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SHOW ME YOUR NEWS! - Gaming News PODCAST (Ep. 76 OUT!, New WEBSITE and iTunes!)


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2007
Yay! But...

Thank god for Show Me Your News is all I can say. It's really great to hear you guys discussing all the updates and going off on interesting tangents. One thing I would say was that Monday (ie today) is the 150th update...but not in Japan. Or the UK. Or...you get the picture. Tuesday will probably have the great update IF Sakurai is paying attention to his numbers. To get back on topic, once again awesome podcast and looking forward to next week!


Smash Rookie
Nov 5, 2007
Savannah, GA
Man, I've gotta say. I really enjoy listening to ""Show Me Your News!" It's so nice to get to listen to intellegent conversations about Brawl because we all know that it's hard to get them. But this is a request for you Youko. I actually PMed you a couple weeks back under a different name/handle. It was my old one that I made years ago but never really used that much. It was "Ghettoblasta." I messaged you about wanting to contribute to the roundtable as a guest. I've always wanted to do something like this. I've planned it out but it never got off the ground. You being a fellow college student as well knows how flaky some people can be. It's very unfortunate. Although it's so awesome that SMYN has done so well and I make sure I tune in every week!

After listening to the latest podcast, what really grabbed my attention was the possibility of making "Show Me Your News" t-shirts. I'm a senior at SCAD (Savannah College of Art and Design) and I do graphic design work along side my sequential art/comic stuff so I'd be more than happy to do some designs for you if you had anything in mind. Not only would it be something for you to commerate the success of SMYN but it's also something I could put in my portfolio. So it works out for everyone. In regards to actually being featured on the podcast itself, I try to keep the people in the SCAD community updated with news about Brawl via a facebook group I've created called "The Super Smash Syndicate." Ideally I wanted it to be used as a resouce for Brawl info and also to gather people who may not of necessarily known that there are alot more smashers in our area than they thought. It's slowly but surely getting there. I'd like to say that I'm a pretty nice guy. I like to have fun and of course I love smash. It's seriously my favorite videogame. Haha. I'm sure you hear that a lot. Tell me what you think if you're interested at all. I hope you'll give me a chance to contribute. It'd be an awesome experience.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 30, 2007
Under the sky, above the Earth
Mh.. O_ô OGG > MP3 imo.

Btw SamuraiPanda, since I had a DOS PC until 2000, I played alot of Point&Click adventures back then.
Besides the Monkey Island series, do you know The Hand of Fate, the old Sam&Max or The Day of the Tentacle? xD
They were must-played's as well...

Oh well, I'm getting a bit offtopic. xD
Ah, the Kyrandia games, how could I forget those? Those were awesome. :) I'm going to throw a couple more names into that list Quest for Glory, King's Quest, Loom also Leisure Suit Larry. 6 was hilarious.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 9, 2007
The fake OC, because I'm nothing like them.
Ah, the Kyrandia games, how could I forget those? Those were awesome. :) I'm going to throw a couple more names into that list Quest for Glory, King's Quest, Loom also Leisure Suit Larry. 6 was hilarious.
King's Quest VII was one of my favorite childhood games.

What? Don't look at me like that.

yea i mean if your eyes dont work the head is just kinda wasted space amirite?

oh wait...
Kinda, being in a dark, secluded room, typing all day doesn't require much more than a brain, right?


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2006
Springfield, MO
Just in case Gideon won't do the T-shirts, I have a premium membership on Cafepress so I can have multiple designs and all kinds of stuff from t-shirts to coffee mugs to hoodies. Anyways PM me on aim alright?


I had to lol at this XD


Smash Master
May 24, 2007
Biloxi, Mississippi
Dude, SamuraiPanda, you totally freakin' offended me at the end. I was sneaking my iPod, to listen to the cast, during my Mississippi Studies class; then I heard it. I literally cried when you said it, as I felt my dreams, hopes, and wishes tumbling away, never to return. And you said you didn't know you was recording? What other things do you say about me when you're not recording...


Nah, not really. I just liked getting mentioned. I almost took it as the "Sonic Sentence Transition Theory." If someone doesn't know what that is, it came from E3. Reggie was talking about Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games. He then goes "This next title will turn that race into an all out Brawl." Well, I found hope in that that Sonic was just confirmed. Kinda.

You was talking about people appearing in RoundTable, and you mentioned me... will I be next, against Gimpyfish or Blackadder? "I'll follow my heart. You know where I'm going with this right? Nahh, you don't care."


