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Smash Back Room Weekly Character Discussions! FINAL UPDATES: Ness + Lucas. All done!!


Smash Lord
Mar 18, 2008
Utrecht, The Netherlands
I say it's Olimar because of the whole "he and his group" thing, as well as the "chain" which could refer to his upB.

I'm probably wrong though, the hints are becoming weirder by the week >_>

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
So the next step lies inside my head? great.

"inside the word" - "inside my" contains letters for yensid (sorcerer's apprentice) and Disney. Also, insidemy, whatever that could mean...

With that, this really is starting to sound more like a Kingdom Hearts reference. But I'm extremely doubtful of that.

EDIT: it could even refer to the word "the," which only appears once in the poem.


Smash Ace
May 17, 2008
Corneria... Fourth Planet of the Lylat System
Artist Name - Song Name - Line the the hint quoted from the song.

Panic at The Disco - Camisado - This was a therapeutic chain of events...
Keane - A Bad Dream - Guess I’m not the fighting kind...
Lost Prophets - Rooftops - ...Will we always say we tried?
The Used - Take It Away - And I’ve lost all doubt in a chemical romance...
The Verve Pipe - Freshmen - We tried to wash our hands of all of this...
Audislave - Shadow On The Sun - Doors inside my head, bolted from within...

The first two letters of the first two bands are P & K.
That means it's Ness or Lucas.

It makes perfect sense... kinda.


Podcasting Pro
Jun 13, 2007
Lake Orion, MI
I find it amusing how many people think they're helping with the lyrics, when it's already been done several times over and could just easily be done with a Google search...

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
Words inside "the" word "fighting" - fight, night, thing, ting, gin, tin, hint, hit

There are probably other words here too, but the most directly assosiated ones are "fight" and "tin," which are spelt correctly. However, this is probably over-analysis.


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
Favorite line:
We tried to wash our hands of all of this
Wet ried to was hour hand so fall oft his

This hint is probably easier than what it looks like. Everybody just needs to stop posting random bulls*** like "Chain of events means Olimar cause he has a chain" or repeating the same theories over and over again that have been said since 20 pages ago.

Also, listen to the mods. As strange as some of the things they post may be, they'll actually help you figure this out.

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
Samursai original split:
This was a therapeutic chain of events...
Guess I’m not the fighting kind...
...Will we always say we tried?

And I’ve lost all doubt in a chemical romance...
We tried to wash our hands of all of this...
Doors inside my head, bolted from within...

My idea:
Guess I’m not the fighting kind...
Doors inside my head, bolted from within...

We tried to wash our hands of all of this...
...Will we always say we tried?

This was a therapeutic chain of events...
And I’ve lost all doubt in a chemical romance...


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Guys, trust me when I say not to listen to Hylian. He's confusing you by putting you on the wrong track with the right line of thinking.


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
Guys, trust me when I say not to listen to Hylian. He's confusing you by putting you on the wrong track with the right line of thinking.
Well I found both your posts and Hylian's posts somewhat helping. I just need to see whose posts help me more.

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
Riddles use literal interpretations of figurative speech, words with identical pronunciations but different spellings and words with multiple definitions, often an unusual one involved. This is in addition to the subject matter not being of the typical medium of answers suggested at, and in many cases riddles are complex problems of logic.

Metro Knight

Smash Ace
Mar 27, 2008
Egh, not sure what is up with the random song. It is from Shadow of the Sun by Audio Slave, hopefully this helps someone else out. Maybe Ike looks like Cornell.


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
no, we are over analyzing this, os(or maybe samurai) said we are using a microscope to look at the moon meaning this is a lot less deep and difficult as we are making this seem


Smash Journeyman
Sep 2, 2008
Ohio Cincinnati-Dayton
Guys guys GUYS.

What's 1 + 1?

Do you just throw out random numbers to find the answer? -_^

Follow the bread crumbs.
I find it hilarious that we give you guys the moon and you look at it with a microscope.
Follow the yellow brick road...

