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SHOW ME YOUR NEWS! - Gaming News PODCAST (Ep. 76 OUT!, New WEBSITE and iTunes!)


Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2007
Oakland University
Excellent podcast, guys. I think there's some potential for SMYN t-shirts/hoodies, especially the idea of Silver777 drawing for them. It doesn't have to be limited to just Silver's drawings, but representing the podcast in any way would be awesome. I'd buy one for sure. :D


Smash Master
Jun 20, 2007
[G&W 's Taunt meets Mario Theme]
K, pretty basic and short.. but.. it's G&W! xD
That was awesome <3.

I disagree, everyone has iTunes.
OBJECTION! -posts a link to that guy that says objection and I don't know his name but everyone else does-

2 things:

1) Helter-skelter usually refers to the Charles Manson murders, can't believe you didn't know that.
2) I believe it's meme -> (meh-muh)
Yeh, Helter Skelter refers to the Manson murders. His people would go in, massacre people, and leave everything a mess and write helter-skelter on the wall in blood. To leave something helter-skelter I think is to leave something a total mess of wreckage.

-I'm listening to the Table now, so far so good. Piff is doing great.


Smash Ace
Oct 11, 2007
I've only heard "helter-skelter" used as in "to run around helter-skelter" (ie randomly). "Retreat helter-skelter" sounds very awkward, and is almost a contradiction in terms in that it implies randomness and lack of strategy. "Run away helter-skelter" makes way, way more sense.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 23, 2007
Helter Skelter is the book about that serial killers trial or something isnt it? Or the plan to end the world or something. I just know it is a phrase connected to a serial killer.

Anyway, regular SMYN T-Shirts would make me feel like a huge nerd, except no one would even know what it meant so even moreso.

Though a shirt made by Silver777 would be baller. Best artist evar imo.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 30, 2007
Under the sky, above the Earth
Lucas Arts point and click adventures were so awesome. Too bad we only get Star Wars crap now. :(
Day of the Tentacle, Monkey Island, awesome etc... :p

Edit: Alright, just finished listening to the podcast. Once again I'd like to compliment you all on another fine job on this installment of SMYN.

The roundtable was good as usual even with this crappy week of updates. Made me grin and laugh quite a few times. Piffman2(spelling?!) blended in nicely (**** dude, you got a huge collection of Wii videogames :p).

The viewpoint was cool even though it was biased against Krystal! We can't let them furries destroy the chances of a character with an original move set. And yes, Brawl needs more females. :p


Aug 7, 2007
North Muskegon, Michigan
You could use simple designs and such, I whipped up these designs(Not to be used because they suck, unless someone was to redraw them) as some ideas...

These are bad, I know, but I was just brainstorming.... Captain Youko?

But they used to look better, but I didn't notice what format they saved in and... Well, everyone should know that JPEG sucks.

Oh, and the shirts are side by side, Front back affair.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 18, 2007
Stockton, CA
Forms of Ridley-

The clock item could be from Super Mario Bros. 2 (Doki Doki Panic) or Zelda 2.

YES! You plugged my thread and my Ness/Lucas!

Also tell Samurai Panda that he fails to the max for talking crap on Mario Sunshine :smiliegor::chainsaw::rocket::bigrocket::uzi:

I stick by my awesome statement...

Also, you didn't read my e-mail, Youko. :(


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York
Hey Youko, what's your friend code for Strikers? i'd like to play you when i get the chance, and i dont know about you, but i thought Diddy Kong was insane! i still cant beat him even after tries going through the Crystal cup!

Anyways, great episode, im just wondering, if you got my mailtime question and decided to save it for next time.


Smash Master
Jun 20, 2007
Time for a full review.

The intro music and everything made me feel right at home without a Rundown, but yeh, I kind of went over this last week.

Anyways, the Roundtable was great. This week you guys seemed to get side tracked more than ever, but it was still fun to listen to. Piffman2 was a great personality except I didn't hear him much. I felt like it was just him chilling in the background only speaking up when someone said "What about you Piff?" . But yeh, he was still a good addition. By the way, I'm thinking of getiing Madden 08 for wii, would you recommend it Youko? =P

The Brawl viewpoint was....alright.
It felt like you just opened up Audacity and just freestyled. There wasn't much structure. It was either very short, or you talked very fast. It as still a good viewpoint though, and I loved how you stuck up for your character choices. Good job!

