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SF:E - Eugene, Oregon (July 27, 28, 29) - Mission Complete!

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Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2006
meridian ID
I object some people don't belive in deoderant or hygene at all for that matter so I say nay sir. Even though most people will probably bring it on their own free will. Others like OC George like to be smelly and they think it helps their game play.
To alter a quote, one man's right to be smelly ends where the other man's nose begins.


Smash Hero
Dec 22, 2005
Binx - Call James. 971 998 6291

0m3n - I have a smash sign ready. And it is the most awesome one I've made to date. Those who have seen previous posters will know that's something to look forward to.

Bart - there are showers. Everyone. B.Y.O.T. (Bring Your Own Towel - and shampoo/whatever)

Ronin - First post updated. You should be over here getting loads of smash practice with Aftermath, Eugene, and Alaska!


Smash Cadet
Jun 2, 2006
Quick update:

Unfortunately, I wasn't even able to switch shifts at work, so I will be arriving somewhat more than fashionably late, around 11:00pm (maybe a *little* earlier).

Also, I need to know for sure if someone can give me a ride back up to Salem. Me and my *two* setups (minus one copy of Melee) are counting on it. I'm certainly willing to contribute to gas money and whatnot, so don't let that hold you back. For whomever happens to volunteer, can you please send me a PM with your name and cell number, assuming you have one. (My parents are the type to err on the side of caution. :rolleyes: )

See you all tomorrow night!


Smash Hero
Dec 22, 2005
Snood, if there is absolutely no one who is able and willing to give you a ride up to Salem I could talk my dad into helping you out in exchange for the gas. So don't worry about being stranded, especially because there's a large probability of someone you meet at the tourney who will have room for you and is going north.


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2005
So its turned to , If I show up at all it will be a on saturday and it will be early. I'll try and bring a tv but more than likley it will just be cube+smash and Vcr.


Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2006
meridian ID
Idaho is on its way :D. Sadly, it looks like it will just be the two of us... was supposed to be four, but oh well.

Peach Masta

Smash Lord
Dec 3, 2006
Portland, Oregon
All right can't bring a setup to this because my brother got mario party 8 for the wii and he will be using our only extra tv and my wii so I can't do that. Two of my crew members have all ready left me and Ryan are getting there early tommorrow with Minh.


Smash Hero
Dec 22, 2005
We'll be starting Low Tier Doubles and Singles today. We'll see everyone who's showing up tomorrow bright and early. :D

If anyone has any questions and can't get ahold of Evonne, call my apartment number (541) 687-6883 and my dad, Glenn, will be more than willing to help answer questions.

We need TVs!!! We have Wii/Cubes, but no TVs to hook them up to. If you have one you can bring, please do!

For those of you coming tomorrow, the address is actually 3522 Gamefarm Rd. The address in my earlier post was for The Patrician itself, which owns the house but the house is adjacent to.

The Patrician
3522 Gamefarm Road
Springfield, OR
(541) 737-7911
{Ask For Evonne/Leave Message}


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2005
Ok guys im gonna do my best to show up either tonight or tomorrow and bring my tv with me. How late does the first day go and attendees sleep at the venue correct?


Smash Lord
Jun 13, 2006
Those of you who aren't making it to SFE can swing by my place sometime for smashings.


Smash Hero
Sep 16, 2005
Combo Status Island

Hopefully no one will hate me for not liking deodorant... BUT I PROMISE TO SHOWER.

I also have extra clothes.
Wow. It's like what I used to say about deodorant, only true. LOL

Money matches anyone?

Oh, and teamsies @ either James or Lunaris, incase I didn't already say that.


Smash Lord
Jun 13, 2006
In Gresham, sort of around 223rd. Actually, I'm going to the river tomorrow, but dunno when. And Sunday is the Daft Punk concert. Tomorrow might work, but for sure should be able to hold get togethers at my place from Monday and beyond. I'll PM you tomorrow what's up. :D


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2005
Ok so im not coming to SF:E. As usualy im the only smasher int ownt hat actually wants to go and I just cant pay fort the gas by myself, Hopefully I'll make it to the next tang.


