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San Diego Lovin' - Triweekly XXXII - December 1st


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2006
OK, apparently vietgamer1021 has lost his smash disc at the tourney. I'm unsure of the details, but I think that he placed in a gamecube at the tourney and forgot to get it back? Anyway, if you find a disc that's not yours, tell him about it.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2006
CAOTIC said:
I have it. Esco it is.
Wow...you find a lot of our stuff, don't you? Not to mention that we lose a lot of stuff...but that happens. Hopefully it won't next time. I'll make sure vietgamer1021 worships you in your presence in public at ESCO. (jk)


Smash Cadet
Feb 16, 2006
Pasadena/Northridge, CA
Hey guys it was a hella long drive back to LA but we made it back and got everyone home. we all enjoyed our time in san diego the hospitality was awesome ^^. I can honestly say it was worth the trip to go down.

Edresse - DUDE thank you so much for housing us on such short notice i know ive said it before but **** dude we appreciate it. you made our stay in san diego a truly fun experience.

Caotic - nice triweekly lots of tvs and a big room UNLIKE my biweekly haha maybe ill see you at azn leps tournament. poker was too good. hahaha youre awesome dude i look forward to hanging out again

superfriends - dude you guys cleaned house. hugs took singles and doubles and you guys took crew battles good sh*t

panda - good to see you again you had me crying of laughter at islands afterwards

dsf - your performance was too good as usual. maybe ill take your advice and start training fox

romeo - we took 4th in teams haha we always place high we gotta work on more team strategy

eznjay - i cant believe you placed higher than me thats BS you got an easy bracket (p.s. stop dodging)


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2005
shoutms ^^

this tourney was too good definatly worth comming too and for some reason the air is so fresh and clean in sandiego lolz n e wayz

caotic-thanks for housing us man your too chill poker was too funny chillin with everyone was too good and the tourney was too good good stuff on beating me and panda in teams lolz i didnt see the car... -.-
lol but yea thanks again man ^^

pha-close matches man lolz i gotta get better to giv u a good fight next time ^^ very nice to meet u though

superfreinds-as always it was coo chillen with u guys till next time XD the crew match was intense >< and hugs is lucky he didnt get jay comboed he liked my jay walk though LOL ^^

romeo-this guy romeo too good man lolz it was too cool chillen wit u didnt know u were into kingdom hearts until sunday lolz the whole weekend was too good thanks for taking me out sunday though >< i gotta get good lolz but yea man too good ^^ next time i chill wit alex u should come XD oh and ****KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!! lol

blitz-hey man good stuff playin u lolz always close matches it was too coo chillen wit u lolz but like u lost to oops and some yoshi? o.000000000000000000000000000000000000 lolz ^^ too funny but yea man keep it g LOL

alex-always too good man we always got this good job on beating me in poker lolz >< sry for teams on sunday -.- im not good at this game lolz

panda-lol we almost knocked cao and jose into losers that ****ing car lolz >< but anyways good stuff man your really chill lolz it was too fun till next time ^^

champ-champs too good man lolz coo chillen wit u

az ppl-it was nice too meet u guys ^^

i think thats about it lolz the weekend was too good too much fun chillen wit everyone was too good XD i got this

notable things



the bathroom at islands

chillen with everyone

oh and everyone who got pringled oh yea!!!!!! lolz its too good i think blitz got pringled wait yes he did...

wait i almost forgot blitz whod u lose to again oh u lost to me LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL ^^ jk man.......or am i LOL


Smash Cadet
Dec 21, 2005
san diego, ca
ugh...were u the one who destroyed me with dk in that mm? :dizzy:

if only i knew dk was good against fast fallers :cry:

edit: this comment was for squall >.<


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2003
San Dimas Ca
LoL This **** was TOO fun man. It was so **** good to visit SD. <3 you all.

Shoutouts go to

DSF - Crazy **** man for the fun days with the goldslogger and Jose Cuervo

Joe - lol ****ing pringles man. That **** makes me laugh too much

Champ - Man this guy was clowning so hard on blitz and Joe. Thanks for coming champ, you made the time more fun

Caotic - man running that tourny was chaotic @_@ lol. Thanks for housing us bro. Fun times with my favorite Aussie.

Pha - Didn't get to hang out too much this time but it's always a pleasure having you around.

Zack - LoL -_- at that match. You got me panicking the first match after that reset. Good stuff.

Black Mamba - I can't believe you and dsf took us out in teams XD lol fun times.

Wolf and Inks - Good stuff hanging out afterwards. I don't get to hang out with you guys after smash much but you guys are so friendly and social when you're not "in the zone" of smash.

Hugo - LoL this guy got pandatrated! Good stuff in singles, teams, crews. Looks like i needa to go to the practice boards again.

Edreese - You play so much different than when I first played you. I need some training sessions with you bro. If you can come down, hit me up on AIM or something.

Tavo & Cecilia - I rarely get to see you guys anymore. Thanks for stopping by because you guys really did lighten up my day =D

Romeo - This guy is too funny. Too bady I won't be seeing you at June 3rd

Blitz - PRINGLES!!!!!!!!!! Man i wanna see you guys team.

Ricketey - You've improved man, perhaps next time you can show me what you've learned.

Azn lep - nice hair man. I know you didn't place quite like you hoped for. Now here comes the motivation and passion to want to get better.

To the rest of SD and anyone else I missed <3 you all!


Peace and Love
Nov 2, 2003
San Diego Love! ♥
I'm so sleepy!
Great triweekly everyone, I really enjoyed it a lot.

First of all, I'm sorry I played like poop today, especially during the warm-ups and friendlies.

