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Should King Dedede's infinite chaingrab be banned?

Should King Dedede's infinite chaingrab be banned?

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M15t3R E

Smash Master
Sep 15, 2008
Hangin' with Thor
It's interesting.
The anti-ban side conveys their argument that because DDD's standing infinite doesn't break the game, it is not ban-worthy.

But whoever said it needs to break the game to be ban-worthy?

A character ban, such as the MK debate, is a big deal and as such the "does it break the game competitively" point definitely should be considered.

But when banning a single tactic is being debated, such as DDD's standing infinite, IMHO it doesn't need to break the game to be ban-worthy. If it breaks even one match-up completely and totally, then I believe it should be banned. One tactic shouldn't be allowed to have so much power over one or multiple characters. It unfairly destroys the potential of some characters, competitively.

Judge Judy

Smash Lord
May 18, 2008
But when banning a single tactic is being debated, such as DDD's standing infinite, IMHO it doesn't need to break the game to be ban-worthy. If it breaks even one match-up completely and totally, then I believe it should be banned. One tactic shouldn't be allowed to have so much power over one or multiple characters. It unfairly destroys the potential of some characters, competitively.
I don't have an opinion on this right now, but I just want to point out the irony that Pikachu destroys Fox in terms of match-ups.


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2008
Canada, British Columbia
Whats funny is that the people who are arguing to have it unbanned would argue the other way if it could be done to their characters.

Plus even for Dedede mains, do you really like standing there and grabbing for the match till you win? Its not even a good fight which is what people go to tournaments for and they go to have fun. If people really wanted to make money they would do something other than smash tournaments, most people generally DO play for fun, any money you make is a bonus.


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2008
Canada, ON
and second of all, i just don't see why EVERY single pro-ban supporter seems to think i pulled the so-called criteria for banning out of my ***.
guys, have you guys been a part of competitive melee or any other competitive fighting game?
Umm, why is it angering you? If it bothers you that people are misattributing a statement to you, your worry should be only to correct that mistake. It's not like people are misattributing a statement, er, from you.
Also, you say it's the pro-ban people that are doing it. Is anybody arguing against the principle by attacking its origins? I don't see that, so don't worry about it.

Also, someone saying that the statement is 'yours' or 'comes from you' is fine citation; I mean all it intends to say is that you are where that user got the text/phrasing from.


this is how it's run. and it WORKS. in the end, the metagame might hurt a little from a bit less characters, but overall it is healthy because people aren't ban-happy and learn to deal with their own matchup problems instead of complaining for a ban. seriously, banning something that doesn't warrant one is just like telling the community "we'll give you guys the easy way out, instead of dealing with your own problems by thinking, we'll just ban it so your lives are easier". and you know what happens then? since we discouraged thinking and dealing with your own problems, OTHER groups (again, fox comes to mind) will come and complain: hey, you guys banned a tactic for a 9:1 matchups, why not a 85:15, realistic, there is still very minimal chance of winning. soon, all we'll see is BAN, BAN, BAN because people have forgotten to think themselves before asking for a ban.
^and all this HURTS the metagame. that's why the ban criteria HAS to be met before banning something. and trust me, if you HAVE been a part of some other competitive gaming community, you'll know, the ruleset that has the least restrictions while keeping the game as a whole playable is a ruletset that WORKS, and works well.
I'm just quoting this because it's "good ****." :p

Okay, down to tacks:

Here's an analogy that I think is fair.

Olympic Water Polo.

Let's pretend that the Hungarian team wore a certain brand of deodorant to their match against the American team. Now, the Hungarian's usually beat the Americans: However, they discover that wearing this brand of deodorant causes allergic reactions in Americans as well, and that that makes the match almost impossible for the Americans to win, but they can still play.

In situation A, they protest the allowance of the Hungarian team to wear the deodorant and the judges agree. The match is still difficult for the Americans to play, but without threat of hives, they are able to make the best of their situation.

In situation B, the judges disagree because the Americans probably weren't going to win anyway, and on top of that, there are plenty of other teams in the Olympics who could beat the Hungarians. The Americans try to play, but find that any time they try to guard the Hungarians, their skin burns. The Hungarians win with little resistance.