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2006
Portland, Oregon
I had alot of fun, it was really nice to play so many different people, i dont think I ever want to do something like that again though, 14 hours of smash is too much heh.

Peach Masta

Smash Lord
Dec 3, 2006
Portland, Oregon
So very, very fun the tournament isn't technically over, but I am going to give shout outs right now since you know I am not there today.

Dirthead/Balloon/Bart: Still can't beat you haha, but this time I took one stock off :)

Brdy: Nice Peach dittos it was way close in the first match. Better then you thought I was haha.

T!MMY: Thanks for hosting this it was really cool next time though you should have doubles tournament before power rankings haha. Also, fun matches I defeated your kirby this time haha, but your IC's are to good.

T0MMY: It was nice playing this time round you were one of the only people to play friendlies with me last SF:E I went to haha, but I got a lot better didn't I.

Team Rocket: *back hands you for getting second match with you in doubles* They were fun though. :)

The two Alaskan people on a team: *back hands you for defeating us*

DMStudios: All ways fun to fight you're still better than me, but still fun haha.

Shin: It was nice seeing you again even though we didn't play that much

Everyone else I actually fought in a power ranking battle: It was fun playing against you all I loved it.

So overall I thought this was really fun I didn't lose every match that I played this time round haha. Hopefully with Minh I will be able to make more of these tournaments from now on instead of not showing up haha. :)


Smash Lord
Jan 29, 2006
Phoenix, AZ
For Otto:

1. Cash Money (Lunaris + Eggz)
2. Team Rocket (James + Jesse)
3. Team Sons of the East (Cmin + Tudios)

1. Lunaris
2. Eggz
3. Captain Alaska


Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2007
Portland Oregon
Shout outs I guess.

Shin, Our Low tier team was amazing, Rage against the Mac-Shin rocked,
I can't beileve we got 3ed with just being randoms at the torney
Good games. your ganondorf is way to good
I can't wait to play you again.

Aftermath, Ive gotten so much better from the first TANG. our matchs are actually close now.
but your still too good. Ive always admired your Samus and how fast and versitel you make her look.

Juce, Your terrible, go back to playing Falcon.

Bart,our dittos were fun, your pretty cool I guess. we should play smash really stoned sometime. if we do it will be fun, your falcon is really flashy unlike mine, so good job on that, we should play more together.

Brdy, your cool and the best Peach in Oregon. GG to that.

T!mmy, its always a pleasure to play the Vegan Kirby. Even though I mostly played your fox.
Low tier singles was fun, I thought I was going to lose that match. Your kitby is still amazing though

T0mmy, you have taught me and shown me a lot of things about smash. Its actaully made me a lot better, I think every tornement I go to when your there I ask you about something else. thanks for all the advice. your sheik and pichu ****.

Washington, mostly Jamo, good friendlys man. Your peach is pretty good.
Jem, you seemed like a cool person, good job beating me in singles.
Eggz, you look like you do a lot of drugs. :)

Alaska, mostly Captain Alaska, Your a cool guy, I loved our Marth Dittos, your Fox ***** a lot and my Luigi almost beat it.
Luceriasdonsaoidnas; I dont know how to spell your name, nice Falco. it wrecks everything

Ronin,You are one of the best Doc mains I know. your a pretty nice person and thats always cool. Spam more pills man. I hope we can smash sometime soon.

DMStudios, All your low tiers are great. Our Falcon Dittos were really close. the last match I bearly got that last knee off. Your too good with low tier.

Foos, we have been playing together since the first torney we ever went too. I think we should team sometime because we would do great. your sheik is amazing.

Buzz,shut your mouth.

OC George, I barley got to play you, but your too good.

Masterofchu, I dident get to play you at all, which sucked but oh well, we can probley play soon.

