Do we know anything about CF v Samus?
Mostly, are there any guaranteed grab->knee links?
your best hope is to up-throw quick before they DI at low percents and do up-airs. Hitting them with the tip is better then with your legs since samuses n-air trades easier if you up-air too close.
another good tactic (imo) is to up-throw (maybe down-throw) at that low-mid percent where they are going to tech on a platform and then tech read them for extreme ****
I find that if you are pretty quick on your throws you can usually connect with some moves, but straight up knee from a throw is very unlikely unless samus is bad (every samus except hugs and maybe 1-2 more)
sometimes you can catch even the best samuses in a wheel of fortune (10801385 up-airs), if you are getting a chain started space up-airs so you hit with ur toes so its harder for them to trade with n-air, most will mash out n-air or up-air
Triple Knee should never happen, hugs ALWAYS DI-s down unless i knee him around 100 percent so he survival DIs it, but it's still possible but they really have to mess up
i'd say one of the easiest ways to link a knee is ironically from another knee. Most samuses will survival DI it around 60-70 which is great for another knee unless they are actually good
it's an extremely easy matchup once you know what to do. Most samuses suck so its 70-30. If they are a top tier samus then its 57-43 at WORST for falcon. Sadly only people who play hugo a lot know the matchup
if Samus up-bs you, DI up really hard so you can punish as she lands. Most samuses try to trick you by up-bing and then falling through a platform but you can DI-up, fast fall after samus up-b ends, and then usually do a f-tilt.
Sometimes you can DI down hard enough and hit the tech button so that when samus up-b starts you can tech it and samus is in the air where you then **** her
If you bait an up-b and/or they whiff, full hop knee
if you dont punish,
decent samuses will either go through a plat to trick you or if they are even better edge cancel on platforms
free stuff:
if you block a down-smash, maybe d-tilt you have a free knee
shield pressure:
spaced n-air, spaced gentlemen, spaced knee, space anything works
against shield pressure:
most samuses do a shabby imitation of hugo's shield pressure. If they are jabbing your shield too close then simply shield grab. You can often get away from jabs by either buffer jumping/ buffer rolling. If they punish you for picking an option (too much), change it up
what not to do:
get d-smashed next to an edge and get edgeguarded to death
don't do silly things, but know that samuses with a game plan love to camp the edge. If you can bait them/block down-smash its a free knee. But getting hit is very very bad. I only recommend dueling with them next to the edge once u learn the matchup more/ adapt to opponent
if you did get d-smashed, you must do some sick jeff recovery tricks and use plats and hope they mess up
note that most of this info is only relevant against hugs, every other samus is so flawed that
if you follow the basics like knee after missed d-smash/up-b you should always win. it's all game knowledge and i'm fortunate enough to play hugs a lot. i can confidently say i will never lose to a samus with falcon except hugs where we are pretty even
if you want some visual stuff, don't watch my matches vs hugs since they are outdated
Me vs hugQ is slightly outdated but decent for visual info, refer to that if you want to see my tips in action