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Skill Levels; What do you guys think?? Rate 'em.


Smash Champion
May 30, 2007
Ok son if I win you have to do a Golf Clap *W/E that is* and the thread isnt dead we just have a new topic...Who said I had to visit to make it explode and you just posted on the Teir list in the same minute you posted here..... ANYWAY AS I HAVE BEEN TRYING TO BRING BACK THE INITIAL TOPIC I dont Follow any of these Ranks 4real 4real All I see is OVER 9000 and Under 9000


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2003
Baltimore, MD
What's the point of it all?

Rankings -

Tournament Winner

Not tournament winner

Those should be the only two categories of skill. And the tournament needs more than ten people. >_>


Smash Champion
Apr 28, 2006
South Hill, Washinton
What's the point of it all?

Rankings -

Tournament Winner

Not tournament winner

Those should be the only two categories of skill. And the tournament needs more than ten people. >_>
Haha, what about those people who only ever make to 1 or 2 tournies and end up in 2nd or 3rd place? Surely they deserve a rank.

Oh, and my friend and I had a marth ditto, he had 4 stock, I had 2, and I DESTROYED him. Man am I happy, because he's a good player too


Smash Champion
May 13, 2007
Lol. Tournies are not everything for skill, they are everything for power rankings... I dont go to tournies so im only in the lower section of top 25 in my state. Only been to one tourney, but if i actually went to tournies id be in the top ten. Thing is im too young and cant get a ride, so that thing wouldnt describe skill...



Smash Champion
May 13, 2007
This topic was actually excellent for the first 10 or so pages, then he spammers came here and posted.
P.s. @ Brawl Pro im 15 so i cant drive and theres no one i know who could get me a ride. lol



Smash Apprentice
Jan 2, 2007
I thought nihonjin isn't even on top of dutch power rankings nowadays >_>? @ four pages back posted by aldwyn

aldwyn nice videos though!


Smash Master
Jul 2, 2007
Florissant, St. Louis, MO Tech Skill: Over 9000
drugged, I DON'T GO TO THEM LOLZ(even tho i wish i could:mad:), i just go to smashfests;)

but everytime a tourney shows up i try my best to go, by asking ppl to drive me there but it usually get a no from them...

i need to show my skill at tournies don't u think...


Smash Rookie
Sep 1, 2007
wow great job describing the skill level. i have played alot of ppl that think they are the best but have never heard of wavedashing or fast falling. if any one reading this doesn't know those terms just go to youtube and look for vids of ssbm tips.


Smash Journeyman
May 21, 2006
Western Kentucky
A very good list. Very detailed. Although I feel like I'm reading one of those online quizzes... Heheh.

I'm just now trying to learn advanced techniques with my newest main, Falco. So I guess I'm Average-Above Average. I like I think I'm skilled but a local tournament at my University is coming up so I suppose we'll see.

Just a few moments ago I made my first attempts at the SHL and Short Hopping techniques! And Teching is a magical thing; that is, if I can pull it off consistently. Now wavedashing is something I can't get the hang of. x.x;;


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
Everyone knows Laijin.
"Nice DI Laijin."
People stand and gather to see me do my amazing Young Link combos on pplz.
So that makes me a legend.
Since my Young Link is one of the best out there.
lawlz. I'm so cocky.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
A very good list. Very detailed. Although I feel like I'm reading one of those online quizzes... Heheh.

I'm just now trying to learn advanced techniques with my newest main, Falco. So I guess I'm Average-Above Average. I like I think I'm skilled but a local tournament at my University is coming up so I suppose we'll see.

Just a few moments ago I made my first attempts at the SHL and Short Hopping techniques! And Teching is a magical thing; that is, if I can pull it off consistently. Now wavedashing is something I can't get the hang of. x.x;;
That would most likely put you under the beginner catagory

along with everyone else that hasn't been to a tourney


Smash Ace
Jun 4, 2006
Utrecht Duidelijk
I thought nihonjin isn't even on top of dutch power rankings nowadays >_>? @ four pages back posted by aldwyn

aldwyn nice videos though!
im not quite sure what you mean but what Aldwyn said didnt had anything to do with the dutch power ranking. He just said that Ek(hes swedish if you didnt know) and Nihonjin are the only 2 "Legends" in Europe but that doesnt mean there even or whatever you ment =)


Smash Journeyman
May 21, 2006
Western Kentucky
It wouldn't surprise me if I was a beginner even though I've been playing for the longest time. Just never decided to make that jump in skill level and begin training until now. Incorporating these new techs has made me significantly worse 'cause I can't pull them off effectively just yet. I'm still B-Siding from a SHL and it messes up my combo. SH edgeguarding with Falco's DAir has gotten me killed instead multiple times as well. And I haven't even started on wavedashing yet.

