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Smash Aid X - Brackets Up Now


Smash Ace
Nov 18, 2005
lawrenceville, GA
quick results from head, just till real results get posted.

1 - rice
2 - lozr
3 - pikachad
4 - nite
5 - iori
5 - carter
7 - ram
7 - chaddd
9 - 112
9 - gawes
9 - exarch
9 - reflex
13 - desu
13 - n64

thall all i remember


Smash Master
Nov 29, 2005
Memphis, TN
I'm can't remember one person from the GA crew, but it was:

C - Fox
112 - Marth
chaddd - Ganondorf
Datman - Falco
Carter - Fox
Prac - Peach
X2X - Samus
Dogy - Doc
Boss Nasty - Peach
Wes - Marth

Out of State
Iori - Mewtwo
lozr - Captain Falcon
Rice - Falco
N64 - Pikachu
Ram - Luigi
IHSB - Samus
Exarch - Peach
Reflex - Bowser
Chad - Jigglypuff
Thief - Fox

And OOS won by 7 stock.
EDIT: Added Datman, thanks Wizzlecroff.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 23, 2005
Greenville, South Carolina
SSBM Is Too Good

Shout Outs

GAWes- Thank you for holding this tournament.

DP- Man, your Mario is very nice. Keep playing him dude. I'm going to have to say that even though I beat you in Mario dittos, your Mario is better. It can take a higher variety of characters than mine. Falco,sheik Peach are characters that I need to get better against. And yeah, we should team sometime. =)

Laijin- Good stuff hanging out with you man, you're a fun character to talk to. I saw you play some of that Y.Link. Even though Renegade got you with Marth, I still say you had a higher hotness factor in that match.

Doggy- Man, you got me man, your Doc took me out! Haha, you are a very nice guy, easily one of my favorite people I met at the tournament. Can't wait to hang out with you more.

Ram- Dude, I saw you play Luigi, and I was like "WOW. Lol, this kid rushes with Luigi like nobody." And I thought you CF looked tough! Fun chilling with you man.

Reflex- After many nights, I finally got to give you the Bowser plushy you've been waiting for. I'm glad you like it. =)

Boss Nasty- I've never heard of you before, but you destroy my soul, lol. Hopefully one day, our matches will give you more of a challenge. Until then, keep beasting.

Thief- Your red hair was awesome.

Pikachad- So I finally got to see what a good competitive Pikachu looks like. I was very impressed, good stuff playing me and SK-47 in teams. You were very nice, and it was a pleasure meeting/speaking with you.

LOZR- I beat you in Mario dittos, but your Captain Falcon had his Knee all in my Mario's face for a two stock, haha. It's been awhile since I've seen you, and I was suprised to learn you mained him. Whenever I think of you, I think of this Fox that just eats everyone, and was expecting you to be Fox. But heck, your CF is just as good, if not better. We'll see each other again at some Carolina tournament =).

TLOZ- I love your Link, it is my inspiration to play Mario. Ever since I saw it I was like " Dude, if he can do that stuff with Link, surely I can get some Mario going on." Keep playing Link man, you're one of my Low Tier Heroes.

Darksyde- You're chill as hell, it was a blast playing friendlies with you.

Iori- That is the hottest M2 I've ever seen in my life, good stuff man.

Renegade Marth- You're so funny! Lol at me looking high right after I woke up from sleeping on that floor. My eyes looked SO blazed, haha. Thanks for pointing that out, otherwise I wouldn't have thought to check it out. Must have been some allergin or something...

Nite- You know what? Your Falco hurts me so bad. xD. Keep playing this game, you're too good at it.

TRC/Yay/John/Juicebox/Eric/Phil/Jeff/Scha!!!!- THANK YOU for coming down to this and testing to see how SC fairs vs everyone. I know we all still need some work, but with practice and dedication, we'll be placing higher in due time. I'm not as concerned of our skill level RIGHT NOW as I would be, because I know that with more practice, we'll be placing higher in due time. As Jeff nicely put it, it's tournaments like this that "Put you in your place", so you really know how you're doing.( Considering my Mario is fresh out of the Kidd skill box, it still needs work. And you know what? I'm cool with that. Mario ForTheWin!)

IHSB- Lol, the pictures you showed everyone on the computer were so funny xD. Your Samus is hot also, keep beasting.

Exarch- Hey man, I'm happy I got to see you again. Allthough we didn't play, I had a great time talking with you. I also saw that you were playing with Samus and had a "COME" Tag on. Sentimental Value is too good man, keep being the awesome guy you are.

NC as a State- Much SC love to NC, we all need to get mad good at SSBM together. It doesn't matter where you're from, because as long as you play smash, and I play smash, we are players, and no State boundary can stop the love of SSBM. I said it at the tournament and I'll say it again, we need to train with Smashfests on either side. If NC smash and SC smash could find Venues for Bi Weeklies, that would be the hottest stuff EVER. Training ftw.

Chaddd- You were pwning the jungle vines and beasting the 1982 Sharks in that Arcade, LOlz. Nice meeting you =).

Moogle- You're very nice, and you beast my soul in SSB64. I'm getting that adapter for the
n64 controller and picking up SSB so you'll actually have a challenge now and then when you go to these OOS tournies, LOL. (Well, it will take a while, but eventually, I'll take 2 lives. You'll SEEEEEEeee....)

Chocolate Thundaaaaaaaa- You're one of my favorite people to hang with. Don't let high tiers get you down =P. I know you like Yoshi, but I'm telling you man, your Luigi is where you can unlock your hidden potential. SUPA SAIYAN THUNDA!!!!!!! :D.

Everyone else- Hey guys, I had a BLAST at this thing. I know I'm still a Mediocre player after all this time, LOL. I just need to keep sweating like a dog so I can get my Mario too good. He may be average now, but 1337ness grows in due time. <3. No matter who beats me, or how badly, I'll keep on playing Mario for lyyyfe. Oh and, everyone who beat me right now is > me, no johns. I'll just have to keep working and perhaps one day, prove myself that maybe, just maybe, I can turn myself around. SSBM is too good, peace everyone. =).'


Hidden Boss
Aug 20, 2003
Sharpsburg, ATL, USA!!!!!!!!!
Cornel: The GA crew leader(Assuming it was Wes) sure did made a bad desicion sending in a fox player against a good mewtwo(Since i'm pretty sure he has all the Fox practice he could ever want). :|
you do realise that not only are characters fixed, but that we didn't know each others line up, starter, or character list until the beginning of the crew battle, right? thats why i played marth assuming that there would be two pikas. I just wish bobby and mike were in our crew, i really think we might have won then.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 1, 2003
These shout out posts get longer and longer. Before I get to the many due props, I'll get the negativity out of the way with some negative props.

