How is giving a comdum to a student violating a parents rights? Schools give out all sorts of things, pencils, bookmarks, ect. But the minute it has to do with sex it somehow violates rights? I laugh at authority of protection, you sent your kid to school, they are going to learn a lot of things you don't want them to, and to me condums are a good thing to learn, also if your kid does not know what a condum is by the grade they a school would most likely hand them out, then you some issuses.
And if you don't want your daughter to have the condum, THROW IT AWAY. Why go so far as to remover her from school()what if it was the only school in a 30 mile radius?). And what if she comes home with one, but told you she bought it? Is that just as bad as the school giving her one? Or worse? You couldn't protect what you think is right at the store.
Schools are institutions that are meant to educate us. I have explained to you that parents are the ones who need to decide on how to protect and keep their children safe, schools shouldn't be meddling in children's private lives. Also you are assuming if a student comes home with a condom you are assuming they would bring it to their parents attention. Chances are if the parent isn't okay with that, they will be keeping it from him. My point is in that scenario the school just aided the student in doing something against the parent's will. Yeah students have the choice to buy condoms at the store, but at least the school isn't the one handing them out.
This all revolves around schools getting way too involved in a student's private life. I had a friend who's mother (and she didn't have a father) moved three states away with her boyfriend and left her daughter alone in her house and just sent her money. The school found out and they told her she needed to find a relative or any other adult to live with or they wouldn't allow her to continue her enrollment in their school.
That is a huge problem, there is definitely something wrong with that. It reminds me of my high school, where we would get in trouble at school for doing anything wrong outside of school. They used the excuse that you were giving the school a "bad image".
It doesn't violate parents' rights unless they don't have written consent (A signature for a permission form for example) My argument is simply that they shouldn't be encouraging sexual activity.
Exactly. With a written consent to any of this the school is not violating the parents rights. If the schools find it absolutely necessary to have condoms they should have them in the nurses office and only hand them out to students with parental consent papers.
Schools handing out condoms are not encouraging sexual activity. It's more like "Hey if you are gonna have sex, be safe" it encourages people to be safe. Now if a school was like "Hey sex feels good and is fun" then that is something different.
Walmart selling helmets dont encourage you to ride a bike do they?
Handing a person out a condom facilitates their ability that much more to have sex. They can educate students on how to properly use them and where to find them as well. Handing out condoms is counterproductive to helping kids remain safe because it encourages them to want to use them, and if they don't have it with them or if they ran out, then what?
If they're giving away free helmets (Not selling) , and their goal is to encourage not riding bikes, then yes.
I agree to your point even though this statement is a little bit self-refuting. Would you encourage someone to not eat fast food and hand them out cheeseburgers?
I'm going to have to agree with this.
Ideally, in the eye of the public, schools should be doing a bit of both (teaching abstinence and giving out condoms). Abstinence isn't foolproof, and it's becoming less and less coming in today's world due mostly in part to the activities of the media.
The following passage is taken from my sociology text:
So teaching abstinence doesn't do enough to stop teenagers from having sex. With this knowledge in mind, it's far from unreasonable for schools to hand out condoms as a safety measure.
I understand teaching abstinence does not do this, and if you read above we are not against the idea of teaching safe sex. What we are disagreeing with is the handing out of condoms because of how it is affecting a parent's rights. It is unreasonable for schools to hand out condoms to their students. So if a school teaches a martial arts class they should hand out weapons to their students? As has been repeated a school is not supposed to give you the necessary tools for performing such acts that they are themselves trying to discourage.
If the schools aren't encouraging it then what ARE they doing? Helping prevent it? Discouraging? Remaining neutral about it? A school is there to instruct, not give people the tools necessary to have sexual intercourse. It's essentially giving the school's approval of the act, which I disagree with.
This statement summarizes my above explanation. It's like handing out someone hungry a cheeseburger and telling them they shouldn't eat it, your actions make the person feel the opposite of what you are saying.
You dont have to have condoms to have sex.
Right, and that is why the schools teach abstinence and safe sex, so that if they are presented in that kind of scenario they will make an intelligent decision.
Proper tools, hell you have a *****. Thats the only tool nessacary, as suspect said, you don't have to out and have sex just because you have the tools.
(Sorry if a bit crude.)
Condums are a, "hey just in case you are about to do the deed, you have protection."
You're right. Schools should hand out guns in high crime areas. That way if anyone is about to assault them they have the tools necessary to defend themselves.