The Americans also have the option, if the deodorant is not banned, to use new, less experienced players who have immunity to the allergy against the Hungarians. However, they feel as though the best match would result from the fully trained team they have now.
Adumbrodeus, you're taking his analogy way too literally and missing his point.
No, he's not. The analogy critically FAILS on exactly the points adumbrodeus exposes (good job, adumbrodeus).

If you take away those parts of the analogy which make it FAIL as a counterargument, I'm just not sure what's left. Propping up an analogy, only to brush away every apparently relevant detail of it with "But you're missing the point!" when someone tries to criticize it is, frankly, dimwitted at best, dishonest at worst.

Although in this case since he gave the analogy and then you said "you're missing the point", I guess that can't be dishonesty from either of you.

@Sesshomuronay: Way to foster goodwill among your fellow smashers, dude. "HAY GUYS everyone arguing for pro-ban is a complete turncoat who is only in this for the good of his own character at tournament events. Not a one of you has the backbone to look for truth or synthesis in debates, nor the commitment to thinking for yourself to solve your way out of any problem; no, in this game if you hit any difficulties you'd want the problem to just go away with the least amount of hard training spent as possible so that you can start winning all the moneys ASAP.
Isn't that funny guys?"

Yeah. >:-(

And don't tell me otherwise. That is exactly what you said and everyone should resent the implication.

In any case, your statement is just an entirely unfounded claim. It is in principle unverifiable; how could you ever check such a conditional? It's a statement that could only be used to discredit, never have any meaning.


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2008
Canada, British Columbia
But the thing is the problem WOULD indeed go away if we banned it. If it was banned people would be happier than when it was unbanned.

And another thing is that its near impossible to find a way to beat. "Don't get grabbed" is the worst argument ever. The game would be overall better if it was banned.


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2008
Canada, ON
But the thing is the problem WOULD indeed go away if we banned it. If it was banned people would be happier than when it was unbanned.

And another thing is that its near impossible to find a way to beat. "Don't get grabbed" is the worst argument ever. The game would be overall better if it was banned.
Oh it's not impossible to beat. The solution is not to be caught dead with your character selection chip on Luigi, Mario, Samus, DK, or Bowser on the blind.

If you ban, the 'problem' would go away in a vicious short-sighted sense. Yes, an obstacle to winning, for those who are set on using these characters to which they have fixated before the fact despite playability issues, is gone if the ban is done. But some people want the competition. Some people can dislike, that if you do this and give these characters a green light on the field, a pass against Dedede, then these characters will be unnecessarily cluttering the metagame. They'll get in the way of everyone else training to defeat the otherwise simplified field. Why give viability if they're. . . not viable? Moreover, Dedede's life will be harder, and so Dedede representation will go down.
A player could even want the tactic to remain because he wants to be the guy that beats it. The Ness user who finds EIDI for Marth release infinites, if one of those could show up for Luigi, I'm there there would be much rejoicing (and **** stroking 9_9).

Most worrying, these people would get anxious that other bans would occur. Modulo WastingPenguins distinction (which I'm not sure I get), this opens a can of worms where any good tactic may be at risk. Why use a great exploit if I can get banhammered? It's not a pleasant feeling.

Not all people would be happier. At the very least, there's still I'm sure some number of D3 mains themselves who would feel very shortchanged if their avenue to instant win were taken from them. Why increase the number of matches they have to deal with? Their character has game against five characters. That's a fraction of the cast you can simplify your training time against, and so credit to these players for picking up a character that can thus fold time upon working their matchups for the other 30~ characters. These guys made a move that is working out for them, it's unjustified to say you wouldn't be making them upset.

. . . wow I'm actually convincing myself this position is problematic now. The D3 infinite really might be an exception. I can't find a bad thing that would happen to the metagame in any sense, from either the position of being an infinited character or not, and whether I want money or whether my ultimate goal is 'seeing what I can beat.' There's just the effect on D3 mains themselves. Banning strictly increases diversity while removing nothing but the ability of players to cash in on the lack of diversity, thanks to WastingPenguins' distinction. Is not our notion of the competitive field one that lets in all comers who can take a route to make the challenger lose? Diversity is inherently a good thing, we agree, since a diverse field is one more challenging to someone trying to get to the top. We just commonly evaluate it as less good than other factors, or judge that we are unable to be objective in most cases between it and another 'good'.

