Man, I've been so caught up with other things, that I totally forgot about the potential codecs/guidance dialogues that could occur. As someone who fell in love with Kid Icarus: Uprising, I'd adore seeing the Kid Icarus cast chatting with Shantae. It's simply too awesome of an idea to pass up on. I could see stuff like Pit perhaps crushing on Shantae a bit (as he's done before with another character in his home series,) or even perhaps someone asking Shantae why she says "ret-2-go" or something along those lines.
Maybe if inspiration strikes me, I'll try and write some potential conversations here in this thread; so long as no one's bothered by that of course. Gives me something to do and it'd be plenty of fun. In the meantime, I pray people like this guy get around to doing their own take on a Shantae based codec or Palutena's Guidance.