I just like that Shantae was in the Top 10 of their Top 100 Women for Smash... and Reimu wasn't even anywhere on the list.
I was saddened by the lack of reimu, i felt they just forgot her sadly haha
I was more surprised by lack of MIDNA. and Lip
What a wild time. If all these deconfirmations are accurate (all the main speculation front runners and all spirits) then I have a feeling #5 is going to be very underwhelming.
I mean, I can't think of many characters who haven't been in this huge list of allegedly decomfirmed characters who would still garner a lot of excitement. It really feels like this could be a Terry sequel with a handful of fans being excited and the majority just scratching their heads.
Going by all the current deconfirms, Verge's and Sabi's
I can see Sony is still in the running so Kratos, Sly Cooper, Nathan Drake (bleuurgggh), Ellie, Ratchet & Clank, Jak & Daxter, Kat, Sackboy
for others I see Saber of Fate/StayNight, Knight of Hollow Knight, Cadence of Crypt of the Necrodancer Quote, Commander Video, Dragalia Lost or Granblue Fantasy character, and Gerralt of Witcher, Heavy of TF2 or just a TF2 character, Chell of Portal,
Keep in mind ALL of these I am SEVERELY reaching and stretching my limits on who I can consider IF the leaks/deconfirmatons WERE true. thats a mere 18 characters and honestly outside Heavy, Chell, R&C, Kat Quote, and maaaybe The Knight and Cadence... all of those suck. to me BADLY, like massive dissapointment tier (still not rage inducing grief and despiar like Steve from Minecraft though, so good on them...)