But the D3 infinite creates a stunted asymmetry in five matchups, such that (a) it doesn't prove anything to play out the match in anything past noob level, (b) the move can be enforced out of gameplay with surgical precision just such that these uses where it is indeed infinite are gone - which happens to be the same as the uses where it makes the game trivial, and (c) there would be no glory in 'beating' the technique as one of the exploited characters, by the very nature of the mechanic: since it is a grab, either something equally strange will be found that allows people to 'glide farther' before regrab, or people will just learn advanced methods of "Don't get grabbed." There is nothing else to beating it, it is a one-dimensional technique. (This point and the first point are what the D3 sentiment of banning the move is grounded in, I think).

Leaving it to people to take this technique as a challenge does only this thing: it makes people give up on using these characters, at least in this matchup. As two consequences of that, (i) the technique never in fact comes into play, because no one (who is smart) goes into the match to let people use it, and (ii) Players of these characters are discouraged from taking the character's game to a higher level, since there is such a devastating CP; and so the characters are effectively removed from the player's choices.

The game has five less characters. But there is something the community can do which will do just these things: Diversify the field, give D3's five interesting problems to think about, let D3's enjoy beating five more characters, and let the people who like these characters march boldly forward with their character meta again.

This sounds all upside to me. I think it objectively *is* all upside, and that's the important reason why I'm now questioning this:

Maybe it's a principled exception to the ban principle, as in, the rule for ban is incomplete.

D3 has 'fractured' the meta, and it satisfies conditions which, in my inspection, only make the game worse from every direction we respect.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 2, 2008
Williamsport, PA
Biiiig post.
I read the whole thing and couldn't help but laugh. Only because you started with one position and just by typing out ideas about it you questioned your own position and practically switched. Hahaha. It was simply humorous to me because I've done it before too, not for some malicious reason against you or anything like that, hah. Good read.
I apologize for this aside, but I felt I had to post it.

Also: I'll try and alter Woozle's analogy and set straight why it makes sense to me when I get home from my final. :]


Smash Hero
Apr 6, 2005
Newfoundland, Canada!
why the hell is this still even going...whats left to argue about?

Whats funny is that the people who are arguing to have it unbanned would argue the other way if it could be done to their characters.
Quoted for bias lies xP

"your only saying that because you dont play an affected char" is just as bad an arguement as "dont get grabbed" :p


Smash Ace
Sep 8, 2008
Lexington, KY
You DO understand that Dedede still beats those characters anyway, no?

This isn't about us whining about having a sucky match-up. This is about how leaving Dedede's infinite in the game makes playing this game entirely stupid.

Imagine this --- let's say that EVERY character is subject to an infinite (that is extremely easy to perform, such as Dedede's grab infinite) from ONE OTHER CHARACTER (any one). You know who is going to lose? The person that picks his character first, since the other one can simply pick the character that infinites him. Tournaments, in this scenario, might as well be giant rock-paper-scissors competitions.

Basically, Dedede's infinite limits the metagame and erases any and all importance of 5 out of the 36 characters in the game, who are otherwise very usable. Remember all the hoop-la about the possibility of the SBR banning metaknight? There were, and still are, HUGE discussions about whether the metagame would be more competitive without metaknight (since other characters have a chance to shine) or with metaknight (since he adds 1 more character to the roster)

I know what you're going to say: "But half the cast sucks anyway and never wins tournaments!" Wrong again. Look at Koskinator's Ganondorf. Look at Boss8's Mario AND Luigi. Without unpenetrable barriers like Dedede's infinite in the way, great players have a chance to improve their so-called "sucky" characters' metagames. This is how fighting games evolve.

I am SICK and TIRED of people saying that "they're a bunch of whiners" and "don't get grabbed". You simply DON'T UNDERSTAND.