Negative Props:

Roads: I don't know what they're thinking, but roads absolutely hated our car the entire time. I swear, signs would phase out of existence when we looked at them, road names would change arbitrarily right under our noses, construction would follow us wherever we went. It's no wonder why I hate driving so much. I hope that this isn't an extension of the previous cosmic hatred I've received trying to drive to INNsomnia Biweeklies.

Golf Carts: I cannot comprehend how Peachtree City is so enamored with these abominations. They're slow as ****, take up the lanes that should be used by actual cars and get to have their own parking spaces as close to the store as handicapped spots. What the **** is the deal? I knew we should have run those kids off the road that one time when we had the chance. Next time, we won't be so kind!

Tall Dude Standing Right Behind The Players In The Crew Battle: Dude, you were one of the tallest people there, why do you have to stand right in the front? Dogy and I were in the back, standing on chairs and still couldn't see - all thanks to TDSRBTPITCB. Get to the back where you'll have no trouble seeing so other people can actually watch. Plus, I heard tale of some things being said by Mr. TDSRBTPITCB, none of which were nice. There's no need for that, man. Just keep your trash talking mostly irrelevant and borderline insane like the rest of us. It's a game, man, so chill out with the hate.

Weather In The South: Heat sucks! I don't care how cold Chicago will get, I'm ****ing ecstatic to get away from Southern summers.

Jack's Laptop: Chad and I tried to play some Bust-A-Move and your laptop kept slowing down to a crawl, making out playing experience miserable, to the point of forcing us to quit and actually get some sleep. This I cannot abide!

My Playing: I played like *** in this tournament. I need to channel more Purple in the future. Maybe using the new tag will set things right. For those that don't know, my newest tag is now TREX. The T stands for Thesaurus.

Anyway, no more negativity, time for the major props which must be given out.

Larry: Thanks again for providing a sweet venue and pretty delicious food. Sorry for everybody saying **** so much. Fortunately for me, I know lots of synonyms for the various phrases I use.

Wes: Thanks for hosting another great tournament, and thanks for all the great tournaments you've hosted in the past. I have fond memories from all the Smash Aids I've attended, so thanks for making that possible. Have a great time in Europe.

Yeroc: I was really surprised to find you at this tournament, but it was really awesome that you made it down. It's always fun hanging out and getting some matches in.

112 and Carter: You two were phenomenal in the crew battle. I have to give props to you guys. You made our whole side nervous when you were playing.

Crew **** 'Em Up aka Crew Abuse Them Sexually: All of you guys did me proud and made me feel like I actually did a good job at organizing the lineup. You all took my advice and did the things that made them die! Cheering for you guys was the best part of the weekend. More specific props:

Iori: Nice job with Mewtwo, and an even better job bringing the random with your cheering. You are most certainly top tier and it's about time you realized it. Great job in singles. Bring that Purp!

LOZR: You did well in the crews, but 112 was ****ing fire. Amazing job in singles!

Rice: Nice job in the crew battle, taking out 112. I heard that you had wanted to play Fox in crews. If that's true, sorry I didn't ask you about your character choice. I guess I was just remembering how bad you stomped me in pools with Falco when I put your name down on the roster. If I made a mistake, my bad. Anyway, nice job continuing the trend of coming to Georgia tournaments and owning face.

N64: Oh my God, dude, you beasted in crews! Nicely done. More importantly, you were a ton of fun to hang out with and discuss L:A. Those were fun matches we had too. Your Pikachu is too fast man. I'm just glad I was able to hear that scream a couple times when we played.

Ram: Luigi versus Fox is a tough match up, but I was confident in you and you did as well as anyone could hope. Carter is just too stubborn about dying sometimes. It was real cool seeing you again and nice to have you come up to me right as I walked in the door and ask me how I've been. Keep repping Luigi like you do!

IHSB: Great playing against Carter and Alpha. You just keep getting better and better. If you're ever up in Chicago, let me know. We can hang out and grab some fod.

Exarch: Holy **** dude, does the **** train never stop!? Amazing performance in the crew battle! Next time you have a coin flip, use a two-sided coin because your Peach is too ****ing good!

Reflex: You were really good at the last tournament I saw you, but you've leveled up even more since then! Fine job in the crew battle!

Chad: We have way too much fun together, dude! I could tell you didn't want the burden of running the entire crew battle, so I was glad I could help with that. Great job in singles and don't forget about L:A.

Renth: You beat the **** out of me in pools, you big, fat meenie-head! Seriously, your Ganon is amazing. Clearly, you know a great deal about Purple.

Desu: I always appreciate people remembering me and asking how I've been. That's what makes these tournaments so fun. It was cool hanging out with you and playing some Magic. I didn't get to play you in Smash, sadly.

Full Metal Mike: Good luck with quitting smoking. I've seen how hard that can be, but stay strong. Also, "Do the things that make them die!" is my phrase. I'm not so selfish as to prevent you and the rest of GPC from using it, but don't forget where it started.

Dogy: It was fun playing you in Magic. A couple cards that I could see helping your burn deck are Seething Song and Rite of Flame. They're both cards that power out lots of red mana, so you can cast those more expensive spells easier. Also, they're both common so you can probably get a full set of each for cheap. On the Smash side of things, great job yelling throughout the weekend. As much as I love yelling, I admit that even I am not as gifted in that regard as you. If there's ever a time when we're cheering for the same crew, the other guys will lose just from our very loud presence.

Prac: That was a fun pool match we had, though I probably should have fought you before going to sleep. No johns though, you won, so nicely done. Also, you weren't tired. All the things I was saying at four in the morning were actually just that hilarious.

Yang: I was so glad that you were constantly concerned about the well-being of others and inquiring into their present condition. Someone needs to find you a Terry Bogard hat.

Kalie from Chik-Fil-A: You probably won't see this, but you are the nicest cashier I've ever had the pleasure of dealing with. It makes me feel bad for all the people I served when I used to work at Chik-Fil-A that they had me to deal with instead of you. Hope the cherry was delicious.

Coach: It was good that you made it back from your trip in time for this tournament. The rides there and back would not have been the same without you. Also, I've been thinking that you should put your top tier left turning skills to use and start driving NASCAR. You're obviously a prodigy.