And my first tourney is this Sunday, even though its a local one. I'll let you know how badly I get *****.


Jun 4, 2003
Portland, OR
The whole premise of this topic has been utterly destroyed by multiple people including g-reg, brookman, myself, and others yet people keep choosing to ignore it. I beg you all to stop posting and let this die.

The King

Smash Ace
Jun 6, 2005
I consider myself above average cuz I can beat all my friends.
I could also quote tons of other instances like this, but I won't to protect the innocent and not feed the flame. But if anyone reading this cannot see the irony in it, and how relative and arbitrary something such as Skill Level really is, then...well, just keep on posting, I guess.

OH, and you want to know another really interesting fact? I don't believe anybody at all in this entire thread actually described themselves as anything below "Average". Make of that what you will.

King Out


Apple Head
Jun 5, 2003
Newington, CT
That's "below stupid" not "below, stupid"

Because "below stupid" is definitely a skill level around here. =D


Smash Apprentice
Mar 14, 2006
Westminster, CA
Well, I've finally got the right mood to do this. XD I was going to do this like 3 weeks ago. Here it is.


n00b: This is the level that starts with you playing the game for the first time. It then leads into you learning all the basic techs. You usually get 2-3 stocked by anyone that's fairly good. Mindgames?? What are those??

novice: This is the level where you've mastered the complete basic techs and THINK that you're a pro. This is actually the level where you get comments like this: "I'm a Pro and I could 4 stock you."---"No you couldn't. You're a n00b." You hear about some of the advanced techs but think that you're too good for them. You run tight races with average casual players here. Mindgames?? Ohh....that makes sense.

Average: This is the level where you keep hearing about these things called "shorthopping","fastfalling", and "wavedashing". What the crap are those?!?! Maybe this is something you need to look into. You do, but they're too hard to do so you say that they're "stupid glitches" and you ditch them. You go to a local tourney with pretty fair players, and you make it to the 3rd round and you get ELIMINATED. Ohhh!!! Those mindgame things could really help me out here.

Above Average: This is the level where you keep seeing vids of Pros like Pc Chris, SilentWolf, Eggz, M2King, etc... and you decide that those advanced tech thingies may be worth their weight in gold. You try them and, whaddaya know, you're not as bad at them as before, so you decide that you are going to perfect them. Who knows......maybe you could be as good as them Pros too. Mindgames FTW

Very Good: This is the level where you've practiced alot of the advanced techs, and you're pretty good at them too. You become a fanboy to the Master of your main. He/She begins to show you how they got as good as they are (if you're likeable enough to be friends with them). You go to a tourney with very good players and you reach the eigth round from the finals. Mindgames!!! These are almost the only reason that you got so far in the tournament. Yeayuhhhz, I like these things!!!

Expert: Well, you've done it, at least nearly. You're well known on SWF and you get alot of recognition from the Pros. People stand by on the sidelines of a TV watching your amazing skillz. You've gotten proficient with most of the advanced techs, and your mindgames are above average. Your fanboyee is very proud of you, and starts askin' you to ditto them in a $MM. They beat you of course, but you do win a match of the set.

Pro: You rule this game. You've mastered every advanced tech and you've gotten to where people start sayin' to your opponent "You got mindgamez'd son". You've beaten your main's Master in a set, and you've gotten the top 10 in a National Tournament with alot of Pros. Mindgames are like eating-and-drinking easy to you. You are extremely well known on SWF and get A TON of recognition from your fanboyee and he even talks like you would 3 stock him.

Legend: You own this game. During matches, you can manipulate your opponent to do WHATEVER you want them to do. Your word is gospel truth when it comes to this game. If somebody posts an advice thread to somebody that's like extremely long and you post like two lines saying that they were completely wrong, nobody would get mad at you for dissing them. If you've reached this, you're likely named Eggz, SilentWolf, Pc Chris, M2King, etc...


What do you guys think??
You shouldn't call the first one NOOB. Because Noob means lame *** that thinks they're good, but really they suck. Call it NEWB or beginner or novice.

Novice is a bad choice to call the second to the lowest skill lvl. You can call that one Noob instead of Novice.

I'm above average, yet kinda close to very good. I don't like your definition of "very good." Everything from the fanboy part and onward is not me.
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