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Shantae, the Half Genie Protector of Scuttle Town! (A Switch To A New WayForward)

Do you think shantae can make it?

  • Yes, as a fighter

  • Yes, as a assist trophy

  • No, not as a assist trophy

  • No, not at all

Results are only viewable after voting.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2018
A sad, sad place... may I have hugs? <3
So, with people being fairly confident the Rathalos pic is a Golden Sun reference, what picture referencing a less obscure Shantae thing (so discounting nab) would you like to see Sakurai post on his Twitter before a potential reveal?
Probably something to do with Risky's ship attacking (in some way shape or form), because that's probably the series' most iconic image.

I don't know though, maybe something Genie related?



Smash Lord
May 25, 2015
Puerto Rico
Liger or Liger0X
Switch FC
SW 7220 7680 7239
I voted for Shantae in that video's comment section.
Nov 5, 2015
Alright then.
Answer me this: If WayForward were making their own fighting game...
1. Why would they need to be silent about Smash Bros?
2. Why not outright deconfirm Shantae, if she isn't in Smash? Like Dante's creator did with... well, Dante?

Again, I agree that it doesn't make much sense. I'm not trying to argue that WayForward are making a Shantae fighting game, I'm trying to logic my way around WHY they would possibly behave this way if she wasn't in Smash at all or just an AT. If she's an assist trophy it doesn't make sense that she isn't in Blade Strangers, Indie pogo, and Rivals of aether BUT if Wayforward said they were making a fighting game and kept Shantae exclusive for that reason then it makes more sense than just "lol we kept her out of other fighting games so she could be an assist trophy in smash"


Smash Lord
Sep 6, 2018
Again, I agree that it doesn't make much sense. I'm not trying to argue that WayForward are making a Shantae fighting game, I'm trying to logic my way around WHY they would possibly behave this way if she wasn't in Smash at all or just an AT. If she's an assist trophy it doesn't make sense that she isn't in Blade Strangers, Indie pogo, and Rivals of aether BUT if Wayforward said they were making a fighting game and kept Shantae exclusive for that reason then it makes more sense than just "lol we kept her out of other fighting games so she could be an assist trophy in smash"
That argument makes sense in terms of exclusivity.

But it falls short, when considering WayForward's Radio Silence.
Since, again, if Shantae isn't in Smash but in their own fighting game, they wouldn't need to be so silent about Smash Bros.
And they could deconfirm her straight away, like it was the case with Dante.

Why being so silent about it, if she isn't in Smash?


Smash Lord
May 25, 2015
Puerto Rico
Liger or Liger0X
Switch FC
SW 7220 7680 7239
Yeah the silence on WayForward's end makes no logical sense.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 31, 2018
We are running in circles. We just have to keep waiting..... and waiting.................... and *sigh* waiting...


Smash Journeyman
Aug 25, 2018
Utah, USA
I am not defending the Dante leak but the developer saying "lol, no" when asked about Dante does not necessarily deconfirm him.

Firstly, that particular developer has a history of lying and trolling. Also an NDA would only preclude him from disclosing Dante in smash it would not prevent him from downright lying.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 26, 2018
I mean, theres only so much to discuss regarding her, Way forward, and Smash at the moment. Unless someone does another deep Twitter dive on the Way forward folks again, we're going to keep covering pretty similar stuff.


Smash Lord
May 25, 2015
Puerto Rico
Liger or Liger0X
Switch FC
SW 7220 7680 7239
I am not defending the Dante leak but the developer saying "lol, no" when asked about Dante does not necessarily deconfirm him.

Firstly, that particular developer has a history of lying and trolling. Also an NDA would only preclude him from disclosing Dante in smash it would not prevent him from downright lying.
NDA prevent people from talking about anything concerning(in Smash case) the character in question and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. The NDA is to allow Nintendo themselves to announce said character(s).

Are we starting to have doubts about her now?
I do not have any doubts whatsoever. It's just people do not understand that you can't explain the radio silence when it comes to Shantae and Smash Bros Ultimate can be explain in only one way, an NDA. Like it was stated above by you "If Shantae isn't in Ultimate in ANY shape or form then they would not need to hide that fact from their loyal fans"(aka US). Same goes with the excuse of a "Shantae Fighting Game" because they would not be under a NDA and could once again state she isn't in Smash and kill the hype before it even starts.

