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Skies of Arcadia Mafia - Game Over! Indy (AM) Wins!

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
/brofist ruy

for being obvtown. i think its funny at the end of d1 me/mac asked doc to wifom protect you/j/me and yall ended up being the masons


#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Not much to say, haven't read since D1. Well done to AM, you guys know how to play indy and it consistently shows.
The funny part of this sentence is that I've only drawn indy twice and both of them have been hydras.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
My role literally gave me no incentive to play day phase, and having pinned orbo and gheb as scum in my head on D1 like I had told them I didn't want to get recruited by a faction that in my mind was destined to lose so I didn't want to use my night action.

Basically the role gives me no incentive as a townie to scumhunt because the likelihood of me being recruited is probably pretty high if I'm unable to swing a lynch early on them and yet with a weak scum team gives me no incentive to want to be recruited at all.

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
/brofist john

alignment changing roles are ****ty and shouldnt be used in general. im at least glad raz had the decency to publicly inform us of that piece of ****

so whyd you visit me n1 kev?

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
First things first:


But like, this game. Let's talk about set-ups, Raz. You put in an alignment-changer, even if it was one-shot. I normally don't condone strongmans but giving it to the indy in exchange for making him take the hard road (win in LyLo with no kill and no mafia) is justifiable. Town confirms so much of itself. JTB gets the obvious doc, there were self-confirmed masons, a tracker, the obvious "HI I'M VYSE" claim that would've cleared marshmellow regardless of their play, a voyeur on top of that, and then a role/voteblocker that confirms itself whenever it shoots. So let's talk about this:

Outside of your recruit, your mafia was thoroughly weak in this game but the recruit was too strong of a swing in the other way for town to really counteract. Recruits shouldn't happen except in incredibly larger games where town has a larger cushion to take that blow. It would've also been fine had the mafia just been two-man. I actually mused about a mentor that could only recruit once a member of his mafia had died. It seemed more likely than two successful doc protects in a night in my mind.

Yet town still lost. Had it not been for how ridiculously well we played, it would've been a surefire town victory though. A lot of that was simply how cut and dry the town was, how little misinformation was presented, how strong the claims are, etc. Like, if all else failed, town could've hit D3, said "**** it, mass claim", and would've nailed Gorf's JoaT claim, whatever bull**** Orbo would've claimed, Gheb's faked ****, and KevMo's entirely vague claim simply through process of elimination. Masons cleared themselves. Tracker cleared itself. Voyeur would've cleared itself. Vyse clears himself. JTB might not have had to claim. Soup and Legolas cleared themselves via the fact that the moderator confirmed their actions existed in the first place. That's stupidly powerful and in a game with a ****ton of **** you need to have some misdirection present so mislynches happen. The fact that we had to deal with so many additional clears and strong players (marshy, J, LAK, JTB, and Soup were all players we did not consider lynchable in endgame) should not have happened. Quite frankly, we shouldn't have even gotten away with lynching Rockin in the first place.

Our role was perfectly fine in the long run. Everything else is completely questionable. Town and scum both needed nerfs in entirely different ways.

This game scared the hell out of me. Half the reason we won was because we cracked the set-up and then used all of that information we now had access to abuse to our advantage. We had strong play. I had no doubt in my mind that we played a pretty townie game (when will people stop giving me roles with confirmed scum in my role PM and absolutely no way for them to connect to me?). It's just we had to play SO MUCH to NAs as well. And I enjoy that. But I like watering it down so I can't do that until much later in the game. The fact Ryker called about 90% of the game right by D3 is ********.

I find it funny that whenever scum go against Drew and they can't get him lynched, they just spend the entire time degrading him and putting him at arm's length. Zen did it when he replaced in, Gheb did it throughout the game. Gorf stupidly defended us but it was too late at that point because Gorf was ****ing obvious. KevMo was recruited.

But yeh, good game, well-played. We specifically aimed for that 4-man MyLo by about D3 when we decided to off Orbo and let the situations play out so as to limit our plans to a couple of clear decisions by the time it approached. We had two plans: somehow save Gheb and use his kill to win or lynch Gheb and use Legolas' doublevote to our advantage. Saving Private Gheb didn't play out so we ended up just doing the latter.