And you will find the stairway to heaven.
Hylian's posts are just to mess with you; I'm actually trying to put you on the right track. :)
This is obviously a trick...
Of course it's a trick, Dazwa presents the one true path to follow.
Oh they will need to find a path all right...

Just not yours >_>.

It's like...

You guys are looking for a needle in a haystack.

But the needle is in the house under your bed.
For the most part, I've created every hint by myself. If not, I'll usually credit the person either in the hint itself (like when Youko or OS did the hint for the week), or in the thread that gets moved.

As for subtle "additional" hints, look for people with purple or red names. There are only 2 reasons you'll see their posts: 1. They feel like leaving a comment or 2. They want to help steer you guys in the right direction. It is up to you to decide when they are helping and when they are simply playing with you. Whenever more intervention is needed, I'll update the hint itself.
There is a small town of a few hundred inhabitants of which the following statements are surprisingly true:

Every man is a perfect logician and is aware that this is true of every other man in the town.
Every man in the town knows all about the behavior of every woman in the town, with the exception, if he is married, of his own wife. It is taboo for anyone to speak about a woman to her husband.
It is an immutable custom (abhorrent to us maybe, but as inevitable as night following day to them) that, when a man discovers that his wife has been unfaithful, he takes her out into the town square that same night, and on the stroke of midnight shoots her.
There are 40 unfaithful wives in town.

Now, life has been continuing its uneventful course for some time when, one fateful summer's day, June 1st actually, the Mayor summons all the townsmen to a meeting in the town hall. 'I am very sorry to have to tell you this,' he says, 'but there is an unfaithful wife in this town.' The meeting ends and the men disperse.

What, if anything, happens, and when?
Riddle 1: The third one is a Glurph, because reguardless of race, the first one would say he was a glurph.

EDIT: Why did you take riddle one down?

And it's a bit late for riddle 2. However, technically midnight of the same day is hours before the meeting began. So nothing would happen, I suppose.

EDIT AGAIN: if this is wrong, I'll look into it again in the morning. But it seems unlikely that any of them would know if their own wife was faithful or not.

Final Edit: Hold on a sec, the mayor is only allowed to talk about his own wife with all the husbands there. He shoots his wife at midnight.
All wrong.
*a couple more guesses for the riddle*

You people really suck at solving clues lol.

That isn't even close to correct.
*another guess*

Not exactly right but it's close enough. Here ya go:

In order to understand what's going on in that poor little town, let's play a game with the men in that town. If you recall, they're all perfect logicians so this excercise should be trivial to them. Let's assume we invite 10 of the men in that town to play a game with us--we'll arange them in a circle so that they can each see every other man, then we place a black or white hat on their head so that they can see the hat on every head except their own. We tell them that when the town crier stands in the center of the circle and rings his bell, every man wearing a black hat must take a step forward. We also tell them that at least one man will be wearing a black hat. the town crier then proceeds to ring his bell once every 2 minutes (we have to give our perfect logicians at least a small amount of time to sort their thoughts...)

First let's take a look at the trivial case of only one man of the 10 wearing a black hat. When the town crier rings his bell, the perfect logician realizes that there must be at least one black hat and he doesn't see one on anyone else's head and concludes that his hat is black and takes a step forward. That was simple.

The case with two men wearing black hats gets a bit more confusing. Each of the two men wearing a black hat sees one other man wearing a black hat. The other eight men present see two men wearing hats. The first time the crier rings his bell, each of the two men wearing a black hat expects the other man to step forward based on the argument given in the previous paragraph. Of course, neither of the men steps forward because they are not sure that they have a black hat on. As soon as they realize that the other man must see a black hat somewhere in the crowd, and not seeing two themselves, they realize that they must be wearing the other black hat. When the crier rings his bell the second time, they both step forward. If you think that was confusing to read, just imagine how confused I was writing it.

