I don't have another crazy theory for now, but let's look at a short story about a nice man called Sakurai.
Sakurai was a nice man who cared about his fans, and wanted to make the best smash game ever. He looked at all the characters that had high amounts of votes, something we can rest assured of. He was wondering about a couple of them, including some real interesting indie characters.
Since he likes to watch and play the games of the characters he's interested in, he played various games to see how they might look, play and fit, were they in smash, and then he came on a nice pretty half-genie girl character and wondered what she could bring to the table.
Oh my! what a pretty character, so expressive looking, just like I wanted! But let's look at some gameplay. And to his pleasant surprise, the game was very fun and played like metroid and castlevania, something that struck a chord with him. Well then! This one would fit right in really nice! And there's so much to work with!
And so Sakurai looked on with gleeming eyes at this wonderful character, imagining how she could play in smash, and just had to see about putting her in the game. With that, Sakurai took to the shadows, quietly making his moves with the possibility of getting this wonderful character into the game, sneaking like around with great plans in mind to see if it could work.
And so fans of this character await patiently and impatiently to see if Sakurai has mastered the ways of the ninja in this endeavour, and we await patiently and impatiently the final day when he sprungs from the shadows of wonder.
The end (for now)