This week was great, but 18 is still my favourite.

And about the shirts, I would so buy and wear one. Heck, if you made them in different colours, I'd buy one of each. Also, seperate shirts for each of you IS a cool idea, but I think it's just asking for too much.

I'd send in an Audio BV Youko, but I know you, and I think you'd rather have a new voice, am I right? Tell me if you'd like me to send one in anyways though.

Great week guys, keep it up. I'll get working on the YoukoPanda Dictionary as soon as Youko tells me the Wiki is up.

Al Calnos

Smash Journeyman
Jun 11, 2006
Nowherespecial, Arkansas
Another awesome podcast guys, keep it up!

Oh SamuraiPanda, if it makes you feel better, my sister is a big fan of Myst and I gave one of those games a go. I didn't beat it or enjoy it much, but at least I played it! :laugh:


Smash Master
Jun 20, 2007
The ending was hilarious, except the Sariku part.
I don't like the fact that it sounded like you guys were burning him. Not cool.

I may just be jumping to conclusions though, and if I am, I'm sorry.


Smash Cadet
Aug 28, 2007
Sydney, Australia
Great job as always, a good listen.

Also as an Australian in defense of Blackadder who lives in the same Time Zone (GMT +10) while you live in (GMT -5), if we had no DLS thats still a 7 hour difference. We have DLS on and you have it off so that makes it 5 hours difference while that is no heavy burden for an Australian.

Also SamuraiPanda you do a TERRIBLE impression of an Australian the impression you do is what I like to call a westie, they are not the common Australians. I myself sound like most Americans but without the slurring......no offence.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 9, 2007
The fake OC, because I'm nothing like them.
The ending was hilarious, except the Sariku part.
I don't like the fact that it sounded like you guys were burning him. Not cool.
If you couldn't tell, I believe, Panda was joking.

I myself sound like most Americans but without the slurring......no offence.
I'm curious to know what an American sounds like; we have Southerners, North Easterners, Westerners, we all sound different.


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
I'm at mailtime right now, so here's what i think about this week...

Piffman, much better. there were some awkward moments still, but Youko and Samuari pulled out of it, so it was better

yeah, this week was kinda sucky, but i still would of given it a better score, but i'm modest like that. i'm grateful for getting this info and i know there are some out there that have never seen this info, so i'll ignore this...part...(D***IT!!)

Roundtable was good. i have no complaints. although i have to point out Fox's Misfortune. Rayquaza (i pronounce it like SP) is in Ruby and Saphire. i have those two...i don't have emerald...and i have Rayquaza (my best guy. Dragon and Flying rocks!)

then to all those who take things too seriously in the text (Ridley, Gray Fox, etc)...Shut up, you're stupid. as much of a Ridley fan i am (look down at my sig) i NEVER would of saw this as a confirmation/deconfirmation unless i came here. AT's will never be playable (looks at E for All videos), and Ness is, in my opinion, 99% out (i do have to say nothing is 100% guarenteed, but 99 for me would be 100 to everyone else)

Mailtime...yeah, i'll answer the questions as well

Online=free=win. the only complaint is no one gives me their friend codes, so i basically have no one to play with. but the games i got that are online (GHIII, Mario Strikers), i love online on them, so no complaints in Nintendo's plan

Games-wow...i got A LOT! give me one sec...
Wii-Red Steel, Legend of Zelda: TP, Rayman Raving Rabbids, Wii Sports (DUH!), Wii Play, Call of Duty 3, Excite Truck, Mario Strikers, Super Paper Mario, Resident Evil 4, Mario Party 8, Metroid Prime 3, Guitar Hero 3, and...MARIO GALAXY (well, tomorrow or tuesday, but i have it paid off, so YEAH!)
Virtual Console-Legend of Zelda, Legend of Zelda 2, Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Super Mario Bros., Super Mario World, Super Mario 64, Paper Mario, Mario Kart 64, DK Country, Star Fox 64, Metroid, Super Metroid, Castlevania, Kid Icarus, Kirby's Adventure Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, and Bonk's Adventure (yeah, i'm a gaming nerd)