Everyone else, whateva

Thats about it


Smash Journeyman
Jun 3, 2003

Rage- dude, you are one of the highlights to this tournament. Your a neat guy (your hair kicks my *** for some reason, I wish I could grow mine out, stupid job!) and your Roy was outstanding
I thougth you mained him for a while. I'm glad I got to meet you and play smash with you. I really hope you come down again sometime, keep tuned with Oregon events, and hey, this is my
AIM ShinDismal TJ
believe it or not, may real name has something to do with those initials T and J. .hmmmm.
Next time I charge 5 dollars for the piggy-back-ride. Mine are the 1337. Rage agains the MacShin ftw'z's.

Buzz- lol, good seeing you man. No I don't cheat, no I don't hack. I don't know why Rage is so hard on you, but yes, shut the **** up. love ya buzz. Nice seeing you.

Ronin- Sam, you freakin jerk! I am not going to turn my EZ button into a c-c-c-combo breaker button. I'm glad you got to team with me, too bad double fox is too good. lol. Your Doc goes toe to toe with my Ganondorf, and thats saying something. Outstanding bro.

OC George, - You should have brought your college with you,and all the food. heh. Hey, always fun seeing you around. Great sense of humor, loved teaming with you and 1-1ing your characters. You play well. We didn't get a pinapple again, but, I had hawiian time before I came the first day, and, there was a painting of a beach..soooo I think that did it. /thumbs up'z's

OMG master of chuu... I just figured out who you are!! YARR!! we should have had friendliez's n stuffzzzzzzzzzzzs nice seeing you though.

Fooz or, f00z, as you should 1337y spell it, was a pleasure hanging with you again. Raising the roof was too easy, stop getting pwnt by cealings, they arent THAT good. Thank god we didn't bring that piano. whew.

Tudios - your my roommate, you know I love you. Do the dishes, betch. o_O oooOOOOooh'z

Venus-gosp-omgggggg your fox got sooo much better. You should get an award for most improved player, and I should get secondzies because I took out a crapload of toptiers with my ganon this time. I was very
happy playing against you man. Your fox is very good, the first day you beat me like 8 out of ten, of course today it was me winning 8/10, but still, omgzzz. too many up-airs = an unhappy G-dorf hope to see you again soon bro.

Alaska - was a pleasure having you guys come all the way for this tournament, i'm glad to have met all of you, and hope to see you again sometime in the future. Stop shooting lazers!! omgz@_@

Long-haired-dudes you had the cool controller! It was made from mount-fuji or something!! I wish I had taken you up on that offer, that thing kicked ***. Glad to see you guys again, I remember your hair sadly enough, lol. We should have done friendlies, but I had to work and all that. I know, I know,no johns. Take it easy guys, thanks for coming.

whoever helped me kill that bug, you are a saint. Oregon Tourny 1, Fun destroying bug of rediculous speed with lazers and venom ... zewo. /nods We tottally d-aired that sonofa@#^%!%$ YEA!! /flex

omg lol, I just saw a gif of hitler taking a bite out of a watermellon.. lemi get the link. lolll http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsbK2jKTu4Y tooooooo gooood

timmy n tommy - I owe you money somehow, but thanks for everything guys. The location you guys got was great, and you had an awesome ammount of food. it was good! thanks for that watermelon after work that really hit the spot.

BART!!! omg, i'm so glad you don't four stock me anymore. Still one of the best, i'm always happy to play against you. Thanks for coming down and bringing your friends, andy missed out on this one. Take it easy bro.

Jesse/juce - omg, I teched against that FREAKIN attack SOOO many times... /cry glad to play against you buddy. we didn't play enough!!!! and I had a footbag in my pocket :( wait, maybe i'll see you tomorrow.

James - you owe me matches. o_O

Jordan - yea, you, thanks for playing friendlies with me man. I kept forgetting your name >_< but I REMEMBER!! HA!!! TAKE THAT!!! /winzies!

