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Skies of Arcadia Mafia - Game Over! Indy (AM) Wins!


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Is it like kosher to fake daykills now it happens like every game I see >_>.


Down with lynching like half the roster.

Vote Soup

Lets kill mr daykill jokester first.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
It wasn't even used as a joke nor did it have any other purpose than to scare Orboknown into getting what I want, I hope you're not serious.

Lovably Adorable Kanine

Red Ryu|John2k4
Jun 22, 2011
Red Ryu/John2k4
Orb / Lak are still my prefered lynches. Orb has gone quiet ever since people started to pile votes on him and Lak hasn't really done anything more than some common-sense comments on minor stuff plus 'creating discussion'.
JTB and Rake also have done like ... nothing so far. I really hope this isn't the kind of game that scum just lurks through while townies bash each others heads.

So Orbo hasn't post in maybe a day and a half, and a blanket statement about how using common sense is bad?
Gheb wtf you doing.


Lovably Adorable Kanine

Red Ryu|John2k4
Jun 22, 2011
Red Ryu/John2k4
Vote: Gheb

I don't approve of the transparent play and ironically not really doing anything.

Legolas was on our watch list but i need to take a closer look at his newer posts.

Rockin is on my watch list.

JTB and Rake are on my inactive hunt.

Apr 17, 2011
Congratulations you tasteless tetrahedra, you've earned a short reprieve from the math puns.

This is mostly to extrapolate on our Soup suspicions. I want them to be 100% clear so people understand them.
Apr 17, 2011
Not sure what you're trying to say here AM, I agreed with an assessment that Gheb put forward regarding LAk but it did not factor into my Gheb read at all. Is that what you're trying to pin me on? Your math lingo is slightly confusing but hopefully i'll learn.
It isn't that your read switched. I would be a ******* to try to insinuate that. It's that, in your first post, you immediately label him as a dangerous player and highlighted him specifically for LAK, and then turned around and started agreeing with him with absolutely no argument, no attempt to flesh out your read, and no attempt to follow up on your "Gheb's dangerous" statement. That's shady.

This is a question presented to give Orbo bait, either he corresponds like I want him to or he doesn't, you can't tell me you're trying to bring reasoning that my reasoning was far too loaded and therefore fake? Because this is all you're presenting right now, that my intentions are flawed and that they are fake. Have you considered your read on Orbo? What do you disagree on me with? You think he's town or something? If so, tell me.

But it wasn't a guess, Orbo's opening post was bad and I had every reason to pursue it, I don't want to hear more about this and i'm much more concerned on how you're factoring Orboknown in this proposterous equation of yours.
Hey scrub, I hate cases based around people being "fake." I don't blame you for misunderstanding us though--no one seems to have figured out our math puns yet. So you're not alone!

But it's the fact that you floated a vote out there and then put something on it. Orbo's initial post was not bad. I don't see the flaw in it, it just read typical Orbo to me. He's not a player that posts a lot, he's a scrub, and what he says isn't the weightiest. I have no ****ing clue why you and Gheb are putting him on a higher standard. He hasn't played better than essentially a newer player and so he hasn't earned that standard. Because of that, it sounds like you two are angling for a lynch for reasons that aren't because of a person's scumminess--you're just shooting for a lynch because you know you can get it.

As a result, this has nothing to do with Orbo's actions except how they relate to you. Spotlight's on you, babe, time to put on the big boy pants and dance.

All a means of information hunting, every quesiton I present has a reasoning behind it and I have priority in my play, I suppose I could make the same argument for Orbo but they're completely different and I tend to do things differently with certain players based on how well they react to things, I felt that question was neccessary for that purpose.
It's. Not. About. The. Question. It's about the "Hey, let's toss a jab at this player, try to stir the well a bit, but immediately undermine that by letting off trust for him immediately" thing that you also did with Gheb. It's shady. If you doubt a player, doubt them. If you trust a player, trust them. Don't immediately flip-flop on your views in matters of posts (or even in the very same post).

Because the quesiton was bad and put there for no reason whatsoever only to slightly instigate something, either Rockin is gonna back it up (which he didn't) or he's gonna flop over on his own purpose of asking it in the first place.
If the question was bad, why did you get so worked up over it? There was no weight. You didn't have to react like that. But you did. It's a scrubscum move and you're bad enough at scum to fit into that possibility.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Aggressive Mediation said:
It isn't that your read switched. I would be a ******* to try to insinuate that. It's that, in your first post, you immediately label him as a dangerous player and highlighted him specifically for LAK, and then turned around and started agreeing with him with absolutely no argument, no attempt to flesh out your read, and no attempt to follow up on your "Gheb's dangerous" statement. That's shady.
Did you get where I said specifically in my response to LAK?
I don't usually have a problem reading him but just a heads up for both of you.
I haven't really looked into Gheb that much but I can say that I like what's he's doing this game and neither a play nor my priority.