I noticed SamuraiPanda didn't know his Dragon Ball Z information in the Cast this week. He said that Shenron was the dragon on planet earth. This is very true indeed. But then he goes and says "Not the Dragon on the Planet Kamek..." "Planet Kamek..." "kamek..." "KAMEK!!!" Do you see the flaw? It's Namek, not Kamek. I think you've had too much Mario on the Brain, but it's okay. Porn does that to the best of us.


Show Me Your News!! Tee-Shirt? I'm all for that, but it's only of my mom will let me buy it. A majority of the listeners of the show are under about 17 or so, I think. Anyways, I love the idea. You could have Silver777 draw some more images, then get the images she already drew, for SMYN. It could have captions under each one also. Shame there isn't one of me... xDDD.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 12, 2007

where exactly is your brain located?
I'm guessing in a jar?

Either way, this is a great podcast, Youko. I've been listening to it religiously for the past few months, and the new format works perfect for the show. SamuraiPanda is the perfect co-host, too. I don't know how you can possibly juggle being a moderator, a podcaster, and a college student all at the same time, but you do. :chuckle: Keep up the good work!


Smash Champion
Jun 21, 2007
Oh! You Like Sa2b! My Favourite Game! This Is The Ultimate Was Like My Saying Forever!


Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
WOOT A SMYN shirt would rule!

i'd buy one, definitely

we'd need one with just "SMYN" in the center, and maybe one with a captain falcon doing his taunt melee style and a word bubble saying "show me your news!"
and maybe have youko and samuraipanda printed on the back

definitely "all clocks", but i thought they'd freeze time, for all but whomever gets it. and maybe a few other funny phrases you guys made over time.

i don't think anyone ever made a final smash viewpoint, so i'll make one and send it in!

oh, and you forgot parasite x ridley. personally, i'm hoping for normal purple ridley as playable, and omega ridley as a boss. i think it would be a nice contrast for the prime games.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 15, 2007
I hoping Mother Brain will be the Metroid boss since Sakurai likes more classic Metroid


Smash Journeyman
Jul 9, 2007
The fake OC, because I'm nothing like them.
whomever gets
Dude, SamuraiPanda, you totally freakin' offended me at the end. I was sneaking my iPod, to listen to the cast, during my Mississippi Studies class; then I heard it. I literally cried when you said it, as I felt my dreams, hopes, and wishes tumbling away, never to return. And you said you didn't know you was recording? What other things do you say about me when you're not recording... Nah, not really. I just liked getting mentioned.
I knew he was joking. ;)


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2007
under a rock
A SMYN shirt sounds like pure win to me! =]

I can think of artwork to put on it, but I don't know if anyone else would like it. But if you guys need help coming up with ideas/designs, feel free to ask me anytime! Also, I thought of a possible quote you could put on the shirts...

"Only Fox? All Clocks!"

It even rhymes. =P But seriously, shirts do sound like a good idea.

Not to mention there could easily be more than one shirt design. So the limits arn't really there to stop it. x.x

This weeks episode was great though, and after these couple weeks I think it's 100% official that the roundtable has pwnt the rundown off the face of the planet.

Also, after listening to you guys' game libraries for the Wii... I feel very... poor? Sure maybe that word works. xD

The ONLY Wii game I have is MP3, and the ONLY Virtual Consol game I have is Kid Icarus... apart from that i just stick with GC games... *coughmeleecough* Super Mario Galaxy sounds like a great buy, but I don;t have the money and also, this may shock some of you, but I've never played a Mario game with the exception of the first level of the first one... yeah I know, crap your pants right now if you feel that's needed to express your utter shock. But ohwell, I probably make up for it with how much and often I play Zelda games.


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
In Akaneia, blasting every castle with a pink Land
Whoa whoa whoa...Me?? designing T-shirts and stuff?!?

I am not that great to begin with!! drawing is just a hobby I like to spend time with and thats it.

I am in no way professional or anything, I kinda get frustrated after a while if people keep asking me stuff over and over (as Colbsman pointed out).

there are people here volunteers who are actually in art schools and know their stuff, good thing!! I want to see your work, SweetSoulBrother!!

any way, the ep is great as always, even though the last part about Sariku was kinda mean.

you were a bully as a kid ,SamuraiPanda, admit it!!

scribbles Brawl viewpoint was a pain to hear, you British accent people are the English learners nightmare, I can't make out half of what you said!! =(

Potter Puppet tales EG??? It sounds funny, expect that I have no Idea what it is.


