I am intrigued by Steve from a possible mechanic perspective. While there is a Square character I want in more, I have come to understand Erdrick legacy and potential much better as time has gone on. For Ryu, it would nice to have another Ninja in the game as we only really have Sheik and Greninja, and it certainly helps that he has very retro origins with Nintendo. And when it comes to Doomguy's brutality, I want to compare something. Doomguy spends 3-4 seconds dispatching Demons with his Glory Kill. The way he does it, while gory, does not have him cause any more damage than is necessary. He goes strait for the kill, no need to waste any more time than necessary. Now let's look at Bayo's flashy kills. Full blown torture devices of varying pain and flash, all dragged out to a grand death. Sure, you can argue that Doomguy causes more gore, but that can be tuned down. Heck, gore has never really been Doom's selling point. Bayo's executions are not in Smash at all for a reason.