Thief: I'm sorry that I blew your mind when I revealed the fact that I occasionally make jokes. I should have broken the news more gently. Also, to be frank, I'm a little disappointed that you didn't take any stock off the Georgia crew. Regardless, it was amazing hanging out with you.

Moogle: Thanks for doing all the driving to and from Hoover without complaint. Nice job in teams and, as always, it was fun to hang out with you. See you tomorrow night.

One last thing I failed to recollect initially. Props to:

Hypothetical Five Year Old That Thief Thinks Dropped His Toy at EB Games: I think you're old enough to know about "Finders, Keepers" and this frog is awesome, so thanks for your unexpected gift.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
Yang: I was so glad that you were constantly concerned about the well-being of others and inquiring into their present condition. Someone needs to find you a Terry Bogard hat.
****. Yang, I'm buying you a terry bogard hat. Too late to say no because I already bid on it.


Smash Ace
Dec 17, 2004
Fort Walton Beach, Florida
Best tournament ever. I am glad it was this good for Wes's last tourney before Europe. Good luck btw man and have fun over there.

ALPHA ALPHA ALPHA ALPHA ALPHA.......... good times

Shout outs coming later... I am simply too brain dead from getting home at 3:30 in the morning then sleeping for 5 hours just to go to work at 9 til 4:30 and then have a calc2 final from 4:30 til now...... I gots me an A tho XD


Smash Apprentice
Jul 2, 2006
****- it sucks that I left soo early... looks like I missed a ton of fun. Sleepyjohn- dude, we should totally try teams.


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
Well I don't mean to put out any johns or anything--

--Then don't. Somehow, I don't think that people are going to look down on you because you lost to DP. I also don't think that you're saving any face by saying that you were tired or not taking the matches seriously (if only because no one gives a crap either way).

If you're concerned about people saying that they "owned" you when you feel that you were in bad conditions, then make sure that those conditions don't affect you when you play. If M2K said that he was sandbagging against me at Pound 2, then I'd think he was a real jerk (despite the very negative things he said in-between our matches).

Smash shouldn't be a popularity contest; just play to have fun. I would assume that you were doing just that if you were playing when extremely tired. As such, don't make excuses; just play and have fun. If he owned you, he owned you, regardless of conditions. If the conditions were bad and you know it, then that knowledge should be good enough for you to shrug it off. If it's not, then you're either second-guessing yourself (meaning that it could've very well been the same if the bad conditions weren't there) or you're trying to win a popularity contest. Either way, it's not good.

Take it how you will; I'm just trying to help the community.

C@sH Mooney

Smash Master
Apr 4, 2007
Probably playing TF2.
i owned Reflex in Yu-Gi-Oh


shout outz

renth-good stuff playing with you mangz.hopefully i will get better and own you :D

exarch-crew **** goodness =O

N64-Pikachu for top tier? anyone?

pika chad-really sorry about the money dude :( i actully realized that some of the money in my wllet that i WAS going to pay u back with was gone....

GAwes-you best **** in UK xD

UKwes-d@mn str8

my pool-i hate you all but for PB&J and LOZR

jiggz dude i MM'ed-idk why u talked so much **** when u only won by 1 stock and like 50 damage and more both games. -_-;

Chocolate Thunda-nice games man.keep workin on that yoshi =D

DP-AHHHHHRRRGGGG i wanted to play you so bad >.<

NFL-hell YEAHUHZZZ!!! FL ownz all xD

guys i played in magic-that deck i used was gay and had to much land.bull**** >.< lol

laijin-dood if u try not spamming projektiles for just one set and play mad aggressive...i guarantee u will never spam again.and u will win more games.look at chu datz YL.thats the way you should play,not spam -_-

and anyone else i played,good shiiiiiit


Smash Ace
Jan 17, 2007
*******, Georgia
Smash Aid was amazing.
Good food, good administration, good times.

Now for shout outs~​


GPC: You're the greatest, guys. Thanks for cheering me on, patting me on the back, and congratulating me so **** much. You guys rock. THIS IS SPARTA!!
Fullmetal (Mike) - Thanks for hauling me around GA, man. Had a great time this weekend, thanks in no small part to you. Also rocked me some Marth players because of all that practice with you. Thank god not everyone techs every god **** thing on the ledge like you do, ya *******. Just you wait. Next time we meet... I'M GO'N GETCHA. YA DEAD MIKEY. YA DEAD. (Grats on 13th!)

Kirby Jim (Brett) - I have to say, you rocked my **** in teams. Just sucks that I was on your side. Couldn't afford to enter teams with you spiking me and BAIRing me off the stage that much. D:
I'll play battle tower with you any time, though. Your Breloom is broke ****. :x
Still... CANDY JET 4EVA. We're so fast... It's just SWEET.

PB&J (Evan) - WTF I didn't get to play you at all? :(
Saw you rockin' some people in teams though. Keep that **** goin'!

SOFT (Josh) - It's THA JIGGERNAUT BIATCH. Good **** in the crew battle man. Way to beast it! Saw some of your teams matches too, good ****, mang. Was rootin' for ya.

Seriously, come play with us more. We miss you. :(
And thanks for cheering me on and stuff. Made me feel all speshulz.

BLUE (Jim) - Commentary = Amazing. Fox = I KEELS IT.
(Where were the friendlies, man?! :O)

Soma (Thomas) - Don't sweat the crew battle, man. It happens. Happened to me in my first crew battle. Got my *** beat by a FOX. I've got sleep johns on my side for that one, though. XP
Keep on rockin', and maybe you can overtake Gerbil for MOST HIIIIIGH TECHNICAL FOX IN GA. :p:p:p

Marcus (Marcus THE EXTRAORDINARY) - POKEYMANS. Play with me in battle tower goddammit! :(
Sorry you couldn't make it to hang with us in Columbus.
Be glad you didn't though. The cat was crazy anyways. @_@

Desu (Tim, the AMAZING SAMUS THAT NEVER DIES) - You're awesome and I love you. LOOKIT THAT CANDY. EVERYBODY WANTS IT. Also GG on 13th. You rule. Kicking all that *** in your pajamas. ****IN' FOX SLAYA. But you got beat by that Rice guy and he plays FLACO so KEEP WORKING. \m/

Florida Panhandlers: Super ****in' talented, and the nicest peeps in teh wurld to boot. I love you all. My favorite opposing crew, right along side Columbus. <3

Drumma_Boi - I love our matches, man. They're always so close and so entertaining. Just wondering why you don't play your Peach more against me, honestly. Saw what it could do on Mute City... Not that you needed to switch, since you rocked my **** with Fox there. Dunno how it happened, but it was amazing. You rawk, mang. \m/

Rice - WTFFFFF. Why are you so **** good at this game man? Takin' all that money, and beating my *** in friendlies. Sorry I didn't remember you at first, my memory sucks something fierce. But still. You gots our monies now. WE LOVE YOU RICE!
PS: Team Sheik is BROKE ****. Stop it. D:

Rook - Sheik is broke ****, and so are you. I HATE YA. I HATE YA SO MUCH. Why ya gotta be beatin' on me with those Sheik punches and needles? It hurts. You redeemed yourself by giving me free cigs though. <3
Was awesome getting to play you again, even if I just got trashed by you the whole time. Keep rockin'! SHEIK SUCKS.

