohwell: .


Smash Ace
Mar 24, 2008


Look at Division 8, the very first square, and the one to its right. Sonic is next to Sandbag.


EDIT: It's followed from this logic:
The hint says: 'Why is Misty?' If you google that, the first page is a topic in Gamefaqs' SSBM board titled 'Why is Misty'? posted by Hylian and the post contains: 'Searching for an Invasion From Beyond?' In Gamefaqs' Invasion From Beyond board Hylian posts: 'Look what Misty found... While looking next to a Sandbag.' Both posts are made a week ago, by the way.
And in Character Battle Seven, seen on the main page of Gamefaqs, you see Sandbag in the banner, with Kirby (already taken) and Wario.
Wario is a ruse. If you keep following and look at the Character Battle 7 brackets, then you see Sonic next to Sandbag.

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop
nice find. Sounds legit to me
Yup. I think I'm going Sonic now because of this (and also because I really want it to him...I just fear that the entire discussion thread is going to be 3 posts long. D: )

An important thing to note that helps confirms this is Sonic is that Hylian made another comment in the "Why is Misty?" thread, saying that the front page ads change a lot. This may indicate that the front page picture had been different from how it is now, so it may have been Sonic (or even another character) who was next to Sandbag previously. I think its best to go with this actual list of "matchups" for the answer.

It is Sonic.

I use the magical properties of my 500th post to make me right. :D

(Woot Woot Apprentice!)

Also, its been awhile, but here's the updated remaining character pic. Not that we really need it, lol.



Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
^^ I see what u did thar :laugh: Sonic 4 steak tier. And congrats on 500, good sir.

The Sonic thing still seems a little suspect to me...... I'll look for other leads still. Why did Hylian use the phrase "invasion from beyond" as the text to find his second post?


Aug 26, 2007
Madison, WI
I fully expect it to get down to Ike and Jigglypuff, and the hint be "I FIGHT FOR MY FRIENDS!"

The board would go nuts wondering if it's really Ike, or a trick, or maybe they WANT you to think it's a trick, or maybe they KNOW people will assume that they are being manipulated into thinking it's a trick...

It'd be good times.

ALSO: My backroom application should be approved just so no one else has to waste typing discussing Jigglypuff. I'd say Pokemon Trainer too, but everyone probably wants to talk about him. Everyone wuvs Pokeymans Trainer.

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop
^^ I see what u did thar :laugh: Sonic 4 steak tier. And congrats on 500, good sir.

The Sonic thing still seems a little suspect to me...... I'll look for other leads still. Why did Hylian use the phrase "invasion from beyond" as the text to find his second post?
You mean why that board specifically? Probably because it's dead (or appears to be, anyways; I don't go to GameFAQs) so posting spam like that would go by unnoticed by the mods.

If you think there's a deeper meaning behind it, I did too. :laugh: I'm just not sure if it was intended. Post that explains my suspicions:

I wasn't sure how any of you got to the page where Hylian says "Look at what Misty found" (I'm a GameFAQs n00b...and not the traditional kind, lol) so I did a google search. First result was from GameFAqs, showing pics of the game.

They reminded me of Star Fox, lawl.

Also, Hylian's sig says "lazer". Fox=lazer.
I doubt any of that's relevant, though. From the thread Hylian posted in the IFB board, it appears what we're looking for is "next to sandbag". The IFB board isn't next to Sandbag, so...:bee:

And thanks. :bee:


Smash Champion
Jul 8, 2008
If it's Sonic, I fully expect a review that may or may not capture his EXACT potential....and the Sonic Boards will go insane...


Smash Ace
Mar 24, 2008
^^ I see what u did thar :laugh: Sonic 4 steak tier. And congrats on 500, good sir.

The Sonic thing still seems a little suspect to me...... I'll look for other leads still. Why did Hylian use the phrase "invasion from beyond" as the text to find his second post?
Because his second post was on that game's board. The Gamefaqs board for Invasion From Beyond, for the PS1. It was a clue to where we would find the next clue.

It's Sonic. Don't overthink it and let yourself get mindgamed. Those BRers thrive on that.
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