The way WayForward is handling this is weird in general(unless an NDA is involved and even then it would not prevent Shantae to be in Blade Strangers if Shantae was just an Assist Trophy in Ultimate).

Deleted member

NDA prevent people from talking about anything concerning(in Smash case) the character in question and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. The NDA is to allow Nintendo themselves to announce said character(s).

I do not have any doubts whatsoever. It's just people do not understand that you can't explain the radio silence when it comes to Shantae and Smash Bros Ultimate can be explain in only one way, an NDA. Like it was stated above by you "If Shantae isn't in Ultimate in ANY shape or form then they would not need to hide that fact from their loyal fans"(aka US). Same goes with the excuse of a "Shantae Fighting Game" because they would not be under a NDA and could once again state she isn't in Smash and kill the hype before it even starts.

The way WayForward is handling this is weird in general(unless an NDA is involved and even then it would not prevent Shantae to be in Blade Strangers if Shantae was just an Assist Trophy in Ultimate).
So what your saying is shantaes an assist

Moderately obsessed

Smash Journeyman
Sep 2, 2018
Actually the whole room was tropic themed look at the spread sheet we made

but he's not, though.
I'm not saying "yay, Skull Kid is in!!", but I'm sure there's a discussion around here that has just as many theories as we do. The only reason people discount him, now, is because a "leaker" said he's a boss.

Makai Wars

Smash Ace
Dec 8, 2013
Deepsea Metro
If she's an assist trophy it doesn't make sense that she isn't in Blade Strangers, Indie pogo, and Rivals of aether BUT if Wayforward said they were making a fighting game and kept Shantae exclusive for that reason then it makes more sense than just "lol we kept her out of other fighting games so she could be an assist trophy in smash"
This is a pretty fun way to think about it, and while it's certainly a possibility I simply think it's too short a time after HGH for them to be thinking about a new Shantae game considering WF has other IPs and is commissioned to do licensed games often. Also, Shovel Knight has been in literally everything and his fighting game update just got announced, so I don't think a Shantae fighter would require an NNC.

Funnily enough the way you describe it makes me even more sure she's a fighter. WF has literally no reason to turn down free publicity in the form of cameos multiple times if she's simply an AT.

One more thing, I personally wouldn't want a Shantae fighter, but rather a 4 player Shantae side scrolling Beat Em Up

Are you really telling me you wouldn't want this with Shantae characters?
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Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
It's a strange pattern I've seen of leakers getting other games spot on but then making stuff up about Smash.

It happens too often to be one person jerking us about...


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2013
NDA prevent people from talking about anything concerning(in Smash case) the character in question and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. The NDA is to allow Nintendo themselves to announce said character(s).

I do not have any doubts whatsoever. It's just people do not understand that you can't explain the radio silence when it comes to Shantae and Smash Bros Ultimate can be explain in only one way, an NDA. Like it was stated above by you "If Shantae isn't in Ultimate in ANY shape or form then they would not need to hide that fact from their loyal fans"(aka US). Same goes with the excuse of a "Shantae Fighting Game" because they would not be under a NDA and could once again state she isn't in Smash and kill the hype before it even starts.

The way WayForward is handling this is weird in general(unless an NDA is involved and even then it would not prevent Shantae to be in Blade Strangers if Shantae was just an Assist Trophy in Ultimate).
I came across the most grasping explanation from a hater I've ever seen in terms of WF's radio silence. Matt met and discussed Shantae getting in Smash, he wanted her playable but Nintendo would only have her as an AT or nothing, he chose nothing and he and WF are not speaking about or referring to Smash out of shame.

My god the mental gymnastics... Occam's Razor what the **** is that?


Smash Lord
Sep 6, 2018
NDA prevent people from talking about anything concerning(in Smash case) the character in question and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. The NDA is to allow Nintendo themselves to announce said character(s).

I do not have any doubts whatsoever. It's just people do not understand that you can't explain the radio silence when it comes to Shantae and Smash Bros Ultimate can be explain in only one way, an NDA. Like it was stated above by you "If Shantae isn't in Ultimate in ANY shape or form then they would not need to hide that fact from their loyal fans"(aka US). Same goes with the excuse of a "Shantae Fighting Game" because they would not be under a NDA and could once again state she isn't in Smash and kill the hype before it even starts.