Galaxy-Yeah, like i said, preordered AND paid off. i'm like piffman in i preorder lots of games. but i got no coin gift! it will be great, but Brawl will definetely beat it

and Samuari, you suck. Sunshine was a pretty good game. it had it's flaws, and it was no Mario 64, but it wasn't bad at all! Youko, play Galaxy. it's gonna be great! as soon as i get it I'm PMing you about how great Galaxy is! Piffman, shame on you for not liking Zelda. shame on you! (oh and SP, i've never seen Rocky...)

i don't want a T-Shirt, but go ahead and do it. someone will buy one. silver is a GREAT artist, but she might be resilient to do it. she was hesitant to do stuff for Club R.I.D.L.E.Y., so don't put too much hope on it. let her do her own thing. but T-Shirt sales=money, which is a good thing. and very funny T-shirt story. but WAIT!! how about T-shirts including any and all Roundtable members! then i'd be on one! maybe a final T-shirt when SMYN ends showing all people who've been on Roundtable!

Brawl Viewpoint-Females...always a good thing. Alllll-righhhhttt. nice job. nice accent. awkward in a few points, but good overall

overall, a good podcast. now, i want to hear the debate of "Who is a better Roundtable member, piffman2, or colbusman?" cause...actually i don't know why. probably something to pass the time, cause hopefully Youko and SP will let me do Roundtable once more in the future.

oh, and...

WOO! Samuari still likes my title and Youko says I rock at GHIII! You guys better PM me your friend codes for GH, now that i've gotten advertisement of how much i ROCK!! (shameless self advertisement for the win?)

EDIT: last edit, i promise (then again, nothing is guarenteed). i'll try and send a Viewpoint this week. i feel like making a third. so yeah, if i find time, definetely

EDIT 2: like i said, nothing guarenteed. YES i'd would do Potter Puppet pals with you guys! that'd rock! and yes, i have to be the dumbledore part, cause i guess my name fits the best, and that's my favorite part. we gotta try it for an easter egg!


Smash Cadet
Aug 28, 2007
Sydney, Australia
I'm curious to know what an American sounds like; we have Southerners, North Easterners, Westerners, we all sound different.
Um my bad, well not the Strong American accent that extends the vowels a lot but the ones that speak quick and interpretable. Sorry if i didn't make that clear.

Moon Monkey

Smash Hero
Nov 20, 2006
The Moon
Switch FC
Lol, scribbles Brawl viewpoint was the best and made me laugh alot the way he critizied the things like Dixie kong and the "down-fall of the star-fox franchise" which i agree with.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 13, 2007
Long time listener but anyway, I just started to listening to this week's show. SamuraiPanda, I'm Australian, and your accent kind of failed :p We don't want people perpetuating stereotypes now, do we? :chuckle:

Other than that, love the show and the new format with the Roundtable. Keep it up.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 9, 2007
The fake OC, because I'm nothing like them.
Um my bad, well not the Strong American accent that extends the vowels a lot but the ones that speak quick and interpretable. Sorry if i didn't make that clear.
No, not really.

nice ref. to SAB:2's Sonic v shadow boss fight
Youko doesn't seem to realize there was the original SA2, before Battle. I hope this isn't true though, it just always bothered me when people would play it on the GC and never even know it was on the DC a while ago.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 5, 2007
Hey Youko my brothers a art student and I'll see if he could come up with some shirt ideas.
I really think you should have a shirt for SMYN!


Podcasting Pro
Jun 13, 2007
Lake Orion, MI
I'm well aware of Sonic's game history, thanks. The Gamecube was my first console, so I've never played SA2, and I don't see why it's a "point of bother" for people to enjoy a game without playing/knowing a lot about the previous games...


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
The Roundtable:

Piffman....man, your competition was fierce...I have no idea how you won! :laugh: 4/10? 5/10? 5.5/10? I say 6/10...wasn't too bad. Opened and closed (Thursday) were good.