When there are three men wearing black hats, they each see two others wearing black hats and expect them both to step forward the second time the crier rings his bell. Of course the other two don't, because they each see two other black hats, then after the second bell ringing, they realize there must be three men wearing black hats and because they only see two they conclude that they are wearing the third black hat.

What it boils down to is that each man expects some number of men to step forward equal to the number of black hats they see. If they see 0 black hats, they step forward themself. If they see 1 black hat they expect that man to step forward on the first bell ring. If he doesn't, they conclude that they, too, are wearing a black hat. If they see 2 black hats they expect both those men to step forward on the second bell ringing. If they don't, they conclude that they, too, must be wearing a black hat. This general line of reasoning goes on for as many logicians are wearing black hats.

Now let's see how this works for the unfaithful wives in our little town...

If there had been only one unfaithful wife in town when the mayor made his statement, each other man in town would have known about that one unfaithful wife while the poor man whose wife had been cheating would have been totally surprised to hear the news and taken his wife out that night to shoot her.

If there had been two unfaithful wives, each of the two husbands with the cheating wives would have known about the other's unfaithful wife and expected them to shoot her on that first night. When they woke up the next morning and saw the unfaithful wife going about her business in the town, they would have realized that there were two unfaithful wives in town, and not knowing of any other unfaithful wives would have concluded that theirs was also unfaithful and taken her out that night and shot her.

Again, this line of reasoning grows to fit the total number of unfaithful wives. The 40 men whose wives were unfaithful would have known about the other 39 and expected them to be shot on the 39th night. When they woke up on the morning after the 39th night only to find them going about their business in town, they would have realized that there must have been 40 unfaithful wives and knowing only of 39 would have concluded that theirs was also unfaithful and on the 40th night, taken her out to the town square and shot her along side the other 39 unfaithful wives.
Actually I'm just ****ing with you guys lol.

And I like giving logic puzzles :).

Seriously though here is an actual hint:

The next step lies inside the word.

I'm out.

Did you get this from somewhere? I might be missing something here, so I'll ask this:

The 40 men with a unfaithful wife will know of 39 unfaithful women. If they each see 39 unfaithful women the next morning, they will know that no one was killed the night before. Wouldn't this case perpetuate daily, with the 40 men continuing to see 39 unfaithful women around town? I don't see how the men expect there to be no women left on the 39th morning if they know no one has been killed each day (and they should... it's a small town!).
(Gahhhhh FBM I was going to say this :(. I noticed it after Hylian gave the example with the hats-10 was easier to do in my head.)
Come on man, this is easy :).

The first night no one gets killed because they only take their own wifes out and shoot them. They know there are 39 other unfaithful wifes, but when they see them all alive it can only mean that there are in fact 40. Which would mean that their own wife was unfaithful. The night everyone realizes this is the night they all take their wifes out and shoot them. So the situation where everyone sees 39 women not dead only happens once.
Did you not read the part where I said every man knows of the activities of all the other woman?
I feel dumb.



You win lol.
(okay, done with silly riddles that don’t work Hylian gives some real hints)

The next step lies inside the word.
None of you are finished yet.
I guess its about time I explain my theory for the people who didn't catch my sarcasm. *cough*everyone*cough*

OS is hinting that we need to follow a trail in order to lead us to figuring out who the character is. In other words, there are actually hints that will lead us to the real hint. In other other words, the 6 lines Panda posted are not the actual hint. And basing your answer off of those lines would be incorrect.

What you need to do is use the "current" hint as a hint to find the real hint...

...But how do you do that, you ask?

...Well, I'm showing you right now.

Little pieces, little dots, one could say, that are left in a trail to lead us somewhere...Look at the hint. This has been said countless times before, but look at the dots trailing behind and in front of the hint. Dots? Breadcrumbs? What we need to do is follow those lyrics to the real hint. And I feel a little redundant repeating myself (and the words of others) like this, but its only because people have been throwing this answer off as just another theory.