Gog I had fun even though I barely did anything in-thread after D2. Broto took the reigns of the account but we still talked about every action together. Good job dood, we won that tag-team.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Also let's continue the trend of "WL plays so damn well but can't win MVP for anything on his main account." My own damn hydra got it before me. :r


The End of an Era
Aug 28, 2011

Marshy I need to play more games with you dude. It's always fun.

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
aye i enjoy playing with you as well john

btw i loved the voting history that raz put in the votecounts. that **** was useful and i wish every mod did that


#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
I do and Laundry does. It came from AiB. It's much better if you post the final voting history for each day before the flip and start over for each new day with dead people removed.



Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Oh right. For those interested, my next small is gonna be Golden Sun (GBA, **** Dark Dawn) themed.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Dark Dawn was a good game.
If I wasn't already busy procrastinating I'd write you an essay on why everything you just said is wrong.

Dark Dawn was horrendously mediocre and left me thoroughly disappointed and praying the sequel redeems it. If it doesn't, I'm abandoning the DS incarnations and will only accept the GBA titles as legitimate.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
If I wasn't already busy procrastinating I'd write you an essay on why everything you just said is wrong.

Dark Dawn was horrendously mediocre and left me thoroughly disappointed and praying the sequel redeems it. If it doesn't, I'm abandoning the DS incarnations and will only accept the GBA titles as legitimate.
You lie.

I liked it.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
You think there are no other faults? Goddamn Shaya, you bad at critique. Gimme a second to copy/pasta my rant. xD

Also, Rei, that's not a spoiler, he leaves your party an hour in.

Thoroughly disappointed. The game started off just fantastic, then the plot careens into the bounds of "Where the **** are we?" Like, Alex is barely explored, we never went to Bilibin, we never fixed the soarwing, the whole plot is the main 8 getting ****ed around by EVERYONE.

Almost all of the new characters suck the fat ***.

Karis is great, she's like a wonderful cross between Ivan and Mia. Excellent class sets, Pure Mage go go, 10/10.

Tyrell is a turd. I only kept him in my party until I got Sveta. He's like Garet except they're trying to over-milk everything that made Garet good, and it falls on its face and you just end hating his guts because he just pisses you off. Classes still mostly suck, he's only good as a Ronin for Quick Strike abuse.

Matthew is just fine. Traditional Venus clone of Isaac, and I love Isaac, so all is well. Master for justice.

Rief is so ungodly bland. He's just a clone, and he looks like Max from Pokemon. Benched as soon as I got Amiti.

Amiti, you had the potential to be awesome. Fantastic character development (ALEX'S SON, HELL YES), Pretty decent stats. Then you get crippled by an evolved form of Piers syndrome where you get no melee classes and only get Light Blades and Bows. What the hell, Camelot? Give us a goddamn mercury warrior already. I want a Mercury class that I can roll around as Luminier, maybe Ronin and all that jazz. I had him stuck with Mercury in his default class all game, just because that's the only one that didn't suck, and I hated Tyrell, Eoleo, Himi, and Rief.

Sveta is just wonderful. Great character development, FANTASTIC CONCEPT, Beastman class ***** face, Jupiter Warrior done RIGHT, she gets the right mix of classes to be legit melee. Probably my favorite new character.

Eoleo, I thought I would like you. You're a better Tyrell with a less ****ty personality, better stats, and better classes. Somehow, I just couldn't use you. No Long Blades for no apparent reason, awful portrait/sprites, and you just don't fit in with the rest of the cast. They're all like 19, and you're what, like 35? ****ing Pedo, man.

Himi, seriously, what the hell. Camelot takes a chance to make a great character, makes her join late, for basically no reason. Gives her the personality of a brick. She's never really involved. Venus mage is gimmicky as ****, and she's got caster base classes and caster stats, with a **** ton of melee classes for alts. I cannot fathom how Camelot keeps getting the stats and classes backwards. Give Himi mage classes, and give Amiti warrior classes. Stop failing. The only reason I don't hate Himi is because Weapon Grace is ********. She comes in turn 1, buffs Matthew, then switches out on turn 2.