Norfair: Showed in the demo...why didn't it get a double update? For realz. How don't they realize this, for realz? The week opening was great. It's a Metroid, Metrod: Zero Mission, and Super Metroid reference, and neither helps nor hurts Ridley's incredible chances. Mr. Mindgame got the fools who fell to it....HA! In 6 languages! :p Boss music and stagae...hmm. It's EXACTLY LIKE the Balloon Fighter with Ridley. Looks like a good stage, but I'm very worried.

And Youko, Brinstar Depths isn't a stage. IT'S A ABOMINATION! :mad:

The lava looks better...but it's just not too good. I wonder if it's the Norfair or Metroid theme...Super Metroid ending theme? That'd be sweet. :) Ridley (Metroid), Meta Ridley (Metroid Prime), Robo Ridley (Zero Mission), Mecha Ridley (Metroid Fusion), Omega Ridley (Metroid Prime 3: Corruption). ALL OF THEM SamuraiPanda! Looking at Melee and SSB64, alternate costumes added a lot! :)

Fire Emblem Theme and Gray Fox update: Ever noticed that Sakurai was the Supervisor for it, and the SSBB theme=??? Ya, they're both in Latin. Is he a Latin master, or what=??? Hyrule Temple...hehe...too big. The song words are odd, but they sound good. He likes Latin apparently. He did it with the Brawl theme, and he must be a Latin master. They are real, but it's old english. We already got Kirby music, which was odd! XD That cooking thing was wierd, lol. And for that Fire Emblem update...uh-oh, HERE COMES SUPER MARIO GALAXY! zomg GENO! :laugh: We got Delfino Plaza, and it's the 150 update. GE-NO! MEGAAA-MANNNN!

And glad you guys are Moderators. OMFG! DOCOTR MARIO! OMFG! The Dr. Mario thread was God reincarnated in thread for, definitely! :laugh: The Brawl Boards are going to be eaten alive, and torn apart in Febuary and late January! :chuckle: 100 was wi-fi, 50 was Samus' Final Smash. Both were heavily desired to know, especially the 100th update.

-Grabbing and Throwing: It almost seemed to inform lesser skilled players the A + B grab! XD I found that intresting, too Youko. That seemed odd...kinda too short IMO. It sounds like he's trying to make the lesser skilled players more knowledgeable. Link learn how to DI...lol! Maybe they're listening to us, especially you. DEMAND 5 UPDATES A DAY, 8 DAYS A WEEK! Knuckles...Ridley...I'll go with the later. Don't forget Megaman! :laugh:

-Items from Past Installments: THANK GOD FOR THIS UPDATE! No million single updates for this crap! XD The Clock is from Super Mario Bros. 2 (from the last thread I was on! XD) It freezes time completely I think. Have none of you played SMB2? Good game=underrated like Super Mario Sunshine. Super Spicy Curry Heavy Clear All Clocks Very High Bumpers on PictoChat! XD The Beam Sword is actually good in Melee, the SSB64 one was better. The Brawl one is da pwnage! Looks good, and the Super Mushroom is odd. The Homerun Bat sounds very intresting...hmm.

Wrong SamuraiPanda! Link is wearing a man skirt, Mario does not! XD I bet it's the ending/finisher move definitely. Captain Falcon, Pichu, Mewtwo, and Ness all use intresting stances and moves and whatnot. A little with Yoshi and the Ice Climbers, and some with Jigglypuff even, soon. Glad none more of that crap to deal with! XD

Fox's Misfortune: The last gym leader and elite four champion were changed, Steven died in Emerald, Rayquaza replaces where Groudon and Kyrogue are. Rayquaza is a legendary sky protector. That was insane to begin with. He is also obtainable in the Sky Tower in Ruby and Saphire after beating the Elite Four, similar to Mewtwo in the Lost Cave place! XD And it was Shadow Pulse, since Deoxys uses Hyper Beam! XD Diddy Kong getting kidnapped, and saved by Star Fox...I did that already. Now to use Snake with Sonic as a ally, fighting Meta Knight and Mewtwo, with Giga Bowser in the background! XD Rayquaza as a boss...he needs to be a boss, he'd be awsome. RIDLEY hehehe... Rayquaza...he's like a Asian flying sk spirit dragon, Ridley is a teradactyl. That update made me want to scream....THIS IS SMASH BROTHERS! Melee's story was fighting hands, wire frames, and a giant fire turtle thingy! :laugh:

