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Shantae, the Half Genie Protector of Scuttle Town! (A Switch To A New WayForward)

Do you think shantae can make it?

  • Yes, as a fighter

  • Yes, as a assist trophy

  • No, not as a assist trophy

  • No, not at all

Results are only viewable after voting.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 25, 2018
Utah, USA
I mean, I'd call most of the points provided as circumstantial evidence. Never said that they don't hold any merit, but I just like to keep my expectations low unless something really, REALLY, concrete pops up.

In no particular order:

Indie Crossovers - Shantae not being in games like RoA or Blade Strangers could be as simple as WF not being approached by those particular devs. Shovel Knight's immense popularity is what probably gets him to be requested so frequently as a guest. Shantae's certainly popular, but as much as a dedicated cult following as she's got, SK's probably just more recognizable (despite not being around as long) simply because his game was such a big hit from the get go. Not to mention the continual updates and aforementioned crossovers have kept him in the limelight.

Tweeting Jammie Selfies - These are the only ones that I think can be taken as proper hints especially so with the dialogue in Jammies. My only hangup here is that while it might hint at her being in. It could still very well be just as an AT like SK. Some would argue that hyping her up only to be an AT or more minor role wouldn't make sense but I think that the amount of enthusiasm WF has for Smash would say otherwise. Even if it's not as a character, I'm sure they'd just be stoked to have their character in Smash period.

Chairs - ...

Again, being a downer wasn't my intention, I just don't see her as a lock just yet.
Actually Nicalis said that they would love to have Shantae In Blade Strangers.


While Shovel Knights company is more loose with shovel knight and shovel knight is slightly more popular, She wasn't even in Indie Pogo despite having characters who haven't even appeared in games yet. Leaving me to believe that WF is the reason Shantae isn't in these games. And why would they oppose to having Shantae in these games? Especially since they've been willing to share their IP's before in the past.


Smash Ace
Apr 9, 2014
Actually Nicalis said that they would love to have Shantae In Blade Strangers.


While Shovel Knights company is more loose with shovel knight and shovel knight is slightly more popular, She wasn't even in Indie Pogo despite having characters who haven't even appeared in games yet. Leaving me to believe that WF is the reason Shantae isn't in these games. And why would they oppose to having Shantae in these games? Especially since they've been willing to share their IP's before in the past.

Call me crazy, but that find may just be the "kicker" Shantae needed. I mean that's kind of a "holy ****" find, right there. I didn't know that Nicalis was open to that at all.

I mean now it's even more likely (IMO) that either WF didn't want her in those games or she's a playable character in Smash (and NOT an AT because of SK being an AT AND a playable character in Blade Strangers).

EDIT: I've seen some people argue that WF probably didn't want her in Blade Strangers because she "wouldn't fit in the game" [no weapons, etc.]. That can't be true, because Nicalis was (as seen here) completely and explicitly in support of having Shantae in their game, on record. Therefore, the two companies could have worked something out. The question is: why didn't they?
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Smash Master
May 17, 2002
Wow, That is uncanny! But that makes me nervous. Why would they have Zelda do that pose if Shantae is in the game?
Well to be fair, Shantae never does that in any of the games and she already has winning animations that don't involve fire. Plus, there's belly-dancing.


Banned via Administration
Aug 10, 2014

Call me crazy, but that find may just be the "kicker" Shantae needed. I mean that's kind of a "holy ****" find, right there. I didn't know that Nicalis was open to that at all.

I mean now it's even more likely (IMO) that either WF didn't want her in those games or she's a playable character in Smash (and NOT an AT because of SK being an AT AND a playable character in Blade Strangers).
What if all this silence is because she's planned as a DLC character for Blade Strangers?


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
Actually Nicalis said that they would love to have Shantae In Blade Strangers.


While Shovel Knights company is more loose with shovel knight and shovel knight is slightly more popular, She wasn't even in Indie Pogo despite having characters who haven't even appeared in games yet. Leaving me to believe that WF is the reason Shantae isn't in these games. And why would they oppose to having Shantae in these games? Especially since they've been willing to share their IP's before in the past.
Well damn, thanks for the info. I'm kind of surprised/disappointed she isn't in Blade Strangers now though, she'd have fit right in.


Banned via Administration
Aug 10, 2014
Why are they silent about Smash, then?
Just playing devil's advocate here since they haven't mentioned Blade Strangers by name yet either. But hey, from what little I've seen, I wouldn't mind if she was in that game. Still pulling for Smash though!


Smash Journeyman
Aug 25, 2018
Utah, USA

Call me crazy, but that find may just be the "kicker" Shantae needed. I mean that's kind of a "holy ****" find, right there. I didn't know that Nicalis was open to that at all.