RAM - Why won't you play your Luigi against me, man? Am I not good enough for ya? :p
Still I always feel like I don't get to play you enough when I see you. Next time we're in the same room, I'm getting at least 30 solid minutes for friendlies with you. WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT. >:p

Columbus: Curses! Foiled again!
I love you, man. I never seem to learn quite as much playing you as Spaceballs, because you're not so much tricksie as you are just... Really ****in' good at making things die, and staying alive forever. I always have a blast playing you. Looking forward to next time!

Prac (Keith) - Thanks for housing us man, really appreciated it. Wish I could have had more friendlies with you, though. I'm pretty lost against Peach, so I need all the practice with good Peach players that I can get. Even if it means getting two and three stocked by you over and over again. You're too good for me and I'm sorry this shout out sucked so hard before this edit. You're amazing and great and I love you and hate your ****ing cat. Tilly and Sunshine are cool though. Come to Lawrenceville and play me goddammit!

I enjoy this little rivalry we've got going on. Don't take me seriously. I love to talk some ****, so please don't take me seriously. I HATE FOXES AND I HATES YA FO PLAYIN' 'EM! COME GET SOME! Seriously. (Sorry you couldn't make it to the tournament man. There's always the next one. :x)

Nice (1) - It's a SHIEK. AAAAAAARGH. Close matches, man. Lotta fun stuff. Your shout out is short since we didn't get enough friendlies, so I'm gonna make it longer because you're awesome and stuff.

DP (Mario!) - Saw you play. A good Mario. WTF, man? You scare me. Seriously. You and your crazy long UAIR chains and other assorted Mario tricksies. Good stuff, but still. Scary. >_>

Darvell (Secretly Itachi) - Fun matches man! Always enjoy playing Falcons, since we don't really have any up at GPC. There's Brett's, but all his does is SHFF Knees. (No L-cancels. XD) Then Fullmetal's, but he never really plays Falcon, so it's usually rusty. Looking forward to our next meeting!

Reflex (KING BOWSER) - Boozer! Why ya gotta beat me like that? It hurts! I hate it! I hates ya! But seriously, good **** man. Just bad luck on my part that you kicked my *** in pools, and then I have to fight you AGAIN in brackets, AFTER you're all warmed up and rarin' to go from playing Alpha one match before me. Yeesh. You're too good, but I'll get ya! Next time, Reflex! NEXT TIME. >:D
(Don't care if you're from Alabama, you're part of Columbus. :p)
Long shoutout is loooooooong.

Other amazing GA peeps: Georgia is love. Everybody else is like SLOOOW DOOOWN and Georgia is like **** YOU and then we kick them with our ENERGY LEGS.
Carter (FOX SUCKS >:O) - Man. I thought I could beat you. But wow. You sure put me in my place. Guess you just weren't on top of your **** last month back at Fullmetal's smashfest. I've got nothing but respect for you, but I guess my days of bragging about beating the amazing Carter Fox are gone... FOR NOW. IM GO'N GETCHA. NEXT TIME. (Grats on 5th! Way to rep GA!)

Dogy Samich (Ethan) - Fun stuff, man. Wish we could've had more smash friendlies, though. Green Kirby is CAMO on Dreamland. PH34R. (Magic was fun, too. Destroyed your goblins, got destroyed by elves. :x)

Laijin - Why?! Why ya gotta rock me so hard in pools?! They were fun matches, but man. You killed me. Killed me good. Who the **** knew that Y.Link's dtilt could meteor? Not I said the apparently ******** Samus. D:
By the way, am I pronouncing your name wrong? Is it said with a Lah or a Lye?

Datman (David?)
- Sorry if I was interrupting your concentration during the match, but I don't play as well if I'm not going "OH GOD STOP HITTING ME." or "QUIT ROCKING ME, JEEEESUUUUS" and sometimes "LASERS ARE BROKE **** STOP IT ;.;". Still. You're always giving me a run for my money... Then you destroy me in magic. TOO FAST! :x

C (Cornel) - Three stocked on Yoshi's by a Falco. You just didn't let me do anything that match, did you? XD
And you banned Battlefield. Smart, but with the problem of leaving bigland open for the taking. Samus' dream of living forever comes true on bigland. IT'S TOO BIG! Nice seeing you again, man. Wish you could make it over here for smash, more, though. :(

Sleepy K (SNORLAX. SNOOORE) - No friendlies makes Desu a sad panda. Thanks for being in my corner though, really appreciated it.
Also: Give me your shirt. XD

112 (Yet another Mike) - Can't believe I didn't put you in the first iteration of this post. After you whooped so much *** in the crew battle, too. So sorry. You're amazing and I want to play you more. Keep beastin'!

Chaddd (Chaddddddd) - Didn't get to play you. You were always too busy rocking other people in friendlies. Come play me at Mike's next smashfest. I'M GO'N GETCHA.

Wes (Captain FLUCKING Falcon) - AWESOME TOURNEY. Great job~. Get in touch with Fullmetal about some smashfests, I seriously need to play you in friendlies before you leave for the UK or I'll regret it. :(

Other assorted awesome people: Don't know where else to put you guys, but you all are awesome and deserve shout outs.
Also: STILL not loud enough. >:|

Yang - Ganon PUNCH! Really enjoyed our teams matches and hanging out around the tournament. Always good seeing friendly faces around. Remind me to steal your MEMPHIS hat after you get the Bogard one from Sleepy. ;P

TLOZ - Whoa. Seriously. Your Link scares me. It's good. Really good. Beat me into the ground. Wish it hadn't but oh well. I enjoyed the matches. S'what matters. KEEP BEASTIN'.

