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Skies of Arcadia Mafia - Game Over! Indy (AM) Wins!

Dec 6, 2011

So who am I protecting? And why am I scummy?

lol I must've hit a sore spot with soup and Orbo
I never claimed you're protecting anyone. Getting defensive, I see!

Well yeah it lacks pressure. I was just saying for Marshy to give me a chance before trying to lynch me. That guy always has it for me in majority of Mafia games I played with him lol.

If that's your base reason for wanting me lynched, you may need to try harder then that.

FOS: Ragnarock

Not liking how you feel I'm scummy, but going after Orbo instead.
Why the f would you FOS in this stage of the game? What is that FOS even about?
Overall, you're lacking a sharpness and you don't seem to be advancing the early stages of the game. Enough to warrant a Rockin vote.

assuming he's protecting someone
which hints that he thinks we think that
which means that he must've thought about it at some point
why else would he even suggest that option?

Man, Gorf. I'm tempted, but they're both scum. What do I do? :(
You vote Rockin.

It's always within the Rockin variable's standard deviation to include defensiveness. You won't get much out of that proof. But your Orbo proof is solid work.
Look at his posts. What is he even trying to accomplish is what I wonder.

That said, I'm not on the Soup wagon. Yes, you got my suspicion of him out there, but I simply disagree with the wagon for now. I think different wagons are more fruitful. Join me on Rockin.

Lego is a curious case for me. I have a vibe they are leaning scum for me just based on their few posts they do have. I don't agree to the Rockin suspicion because of this post:
Lego said:
Also I'm having a hard to wrapping my head around an Orboknown scum attacking my slot so soon. It seems a lil' gutsy for newbie Orboknown to attack someone that could probably wreck his ****. The accusation against us is dumb and he should of toke that as null, but that in itself actually makes it seem like he's trying to scumhunt. Like, his dumb accusation is exactly what I would expect out of newbie town who didn't really know what to look for.

Anyways Rockin seems more legit scummy anyways. You agree with Rockin scum right? the construction of his post seemed phoney (the questions he asked, way he spoke to Marshy). I think I'm feeling better parking my vote here.
So you don't agree to Rockin suspicion because of something we posted? What about looking at Rockin's post when talking about Rockin suspicion? You're being off here.

He takes more time trying to explain his confusion w.r.t. Orbo, but he qualifies the read more to suggest that he is town which I do agree upon, but again that's not the issue I have. The issue I have lies in the part where he goes into detail about his Orbo read>Rockin read, especially when he votes Rockin in this very post. He just says "Rockin is scummy. You agree right? His post is bad. Good with my vote." without even going into any detail as to why Rockin is actually scummy.
Wooooow this is taking a bad turn for Jslot. What, exactly, is wrong with that? You're disregarding intent and reading actions at surface level. Do not like.

Then when asked by Gorf to back up said suspicion, he does this:
Lego said:
Gonna have to leave the overall question to Swordy though :v
I feel like there's a lack of intent to keep things moving. It's a dull post, not sharp and lacks pressure.
Which isn't a real answer so I am waiting on Swords to back up his RockinScum read.
Excuse me? I don't see how it's not a real answer. It might be an incomplete answer, but it does. I really don't even know why you bring this up when Sword hasn't even had time to elaborate on that at the time of your post. Once again, you're being waaaayyy off.
As a note, he even admitted himself that the post was dull, which in this stage pretty much translates to not-town.

AM, Gorf lynch+Gheb investigation+Lego Lynch*dependent on cop Bingo or not*? What makes you of that? *Factor Soup out of the equation for now*
Appealing to AM. Nice job bro. Why are you even asking them to factor Soup out when it's their main equation?

Another point I don't like about Lego is that their posts are more filled with air than actual content that is sticking. It feels they are just saying a bunch of words without much into them and even at this moment I can't recall much solid info from that slot besides the fact that I do not care for their explanations on things at all.
That's Sword's way of constructing posts. I hope you enjoy my posts filled with information!

@the underlined, what do you even mean with that?

Gorf, you're a bro. Follow my vote for the remainder of the day. We'll get a good first lynch. Rockin deserves vote pressure, J deserves a lot of looking at.

it's his job to defend himself, not yours.
Naw, the sooner people jump off of Orboknown the sooner they'll look at my targets. Stopping something that we see as fruitless will help town focus on what I preach.