I mean now it's even more likely (IMO) that either WF didn't want her in those games or she's a playable character in Smash (and NOT an AT because of SK being an AT AND a playable character in Blade Strangers).
Agreed. The fact that WF won't put her in any fighting games but has shown willingness to put her in other types games. Has been the strongest piece of evidence supporting not only Shantae's inclusion in smash but as an actual fighter.

WF's Silence and Jammies mode are much shakier but still pretty strong but even they only hint at her being in the game but not necessarily as a fighter(albeit it's odd that WF would hype her up as an assist trophy when they know very well that Fans want her as a FIGHTER).

And then there are the chairs and Daisy seemingly to bump someone. While those two pieces of evidence are interesting they are definately tin foil hat type of conjecture.

WF may be pickier about Shantae than Yacht Club Games is towards shovel knight but they hardly have shown that they are that Dragon sitting on a pile of gold. Whereas Shovel Knight will appear at your Grandma's birthday party if you ask YCG.


Editing Staff
Writing Team
Aug 3, 2014
New Jersey
Switch FC
So how was everyone here first introduced to Shantae?

I remember hearing about Risky's Revenge around 2009/2010 in Nintendo Power and instantly got hooked to the series.
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Smash Apprentice
Sep 6, 2018
So how was everyone here first introduced to Shantae?

I remember hearing about Risky's Revenge around 2009/2010 in Nintendo Power and instantly got interested in the series.
First played Risky's Revenge on my Ipad, then forgot about it for a few years. Then played Pirates Curse and that finally got me hooked on the series.
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Banned via Administration
Aug 10, 2014
So how was everyone here first introduced to Shantae?

I remember hearing about Risky's Revenge around 2009/2010 in Nintendo Power and instantly got hooked to the series.
I think I was introduced to it by reading about the Kickstarter for Half-Genie Hero, then looked into the series, bought all of the ones on 3DS and started, loved it.


Smash Lord
Sep 2, 2018
Scuttle Town, Sequin Land, Possibly Turkey

Call me crazy, but that find may just be the "kicker" Shantae needed. I mean that's kind of a "holy ****" find, right there. I didn't know that Nicalis was open to that at all.

I mean now it's even more likely (IMO) that either WF didn't want her in those games or she's a playable character in Smash (and NOT an AT because of SK being an AT AND a playable character in Blade Strangers).

EDIT: I've seen some people argue that WF probably didn't want her in Blade Strangers because she "wouldn't fit in the game" [no weapons, etc.]. That can't be true, because Nicalis was completely and explicitly in support of having Shantae in their game, on record. Therefore, the two companies could have worked something out. The question is: why didn't they?
Heh, perhaps this may truly be the smoking gun! However, regardless of my opinions, just like Dyllybirdy, I'm going to take a comment hiatus until we definitely know about the Direct's newest date. I'll still come once in a while to see what's new here, but I will not directly commentate on it.


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
So how was everyone here first introduced to Shantae?

I remember hearing about Risky's Revenge around 2009/2010 in Nintendo Power and instantly got hooked to the series.
Someone mentioned the original in a thread on IGN back during the Brawl days, looked it up and sort of made note of it as something to try later if I ever got the chance.

Then years later Risky's Revenge got onto Steam and I got that. Played it. Loved it. Picked up Pirate's Curse as soon as it released on Wii U and later picked up the original on the 3DS eshop.

Now I'm just holding out on Half Genie Hero until I get a Switch. I've actually owned the game for a little while now, I just can't play it. >_<


Smash Ace
Jul 29, 2018
So how was everyone here first introduced to Shantae?

I remember hearing about Risky's Revenge around 2009/2010 in Nintendo Power and instantly got hooked to the series.
NintendoCapriSun's Let's Play of Half-Genie Hero. I'm a fan of The Runaway Guys so his LP of the game made me a fan. I downloaded it on the Switch as soon as it was available.


Smash Master
May 17, 2002
So how was everyone here first introduced to Shantae?

I remember hearing about Risky's Revenge around 2009/2010 in Nintendo Power and instantly got hooked to the series.
The original Shantae on the Nintendo Power back in 2002, I think. I still remember the comment, "Sashay Shantae" for that caption contest they held for one of the issues.


Smash Lord
Apr 3, 2013
So how was everyone here first introduced to Shantae?

I remember hearing about Risky's Revenge around 2009/2010 in Nintendo Power and instantly got hooked to the series.
... accidental finding of a certain fanart when i was younger *ahem*

after a few years though i looked up the actual character and really enjoyed playing the games when i got to play them!

Edit: OH, i did however know about Risky Boots prior thanks to a nintendo power magazine i owned so yeah
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Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2013
So how was everyone here first introduced to Shantae?