The way WayForward is handling this is weird in general(unless an NDA is involved and even then it would not prevent Shantae to be in Blade Strangers if Shantae was just an Assist Trophy in Ultimate).
We can be confident about Shantae being in Smash, for this.
Of course, whether or not she will be a fighter, remains to be seen.
Assist Trophy would be a bummer, but at least she'd be in the game and it'd still benefit her.

But yeah, it seems that at this point, some people want to keep their hopes down so forcefully, that they resort to random, made-up things, to deconfirm her.
The above point still stands strong though. And it's easily one of the strongest clues, for her being in Smash.

And speaking of Assist Trophies, I just remembered that there is another thing I wanted to talk about.
Assist Trophies won't be made into playable characters later!

Seriously, Waluigi fans are still in denial and cling onto that hope.
But I am afraid it won't come to pass.
And if Shantae is revealed as an Assist Trophy, just accept it and take solace that she's still in the game and benefits from the exposure she's getting.

And please...
STOP seeing Assist Trophies as mockeries or insults. That's NOT what they are supposed to be!

Like I said before, Sakurai didn't create Assist Trophies to mock characters.
Far from it, he still sees them as valuable.
It's his way to give characters some much needed representation and love, outside of just being a fighter.
And in cases like "Shovel Knight" or "Bomberman" it's very likely that he couldn't realize them as fighters.
But instead of throwing them out of the game entirely, he still decided to give them representation, as a summon.
Assist Trophies are not the bottom of the barrel, they're a close second to being a fighter.

And it's for that reason, that it's extremely unlikely for Assist Trophies to become playable characters later.
Not only would it be backpedaling, they would also have to remove content and rework some parts of it, which surely is a lot harder than many people think...
Honestly, if Sakurai can see a character as a playable fighter, I'm sure he would've made said character a fighter in the first place.
Making an Assist Trophy, only to remove it later and rework it to be a playable character, seems like much more trouble to me, than it's worth.

The reason people think so lowly of Assist Trophies, is just because they're being greedy.
Whatever characters they hold dear, they will only accept as playable fighter.
Anything less, they get salty.

And for the love of God: Don't hold WayForward responsible for this and start boycotting them.
Whatever role Shantae will have in Smash, is up to Sakurai and his team. It's completely out of WayForward's control!
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Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2018
A sad, sad place... may I have hugs? <3
Funnily enough the way you describe it makes me even more sure she's a fighter. WF has literally no reason to turn down free publicity in the form of cameos multiple times if she's simply an AT.

One more thing, I personally wouldn't want a Shantae fighter, but rather a 4 player Shantae side scrolling Beat Em Up

Are you really telling me you wouldn't want this with Shantae characters?
Well, I just want that original game back. :(

Also, you went and made a mistake when quoting the post there.
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Makai Wars

Smash Ace
Dec 8, 2013
Deepsea Metro
oofy, i asked mr bozon who was his most wanted new comer the other day and I never got a answer lol
I remember he stated in an interview that after Shantae, Bomberman was his most wanted. It'd be hilarious if his character was playable in Smash but his most wanted wasn't.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2013
I feel like this thread is the Smashboards equivalent of Groundhog Day at this point.
Day 87: Shantae has still not been announced for Smash. the milk in the fridge has been drank. I need to go get some more at the store. The store has been closed for 88 days.

Deleted member

Guys let me just make it clear........the reason I don’t want to see her as an assist is because........she’ll be under SK shadow while he’s popular and not her and wf losing lots of fans because they think she’s in smash and not in other fighting games..........there I said it:(:(:(


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2018
A sad, sad place... may I have hugs? <3
Guys let me just make it clear........the reason I don’t want to see her as an assist is because........she’ll be under SK shadow while he’s popular and not her and wf losing lots of fans because they think she’s in smash and not in other fighting games..........there I said it:(:(:(
No need for the sad faces.

There's some good reasoning there. It makes sense. :)


Smash Lord
Sep 6, 2018
Guys let me just make it clear........the reason I don’t want to see her as an assist is because........she’ll be under SK shadow while he’s popular and not her and wf losing lots of fans because they think she’s in smash and not in other fighting games..........there I said it:(:(:(
1. Shantae is more popular worldwide anyways.
And even if she weren't, how does that impede your enjoyment of Shantae?