IHSB (Jack?) - You're so tricksie! Dunno how to handle your Samus, man. Really enjoyed the friendlies though. I always learn something new when I play you, and don't worry, you do give good advice. Looking forward to the next time we meet, where I will hopefully ROCK YOUR WORLD. Rar. >8D

Everlasting Yay! (Yaaaaay!) - Man, those were some fun matches. Really enjoyed them. Probably one of my favorite sets out of the whole tournament, because they were so ****ing close, and you were one of the few people who conversed with me during the matches. Keep beastin'!

The One Janitor - You're a nice guy. Quiet, but nice. I talk a lot of smack, but I loves everyone. Remember that! Keep playing!

Juicebox - Don't get so down on yourself, man. Keep on truckin'. Never give up! NEVER SURRENDER! Just keep playing and you'll get better. It's not always about winning~

Boxr (Johnny) - Sorry I didn't play so well in pools that night. Wasn't as on top of my **** as I should have been so the matches were probably kind of boring for you. Tried to find you to get more friendlies after I was back on again, but when I did, you were asleep on a couch. :x
Good ****, none the less. Your Samus is good, just try not to get so down on yourself. D:

RC - Still no friendlies. Missed you at TO2 and now Smash Aid. I demand friendlies at the next tournament! FACE ME OR SUFFER TEH CONSEQUENCEZ~!

N64 - ANOTHER good Pikachu? What's this world coming to?! Fun stuff in friendlies man, singles and teams. Wish there had been more.

mslano - I know you deserve a shoutout, and I'm wracking my brain to put a face to the name right now. Really, supremely sorry I even have to think so hard about it. I'll give you the props you deserve soon enough, I hope. Sorry I suck at life. @_@;;


DAYUM Good Pizza - You were DELICIOUS. Glad I bought two of you. <3

Crazy **** that happened to me in teams - FACK YOU. Getting hit by countered charge shots, getting hit by charge shots bounced off a light shield... COME ON. :(


If you're not on here, I probably still remember you, but forgot your name. I'm pretty horrible with names. Let me know quickly, or I may forget you altogether!


Smash Ace
Jan 17, 2007
*******, Georgia
-snip- then prepare to quit very soon my friend.

we will miss you all......................................................NOT!
You housed GPC at LTEC, and I appreciated that a lot...
But seriously. I saw Renth playing. By the look of it, he KNOWS how to play Ganon.
I three stocked you with MY Ganon.
My Ganon is more hot garbage than Fullmetal's fox. <_<
Lez be reals, k? :x

C@sH Mooney

Smash Master
Apr 4, 2007
Probably playing TF2.
*Points Out FUTURE reference*

i housed them because i am a nice person

and AGAIN this same thing happens... >_>

don't respond to something that has no freaking concern with you.really


I'm being pissy now because this happens all the time and its quite aggravating when I'm joking and I'm saying in the future i will beat him.and *** quick as i have been progressing it will happen soon

let me spell this out for you

i made a shout out saying good stuff playing you and that hopefully i will get better and own him.he responded by saying the day that happens he will quit smash*joking as well*

i responded by saying then prepare to quit soon.i even added a joking statement to it.

and even GTR saw renth was joking. >_>

edit: this post was not meant for flames if thats what this is considered o_o

just letting desu know

as well as that i have nothing against u desu cuz GPC is awesome and cool to hang with.as well as the fact the crew is mad chill ^o^


Smash Ace
Jan 17, 2007
*******, Georgia
*Points Out FUTURE reference*

i housed them because i am a nice person

and AGAIN this same thing happens... >_>

don't respond to something that has no freaking concern with you.really


I'm being pissy now because this happens all the time and its quite aggravating when I'm joking and I'm saying in the future i will beat him.and *** quick as i have been progressing it will happen soon

let me spell this out for you

i made a shout out saying good stuff playing you and that hopefully i will get better and own him.he responded by saying the day that happens he will quit smash*joking as well*

i responded by saying then prepare to quit soon.i even added a joking statement to it.

and even GTR saw renth was joking. >_>

edit: this post was not meant for flames if thats what this is considered o_o

just letting desu know

as well as that i have nothing against u desu cuz GPC is awesome and cool to hang with.as well as the fact the crew is mad chill ^o^
I fail. D:
Sorry, Mooney, didn't catch it. X_x;


Smash Lord
May 29, 2006
Well I don't mean to put out any johns or anything, but the only time I played DP was in I was pretty dead tired. Not sure if you noticed or not, but I definantly was not taking the matches we had seriously.
Sorry, maybe next time.
Laijin- COUCH MATCH *****!!!!! And don't even try to tell me you were tired or didn't care about that ****.

Shout 'ems

No johns. I got my *** handed to me at this thing. First shouts go to those who destroyed me. . . that laijin one doesn't count . . .

youwithinterplanetarytesticles- owned in the crews and redeemed in friendlies wtf . . .

LOZR- Edge guarding dispute ftl. GG mangz and congrats on second.

TLOZ- Ow, my pride. Sick hylian you got there.

TC- Nice meeting you. You were very accomodating. Thanks for the rematch.


Exarch- Way to own face in the crew battle. Awesome peach. I hope to see you again soon.

Renth- Way to get pwn'd in our pool match. Don't you play Exarch all the time? ;P

Mooney- wtf? where's my shoutout? No mm? blegh, next time.

Circles (John)- I'm glad you guys made it here in one piece while developing your new nickname. You were an awful lot of fun to hang out with.

Beastmaster (Ryan)-I thought my dogs were gonna get up and leave with you dude. Still one of the coolest albeit most random smashers I have ever met.

Mr. Kitty (Chris)- No friendlies this time around, i r sadd. You didn't want vengeance?

Zhattarans (David)- Wow. Thanks for the friendlies and all the advice. j00 r teh roxorz!!1shift+1. Congrats on first.


Wes- Always great seeing you dude. I have so much respect for you and all you've done for the smash community. The USofA will be far less masculine without you.

Eugene- . . . I'm seriously speechless. Most random **** ever.

Marty- I'm glad you came man. Good to see you again. Your peach advice from way back when really has paid off.

Carter- Total beast mode man. Gratz on placing so well.

112- Grr. Almost had you in pools. gg

chaddd- We never got around to our friendlies. Next time man. Next time.

Cornel- Good friendlies man. Keep on beasting.

Dogy- XD at our teaming. Who the hell actually edge guards anyway . . . seriously.

Datman- Good stuff in the crew battle dude. Nice use of gayzer. Too raw.

Zaaman- Very technical Ganon. Good stuffz.

Boss Nasty- Ga has another daisy!? Schweet! Looking forward to more man.