I like the way Gheb is looking today to some degree, but Gheb, instead of looking at lynches, look at who you want to pressure. Gimme that next post.

Lol@people getting at AM for his posting style. Even an ESL can keep up with the math terms. You decimals will never be a perfect number!

J's suspicion of Gorf I can see but then again, I feel like it's pretty surface level. J can be pressured whenif we're done with Rockin.

Looks like my hydra partner came on Smashboards but not skype :mad: I have a buncha offline messages for you, bud. All of them are in this post, though.

Wait, so you think me and Gorf are scum because we didn't "explain things?" You do know that's not a reason to have someone as scum, right? How is this accusation any different from simply saying that we're not playing optimally?
Right on the head! That's my partner. To add to this, arguing we're not playing optimally is dumb. I like to keep my cards close to me, and I'm planning on doing so for the first few days. Beyond that, there are enough explanations for not revealing everything yet. Not playing optimally my butt.

Orboknown you should vote Rockin.

Gheb we can be bros too. Answer my question, reconsider your targets then tell me who you're down for voting. Work with me here.

I don't know if Xonar agrees with me on this though, but I no longer see Soup as scum (will explain this why in the upcoming posts).
:dizzy: Come on Skype we'll talk it out.

Gorf is a bro, Gheb is a bro and they should both work with me. AM needs to get off Soup even when I like his equation. J or Rockin deserves to be pressured, preferably Rockin with votes and J with a lot of looking and talking with him.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Gorf, you're a bro. Follow my vote for the remainder of the day. We'll get a good first lynch. Rockin deserves vote pressure, J deserves a lot of looking at.
Gorf is a bro [...][/QUOTE]

Are you high? The only thing that looks agreeable in that post is more J pressure.


#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
You take it as whatever you please, Orbo. I don't need anything from you besides your reasoning to just hop onto Rockin's wagon. Just because you were asked to is not a good answer.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Because the quesiton was bad and put there for no reason whatsoever only to slightly instigate something, either Rockin is gonna back it up (which he didn't) or he's gonna flop over on his own purpose of asking it in the first place.
I guess you must've missed my reply when I responded to you.

I doubt your helpfulness, so yeah I'm kinda doubting your skills.

If I remember right, my time with you in Touhou mafia was unpleasant. I think I was scratching my head at your slot for a good while. I don't know whether you've actually learned from your mistakes or not, so that's why I'm currently doubtful. If you can show me you're legitimately scum hunting and being helpful to other players, then there'll be any problems.

Neither do I but Rockin does have the annoying habit of being kind of scatterbrained when it comes to how he obtains and how he 'publishes' information. I mean, his case doesn't make a lot of sense and that's exactly why I dislike the Lego / Soup / Rockin circle-jerk so much. All three are behaving exactly the way I would've expected them to but if this keeps going on the way it does right now we're probably getting nowhere because one of you three is going to look suspicious for some reason eventually even though none of you is actually being scummy in my book.
It's not a case. It's more of me just asking a simple question. Like I explained before, I remember having an unpleasant time with these two (mainly Orbo), and thus I would vote on them for being unhelpful to town. Instead of just waiting till D3/D4/Dwhatever, I want to say this right now that they actually be helpful this game and not be inactive/producing lack of content. I hate that.

Now then

Legolas - 'whiteknighting' is usually used in internet term as someone protecting someone/saying something in their case. Like if B disliked what A said, C to E would say something negative to B in a mob-like tactic. This is what I usually see in art forums when something like this happened, so I'm assuming you think I'm protecting someone/voicing their opinion for him.

I threw in a FOS cause I wanted to. I believe J threw in a FOS, but I don't see you going after him. Contradict much?


The Orbo wagon is kinda ew, especially given JTB on there. Only two or so posts, and he jumps straight into the wagon. I sure hope he at least provides content for others he feels is scummy.

Speaking of, I like how he's trying to jump on my wagon instead of fighting off the wagon on him. =/

I also hope Rake shares some content of how he feels thus far. I know it's only been a day, so I'm not really sweating him.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Rockin, proxy your vote on mine since you obviously have no idea what's going on.



Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
You take it as whatever you please, Orbo. I don't need anything from you besides your reasoning to just hop onto Rockin's wagon. Just because you were asked to is not a good answer.
Because it's early and he only had two votes on him at the time, if I counted correctly. Pressure can't hurt at this point.