We ban things to make the game more competitive, plain and simple. And there is NOTHING competitive about Dedede's infinite. All it does is limit the metagame and make things easy peasy for lucky Dedede players. Without it, the game is better, period.


Smash Hero
Apr 6, 2005
Newfoundland, Canada!

This isn't about us whining about having a sucky match-up. This is about how leaving Dedede's infinite in the game makes playing this game entirely stupid.

Imagine this --- let's say that EVERY character is subject to an infinite (that is extremely easy to perform, such as Dedede's grab infinite) from ONE OTHER CHARACTER (any one). You know who is going to lose? The person that picks his character first, since the other one can simply pick the character that infinites him. Tournaments, in this scenario, might as well be giant rock-paper-scissors competitions.

Basically, Dedede's infinite limits the metagame and erases any and all importance of 5 out of the 36 characters in the game, who are otherwise very usable. Remember all the hoop-la about the possibility of the SBR banning metaknight? There were, and still are, HUGE discussions about whether the metagame would be more competitive without metaknight (since other characters have a chance to shine) or with metaknight (since he adds 1 more character to the roster)

I know what you're going to say: "But half the cast sucks anyway and never wins tournaments!" Wrong again. Look at Koskinator's Ganondorf. Look at Boss8's Mario AND Luigi. Without unpenetrable barriers like Dedede's infinite in the way, great players have a chance to improve their so-called "sucky" characters' metagames. This is how fighting games evolve.

I am SICK and TIRED of people saying that "they're a bunch of whiners" and "don't get grabbed". You simply DON'T UNDERSTAND.

We ban things to make the game more competitive, plain and simple. And there is NOTHING competitive about Dedede's infinite. All it does is limit the metagame and make things easy peasy for lucky Dedede players. Without it, the game is better, period.
this thread is allways good for a laugh

you ban things because you dont want to put the extra (no matter how Abundant it is, there is still a means of getting better to surpas it) effort it takes.

simply because your sick of hearing the truth, doesnt make it any less valid D:

Untill theres a situation where from the countdown, that you cannot do anything (i mean ANYTHING) i dont think it should be banned (obviously thats not how it works, but thats imo...HAHA IMO OWNS ALL OF YOUS!)


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
this thread is allways good for a laugh

you ban things because you dont want to put the extra (no matter how Abundant it is, there is still a means of getting better to surpas it) effort it takes.

simply because your sick of hearing the truth, doesnt make it any less valid D:

Untill theres a situation where from the countdown, that you cannot do anything (i mean ANYTHING) i dont think it should be banned (obviously thats not how it works, but thats imo...HAHA IMO OWNS ALL OF YOUS!)
By your reasoning, Akuma shouldn't have been banned.
And anyone who wanted him banned was simply a whiner who wanted the rules to be bent in their favor.


Smash Hero
Apr 6, 2005
Newfoundland, Canada!
By your reasoning, Akuma shouldn't have been banned.
And anyone who wanted him banned was simply a whiner who wanted the rules to be bent in their favor.
i know nothing about the game you're refering too.

Generally though yes.

thats my opinion, leave me alone or ill charge you for harassment (jk)

EDIT: the more i think about it the more i see what i did by mistake..i tried to envolve the number of chars that are affected out of my arguement, but i guess i cant fairly do that :|..im going to assume Akuma was a char that had an advantage over at least 75% of the cast?


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
i know nothing about the game you're refering too.

Generally though yes.

thats my opinion, leave me alone or ill charge you for harassment (jk)
Okay, in Brawl terms: Metaknight's infinite dimensional cape shouldn't have been banned, because you can beat it by never having more damage than your opponent.


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2008
Canada, British Columbia
this thread is allways good for a laugh

you ban things because you dont want to put the extra (no matter how Abundant it is, there is still a means of getting better to surpas it) effort it takes.

simply because your sick of hearing the truth, doesnt make it any less valid D:

Untill theres a situation where from the countdown, that you cannot do anything (i mean ANYTHING) i dont think it should be banned (obviously thats not how it works, but thats imo...HAHA IMO OWNS ALL OF YOUS!)
Even with a ton of effort it wont really change the fact is that Dedede is almost guaranteed the win.