.... how do you draw T-shirts designs???

something like this on a white T-shirt??:



Smash Master
Sep 1, 2006
Springfield, MO
Whoa whoa whoa...Me?? designing T-shirts and stuff?!?

I am not that great to begin with!! drawing is just a hobby I like to spend time with and thats it.

I am in no way professional or anything, I kinda get frustrated after a while if people keep asking me stuff over and over (as Colbsman pointed out).

there are people here volunteers who are actually in art schools and know their stuff, good thing!! I want to see your work, SweetSoulBrother!!

any way, the ep is great as always, even though the last part about Sariku was kinda mean.

you were a bully as a kid ,SamuraiPanda, admit it!!

scribbles Brawl viewpoint was a pain to hear, you British accent people are the English learners nightmare, I can't make out half of what you said!! =(

Potter Puppet tales EG??? It sounds funny, expect that I have no Idea what it is.


.... how do you draw T-shirts designs???

something like this on a white T-shirt??:

Your drawings would just look great on T-shirts I don't see how you could disagree! Anyways do you have AIM or MSN? Gotta talk to you about this :p


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2007
under a rock
Yeah, definitly silver777, as long as you don't get flustered with drawing requests I think your art would be great for shirts. And trust me peoples, when someone says not to request to much or it could frustrate them, take their word for it. I used to do tons of drawing and then tons of kids at my school kept asking for drawings of this and that and it can really mess with your mojo, heck it even made want to not draw just from the annoyance.:dizzy:

But this is a different story than just kids at school, this is a freakin' t-shirt! lol

Seriously though silver777, the art you make is just perfect for shirts. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the pleasant amount of scratchy-ness in the drawings. Gives it a nice accent, especially for clothing appeal.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 20, 2005
Natchitoches, Louisiana A.K.A. "The South Ya'
OMG, awesome basy this week ya'll (Like it ain't every week). Anyway, Piff did a great job this week with his trial, so good job piff.

About ya'll's Wii libraries, ya'll make me feel poor too, XD. I only Have Wii Sports, Wii Play (my parents wanted it, lolz~!) and, of course, Twilight Princess. For VC I got Mario 64 (I hardly play it due to the same reasons as Youko), Kid Icarus (OMG this game is so Hard!) and Kirby (love it, great game).

About the shirts: I think it's an AWESOME idea, especially with Silver doing the art for it, her art just suits shirts perfectly. I'll definitely buy one if they're made. You could have some art by Silver on the front with SMYN or something and a slogan on the back (I can't think of anything atm, XD). Also, maybe two versions would be a good idea? One could be Totakeke for youko and the other a Samurai Panda for, well, Samurai Panda as youko said. No matter how it turns out, I'll get one (maybe two, XD).

~Cless-mint of the Dawn Patrol out...
"Music tonight, definitely..."


Smash Apprentice
Jul 30, 2007
Under the sky, above the Earth
Aye, I love your drawings, your artwork is seriously awesome. Gotta love your outlines. It's ideal for a T-Shirt imo.

Gah, I gotta practice on my drawings, I suck. xD But it's so frustrating when you can't draw what you want. GOTTA PRACTICE MORE.

If you won't mind a suggestion, I'd say a little meadow with 3 rocks. Sitting on those little rocks would be Youko (Totakeke(sp?!)), SamuraiPanda (SamuraiPanda) and another character wearing a T-Shirt with a "?" printed representing the guest. I think it'd look neat.


Smash Rookie
Nov 5, 2007
Savannah, GA
Here's just one sample of what I could do. It's pretty simple. I can make other ones with more original artwork. I thought about doing one with C.Falcon. Youko, just let me know if theres anything in particular you want. This one was a quickie. I'm taking a break in between my final assignments to put this together for ya. I can definitely come up with some other ones once my finals are over.

the watermark isn't actually gunna be printed on it. It's just a placeholder. Haha.

This design can be alterd to be whatever colors you want if you don't like the blue.


Smash Master
Jun 20, 2007
The shirt looks cool, but I'm pretty sure Youko wouldn't have your little Watermark on there.
Well, I guess he would credit you, but it'd probably be ALOT smaller.


Smash Cadet
Aug 28, 2007
Sydney, Australia
On the contrary, you do a bad impression of an Australian. Oh snap!