FullMetalWithdrawalJohns- Awesome weekend. Thanks for coming down and giving me a ride up XD. Not even a pride match this time though :(

Desu- Thanks for the Doritos!

Soft- Wait, which tv? when is the crew battle? over there? right there? when? now? couple minutes? me? lol chill mangz. Keep practicing or better yet, develop that uber mind game that totally destroyed me at TO2. You're gonna blow up soon dude, just hang in there.

Blue- Super sleuth. Rockin the jesus beard.

Soma- Falco? huh-whaaaaaaa? Good stuff man.

PB&J- Boozer owns you son! You have gottten a lot better man. Keep it up.

Tbag- Woot! You've been missed man. Drop that whole "life" thing and get back to what really matters.

Yang- Waycross right? Thanks for coming and staying with cde. We had some good matches. Fun times.

Reox- I think you're Ga. Only your second tourney man. Good games.

Wizzle- Likewise. Keep practicing.

Mid South

Chad- Rawr! Gratz on third. Still haven't played you . . .

Nite- Gratz on winning teams and almost getting money for singles too. I'm still a newb :(

Iori- You actually fought back. Awesome new weird non smash related rivalry XD.

Moogle- Thanks for the friendlies and the whoopin in 64.

Coach- "What? You don't pick characters because they can grab behind them?"

Mslano- We were pretty funny at 3 am.


The Red Comet- Woot! Glad you made it. We should've played more.

Boxr- John, good times. YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE SKITTLE!!!

LOZR's fanboy with the wicked combover who johned about sheik players- chill dude

Everlasting Yay- Fun times, good pool matches. "**** right we're going to brinstar"

kidd- nice meeting you man. I've heard good things, I'll have to see them next time.

Guy I've met twice now and still don't remember- Sorry dude. Maybe it'll stick next time.

sk47- I don't think you're carolinian, but I remember you traveled with RC once upon a time, so that's close enough. No friendlies this time around? forshame

The Greatest Crew of All Time (Sans the rodent and whiney god who were not in attendance, j00 phail)


Luis- "This is a fierce kick"/drawl

Maurice- Twinkle much?

DP- You finally came? Woot!

Darvel- I heard you went all GaWes on Alpha in teams. Good stuff.

Jared- Strong silent type. Staunchest supporter.

Another shoutout for wes because this tourney like all the rest he hosts kick so much ***. Good luck in the land of Eng.

EDIT: Normally, I wouldn't care, but I'm takling credit for the Alpha chant. I never thought I'd actually get it to work.


Nov 10, 2005
Southaven, Mississippi
Shoutouts in no particular order.

brb I'm getting a drink cause this will probably take me forever to do. *afk*

Ok back

GAWes- Thanks a million for housing, being a cool guy, hosting, being a cool guy, ordering pizza for me and Iori, being a cool guy, and other stuff I can't remember.

IHSB- Omg thanks for driving, I'm so glad I didn't have to drive this time :laugh: also thanks for letting me and mslano use your laptop to play Bust-A-Move even though it was being gay after it couldn't handle all the purp that mslano was beasting.

RAM- Sorry I couldn't get your hat to you, but I got it now so the next time we meet at a tourny I'll give it to you. Also sad we got no friendlies : (
Keep beasting that Luigi and get ready to team at the next one!

Iori- Too loud.

Lozr- Nice job in singles doood, next time I wanna get some friendlies with you and you can explain to me about all this...catfish..? :laugh:

Chaddd- **** I didn't get to play you.. I presume you are as beastly as ever though.

Exarch- Glad I got to hang out with you some more at the tourny, you're cool as hell, and beastly as hell.. awesome job in the crew battle man!

Yang- I played Terry Bogardachu all because of you hahaha, POWAH WAVE! ARE YOU OKAY!? I found a Terry Bogard soundboard, and I couldn't stop laughing hahah.
Wasn't that the only Pika match I won vs lozr?

MenthImean Full Metal- Menthol is a cooler name =x even if you don't smoke anymore (which by the way, is seriously really really cool, to me at least) Man you've gotten beastly..I wish I could've gotten more matches vs your Marth, I need the practice heh.

Reflex- It was great fun to team with you, we should really do it again sometime (as long as Iori doesn't ***** as much next time =X) Awesome job in the crew battle man..you had everyone cheering for you as you always do, that bowser never ceases to amaze me. Saw you beasting in singles too, I love watching you play pretty much more than anyone else.

Rice- Great job in singles doood, grats! I wish we had gotten some friendlies in instead of that full beating on my Pika in the tourny :laugh:

Laijin- Don't john, you fool. Sorry I didn't get any friendlies with you, but I try not to slow down the tourny by taking up TVs : (
Should've asked me Sun night, I was up almost all night!

Nite- Curse you for not playing in the crew battle! jk jk, you beast so hard, had everyone against me during our match haha. Don't let your loss vs Lozr get to you either, keep playing and beasting dood! Also awesome work in doubles!

iori- Jk, you're top tier. Keep beasting! More random babble while you're at it

brb getting another drink.

ok cool.

N64- So glad you got to come to the tourny cause you're just too cool to hang out with, and too good with Pika. See how many people say you're a beast? IT'S CAUSE IT'S TRUUUUE you beast you. Keep ****in 'em up!

Nice1- **** 'em up!

Darvel- omg your eyes scared the **** out of me...

Moogle- I saw what you were doing to people at Smash 64...:laugh: I wish I would've talked some more with you cause you're such a good dood.

TRC- Was great hanging out with you, sorry I didn't play you in any matches though : (

Renth- Great Mario and you're an awesome dood, I wish I would've played you in some matches, but again I didn't want to take up a TV that could be used for tourny.. man I really should've played more friendlies..

Rook- omg thanks for letting me use that controller..it served me very well at the tourny, and I honestly dont' think I would've made it as far with my own controller, it was angering me so bad the days before and at the tourny. Your controller let me not have any gay johns and stupid anger :)

Drumma- Thanks for tinkering with my controller, I honestly still haven't used it yet though...when I do though, I'll tell you how it works : D

Gerbil- You were there..? Omg I didn't see you at all...wow..

X2X- ALPHA ALPHA ALPHA one of the greatest moments in all of my smash playing was that chant during the finals, hahahaha omg...

