[highlight]If you are interested in UCSB biweeklies / triweeklies, then post so I can tell the person about the level of interest.[/highlight]
[highlight]Victor:[/highlight] all of them
[highlight]Huy:[/highlight] almost all of them
[highlight]Dante:[/highlight] probably almost all of them because I don't think he missed a single Smash Club meeting except the ones that conflict with the LAN Parties.
[highlight]Michael (qmann28):[/highlight] just whenever
[highlight]Sam:[/highlight] almost all of them
[highlight]Kevin:[/highlight] almost all of them
[highlight]Joe:[/highlight] almost all of them
[highlight]Ryan:[/highlight] almost all of them
[highlight]Stephen Fung:[/highlight] almost all of them
[highlight]Tejinder Singh Mangat:[/highlight] occasionally
[highlight]Jaime (maybe):[/highlight] once a month or so.
[highlight]Jaime and his friends:[/highlight] once a month or so.
[size=+5]Brawl +[/size]
[size=+5]Brawl -[/size]
[highlight]Victor:[/highlight] all of them
[highlight]Gina:[/highlight] just whenever
[size=+5]Balanced Brawl[/size]
[size=+5]Project M[/size]
[highlight]Huy: [/highlight]when it comes out
[highlight]We need at least 30 people for this to happen.
The number of people we have so far is
[size=+5]16[/size]. The worst that can happen is there are enough people that are interested, but they do not tell me to add them to the list so I tell Victor there is not enough interest when there actually is enough interest.