Gray Fox: Intresting update, and seems intresting. Sonic's will be intresting to see. Knuckles playable....ya right. >_< That Boxart is official...but it could change. It's kinda fuggly, and it suxx. If Sonic and Snake are secret characters ,they should at least put them on the box art or something, with other 3rd party characters. Business side of things, Youko is right. It's Sonic guessing starring in a Nintendo game, not the Sonic series being the next Mario series repped! XD He was refering to Metal Gear fans, controllable assist trophies? WTF? Read "What is an Assist Trophy", it says they are non-PLAYABLE! Customizable movesets? Sounds like Miis or something. Maybe controllable via GameShark or Action Replay like non-playable characters in SSB64 and Melee, but what?

Lucas Special Moves update: Gave us almost everything. It was like the Link update on steroids. 1 of those....lol. Tears of the translater? What? There could be some hope, but it's not over until it's over....hopefully? I'm not betting on it, though. Mentally Powered Flip Kick...lol. OBJECTION? What? I am lost. The yo-yo...the yo-yo glitch was useful, but it wasn't too good. Still, nothing is better then a good old fahsioned home-run bat. Down smash one directon...Lucas is bottom tier! OMFG! :laugh: That snake thing is pretty neat, and the PK freeze is neat. PK Flash was only good for edgeguarding. It doesn't even look like PK Flash, other then in a pyhscial sense. The PK Fire looks pretty original, like a explosion, as Youko says. The PK Fire was pretty much useless in Melee.

Ness as a alternate outfit? It would be confusing, but it would be neat. We have Dixie, Sigurd, Diasy, Blood Falcon...Sigurd already crossed that line! XD IDC how it sounds, I want him. It's Sigurd....I saw it. Same guy almost, oddly. Zero Head Ness! OMFG! New Conspiracy! PSI Magnet, but it's only one sided. Sounds like a downgrade from Ness' SSB64 one, but a semi-improvement from his Melee one. His Melee one is useless. It seems as if Ness' aerials got A LOT WORSE with Lucas, but Lucas gained some good B moves, and maybe a good down smash! XD


from Silver777:

Online play: Online was okay, but it could have been better. We've seen hardly anything of it, so it's hard to tell. It has it's own section, but it needs lots of options-TONS OF OPTIONS! Make Halo 3's options put to shame, for reals. Smash Friend code sounds lame. Youko is a CHILD MOLESTOR! OMFG! :chuckle: They need to work with it, and upgrade online after Brawl's release. It shouldn't be subpar, it should be subspace. Online should be a base, definitely. People like Friend's Codes...are a curse from Satan. Gamers were bored...Ocarina of Time and Melee are TOTALLY BORING! :laugh: The Wi-Fi network has some great features. It doesn't lag when I play Metroid Prime: Hunters, and it's pretty good. Friend's Code is simply stupid...Halo online...is odd. All I hear is "Are you gay?" "You're gay?" "I owned you (in a steriotypically nerdy voice)."

Games on the Wii: I have Redsteel, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Wii Sports, Excite Truck, Super Paper Mario, and the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Pwnage. Getting Super Mario Galaxy tomorrow, and Brawl in 2008. :) No Virtual Console games yet, sadly. Need to get a few...Sonic, SMB3 (AGAIN!), all he Mario games, Wario's Woods (I love that puzzle game), Punch-Out!!...Pinball was okay=played it on Animal Crossing! XD F-Zero X if it comes out.

OMFG! Battallion Wars 2...never played either. Monkey Island...never played it! XD NHL 99' OMFG! THAT GAME ROCKED! So did NFL Blitz...both on the N64=pwnage! :) Brawl will have minimal lag. Halo 3 when I played it had like no lag, and Brawl will have minimal lag. Good VC library Youko. Mario Bros. 3! PWNAGE! 64 came out out in December in Japan.