Smash Hero
Writing Team
Apr 26, 2007
Brooklyn, NY
please dont assume that i dont understand D:

Kirby has the same match up vs link in smash64

90:10 for kirby

EDIT: call me Surri ;D
brawl is different than smash 64, you should know that, and when was that ratio decided

wtf you play brawl surri :p

and the IDC was banned due to stalling being banned. It was NOT banned for any other reason.

M15t3R E

Smash Master
Sep 15, 2008
Hangin' with Thor
Lol, that's because Kirby could spike Link at any %.
And any good Link player didn't get spiked by a Kirby until a high % because it requires you to be off-stage to get spiked.
Speaking of stalling, DDD's infinite can be easily executed for stalling purposes.


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
please dont assume that i dont understand D:
If you honestly think any realistic amount of skill can overcome the disadvantage DK has against Dedede due to the infinite, you pretty clearly don't understand.


Smash Hero
Apr 6, 2005
Newfoundland, Canada!
brawl is different than smash 64, you should know that, and when was that ratio decided

wtf you play brawl surri :p

and the IDC was banned due to stalling being banned. It was NOT banned for any other reason.
lol omg koro, i think you said the exact same thing Near did when he seen me here...to be honest i come here mostly for laughes, i plays devils Advocate a lot. (i play brawl with the locals, not online any more ...no point i fail to much)

And kirby vs link match-up ratio may not be offical but its close to very uneven

Smash64 is diffrent no dout, but the principals of char match-ups really isnt

And mystery there are a LOT of reasons why the link vs kirby match up sucks..tilts Smashes recovery EVERYTHING


Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2008
Getting drilled by AWPers

This isn't about us whining about having a sucky match-up. This is about how leaving Dedede's infinite in the game makes playing this game entirely stupid.

Imagine this --- let's say that EVERY character is subject to an infinite (that is extremely easy to perform, such as Dedede's grab infinite) from ONE OTHER CHARACTER (any one). You know who is going to lose? The person that picks his character first, since the other one can simply pick the character that infinites him. Tournaments, in this scenario, might as well be giant rock-paper-scissors competitions.

Basically, Dedede's infinite limits the metagame and erases any and all importance of 5 out of the 36 characters in the game, who are otherwise very usable. Remember all the hoop-la about the possibility of the SBR banning metaknight? There were, and still are, HUGE discussions about whether the metagame would be more competitive without metaknight (since other characters have a chance to shine) or with metaknight (since he adds 1 more character to the roster)

I know what you're going to say: "But half the cast sucks anyway and never wins tournaments!" Wrong again. Look at Koskinator's Ganondorf. Look at Boss8's Mario AND Luigi. Without unpenetrable barriers like Dedede's infinite in the way, great players have a chance to improve their so-called "sucky" characters' metagames. This is how fighting games evolve.

I am SICK and TIRED of people saying that "they're a bunch of whiners" and "don't get grabbed". You simply DON'T UNDERSTAND.

We ban things to make the game more competitive, plain and simple. And there is NOTHING competitive about Dedede's infinite. All it does is limit the metagame and make things easy peasy for lucky Dedede players. Without it, the game is better, period.
This reminds me a lot about Sheik in Melee.

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
I'm done trying to be nice. This is so god**** frustrating.

Because if it breaks the game, you can't play it, or you might be able to but it has virtually no depth. I think you might be smart enough to wrap your head around that concept. OTHERWISE, you're trying to make the game BETTER by banning it, WHICH NOT EVERYONE AGREES ON, so it becomes just a huge ****ing waste of time to figure out who's opinion is 'right' about what the **** is better. ****.

Banning a tactic to even up some matchups would just make EVERYONE WANT TACTICS BANNED SO THEIR MAIN IS BETTER. Ftilt lock is so broken vs fox. Metaknight gimping is so broken vs tether recoveries. OMG SHDL is so BROKEN vs. Ganondorf, they should be BANNED. This is why you don't ban unless you need to. Drawing the line becomes an impossible procedure. Holy ****.
This is the reason why the D3 infinite should not be banned, under the current understanding of the ban system. Any other reason so far appears to be caused by a mindset that originates from this view.