To everyone else - we had good times, glad everyone came and it stayed possitive throughout the times that I atleast was there. I wish I had got all the days off. I'm really thankful this tourny came around actually, I've been having troubles with my Ganondorf, and, a lot of my problems went out the window as well as other problems confirmed about strat and tiers. I had a happy number of hours annihilating top tiers with my Ganon, something I didn't think possible, but, I guess I was too hard on myself.
we had a bunch of tallent at this tourny.
and a lot of friendly people

Thanks for coming everyone, put it in your minds, we will be doing this again sometime. Try and make it again! and bring friends!!



Smash Master
Sep 9, 2006
Marysville, Washington
Shane - Was cool going with you there. Good ****, and good job getting 1st in doubles, 2nd in singles. 0-4 against the ladies = me :[

Jamie - Thanks for taking us and stuff :D

Lunaris - You're pretty cool, our falco dittos werent that.. Friendly.. Towards me. I'm glad I learned Alaskan's 7th Secret so fast. You're really good.

Uhh, anyone else that was cool and not trying to pose and say cool washington phrases (Digital Watches.. Never say **** yeah again) good games and come to Gameclucks August 11th in Washington.


Smash Ace
Dec 21, 2006
Great tournament everyone. It was a blast :]

T!mmy - Your Ice Climbers are too good. You dthrow fair too much >_____> *techs*. Costco is freaking huge lols. More like Costsalotco mirite lolololol. You also jumped into my fair a couple of times as Kirby <_<. lolz.

T0mmy - I can tell that your Sheik is getting really good really fast. Nice team matches, and nice clutch ending vs. Dirty Birdy.

Both T!/T0 - Nice location for the tourny. Nice organization. And I applaud you guys (James too) for slaving over Timmy's laptop during the ranking matches.

Shin - I saw a couple of perfect combo breaker moments at the tournament. Where is your c-c-c-c-combo breaker button!??! :[. You're one of the funnest people to play smash with, I love playing friendlies with you. Too bad you couldn't make the singles, work johns :<

Rage - You're a cool person. Thanks for all the friendlies ^_^. I didn't get to play your Falcon very much, but it looks really good from what I've seen of it. I hope we can play again sometime soon.

Alaskans - Lunaris, you're too good. Grats on first in singles. And woowwww Captain Alaska, campy much? fsmash much?

Tudios - Marth dittos ftw lol. You **** with low tier. Your Pikachu is so scary omfg. The low tier finals were crazy intense. Were they recorded? oh and, Pit sucks LOLOOLOLOLLL.

Aftermath - Freaking missle spam, wowoowow. Your Samus owns me :<

Juce - Lol I have no idea how to fight Marth. Doc is absolutely terrible against Marth, so I picked Sheik and Marth against you. Unfortunately, I suck with both xD.

Eggz - Thanks for the few pseudo-Mario dittos that we played.

Binx - Refer to Juce's comment, lol. I went for a Marth ditto against you too, and got 2-0'd. Good stuff man, keep practicing Ice Climbers and surpass Timmy! :O

Cmin - I think it's safe to say that we've both improved quite a bit since we first met at OSU. You're still better than me, but we had some good friendlies. I wish Bombsoldier signed my controller :<

Dirthead - That's my ****ing ledge, d*ck. Lol, you **** my Doc. Your Falcon is scary.

Brdy - Argh, that first ranking match was too close. Nice Peach, even though she's freaking gay xD

Kenpachi - Very close ranking matches, those were great. I should have won the first one >______>. Nice sheik dude. I like the walljump fair xD.

If I forgot anybody, sorry. I know I'll have nothing but positive things to say anyways, the whole tournament was great.


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2006
Portland, Oregon
@ T!mmy - Good matches man, great venue and I am pretty sure you are a large part of the reason I am as good as I am

@Tommy - Nice 1-1 twice during the ranking battles, good shiek.

James - Nice fake splits with EVERYONE, seriously though man, you play a mean samus, also nice watching you repeatedly shoot a million missles at Juce's back in teams funny stuff.

Juce - Ouch

Ronin - Good matches and both reasonably close too, I have alot of Marth ditto experience cause Cmin and Jank both kind of second them.

Tudios - Man you just rocked my Ice Climbers haha, your awesome though nice matches.