Hey scrub, I hate cases based around people being "fake." I don't blame you for misunderstanding us though--no one seems to have figured out our math puns yet. So you're not alone!

But it's the fact that you floated a vote out there and then put something on it. Orbo's initial post was not bad. I don't see the flaw in it, it just read typical Orbo to me. He's not a player that posts a lot, he's a scrub, and what he says isn't the weightiest. I have no ****ing clue why you and Gheb are putting him on a higher standard. He hasn't played better than essentially a newer player and so he hasn't earned that standard. Because of that, it sounds like you two are angling for a lynch for reasons that aren't because of a person's scumminess--you're just shooting for a lynch because you know you can get it.

As a result, this has nothing to do with Orbo's actions except how they relate to you. Spotlight's on you, babe, time to put on the big boy pants and dance.
Orbo's scum based on how he's responding and how he's acting, I know there can be newbie town in there but there is just not enough reasoning to lean that way, the way he responded to me and focused on defending himself instead of crediting his own thoughts read to me as terrible, this doesn't include his latest posts where he merely votes Rockin just because Legolas asked him to, and his god-awful reasoning to do it. I am not willing to give Orbo benefit of the doubt, because I know Orbo can explain himself well enough, he is being purposely vague and is playing way too damn careful.

It's. Not. About. The. Question. It's about the "Hey, let's toss a jab at this player, try to stir the well a bit, but immediately undermine that by letting off trust for him immediately" thing that you also did with Gheb. It's shady. If you doubt a player, doubt them. If you trust a player, trust them. Don't immediately flip-flop on your views in matters of posts (or even in the very same post).
I'm alright with rake, He had a fairly good post and if you re-call I highlighted what gorf said about him, but I wanted to go further into it wrt Rake to flesh out reads, I'm still waiting on that response mind you.

If the question was bad, why did you get so worked up over it? There was no weight. You didn't have to react like that. But you did. It's a scrubscum move and you're bad enough at scum to fit into that possibility.
Because it's bad, it was a bad question that had no point to it and I didn't like it all, I wanted to know why Rockin asked it specificially and how he was going to use it, RVS aside. I don't really like Rockin's response and I know that Legolas is hot on his collar but I'm still concerned with Orbo, some things haven't gone full-circle yet.
Apr 17, 2011
Here is why we suspect Soup:

In his very first post of the game, he immediately throws a bead on Gheb, saying that Gheb is dangerous and needs to be watched. His very next post, he immediately throws his support in something Gheb says. Hell, this entire game, he's been right on Gheb's ****, throwing his support at Gheb and even saying that he was glad he and Gheb can be friends. What happened to Gheb being dangerous? Where's the argument, the attempt to flesh out the read, the follow-up on that statement, anything that suggests that he sincerely thought Gheb was dangerous, that Gheb was a threat? He threw that statement out there and immediately contradicted it with what he did. He does it again to a lesser extent with Rake as well.

The Orbo wagon itself is something I just don't like (save for marshy). The reason it started was such bogus. Soup just floated a vote out there on nothing. He says Orbo needs to have more meat to his posts but it's a catch-up post in the first place and Orbo gave his stances on things. It's not like it was void of content. That's been the entire basis of his case and yet, Orbo's given his thoughts, he's given his stances, that's about all you can expect. He then says it's all faked (irony over him getting butthurt at us calling him fake?) and that it's just rushed. It doesn't take into context that Orbo's newer, Orbo's bad, and that's about all you can expect from Orbo. Ergo, it feels like a lynch lacking suspicion and a lynch for the sake of a lynch.

And then he gets defensive over a weightless jab by Rockin. That's just shady. It's ****in' Rockin, you wouldn't get lynched over something like that. His explanation was something along the lines of it didn't mean anything and he didn't explain it, but you wouldn't flip out over something like that as town.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
The Orbo wagon itself is something I just don't like (save for marshy). The reason it started was such bogus. Soup just floated a vote out there on nothing. He says Orbo needs to have more meat to his posts but it's a catch-up post in the first place and Orbo gave his stances on things. It's not like it was void of content. That's been the entire basis of his case and yet, Orbo's given his thoughts, he's given his stances, that's about all you can expect. He then says it's all faked (irony over him getting butthurt at us calling him fake?) and that it's just rushed. It doesn't take into context that Orbo's newer, Orbo's bad, and that's about all you can expect from Orbo. Ergo, it feels like a lynch lacking suspicion and a lynch for the sake of a lynch.

Glad I'm not the only one who doesn't like it.