Thief- I like your hair : D

Cash mooney- Grats, you're the only person in this entire tournament that pissed me off with you borrowing money from me, not paying me back, and on top of that lying about it saying I paid you back when in reality you didn't and you knew it. How do I know? I had to go to your f-ing mom to tell her, and then you pretty much gave up that lie, who knows what you told your mom though. I probably won't get my money back, but if we meet at another tourny you better pay me back, I don't care if I'm a skinny white boy I will f- you up cause I'm pretty sure it doesn't take much to beat up a fat white kid. I gave you the benefit of the doubt despite what all I'd heard about you, but you betrayed my trust and lied to me. I don't want to hear how sorry you are either, it means nothing to me now. </3

SleepyK- Thanks for uploading vids and stuff :)

Xplayground doods- Thanks for letting us all stay during the night and stuff, and for generally being awesome, and for making **** good pizzas!

PB&J- Sorry for mixing you up with Dogy for a sec >_< Seriously! I was just a little out of it from waking up ...also I need to play you one of these days..

Dogy- Loud enough! Screw all of those other screams you have, and replace them all with the simple "fukemup!"

Janitor- Glad you got to come, man the only two times I've seen you, you were always quiet heh. Loosen up and scream!

Prac- Cool dood!

**** I've been doing shoutouts for awhile now..almost need another drink...

Well I guess I'll stop, sorry to anyone I forgot to mention but I promise you weren't truely forgotten, I'm just getting lazy =x

I had an amazing time at this, this tourny has to have been one of my all time favorites, only next to FC. I got to hang out with a lot of people, play a lot of smash, and just let loose and have a great time. It's sad that Wes is going to England but I imagine it won't be too long before he Falcon punches it into oblivion and is back in the great USA..

Later doods and everyone keep *****'emup!



Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2006
The Land of Magical Deserts.
It's time for the King of Kings to make his Shoutouts.


WES - man you are too good for England, I hope you achieve all of your goals while over there (life wise and smash ) and hopefully I'll see you at Get four stocked before u leave if not. God bless u my friend and have a safe trip.

Alpha - sorry about almost making you choke to death on your drink from my lil joke. we need to play next time. did'nt play since Inn 5. Alpha Alpha Alpha Alpha!

Full Metal - MIKEY!!! I miss you already man. see ya next tourney and good job in brackets man. suck that we had to square off. but if you want I can mail you your PSU back. just let me know when.

Desu - sorry I did'nt play you with Luigi, if you wanted too play him just ask ^_^ I just used Falcon so I could practice the matchup. next time I see you we will play for 30 mins.

Datman - wish we played. I love your signature.

Dogy - my arch enemy. JK it was good to see you as lively as ever. a very good doc player and fun to chill with.

Prac - thanks for the housing man would'nt have had a bad a$$ time with out you. the random matches were fun too.

Chaddddd- You cheat in Streetfighter 2 but as always your Ganon is too good. FINAL ATOMIC BUSTER FTW.

Reflex - your Bowser is a Fox in disguise u can't use your tricksies on me. good seeing you again and glad me and you were able to defeat Nite evil play style in Street Fighter. stupid throws.

Cornel - first Falcon Ditto's then DK ditto's ???? u crazy fool. we need to play more next time 2 fun.

Seph20 - good **** man we should play next time.

Soft - you've gotten alot better since Tipped Off 2. good ****.

Nice1 - you're too **** cool to hang with I enjoyed talking to u. u also taught me without knowing it, the right attitude with this game. thanks man.

PB&J - I want to play you.


HolyMarth - the team friendlies were FN fun!!! can't wait to play you again.

Chocolate Thunder - nice meeting you and playing you, a person who play low tiers is def a friend of mine.

Everlasting Yay - Mmmmmm So good ROFL I love that sig. nice meeting you dood.

LOZR - congrats on getting to the finals. I wish I could have played better in our set, def a good Fox player.

TRC - Nice job in pools. sorry you were sick Saturday man. I hope you had a safe drive home.


Ihavespaceballs - Good seeing you again, I can't believe you cut your hair, alsoI enjoyed hanging with you.

Iori - your M2 is scary. also thanks for the advice it will def come in use next tourney and your laugh is top tier.

Chad - u owe me a hat. jk Good job in brackets, u are def a beast in life.

Nite - no starburst for you. Gratz on winning teams and placing in brackets. Major Bison is to much to handle son!


Thief _ nice to see you again man. I'm glad you still play hopefully you'll be able to make more tourny's

Moogle - the most humble of smashers good playing you again.

Slim - Yeah Fox is a tough match up but I think I have the remedy for that. we'll def play next time we cross paths.

Coach - u were really quiet this tourny I barely seen u the entire time. play me next time.


Cash Mooney - we did'nt get to play so we have to change that next time.

Exarch - u surprised the hell out of me showing up to this tourney I did'nt know you were coming. good **** in brackets and good job repping Co and Me colors at smash aid, if you ever need to talk don't hesitate to IM me man.

Renth - nice to meet you man. you're just as random a person as me lol also u have a really nice Ganon.

That's about it, if I forgot somebody my apologies I have a really bad memory. until next time peace and God Bless.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2005
Colver, PA
Shoutouts in no particular order.

Cash mooney- Grats, you're the only person in this entire tournament that pissed me off with you borrowing money from me, not paying me back, and on top of that lying about it saying I paid you back when in reality you didn't and you knew it. How do I know? I had to go to your f-ing mom to tell her, and then you pretty much gave up that lie, who knows what you told your mom though. I probably won't get my money back, but if we meet at another tourny you better pay me back, I don't care if I'm a skinny white boy I will f- you up cause I'm pretty sure it doesn't take much to beat up a fat white kid. I gave you the benefit of the doubt despite what all I'd heard about you, but you betrayed my trust and lied to me. I don't want to hear how sorry you are either, it means nothing to me now. </3

Dude... Pwnage.. i've **** talked people hard but wow your such a nice guy i didn't know you had it in you. Well i guess let that be a lesson don't steal pikachads money if you do there will be serious hell to pay.

seriously though:

It was nice to meet you dude and i'll get matches with you the next time we meet :lick:


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2006
Lawrenceville , GA
(This will no doubt take me over an hour...)


GAwes- You're a beast, my friend. I had a lot of fun in our 20 stock MM, and I was rooting for you the whole time in the crew battle. Hope I get to play you again before you leave, cause we're all gonna miss you. (And I have to buy you that cheeseburger!!!)

Chaddd- I didn't get to play you much this go around... But I know you're top tier. Miss you much bro, hit me up sometime!

112- Fun friendlies, I was so proud of you in the crew battle! REPPIN GA's MARTHS!!! Hope to see you again soon, man.

