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SHOW ME YOUR NEWS! - Gaming News PODCAST (Ep. 76 OUT!, New WEBSITE and iTunes!)


Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2007
Oakland University
I just wanted to get this idea out there. It's not the best quality of picture (I don't like how it's mostly pixel-y) so I can always redo it: darken lines, adjust shading, etc. This took me about an hour so it's not perfect - and never taking art classes doesn't help the shading job... >.> It's all right if you all don't like it - I completely agree that personal preference of style GREATLY affects perception of a drawing. So to the talented artists reading this, feel free to use this general idea and make it better - Photoshop coloring, accuracy, the works.

Oh yeah, the text kinda sucks, but that's part of the whole "I can redo it if need be" thing. It's the idea I'm going for.

Again, DON'T complain about the quality of the scan. I KNOW IT SUCKS. :p



Smash Journeyman
Aug 22, 2007
Hey, you're doing a great job with the podcast, but I have just a few little things I would like to bring up:

1. It seems at the roundtable (the guests more than you and Samurai) constantly interupt what the other is saying. It almost gets annoing.

2. There aren't anymore fun soundbits like there used to be (such as OBJECTION!!!)

3. I think you need to find a 3rd speaker who can add to the convorsation rather than take away from it.

sonic smash down

Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2007
somewhere in the smash community

srry if it didnt come out right but it took me an hour to draw:laugh:

edit:apparently i had to have a link of it and its all fuzzy sorry about that

edit again: srry my mistake just delete this post i couldnt get the picture up after i logged out of my yahoo


Aug 7, 2007
North Muskegon, Michigan
Y'know, how great some of these shirt ideas go, lets try and avoid lawsuit and refrain from using C.Falcon or the Smash Logo(I saw someone refer to it as the 'melee' logo, lol), as tempting as it is. You could parody C. Falcon or the logo, sure... 'Captain Youko!' And his taunt would obviously be 'Show me your News!'


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2007
under a rock
Y'know, how great some of these shirt ideas go, lets try and avoid lawsuit and refrain from using C.Falcon or the Smash Logo(I saw someone refer to it as the 'melee' logo, lol), as tempting as it is. You could parody C. Falcon or the logo, sure... 'Captain Youko!' And his taunt would obviously be 'Show me your News!'
QFT... sadly.

I was actually thinking about this very point a while back but I wasn't bright enough at the moment to think about posting the thought up here. Props to you for doing so!

But yes, for our own legal safety, it may indeed be best to do parodies instead of direct copies regaurdless of if we make them ourselves or not.


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
In Akaneia, blasting every castle with a pink Land
I don't mind drawing for t-shirts, as long as they are thick and smooth black lines on a white background, right? or the line art should be on a transparent background??

I can only draw cute, undetailed, non-human shaped Nintendo characters
GTFO Sonic
. this include the Pokemons, animals\birds, weird shaped creatures (e.g. Kirby, Yoshi, Octorocs, Metroids etc) and Animal Crossing(yes, they have somewhat a human anatomy but i can mimic it...
I think

Do NOT ask for me to draw Link, Ike, *insert human\human shaped character(Fox and his fellows included)* because I will not do it *read: can't*.

Y'know, how great some of these shirt ideas go, lets try and avoid lawsuit and refrain from using C.Falcon or the Smash Logo(I saw someone refer to it as the 'melee' logo, lol), as tempting as it is. You could parody C. Falcon or the logo, sure... 'Captain Youko!' And his taunt would obviously be 'Show me your News!'
so...I can't draw Nintendo characters for copyright stuff??? :urg::urg:


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2006
Springfield, MO
so...I can't draw Nintendo characters for copyright stuff??? :urg::urg:
I bet you could but maybe you will just have to avoid some copyright stuff. For example if you ever see video game shirts at wal-mart or something they sometimes have a controller shaped like a PS2 but it isn't one,


Smash Master
Feb 24, 2007
Arlington, VA
I don't mind drawing for t-shirts, as long as they are thick and smooth black lines on a white background, right? or the line art should be on a transparent background??