However, it is the only theory that makes logical sense. Riddle me this: why would Panda put ellipsis at the end of each line? Why would he put those ellipsis before one of the lines, but after for all the rest? It makes little sense, unless it was placed purposefully to lead us to the real hint. (Or its just a mindgame) Comments from the SBR prove this.

Follow the breadcrumbs.

None of you are finished yet.

All point to the fact that we still have somewhere to go before we can actually start solving the hint.

So get to following them breadcrumbs, people.


Btw, is everyone sure that those lyrics could not possibly come from another song? That those are the only songs that have those lyrics?
(Hey…I caught it :(…)

I find it amusing how many people think they're helping with the lyrics, when it's already been done several times over and could just easily be done with a Google search...
Guys, trust me when I say not to listen to Hylian. He's confusing you by putting you on the wrong track with the right line of thinking.
Well I found both your posts and Hylian's posts somewhat helping. I just need to see whose posts help me more.
How can you tell it helps if you don't know the answer?
*gasps* okay I'm done. Every purple/red person in the past 10 or twelve posts (I lost track). I also included a few posts from normal people who were talking with/about the red/purple people. I also made a couple comments. Take notice of their anologies such as "finding a needle in the haystack" and "we give you the moon and you look at it with a microscope", and the logic puzzle Hylian gave which didn't work, and the little sentence things Hylian gave.

I have a question, red/purple people. Positions reversed, would YOU be able to solve this clue?

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
Of course they wouldn't. None of them are nowhere near such a level of intense thinking, and thinking that they are is just absurd and ridiculous.

I still wouldn't be surprised if one of them says that they would.

Besides, why put effort into something that you know for sure, 100%, is coming within the next week?


Smash Journeyman
Sep 2, 2008
Ohio Cincinnati-Dayton
Of course they wouldn't. None of them are nowhere near such a level of intense thinking, and thinking that they are is just absurd and ridiculous.

I still wouldn't be surprised if one of them says that they would.

Besides, why put effort into something that you know for sure, 100%, is coming within the next week?
Because its fun:bee:

And I doubt they would either. They say all this WE C MOON U C STARS stuff, but really I don't think so;)


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
The difference is that I really want you guys to figure out the answer.

Panda's hint

is all you need

That's it.

Everything we are saying is pointing you to look at Panda's hint in a different way. You're thinking... too laterally. Some people here are also under the assumption that opening a door means you entered the house, which is not true.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 2, 2008
Ohio Cincinnati-Dayton
This was a therapeutic chain of events...
Guess I’m not the fighting kind...
...Will we always say we tried?
And I’ve lost all doubt in a chemical romance...
We tried to wash our hands of all of this...
Doors inside my head, bolted from within...

I think I've figured it out now. Just needed the dictionary...


Smash Journeyman
May 22, 2007
Of course they wouldn't. None of them are nowhere near such a level of intense thinking, and thinking that they are is just absurd and ridiculous.

I still wouldn't be surprised if one of them says that they would.

Besides, why put effort into something that you know for sure, 100%, is coming within the next week?
1) You included a double negative. It cancels itself out.

2) Why do we continue to make new technology when we know the Large Hadron Collider will destroy the world? Same reason as why we try solving riddles: because we can.


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
Panda's hint

is all you need
All you need is love! It's the beatles!

Some people here are also under the assumption that opening a door means you entered the house, which is not true.
Another metaphor/figure of speech for the purpose of conveying a message. This time, I think he's telling us that the hint has "stages", and solving the first step does not immediately present the answer. So random guessing "oh it sounds like it's talking about Olimar" isn't the right way to approach it.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 2, 2008
Ohio Cincinnati-Dayton
Try looking at it these ways...

This was a therapeutic chain of events...
Guess I’m not the fighting kind...
...Will we always say we tried?
And I’ve lost all doubt in a chemical romance...
We tried to wash our hands of all of this...
Doors inside my head, bolted from within...