Super Mario Galaxy: I'm going to jump on getting that game. *Major spoilers*
After getting the 120th star you can play with Luigi! OMFG!
*End Spoilers* I preordered it, and I get a gift! YES! :) Gametrailers gave it 9.8 =tied with Ocarina of Time and Halo 3 as their highest scores ever. Super Mario Sunshine was great, almsot as good as Super Mario 64. I've put 100 hours into that game at least, and speed runned it. Super Mario 64 is fantastic, screw the ROM, play the game. Best Wii game???....assuming it can beat Super Mario Bros. 3 or the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.

The game sounds and looks like Super Mario Bros. 3 reincarnated in 3D form. You don't like Zelda? LOZ? ALTTP? LA? OOT? WW? TP? PH? WHAT? Rocky is a classic. (SEE IT COLDBUSMAN, you will love it=the ultimate underdog fighting film). Smash 64 sold almost 5 million units, Super Mario 64 sold over 11 million. Melee sold 7 million units, Super Mario Sunshine sold 5 million units. Melee saved the GCN, just like Halo and Halo 2 on the Xbox. Brawl will be the biggest Wii game ever. It's sales won't be touched by Wii games. The replay value is endless. SMB3 has great replay value, but none next to SSB64 or Melee. As said in the Stage Creator, you could play this game forever-and never get bored of it! :)

The Smash Brothers Store...you never realized that=???? That's awsome. Show Me Your News Shirt? SWEETNESS! :) The Silver777 pictures are neat, and there are other neat ones. A T-Shirt like that...SWEETNESS! Ask Gideon....I'd bet he'd like the idea! :) *piffman shoots down Youko* SHOW ME YOUR NEWS? WTF? Duck taped the icon on the front, week 11, and Youko on the back? You must have confused people! :laugh: Show Me Your News Shirts at Tournaments, that'd rock. Do I get one for my own for my guest appearance (and Colbusman)=??? All clocks! XD

Roundtable: 9.5/10

Good guest appearance, but the week killed you. This week was the suxxors, and you didn't want to dwell on Ness or Lucas too much-to enrage people like me. Ness for Brawl (as a alternate outfit...no Dixie plz=do Ness completely OVER!)

Brawl Viewpoints by Scribles on the best female characters: These characters make their apperaances before smash, and are from other series, unlike Tekken (in other words, I agree). Miciah...meah. Sounds like promotion for a game that is out. Why not Marth, from the upcoming FE 11 on the DS, who also starred FE 1 and 3. Midna is awsome, and would be a nice add (Shiek who?). Dark Samus would be neat, and if Metroid got 4 reps, she'd be a neat choice. Maybe better alternate outfit, or a boss, however. Miga from WarioWare...what? Only played Wario Ware twice! XD Sounds wierd, and I don't like the idea. Dixie Kong is sorta a alternate outfit, and she is is a well-known character. She has her own game, is a cult classic character, and is very reconizable by hardcore and classic gamers. Her outfit is pretty awful! :laugh: She's like a awful pik-aholic! XD Bad times from the 90's.... >_<

Dixie would be a neat add, but thanks to the semi-alternate outfit, she's all but deconfirmed. Krystal is a big character, and very reconizable amongst Nintendo fans. Downward spiral...I'm probably one of the few people listening to this who played Star Fox on the SNES. Adventures wasn't SF64, but it was good. Assault was better (still not SF64), and Command was about as good as Adventures. Star Fox SNES was good, definitely. As for the Staff-that is a must. We have a penguin with a hammer (that morphs), a man in a skirt with a single-hand sword and shield, a two handed swordsmen, two eskimos with hammers, a kid angel with a bow that turns into two sword thingies, a women in a "zero suit" with a whip gun thingy, and a knight with a legendary mach speed blade. O, and Kirby.

Decent entry, but you kinda went off randomly. Didn't seem structured, as Pyroloserkid said. Still you did a good job-but that Wario Ware character was random! XD Not sure if I like that-but I will say this: That was a original selection of a character.


Midna isn't really a guarenteed character, but Midna is a likely one. Krystal, however is.