I remember hearing about Risky's Revenge around 2009/2010 in Nintendo Power and instantly got hooked to the series.
I remember hearing about Pirate's Curse when it was new. and I got it on my Wii U around Christmas time, just somme days before it.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 25, 2018
Utah, USA
Well to be fair, Shantae never does that in any of the games and she already has winning animations that don't involve fire. Plus, there's belly-dancing.

Call me crazy, but that find may just be the "kicker" Shantae needed. I mean that's kind of a "holy ****" find, right there. I didn't know that Nicalis was open to that at all.

I mean now it's even more likely (IMO) that either WF didn't want her in those games or she's a playable character in Smash (and NOT an AT because of SK being an AT AND a playable character in Blade Strangers).

EDIT: I've seen some people argue that WF probably didn't want her in Blade Strangers because she "wouldn't fit in the game" [no weapons, etc.]. That can't be true, because Nicalis was completely and explicitly in support of having Shantae in their game, on record. Therefore, the two companies could have worked something out. The question is: why didn't they?
Yeah, One of the characters uses a fishing pole for crying outloud while Shantae actually uses a Sword in one of her games. They could have worked something out.

Just playing devil's advocate here since they haven't mentioned Blade Strangers by name yet either. But hey, from what little I've seen, I wouldn't mind if she was in that game. Still pulling for Smash though!
I believe someone asked them about Blade Strangers and the Response was "Nothing to announce at this time" whereas whenever someone asks about smash the answer is crickets chirping. Very Suspicious.



Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2018
A sad, sad place... may I have hugs? <3
Leave me be please! Gosh darn. I want to leave so badly but if you keep double posting I'll never be able to get out of here! I'll never be free!

also deepest apologies Shinuto please don't get mad at me. it's the double poster's fault! i'll try to stop i promise

okay now i have to stop or else things are going to get very messy pls don't ban me i'm just bored and can't sleep which is the only reason i'm still here
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Smash Ace
Aug 16, 2018
So how was everyone here first introduced to Shantae?

I remember hearing about Risky's Revenge around 2009/2010 in Nintendo Power and instantly got hooked to the series.
Honestly? When Half-Genie Hero was first announced at E3 back in 2015. Somehow I've missed out on Shantae's games up until that point but might be because I've been away from sidescrollers for quite some time but thanks to Metroid, I rediscovered my passion for them and Shantae I knew I had to try. Plus the music made sure I couldn't resist.


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
Leave me be please! Gosh darn. I want to leave so badly but if you keep double posting I'll never be able to get out of here! I'll never be free!

also deepest apologies Shinuto please don't get mad at me. it's the double poster's fault! i'll try to stop i promise
You gots this kid. I know you can do it. Unless you enjoy pushing their buttons, don't let me stop you :p

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Leave me be please! Gosh darn. I want to leave so badly but if you keep double posting I'll never be able to get out of here! I'll never be free!

also deepest apologies Shinuto please don't get mad at me. it's the double poster's fault! i'll try to stop i promise
Please just report the double posts. Let the mods take care of it.

I get it's annoying, though. But yeah, you don't need to take it upon yourself.

Note that we don't mind if a regular user shows a quick reminder of the rules. But don't force it on other users. We aren't a fan of actual backseat moderation. It makes it far harder for us to clean up messes that happen, since we have to deal with extra drama. That said, again, please give a report to those posts and don't worry about it in general otherwise. We're more than capable of handling the situation ourselves. We just ask for any details/links necessary to make it easier. :)


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2013
Do you think at the request Shantae would transform into Bongos for DK to play? Like maybe his own pair breaks?


Smash Cadet
Aug 29, 2014
So how was everyone here first introduced to Shantae?

I remember hearing about Risky's Revenge around 2009/2010 in Nintendo Power and instantly got hooked to the series.
I found the series through being repeatedly recommended the first 3 games on the 3DS e-shop and eventually deciding to look into what kind of games they were. After reading they're Metroidvanias I was immediately sold and bought all 3 for the 3DS; which is funny because to be honest now I would disagree with them being called Metroidvanias, I'd say the first 3 games are more like side-scrolling Zelda games in structure.

Regardless I've now played through all 4 games and thoroughly enjoyed them all.
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Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
Do you think at the request Shantae would transform into Bongos for DK to play? Like maybe his own pair breaks?
I mean, it could be fun if he played well. All about those vibes ye.
Umm, but in general I'd think she likes to be free to move around :)



Aug 20, 2018
The Twilight Realm
Switch FC
So how was everyone here first introduced to Shantae?
Way back when I way pretty young, I once saw an old official image of Shantae on the internet (probably for RR, I just remember the artwork while scrolling through some images somewhere). But I didn't actually play any of her games until after the ballot--even though I voted for her.

So far I've 100%'d all of HGH and PC and have thoroughly enjoyed them, but I think Pirate's Curse is just a substantially better game.
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