But seriously, I never said my Australian accent was good/non-stereotyped :D
Haha, you made me laugh when I saw that SP but anyway that was a stereotype whether you wanted it to be or not....but regardless we all say "mate" maybe just too much. I'm not mad, just pointing it out :).


Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2007
Somewhere on the ast Coast
That's what I thought. Good stuff.

Also, Samurai Panda, could you clear things up with me?
Were you making fun of Sariku? Was it meant to be in a joking way?
Thank you, Blindman. I was just joking people, or did everyone forget how I've always complimented Sariku since I actually enjoyed Who's In? Anyways, I only said it cause I knew Youko and Piffman2 would know I was kidding, and I didn't know I was recording.
think that sums it up


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2006
Springfield, MO
Here's just one sample of what I could do. It's pretty simple. I can make other ones with more original artwork. I thought about doing one with C.Falcon. Youko, just let me know if theres anything in particular you want. This one was a quickie. I'm taking a break in between my final assignments to put this together for ya. I can definitely come up with some other ones once my finals are over.

the watermark isn't actually gunna be printed on it. It's just a placeholder. Haha.

This design can be alterd to be whatever colors you want if you don't like the blue.
The melee logo looks a little...plain. Other then that it's pretty good :)


Smash Apprentice
Oct 23, 2007
I would definitely buy a shirt if Silver 777 did the art. Even if there are people who are "professional" artists or whatever, I don't like a lot of peoples art styles.

I LOVE your art style Silver777, I can't get enough! If you make a SMYN shirt, please PLEASE employ Silver777 to do the shirts. It would be epic.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 20, 2005
Natchitoches, Louisiana A.K.A. "The South Ya'
I would definitely buy a shirt if Silver 777 did the art. Even if there are people who are "professional" artists or whatever, I don't like a lot of peoples art styles.

I LOVE your art style Silver777, I can't get enough! If you make a SMYN shirt, please PLEASE employ Silver777 to do the shirts. It would be epic.
QFT, no offense to anyone else.


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2007
under a rock
@SweetSoulBrother - that shirt looks pretty good. =] Of course the watermark will be GREATLY reduced or not there in the final version if it's made though. Also... that neck hole looks just a biiiit too large. xP lol

I've been thinking of a shirt with a bunch of CFalcs arranged to spell out SMYN, lol. Sorta like YMCA, ya' know? Along with the SSB sybol and a number of other little touches...

But where would I be able to find CFalcs in the poses I need? >.> <.< A good question indeed...


Smash Rookie
Nov 5, 2007
Savannah, GA
@SweetSoulBrother - that shirt looks pretty good. =] Of course the watermark will be GREATLY reduced or not there in the final version if it's made though. Also... that neck hole looks just a biiiit too large. xP lol

I've been thinking of a shirt with a bunch of CFalcs arranged to spell out SMYN, lol. Sorta like YMCA, ya' know? Along with the SSB sybol and a number of other little touches...

But where would I be able to find CFalcs in the poses I need? >.> <.< A good question indeed...

As I told BHLMRO. The watermark is JUST there so @$$hats dont steal my designs. I wasn't worried about making the neck size perfect. It's just a shirt to reperesent the design actually being on a shirt.

And about the C.Falcon's I could draw them myself for you cuz I doubt there's a way to get really nice screen shots of C.falcon doing those motions if he even does them at all in melee. But yeah, I'm willing to do some fun stuff for this group. So bring on any ideas you have and I can see what i can do. Here's a link to my page on Deviant Art if you wanna get an idea of my drawing ability.



Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2007
under a rock
As I told BHLMRO. The watermark is JUST there so @$$hats dont steal my designs. I wasn't worried about making the neck size perfect. It's just a shirt to reperesent the design actually being on a shirt.

And about the C.Falcon's I could draw them myself for you cuz I doubt there's a way to get really nice screen shots of C.falcon doing those motions if he even does them at all in melee. But yeah, I'm willing to do some fun stuff for this group. So bring on any ideas you have and I can see what i can do. Here's a link to my page on Deviant Art if you wanna get an idea of my drawing ability.

Yeah I know that's what it's there for. =P lol

Your arts are very nice! I was never able to color very well...

I used to do the anime/manga style drawings but I haven't done them in a long time, let alone any drawings... but if you want to see some of my work just ask and I'll post a link for you.
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