Carter- Beastly. You rock, and you're fun to chill with. We should smash more often!

Dogy- We only got a few friendlies in, but they were enjoyable. Wish I'd gotten that **** spike... =P

Mike G- You shoulda been there longer, bro! Lets hang out again soon!

Yang- Nice to meet you too, mang! Nice ganon, fun as hell games late at night. (You can't handle my MEWTWO!!!)

Daniel Zaman- Your ledgetechs are beast. Great ganon, we had some close as hell matches.

Datman- Good stuff, man. Way to rep in the crew battle, I always enjoy playing you/watching you play. ^_^

Alpha- YOU JUST WON'T DIE. *Alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha* Lets play more next tourney!

Renegade- You're funny as hell, dawg. Good friendlies, wish I'd gotten to play you more!

Cornell- We still need to get that MM. GREED!

Prac- Thanks for letting us come and stay with you before the tournament, had a lot of fun at your house(GAUNTLET SUCKS) and during friendlies. You're beast. See you again soon, man.

Gerbil- You owe me that pride match! Sorry you couldn't make it to this!

Ares- Missed you much, man. We need more team-jigs matches. FIRST REST WINS!

Darvel- Good stuff man, you've improved a lot since we last played. Hope you keep on getting better! ^_^

Nice- Bring it, son! I'll slay you all day!!! (Much love and mad respect to you, man)

Laijin- Fun matches, man. Corneria does suck, so don't counterpick me there! =P See you again soon!

SleepyK- Didn't get to play you much, we'll have to change that at my next smashfest! You rock!

Boss- Where did you come from? lol Good matches.

Wizzlecroff- Nice friendlies. Keep it up, you'll get beast!


Rice- You beast! Can't wait to see you again man, looking forward to playing you more! Great job winning this ****!

Rook- You keep teching behind me, I'll keep walking behind you and f-smashing! lol
Good **** dude, miss you much.

Ram- ARGH I hated having to play you in brackets! I hope I didn't roll over and die too easily for ya! ;) See you again soon, I hope!

Drumma Boi- You're awesome, dude. Fun matches, we should play more often. I <3 you and the rest of the panhandlers!

Exarch- You sheiked me! T_T I'll slay your sheik next time! =P (Mad respect for honoring Co+Me with your tag at this tourney.)

Renth- Good ganon dude, I wish I'd had the chance to friendly you. BTW, I </3 brinstar. lol

Midwest+ other OOSers

Reflex- Good stuff man, you have god DI. We should get friendlies next tournament!

Iori- POWAH WAVE! You rock, you're funny as hell. Side note: **** kirby
Hope to play you some more next time I see you! ^_^

IHSB- I owe you a MM, if you still want it~ Only got a few friendlies, but I hope to play you some more next time I see you!

RC- You loved my spike from the top of battlefield, you KNOW it. =P
Much love man, you're one of my favorite OOSers! (You deserved to be in teh crew battle!)

N64- Fun stuff in pools, your pika is beast!

Nite- No marth dittos this time? *Is sad* I guess I'll have to TGM you next time I see you! =P

Thief- Beastly hair, dude. Good stuff murdering me in pools. =P

Coach- Nice peach, keep it up, man!

Mslano- Thank you, I will indeed remember where the saying came from. I'll use it with pride! ^_^

Chad- Thanks for the support, man! It hasn't been easy quitting... but I've already decided to do it, so I'm going to stick with it. Aye, we need more friendlies next tournament. I'm gonna keep improving! ;)


TBag- Glad you came out for this, no worries over the teams thing, I know you're beast, and I miss seeing you bro. Hang out with me more often! T_T

Desu- You're getting good as ****, bro. I'll keep driving you around, and I'll keep ledgeteching your bull****. No johns, if I tech, DEAL WITH IT. =P Gratz on tieing with me for 13th! ^_^

PB+J- Nana is too pro. Don't sweat the small stuff, keep practicing and you'll get beast!

Soft- You're getting retardedly good, man. You're the best Jigs in GA, IMHO.

XI0- Good to see you again, dawg! Maybe you should play with us more often? =P

BlueJim- Smoke dem fools on the b-ball court. Much love, man. Lets hang out soon!

Kirby_Jim- Glad you came, man! Hope to see more of you around town!

Soma- Keep it up dude, you're getting beast. No worries about the crew battle, pressure is rough!

Marcus- I <3 you/ will make sweet love to your face.

If I forgot anyone, please remind me, and I'll put your shout-out in.

Much love to all who supported me through the first 3 days of quitting smoking, I had such a **** good time at this tourney I hardly thought about it.
Miss you all, hope to play each and every one of you again soon! ^_^


FullMetal (formerly Menthol)


C@sH Mooney

Smash Master
Apr 4, 2007
Probably playing TF2.
Cash mooney- Grats, you're the only person in this entire tournament that pissed me off with you borrowing money from me, not paying me back, and on top of that lying about it saying I paid you back when in reality you didn't and you knew it. How do I know? I had to go to your f-ing mom to tell her, and then you pretty much gave up that lie, who knows what you told your mom though. I probably won't get my money back, but if we meet at another tourny you better pay me back, I don't care if I'm a skinny white boy I will f- you up cause I'm pretty sure it doesn't take much to beat up a fat white kid. I gave you the benefit of the doubt despite what all I'd heard about you, but you betrayed my trust and lied to me. I don't want to hear how sorry you are either, it means nothing to me now. </3
chad check ur inbox


Smash Journeyman
Dec 10, 2006
newnan georgia
ok im drunk as hell.

shput outs

wes-im going to miss you, hopfuly we will hang out tomrow

chadd-man i cant belive you lost in single like that u sucks maim. jk

lajin-dude, i seriously couldent get around your projectiles, oh well next time ill just go fo and gAY THE HELLZ UOPUT OF YOU




112- LOL im the best mario in the worl ***ots


datman-wtf i thopught i placed higher than you

iori-your not thAT ANNOYIING






ppand j - LOL **** ICE CLIMBERS




STRAIGHT EGE KID FROM NC-get stoopid you sucking tard cake xxx fr life dumbbbas








SHEIK KID WEHO GOT MAD-LOL MY Ganong beat yopu queers

ummm every one i played in poools good games

that guy who played peach and all of his friends scuked, and got ***** on the ga crew battle-dude your peche is good.

mike g-u almost beat your peach msan
!jk your wat beter than me

jon sadalski - lol henikin is ****jing gross.

zach behan-i love you dude

smirnoff-lol you ****ed me up n99sis!
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