Has this view been countered in any way?

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
Banning a tactic to even up some matchups would just make EVERYONE WANT TACTICS BANNED SO THEIR MAIN IS BETTER. Ftilt lock is so broken vs fox. Metaknight gimping is so broken vs tether recoveries. OMG SHDL is so BROKEN vs. Ganondorf, they should be BANNED. This is why you don't ban unless you need to. Drawing the line becomes an impossible procedure. Holy ****.
You just need to set a standard that won't set a scrubby precident.

Such as this:

Optional ruleset for all the things that may not be banworthy for which there is a large call to ban.

Legal stages are not set in stone, TO's are given options between legal stages concerning which counterpicks they want to ban, and are allowed to use certain counterpicks as neutral stages.

Likewise, there can be an optional ruleset, which clarifies and consolidates all the bans TO's can reasonably make. Thus, all bans will still be TO decisions, but TO's will have a guide for their decisions.

Under optional character bans,

Under optional tactic bans,
D3 infinite
D3 shortstep

We can simply add anything we have doubt about into an "optional ruleset," sort them into general order of most to least broken, and allow TO's to decide the most beneficial rulesets for the metagame. Thus, the D3 infinite is not banned, nor is it necesarily a part of tournaments, and the decision is left entirely up to Tournament organizers.

There are two precidents for this: one is the legal stage system, and the other is wobble banning.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 2, 2008
Williamsport, PA
The examples that were given by that poster are nothing like an infinite. Comparing SHDL or a tilt to an infinite grab is ridiculous.
People tend to ignore the fact that a point is being made as soon as they see something they don't agree with. My point was that people would want more banned to even up matchups if this was banned. Such tactics could include the ftilt lock (which is basically an infinite), and eventually things as ridiculous to ban as SHDL vs Gdorf since it makes his matchup incredibly skewed. You're being kind of ignorant as to what I was saying. I'm showing how it might progress, that's all.

THC: You're just saying we should define something for TO's when they already ban these sorts of things. That doesn't accomplish anything.

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
People tend to ignore the fact that a point is being made as soon as they see something they don't agree with. My point was that people would want more banned to even up matchups if this was banned. Such tactics could include the ftilt lock (which is basically an infinite), and eventually things as ridiculous to ban as SHDL vs Gdorf since it makes his matchup incredibly skewed. You're being kind of ignorant as to what I was saying. I'm showing how it might progress, that's all.

THC: You're just saying we should define something for TO's when they already ban these sorts of things. That doesn't accomplish anything.
Actually, it does :p

The SBR sets the rulesets by which the TO's typically follow. Hannenbow, for example, was often a legal counterpick in 1v1 prior to the decision of the SBR. Then they pointed out that there was circle stalling as a possibility there, and Hanenbow stopped being a counterpick.

An official optional ruleset clearly defines what rules will and will not be accepted as feasible for norrmal tournament play, and sets an official standard for the format of the optional ban which is universal.


Smash Cadet
Sep 15, 2008
You're being ridiculous. Banning infinites would not lead to banning lasers. HOBO in Texas already has infinites banned and there is no snowball effect; hypothetical snowball effects are always ridiculous. Stop being ridiculous. STOP IT NOW... BAD POSTER, I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU.

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
You're being ridiculous. Banning infinites would not lead to banning lasers. HOBO in Texas already has infinites banned and there is no snowball effect; hypothetical snowball effects are always ridiculous. Stop being ridiculous. STOP IT NOW... BAD POSTER, I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU.

Technically, the stage bans were wrong. The Smash Back Room was much too strick in deciding what stages deserved the ban hammer, because while many of them altered the rules of the game, not all of them really broke it. For example, Super Mario Bros. is totally legit. You cannot dodge forever, because the turtles give your opponent a long-range non-shieldable projectile. The game does not become "pick here and lose." And the random elements are fairly predictable - You'd have to be blind to not see a turtle coming.
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