Final Comments: Maybe I should find someone to do a vs. one...hmmm... >_< Character...or character news is given. C'mon Sakurai, give us your Jew Gold! Not the fake one (South Park reference...don't kill me). Also, I'd like to try one shirt thing out....maybe? (for the hell of it)

Potter Puppet tales...WTF? Dude, I'd totallly DO THAT! Let's TOTALLY DO THAT! COLD-BUS-MAN! LOL at the end...poor Sariku... XD That was too good. Seriously, we should do that (minus the Sariku part). That'd be the best EASTER EGG ever...except I have no idea about the Potter Pupets. All I can say is...SMOOTH SAMURAIPANDA! XD

Final Comments: 9.5/10

SamuraiPanda killed it with Sariku. Also, we should do blooper ones of everyone except me! XD For realz, I'd be down with that, totally.

Episode Rating: 8/10

Bad week, BAADDD WEEK! Ness is awsome. Probably too awsome for Brawl. It's not that Brawl didn't want Ness, it's that Ness didn't want Brawl. Ness stood Brawl up (Brawl got pwned like a n00b!) XD. If Pichu or Dr. Mario return as a playable character (they're own character; both or just one of them btw), I'll destory the world with my anger of Ness' removal. [end of story]


Smash Journeyman
Jul 9, 2007
The fake OC, because I'm nothing like them.
I'm well aware of Sonic's game history, thanks. The Gamecube was my first console, so I've never played SA2, and I don't see why it's a "point of bother" for people to enjoy a game without playing/knowing a lot about the previous games...
I always have things against ignorant people; though. it isn't smart, ignorance surrounds everyone. I tend to notice a lot of people who don't even know what the NES or SNES are. So, yeah, that's why.

I thought you knew anyway.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 15, 2006
Port Chester, New York
Alrite, before you actually criticize the quality, just keep in mind that this took over 9000 hours in MS paint...not really, but at least a good 5 - 10 minutes. This is basic design for the shirt for SMYN. Yea, i know it sucks, but i wanted to try making something. I think I'd get around to making a "All clocks, Snakes only, Rumbles Fall" shirt sometime, but until then, here ya go


Smash Apprentice
Sep 23, 2007
Stamford, CT
Very nice episode, despite the crappy week. As soon as you said we're gonna rate this on a ten scale, I was with you on the 4 Youko. When the biggest news is a probable deconfirmation, that sucks.

Very nice job piffman, as I said I was a bit iffy on your trial, but you were solid in the actual show so thank you for being good about the criticism and helping make this roundtable great.

Scribble...I liked what you had to say and the topic and everything. The only problem is that there were too many breaks and "ums" and noises in the background, but I understand it isnt something everyone is going to practice for. I loved the humor you put in to it, the whole BV made me think of flight of the conchords doing SMYN, good job overall and hopefully you'll do another one.


Banned (62 points)
Jul 11, 2005
Edmonds, Washington
yeah piffman you got way better on the actual thing, it sounded great, your trial was a little shaky but that was good.

good podcast i enjoyed it haha


Smash Hero
May 22, 2006
Hrm... alot of things say since I've studied all day yesterday and wasn't able to respond to ya'll.

If you couldn't tell, I believe, Panda was joking.
Thank you, Blindman. I was just joking people, or did everyone forget how I've always complimented Sariku since I actually enjoyed Who's In? Anyways, I only said it cause I knew Youko and Piffman2 would know I was kidding, and I didn't know I was recording.

Also SamuraiPanda you do a TERRIBLE impression of an Australian
On the contrary, you do a bad impression of an Australian. Oh snap!

But seriously, I never said my Australian accent was good/non-stereotyped :D

SamuraiPanda, I have all of the Monkey Island games.
Buzz... You sir, are a pimp. That is what a true gamer is about.

[G&W 's Taunt meets Mario Theme]
K, pretty basic and short.. but.. it's G&W! xD
Awesome! I loved it man, thanks!


Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2007
Hm...You can try it. It might take some conversion work on my part, so no guarantees, but you can try it.
Mh.. O_ô OGG > MP3 imo.

Btw SamuraiPanda, since I had a DOS PC until 2000, I played alot of Point&Click adventures back then.
Besides the Monkey Island series, do you know The Hand of Fate, the old Sam&Max or The Day of the Tentacle? xD
They were must-played's as well...

Oh well, I'm getting a bit offtopic. xD
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