So yeah, they failed with 4/8 characters just based on character design, and made a bunch of ******** design choices.

Points of no return are ***. Like, 15 missable Djinn or so? REALLY?

Unique Djinn sprites was an excellent idea, but caused the mild annoyance of no longer seeing them labeled by name in the menus, which means you have to remember all the shapes. Kind of pesky.

Here's another major beef I have. You recycled ALMOST EVERY ITEM IN THE GAME. The only new **** is Sveta's gear, Bows, and maybe one or two other items. The mastery system is dumb, and it made the weapons feel less unique as soon as they started overlapping.

Spinning us loose when we get the boat was ********. At least TLA gave us some idea where to go.

Furthermore, WHERE THE **** ARE ALL THE LOCATIONS FROM THE PAST? No Vault, No Kaylay, no Xian, no Altin, no Tolbi, NOTHING! All we got was Kolima randomly teleporting over to the east, and Champa getting ****ed in the ***! WHERE THE HELL DID ALL THE CIVILIZATIONS GO TO?! And how exactly are there thousands of random ancient ruins popping up in the center of a continental landmass that was always there?! Being locked to Angara and the North Sea was a kick in the ****, we can see Gondowan, but we can;t go there, Hesperia is off-limits, we didn't even TOUCH Prox.

No Lucky medals, no game tickets, no fun stuff? No Colosso? No Trial Road? Nothing?

Blados and Chalis are probably the worst villains ever. Blados is literally a carbon copy of a Naruto character, right down to using ****ing Shurikens and having a bigass sword. Chalis is just a wannabe succubus. Last boss was AWFUL. It wasn't a dragon, it had ONLY ONE HEAD.

Difficulty was all over the place. The entire first part of the game was a joke, then you get butt****ed by the Tuaparang soldiers who just stun you constantly when you have no healing, then the game is massively easy again, then the last boss is all of a sudden way harder then everything else. I haven't fought Dullahan yet, but Camelot probably ****ed that up too.

Another gripe. Why did 50% of the game have to have us neck-deep in furries? There was no conceivable reason for that. It wasn't an awful decision, but it was pretty pointless, and doesn't really add anything to the plot. It's poorly explained, poorly executed, and the "tension" it's supposed to build never amounts to anything besides keeping us out of Border Town's left side.

You guys didn't add ANY new classes really. Just some character specific knock-off classes. Pirate line is just a gimmicky Brute, Venus mage line is meh, only Sveta's is remotely interesting.

More plot gripes. Where the **** did psynergy vortexes go?! They show up for like, 3 scenes, then they just DISAPPEAR until the credits roll! What garbage is this?

The game feels bland, unpolished, and downright rushed. This is not what I expect for Camelot quality games, and you'd better hope you fix things in the next one.
Maybe my expectations were too high, but I really feel that Dark Dawn failed significantly on a number of levels, the most significant being character development.

Like, really. You can sum up EVERY playable (or formerly playable) character in the game in a sentence or less.

Isaac - ****ing amazing, but disappears after the prologue. :(
Garet - Nice Mustache, bro.
Jenna - Doesn't even Exist
Ivan - Where you at bro?
Mia - So I heard you're not here either.
Felix - You're not even mentioned.
Sheba - Who?
Piers - Why of all people are YOU focused a bit on?
Kraden - You should have died.

Matthew - You're silent, that's your only excuse.
Tyrell - You're what happens when someone overuses a joke.
Karis - Bossy and annoying, nothing more.
Rief - Biggest pansy in the history of the series.
Amiti - Character development!...... too bad you got Piers' garbage stats/class sets.
Sveta - Finally someone interesting and unique in battle, one of the few things they got right.
Eoleo - Dude, you're like 40 and hanging out with little kids. Creepy.
Himi - I'm pretty sure Sean and Ouranos from the first game have more personality than you ever did.

Blados and Chalis are just generic baddies and Alex doesn't even ****ing do anything.
Found my old rant on the subject.
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