2. WayForward won't lose fans. Except for some really petty ones, maybe, if she were in as an Assist Trophy.
Don't forget, that if you think Shantae must be in as a fighter, it's on you.
It's not WayForward's fault, but your own, for getting your hopes too high.

And if you seriously would start hating on WayForward for this, you're a greedy and petty DH, and NOT a fan!

Deleted member

And if you seriously would start hating on WayForward for this, you're a greedy and petty DH, and NOT a fan!
I am a fan I’m just woried about the fan base raging I don’t want to see them lose fans

Also that’s just rude what your telling me

And I was referring to the western fans
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Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
So if Shantae gets in as an assist, what will be the next indie goalpost, Quote? Sans? Some newcomer whose game hasn't been out yet? There aren't many popular possibilities.

Day 87: Shantae has still not been announced for Smash. the milk in the fridge has been drank. I need to go get some more at the store. The store has been closed for 88 days.
Feels more like that Spongebob episode where he's waiting for his free toy.

This is a pretty fun way to think about it, and while it's certainly a possibility I simply think it's too short a time after HGH for them to be thinking about a new Shantae game considering WF has other IPs and is commissioned to do licensed games often. Also, Shovel Knight has been in literally everything and his fighting game update just got announced, so I don't think a Shantae fighter would require an NNC.

Funnily enough the way you describe it makes me even more sure she's a fighter. WF has literally no reason to turn down free publicity in the form of cameos multiple times if she's simply an AT.

One more thing, I personally wouldn't want a Shantae fighter, but rather a 4 player Shantae side scrolling Beat Em Up

Are you really telling me you wouldn't want this with Shantae characters?
Thanks for reminding me that this beat 'em up hasn't been brought back. :c
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Smash Lord
Sep 6, 2018
Huh, this is weird.

I'm feeling really lonely with Teeb absent, and also very sad. How could I be so attached to a person that I've never actually met before?

Happens more times than you think.
But yeah, it's amazing how attached we become to some things.
And it's not a bad thing.

He'll be back. ;)


Smash Journeyman
Sep 18, 2018
Switch FC
So if Shantae gets in as an assist, what will be the next indie goalpost, Quote? Sans? Some newcomer whose game hasn't been out yet? There aren't many popular possibilities.
Well, Touhou was mentioned earlier in this thread. And Reimu is pretty much the face of Touhou Project.

Then again we have all these clues that point towards Shantae being a fighter.
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Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2014
Canada, Quebec
So, with people being fairly confident the Rathalos pic is a Golden Sun reference, what picture referencing a less obscure Shantae thing (so discounting nab) would you like to see Sakurai post on his Twitter before a potential reveal?
A lighthouse. Probably the one in Delfino Plaza, or does Wuhu Island have one? Shantae's house is so iconic it features in Half-Genie Hero's logo.
The "nab connection" is flimsy but so is the "Golden Sun Battle connection."
Always saw that more as a reference to the arena battles in Monster Hunter.

Still feel compelled to point out that they wouldn't have to remove the Shantae assist trophy if that happened. Recolor it and boom! Nega Shantae!
And if you stop supporting for playable position just because one pops up as an assist, how do you expect to make it known in time for DLC, or even the next game?
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Smash Lord
Sep 2, 2018
Scuttle Town, Sequin Land, Possibly Turkey
A lighthouse. Probably the one in Delfino Plaza, or does Wuhu Island have one? Shantae's house is so iconic it features in Half-Genie Hero's logo.

Always saw that more as a reference to the arena battles in Monster Hunter.

And if you stop supporting for playable position just because one pops up as an assist, how do you expect to make it known in time for DLC, or even the next game?
Lighthouses are also sort of a figure in the Golden Sun series, too, so be careful with that!
In before duo Shantae and Isaac reveal


Smash Lord
Sep 6, 2018
Still feel compelled to point out that they wouldn't have to remove the Shantae assist trophy if that happened. Recolor it and boom! Nega Shantae!

Honestly, if Sakurai can see a character as a playable fighter, I'm sure he would've made said character a fighter in the first place.
Making an Assist Trophy, only to remove it later and rework it to be a playable character, seems like much more trouble to me, than it's worth.
So yeah, don't get your hopes up.
It's extremely unlikely.

Also, you should stop claiming it's so simple.
To quote Sakurai himself:

Masahiro Sakurai said:
Have you ever made a game?!
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