Eggs - Your Mario is so amazingly fast, I thought mine was good but ****... nice games

Bart - Rapsies haha

Brdy - Rapsies haha

@ Venue - man you gged me with those fly attacks and heat stroke attack

The Zelda player - Keep practicing man, tourney experience means so much, you just need to keep it up.

Everyone else I played GGs I hope to run into alot more people at tournaments. Thanks Smash Twins for the great venue and tons of fun, and thanks for working so hard on the laptop along with James, good stuff everyone. All of you guys improved sooo much I really wasnt expecting it but wow, if we can keep it up we might actually have a respectable smash community soon in terms of skill anyways, we already have the coolest people =)


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
tudios - awesome teaming with you. i really didnt think we would get that far but you really clutched it on those 1v1's lol. nice playing a ton of friendlies with you too thats some good ****. once school starts i'll be in corvallis and i'll be coming to eugene alot to play wiht you guys

bart - i really did recorded it as 2-0. you got me pretty good lol

brdy - good matches. even though we didnt do any friendlies lol nice seeing you

timmy - thanks for hosting and the venue was better than OC3 for sure lol

tommy - your sheik is unlike others. not so much fast but very mindgamie

ronin - i give mad props to doc mains. i mean how can you do so much with his stubby little arms! lol nice falcon dittos

rage - roy ditto? what was that! who told you i played roy lol. anyways good matches i want a real one with my fox against your falcon. see ya around. hey you're in portland, get together with me binx and some others for smash

eggz - ur2good for me

MCS - where the hell

awk george - good matches. see you at school make sure you tell your roomates that you smash alot so you have to be able to host our smash getogethers lol

aftermath - i have your black casettte playing thingy in my car lol oops. gg


Smash Journeyman
Jun 4, 2003
Eugene, Oregon
t!MmY - Good job on the venue minus the flies:) You worked so hard on the Power Rankings along with T0MMY and James. Good Job. Oh, and your getting better and better.

T0MMY - same as t!MmY, but also, your Sheik is 2Gud!

Sam - . . . . .Sam sucks LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLL

Captain Alaska/CatPhysician - Chain Throwing FTW!! haha. You guys both have really good Foxes. It's always fun fighting them. I'm getting better and avoiding the death kick in the air. At least the second hit;)

Lunaris - 2Gud. Simply 2Gud. Ganondorf lives forever though. Great matches on FD. I won one against your Falco though:chuckle: On FD that's got to count for something right? haha. Also, your Ness is also really good.

Binx - Your Ice Climbers got good quickly. I've tried to play them, but I can only still desynch by doing the side dodge ice block:)

Cmin - Tipping my partner in both matches FTW! I had a lot of fun teaming with you, even though we accidently killed each other too many times:laugh: Your Fox is crazy fast. Good job on the anti-marth maneuver.

Rage - We didn't play enough:( Good Captain F-in though.

Eggz and Jem - I could of beat you:mad: I just messed up too many times. I usually blame my controller, but it's a combination of controller johns and you both are really good johns. Gots to play both of you more.

Shin - <3 you too man. <3 you too.

Bart - I fail at money matches:psycho: Roy mindgames are too sick.

Brdy - I could have beat you too! I've done it before. Turnip catching FTW!

James/Jesse - Blasting off again! I think I played against each of you once or twice:( this entire tournament.

Digital W. - Great talking about fighting games with you. You're one of my favorite people to play smash with. All you need to do about Zelda is learn to short hop out of shield and Fair or Bair people. Otherwise, GJ.

The Chancellor - Awesome on maining Zelda. Looking forward to Brawl alot, huh? Just get some psycho mindgames going, and you'll be l337.

Venus Gospel - 2gud 2fast. Good Games. Get more sleep.

Foos/Buzz - Ceiling 1. Foos 0. Getting better each time I see you guys.

MoC - Always delighted to see another good Pikachu. Keep it up.

Anybody else - Loved playing against all of you. You did a splendid job. Keep improving, and we will be on the map as having a good Smash Community.

DMStudios - I'm tired and my hands hurt.
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