Then why should parents even raise their children? Lets just have parents birth children and send them off to institutions to take care of them.
How does this have anything to do with whether condoms are available to students?
Because when you keep the school systems local, you can have an education system that reflects the values of the children's parents.
No it is the job of the parents to keep their children safe. They can then push the school to enact certain safety measures to further help out the students in their safety. So if they want to do that as well with condoms, they can sign a permission slip. All problems are solved, the school can hand out condoms on a permission basis now.
Schools are liable for anything that happens to the children while they are in school, so the law has decided that it is up to the schools to protect the children.
This is why some matters are not up to the parents in any way, shape, or form. If 90% of the parents said they don't think a crossing guard is necessary, because they raised their children to look both ways, the school probably wouldn't listen to them. This is because if a child gets ran over crossing the street, the school would be blamed for not having a crossing guard.
They can push the school to enact certain safety measures to further help out the students in their safety.
This is what I have been saying the whole time. Board meetings enable the parents to have a say in school policy. If something is happening in the school, for example a condom stand, parents could easy have a petition go around and one of them present it to the school board saying that 90% of the parents agree that they don't want a condom stand in the school. Outside of the law, a school board would rarely go against a majority of the parents in a case like this.
A permission slip system for condoms would be almost completely useless. Many parents think they have the "good kid" who would never have sex while he's young. However, if parents are faced with the same choice for ALL students in the school, I'm sure that some would believe that having condoms available for "those other kids" would make things safer when they did have sex.
I don't know why you think "permission slips" are the only way a parent can have any effect on their child's school.