I can only draw cute, undetailed, non-human shaped Nintendo characters
GTFO Sonic
. this include the Pokemons, animals\birds, weird shaped creatures (e.g. Kirby, Yoshi, Octorocs, Metroids etc) and Animal Crossing(yes, they have somewhat a human anatomy but i can mimic it...
I think

Do NOT ask for me to draw Link, Ike, *insert human\human shaped character(Fox and his fellows included)* because I will not do it *read: can't*.

so...I can't draw Nintendo characters for copyright stuff??? :urg::urg:
As long as you don't make money from those drawings you'll be ok. Sooooo selling shirts would be copyright infringement. Unless you got permission from Nintendo, which wouldn't be too hard.


Smash Ace
Apr 26, 2007
Youko samuraipanda you guys are doing a great job with the podcast. Piffman you seemed to be a little unsure at the beggining but you got better. Also piffman you got so many gamesXP where do you get the money for them?


Smash Ace
Aug 28, 2006
North Dakota
I love this podcast. I've been listening to it every Sunday since about the eleventh or twelfth episode and it's pretty much the highlight of my weekend. I'm in college and most of my classes have me turn in my assignments on Saturday so I made listening to SMYN my reward for a good work week.

After listening to the eleventh episode for the first time I just had to waste half of the next two days listening to all the previous ones several at a time. I think Youko, Samarai Panda, Sariku, and everyone sending in mail and Brawl Viewpoints, and guesting on the Roundtable have done an incredible job on SMYN. I just wanted to say thanks for this.


Podcasting Pro
Jun 13, 2007
Lake Orion, MI
So yeah, here are the pics of that god-awful shirt I made which was referred to in the 'cast.



Smash Apprentice
Sep 21, 2007

I'm thinking about doing a Brawl Viewpoint, but I'm kinda stuck on what I should do for it. I've luckily narrowed it down to a few ideas, but I'm still stuck between these:

  • Lucas for Ness: the Aftermath
  • Secret Characters
  • The Post-Release Dojo

Which one do you think I should do?


Smash Hero
May 22, 2006
Wow, people are really taking to the shirt idea. I'm really happy that the idea took off ^_^

And some of you guys are doing a really great job, I'm impressed!

Btw, Triple_Factorial, I'd go with "The Post-Release Dojo" if I were you. Since character stuff is so common, its nice to be different sometimes.


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2007
under a rock
I don't mind drawing for t-shirts, as long as they are thick and smooth black lines on a white background, right? or the line art should be on a transparent background??

I can only draw cute, undetailed, non-human shaped Nintendo characters
GTFO Sonic
. this include the Pokemons, animals\birds, weird shaped creatures (e.g. Kirby, Yoshi, Octorocs, Metroids etc) and Animal Crossing(yes, they have somewhat a human anatomy but i can mimic it...
I think

Do NOT ask for me to draw Link, Ike, *insert human\human shaped character(Fox and his fellows included)* because I will not do it *read: can't*.

so...I can't draw Nintendo characters for copyright stuff??? :urg::urg:

Ahh yes. Only the more unrealistic characters.

For anyone that wants more anime/manga styleed artwork, I would suggest turning to SweetSoulBrother. His (I think he's a he >.> <.< anywhoo) art is very nice if you ask me, and he does a great job of coloring!

If anyone wants more realistic artwork that's black and white (pencil) I MIGHT be able to do something there. But keep in mind I don't have any good quality way to get my drawings on the computer.

For anyone that wants to see my realistic art, here's a link... (realistic except for the fact that it's draw in vertical sections) http://blubba.deviantart.com/art/Sliced-Guru-Pinecone-34489535

...and BTW, no I won't draw whatever for the shirt at THIS level of realistic detail, but I think you'd get the point. I can also do manga/anime styled drawings but I don't they are very good. But don't look at the ones in my DA for that, those are exetremely old.
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