Also, Orbo could you vote J instead? Changed my mind.
Nah, J's pseudo town to me thus far.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Rockin said:
\The Orbo wagon is kinda ew, especially given JTB on there. Only two or so posts, and he jumps straight into the wagon. I sure hope he at least provides content for others he feels is scummy.

Orboknown said:
because it's early and he only had two votes on him at the time, if I counted correctly. Pressure can't hurt at this point.
This reasoning is sooo baddd. Orbo, are you reading this game? Do you have a clue what's going on? What's your read on specifically? You're telling me you're just gonna hop on someone because he only has two votes and pressure doesn't hurt? What kind of pressure are you expecting when you tell me you're just pressure voting him?

Orbo, I want you to spill the beans, give me every sufficient read you have right now.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
J seems like he is looking at the entire picture and analyzing intentions. Like I said before, I don't agree with him on gorf and want to see his explanations on gheb but otherwise he reads fine to me.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
This reasoning is sooo baddd. Orbo, are you reading this game? Do you have a clue what's going on? What's your read on specifically? You're telling me you're just gonna hop on someone because he only has two votes and pressure doesn't hurt? What kind of pressure are you expecting when you tell me you're just pressure voting him?
Orbo, I want you to spill the beans, give me every sufficient read you have right now.
Yes I'm reading.
Read on rockin? Null, want to see more. Votes on him will help him to talk right?
You asked my for my reason on rockin. I gave you it.
J looks town, you look town, AM looks town. null on basically everyone else so far.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Okay, do you have reasoning to back that up or are you going to keep commenting?

Time is ticking.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
Gorf, your posts this game are incredibly hollow/don't lack explanation, lemme show ya what I mean:

These three posts are just you "digging" the Orbo hate but you don't give any reason whatsoever as to why you are feeling that way. Nor do you when you "vote" Orbo in the third post. You do the exact same thing with your Rockin vote by saying "i'm down for Rockin" without giving any justification as to why. You seem to be bandwagoning just the popular thought at the current time without doing much of pulling your own weight or actually looking like you wanna find scum, but just lynch people atm.

Also when asked for an opinion on Lego, you don't give a full stance but more try and back out of thee stance and then provide a way to get out of it if the reason isn't that well thought up. Can you give me a solid read on Lego? What does "stuck on nothing" do for you in terms of read? You have marked out the option of it being a scum-tell so is it null or towny to you with what they are doing?

FoS: Gorf
He explains what he thinks gorf is doing here,

J said:
Lego is a curious case for me. I have a vibe they are leaning scum for me just based on their few posts they do have. I don't agree to the Rockin suspicion because of this post:

He takes more time trying to explain his confusion w.r.t. Orbo, but he qualifies the read more to suggest that he is town which I do agree upon, but again that's not the issue I have. The issue I have lies in the part where he goes into detail about his Orbo read>Rockin read, especially when he votes Rockin in this very post. He just says "Rockin is scummy. You agree right? His post is bad. Good with my vote." without even going into any detail as to why Rockin is actually scummy.

Then when asked by Gorf to back up said suspicion, he does this:

Which isn't a real answer so I am waiting on Swords to back up his RockinScum read.

Another point that goes back up to the Gorf suspicion, he votes Rockin based on this post and the fact of Rockin's past two posts but doesn't explain anything about why Rockin should be lynched which just brings up ".....?"'s to my head.

Speaking of which I missed a question while rechecking their posts:
And his read to you is explained here. reads genuine to me so far

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
lmao at you just waiting for a daykill being confirmed

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Orbo get your *** back here and do what I told you to.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Rockin, proxy your vote on mine since you obviously have no idea what's going on.

I wouldn't mind (especially for a legitimate reason), but atm I'm kinda eh about it. I rather see some others getting pressured.

But if I don't find anyone that deserves to die, then I'll proxy vote with you on Orbo.

Don't be mad gheb :<

Lovably Adorable Kanine

Red Ryu|John2k4
Jun 22, 2011
Red Ryu/John2k4
Is he really a frightened newbie though? Seems like people don't take his actions / posts quite at face value because his 'newbie' status makes them weigh less in peoples' minds. I don't think he should treat him differently though - scummy actions are still scummy and it's his job to defend himself, not yours.

It isn't his job, but his job is to read into the intent of other players, which his skill does play a part in.

This comes off as very transparent of you.

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