@Mod: Is it possible you can lablel the hydra players of Legolas and Rangrock at the front of the page?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I'm not a Hydra. I'm Soup.

I honestly can't believe that people are going to give Orbo benefit of the doubt here when he's had enough games at this point to be more than "that newbie slot." Is he bad? Sure. But is he completely brain dead? No, I've seen Orbo give wayyy better responses than that and I've seen him be a lot more committed to things. Stop babying him.

Rockin, what do you think about Orbo just jumping on you like that? Certainly you haven't considered it?


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
I'm not a Hydra. I'm Soup.

I honestly can't believe that people are going to give Orbo benefit of the doubt here when he's had enough games at this point to be more than "that newbie slot." Is he bad? Sure. But is he completely brain dead? No, I've seen Orbo give wayyy better responses than that and I've seen him be a lot more committed to things. Stop babying him.

Rockin, what do you think about Orbo just jumping on you like that? Certainly you haven't considered it?
Ahh, my mistake. Your name was throwing me off, so I was thinking you was a hydra with someone lol

Not really bothered by orbo. Sheeps are gonna sheep. The whole reason itself is very silly/stupid, which is why I'm not so worked up over it.

Lovably Adorable Kanine

Red Ryu|John2k4
Jun 22, 2011
Red Ryu/John2k4
Of course Soup, all people are exactly the same and have the same standards since everyone gets better and learns at the same rate.

Oh wait...no they don't. Everyone is different in skill and style so using a standardized scum hunting tactic is bad.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Of course Soup, all people are exactly the same and have the same standards since everyone gets better and learns at the same rate.

Oh wait...no they don't. Everyone is different in skill and style so using a standardized scum hunting tactic is bad.
So you're literally admitting you're going to treat Orboknown special just because you hold a lower standard to him. This is such bull****, what would you do if a player like Evil Eye gave you a response like that?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Rockin said:
Not really bothered by orbo. Sheeps are gonna sheep. The whole reason itself is very silly/stupid, which is why I'm not so worked up over it.
...But you're not looking into why he would do that? It's just a sheeper going to sheep?

Did everyone get dumber all of the sudden?

Lovably Adorable Kanine

Red Ryu|John2k4
Jun 22, 2011
Red Ryu/John2k4
Your not reading into intent and that is why I started to like your slot a lot less. Is what he is posted grade A caliber? No, but why should I expect EE levels of posting off of him?

I'm not lynching anything I find to be at on sight, even then Orbo hasn't posted anything that bad if at all, I'm lynching if I think it is malicious or an unexplainable lie.

You can't treat all players equal because you're going to mislynch people who aren't up there in skill a lot. While Orbo is getting better, why should we be expecting that?


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
...But you're not looking into why he would do that? It's just a sheeper going to sheep?

Did everyone get dumber all of the sudden?
No. I just don't think you're reading correctly.

Orbo is going to sheep. That's a given. I almost always see him vote on someone who's either the most convient on the pressure, or just want to join the bandwagon. I saw his reason, which was to 'add pressure onto me.' Everyone knows adding votes without vocally saying nothing is just empty. You're not pressuring them because you're not trying to get specific information that you may want to know/need. I'm paying him no mind because there's nothing to really pressure. I'm doing the same for Legolas cause his reason is very silly and I'm starting to see some tunneling on me.

Orbo is going to sheep. He's not going to step it up like he said he would because he's still posting in the same exact way he is. I don't find this scummy. Just unhelpful play (which is why I'm not immediately voting for him).

I rather try and lynch scum/suspicious people so we can learn about their flip and then see the connections. Lynching Orbo would just rid of a nucience and not get us closer to lynching scum (imo)

Gheb - aside from lynching Orbo, is there anyone else you feel is suspicous/scummy?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Your not reading into intent and that is why I started to like your slot a lot less. Is what he is posted grade A caliber? No, but why should I expect EE levels of posting off of him?

I'm not lynching anything I find to be at on sight, even then Orbo hasn't posted anything that bad if at all, I'm lynching if I think it is malicious or an unexplainable lie.

You can't treat all players equal because you're going to mislynch people who aren't up there in skill a lot. While Orbo is getting better, why should we be expecting that?
I'm reading into intent far more than you are, read what i've been saying for the past couple of pages and stop focusing on the fact he is not the best player, that was the point i was trying to make, meta is always a scent but never a tell. you are using meta in that sense that you feel for orbo, it was a standard post by him, and not looking at the big picture of things.

I can't? All town have a common goal of lynching scum. Tell me where you see effort of Orboknown looking to lynch scum in his post.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
No. I just don't think you're reading correctly.

