In the past they have had an aversion to putting
any Monster Hunter content in Capcom crossovers. And yet...
I notice that the monsters get used more in games that aren't of the fighting variety, or to fill out a roster in a card game like Teppen (the fact that there actually is a set of Monster Hunter cards there is pretty significant with the past stinginess in mind, though!). Smash isn't like most fighting games, but the point still stands that it's between the hunters and Palicoes for playable representation.
And yes, I know what Indivisible is. It's well known in these parts because Shantae is slated to make a guest appearance in that game, alongside several other indies (including Shovel Knight, again). I'm just waiting for the later Switch version to release. Ajna could be a very interesting character if built around the style of using assists.