Doors inside my head, bolted from within...
We tried to wash our hands of all of this...
And I’ve lost all doubt in a chemical romance...
...Will we always say we tried?
Guess I’m not the fighting kind...
This was a therapeutic chain of events...


This was a therapeutic chain of events...

Guess I’m not the fighting kind...

...Will we always say we tried?

And I’ve lost all doubt in a chemical romance...

We tried to wash our hands of all of this...

Doors inside my head, bolted from within...


Doors inside my head, bolted from within...

We tried to wash our hands of all of this...

And I’ve lost all doubt in a chemical romance...

...Will we always say we tried?

Guess I’m not the fighting kind...

This was a therapeutic chain of events...


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
Try looking at it THIS way...

Doors inside my head, bolted from within...
We tried to wash our hands of all of this...
And I’ve lost all doubt in a chemical romance...
...Will we always say we tried?
Guess I’m not the fighting kind...
This was a therapeutic chain of events...
Now it looks like an emo song but everything becomes better at the end IMO.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 2, 2008
Ohio Cincinnati-Dayton
Try looking at it these ways...

This was a therapeutic chain of events...
Guess I’m not the fighting kind...
...Will we always say we tried?
And I’ve lost all doubt in a chemical romance...
We tried to wash our hands of all of this...
Doors inside my head, bolted from within...


Doors inside my head, bolted from within...
We tried to wash our hands of all of this...
And I’ve lost all doubt in a chemical romance...
...Will we always say we tried?
Guess I’m not the fighting kind...
This was a therapeutic chain of events...


This was a therapeutic chain of events...

Guess I’m not the fighting kind...

...Will we always say we tried?

And I’ve lost all doubt in a chemical romance...

We tried to wash our hands of all of this...

Doors inside my head, bolted from within...


Doors inside my head, bolted from within...

We tried to wash our hands of all of this...

And I’ve lost all doubt in a chemical romance...

...Will we always say we tried?

Guess I’m not the fighting kind...

This was a therapeutic chain of events...
Now it looks like an emo song but everything becomes better at the end IMO.
I changed it now.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 2, 2008
Ohio Cincinnati-Dayton
Another way:

This was a therapeutic chain of events... Guess I’m not the fighting kind... ...Will we always say we tried? And I’ve lost all doubt in a chemical romance... We tried to wash our hands of all of this... Doors inside my head, bolted from within...

I have now decided that they are not meant to correspond with each other, and are instead six separate hints.


Podcasting Pro
Jun 13, 2007
Lake Orion, MI
...Why would manipulate and warp a hint that's already been given to you?

Oh, right. It's what you guys do, my bad...


Smash Journeyman
Sep 2, 2008
Ohio Cincinnati-Dayton
...Why would manipulate and warp a hint that's already been given to you?

Oh, right. It's what you guys do, my bad...

Its actually a very reasonable thing to do. Riddles often contain a specific wording that changes the whole meaning, which can sometimes be easier to see when looking at the words from different perspectives. Or you might just catch something that your eyes skipped over when reading it the normal way. Its sort of like looking at a chess problem. Sometimes tactics can be extremely difficult to see, until you turn the board around and look at it through your opponents point of view and you can suddenly notice the pinned pawn or the weak bishop protecting the kings escape square:)

Also, you didn't answer my question: Could YOU solve this?


Oct 13, 2007
Pittsburgh, PA
Guys, Stop changing the hint to fit your character. I'm saying it is Zero Suit Samus, because Samus talks in monologues like that. He said Don't over interpret it. I like the idea of it possibly referring to Ay no Uta...

The Lucas backstory theory is a good one too.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 2, 2008
Ohio Cincinnati-Dayton
I am fairly certain now that they are six separate hints. Vague, useless hints, but six nonetheless. I'll try my hand at anaylizing (hope I spelled that right) them but I'm not very good at this.
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