Orbo is going to sheep. That's a given. I almost always see him vote on someone who's either the most convient on the pressure, or just want to join the bandwagon. I saw his reason, which was to 'add pressure onto me.' Everyone knows adding votes without vocally saying nothing is just empty. You're not pressuring them because you're not trying to get specific information that you may want to know/need. I'm paying him no mind because there's nothing to really pressure. I'm doing the same for Legolas cause his reason is very silly and I'm starting to see some tunneling on me.

Orbo is going to sheep. He's not going to step it up like he said he would because he's still posting in the same exact way he is. I don't find this scummy. Just unhelpful play (which is why I'm not immediately voting for him).

I rather try and lynch scum/suspicious people so we can learn about their flip and then see the connections. Lynching Orbo would just rid of a nucience and not get us closer to lynching scum (imo)

Gheb - aside from lynching Orbo, is there anyone else you feel is suspicous/scummy?
This argument isn't going to get anywhere, we have conflicting opinions and the thing is that's all it's ever going to be.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I still hold to my past statements regarding Orbo and I don't see them changing or being convinced unless it is personally done by Orbo himself, until then I will await responses.


Lovably Adorable Kanine

Red Ryu|John2k4
Jun 22, 2011
Red Ryu/John2k4
I'm reading into intent far more than you are, read what i've been saying for the past couple of pages and stop focusing on the fact he is not the best player, that was the point i was trying to make, meta is always a scent but never a tell. you are using meta in that sense that you feel for orbo, it was a standard post by him, and not looking at the big picture of things.

I can't? All town have a common goal of lynching scum. Tell me where you see effort of Orboknown looking to lynch scum in his post.
It's not even that bad without meta.

We are lynching scum, but forcing down a lynch without even considering what he might be doing for a town point of view is goggle sited.

Does he scream EE like effort? No, but I see attempts to read people. Look at his questionnaire of odd things like what Gheb is doing or his read on J.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Rake/JTB - Whenever you can, I'd like to see what do you think about some players. Need you tell me who you think is scummy/suspicious and why they should be lynched.

J - I'm pretty sure you can red Red Ryu/ Kanine's slot better then mine. Can you tell me what's your take on it so far?

AM - Avast, matey! I like ye eyes! Ye think that Legolas be a blooming dummy with his reads? (not regarding me, for I ain't no scummy guy). What be the Deviation for that thar 'Rake'?
Dec 6, 2011
Rockin said:
The Orbo wagon is kinda ew, especially given JTB on there. Only two or so posts, and he jumps straight into the wagon. I sure hope he at least provides content for others he feels is scummy.
Rockin, help me here. Does JTB joining means you think JTB is scum? As this post implies you don't like the wagon as it looks like JTB trying to mislynch someone by jumping on it. Am I interpeting this right?


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Rockin, help me here. Does JTB joining means you think JTB is scum? As this post implies you don't like the wagon as it looks like JTB trying to mislynch someone by jumping on it. Am I interpeting this right?
I find JTB's movement scummy, not him as a whole. I don't like the wagon in general for it's pretty easy to lynch someone like Orbo (not to say that he himself is weak...but you can lynch him for a several reasons without much effort. Kinda like lynching Zen). I just don't like JTB for suddenly jumping on that wagon without much content in general.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Votecount 1.2

1. Rockin: Legolas
2. Rake
3. Aggressive Mediation (Ryker/WashedLaundry): Soup
4. Orboknown: Rockin
5. Gheb_01: LAK > Orbo
6. J: Legolas
7. KevinM: Soup
8. Soup~: J > Orbo
9. Lovably Adorable Kanine (Red Ruy/John2k4): Gheb > Soup
10. Gorf: Orbo > Rockin
11. Legolas: LAK > Rockin > Rockin > J > Orbo > Rockin > Soup
12. Marshmellowman (Macman/marshy): Rake > Orbo
13. JTB: Gheb > Orbo

Orbo (4): Gheb, JTB, Marshmellowman, Soup
Soupnarok (4): AM, KevinM, LAK, Legolas
Rockin (2): Gorf, Orbo
Legolas (2): J, Rockin

Not voting: Rake

With 13 alive it takes 7 to lynch!

Deadline on Friday June 8th at 11:59 PM AST!


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Oh, and I have no idea what exactly is going on over there (Celebrity Rehab), but anyone dead who posts ANYTHING other than their one "go town/scum" post immediately becomes Independent Survivor, loses, and earns a blacklist. Just establishing this now, I don't want a cluster**** like that over here.

Be patient and wait for the damn mod to end the game.

This warning has officially been added to the rules in the OP.
Apr 17, 2011
The logical half of the brain is here and the creative half will be joining me shortly. We've got some choice words for some of you vile values.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Everything you've posted so far minus your first post is terrible, even by your standards. Like, super unconstructive to the max-status.

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