Cao, thanks for hosting this man, I really appreciate all you do for the San Diego scene. I'm sorry you were getting a little stressed during the event, maybe I can help you with running things somehow! :]

Edrees, Nice seeing you again, always a pleasure talking or playing with you. :]

Oops, great seeing you again, I hope to see you at the Esco tournament!

Pha, we rule at teams! Not as much as team Underdog, though. We can be Team Underpuppy!

Goose, Sorry I sucked in teams. But those friendlies were awesome!

Goldenmuffin, change your biography! hee just playing. you're really good, I need other characters besides Jigglypuff who can beat your Fox.

Zack, DK and Jigglypuff love! I wanna get a set in with you, post Ken training style. :]

Goldenmuffin, change your biography! ;-) but seriously, you kids are pretty good.

Vietgamer, you're good! I hope to see you at Esco.

StealthYoshi, heee<3 Sheik love. Next time we'll do a Doc v. Yoshi 2.

Knifey, sooo good! I can't believe I barely got that win over you. Come to Esco so we can have a set together! I gotta step up my game and pray for no off day when i play you.

Hugs! Thanks for 4 stocking me :]

Hobbes, you beat Pat? dang boy, now I'm starting to think the last time we played i won by luck. I say a set between us is in order!

And there was that kid that I showed where the snack shack was, and we played some games, I'm sorry i forgot your name but it was nice meeting you man! :]

Abyss, crazy puff! I knew I shouldn't have used my rust-o-marth against you! When you beat me first round i got scared! It took some clutch Sheik play to barely beat you. eeep.

Chuck Norris, good stuff man. Thanks for reminding me why I shouldn't use Peach in singles :-P Again, thanks to boring Sheik for the clutch win!

Champ, it was a pleasure meeting you, and I look forward to seeing/hanging out/playing you again. Super Champ Combo!

And to all the people I got to meet, or speak with, thanks for being so friendly and for making San Diego the loving place it is :]


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2006
ROFL Meyoulou you told to change my bio twice and it's been changed for like the past month LOL

So I'm really good and vietgamer1021's just plain good? I think something's up with that, but whatever.


Peace and Love
Nov 2, 2003
San Diego Love! ♥
Goldenmuffin said:
ROFL Meyoulou you told to change my bio twice and it's been changed for like the past month LOL

So I'm really good and vietgamer1021's just plain good? I think something's up with that, but whatever.

lol, thanks for pointing that out :-P

I was writing the first half of the shout outs yesterday, then something came up and I haven't had the chance to go back to the computer until this morning. And the change the bio was only joking about being best "Fox-user" in this world of Gooses, Zacks, and Phas. :-P

eeep, so strict with wording some people are! :-P
vietgamer, you are the man! much better than any muffin i know, no matter how golden! :-P

Edit: Goldenmuffin, you're not really good at all.



Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2005
Best Muffin in SD, can't compete with that :p.

When the tri weeklies return I'll probably be playing a lot of Sheik, Falco, and Link, as I need my secondaries to get stronger in the case I need to counter a character.


Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2004
Southern California (818) San fernando valley
Hey guys i had a great time. Sorry for my low tier shout outs, but it was great meeting the new people and seeing the familiar faces once again.

I didn't mean to get upset about the poker thing, it's just that we lived so far and I was the ONLY person who had work the next morning so you guys should understand why i was the only one who wasn't down with getting home at 3:30 am. Plus i didn't know this was a plan otherwise i would have made sure to plan around it before being in san diego. I'm always down to chill after tournies but I usually tend to have responsibilities to take care of the very next day and tournies are usually at least 1 hour from where i live.

I ALWAYS chill after tournies out of state...you know why? Cuz im relieved of all responsibilities at that point just as many of you guys are when u manage to chill all night. So sorry once again.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2006
So...just curious and bored...who all's goin' to the ESCO tourney?

EDIT: Oh, and if you want to know where my name came from, go to this site: Legendaryfrog.net and watch the movies there. They're great.


Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2005
I'm probably going to Esco.

Lol, this thread always gets so off topic in between tri weeklies.


Smash Champion
Aug 16, 2004
pha - where was my san diego love haha. I didn't see u much at all but oh well maybe next time.

oops - u're getting better it seems. Kepp it up and u'll be unstoppable soon.

pat - see what happens when u use ice climbers? Other people cheap u out haha. Still u did great thoguh so good job.

caotic - thanks a whole bunch for housing us caotic. I had a great time there and the tourney ran very smoothly.

edrees - ok next time u come up with the name but i'm telling u now that I have to approve it first. Link < Ganon, Falco > Ganon, Mario = Ganon. Haha good stuff in ur placing too

hugo - U dun need to apoligize about saturday man it's all cool. You took everything and even 16 stock people haha. I only 7 stock some1 I think so =( Good job though and islands was awsome. Wheat is no good

Wolf - U owe Tavo a dollar alright? It was great seeing u at the tourney so I'm sure I'll see u again. Gotta represent at mlg ya?

inks - islands was fun but too bad u didn't paly poker at the end too. See u at june 3rd possibly?

Gus - I won u a dolalr from wolf so get it from him ok? It was a surprise that u were coming and u beat peaches so yay. Keep it up man and see u soon.

DSF - This guy is too funny haha. That story we hear at ngiht was crazy huh. Hopefully I'll see u at june 3rd if Joe pick us up.

Jay - U love using the restroom like no other man. Still I want to see this master poker that u're talknig about. Next time show me what u got ok? Oh give us rides alright Joe? U got this =)

Romeo - haha u should stay calm when we were at caotic's hosue haha. U were gonig crazy haha. Good job on ur palcing and keep it up. U got this

Blitz - Winning poker is way too good. Forget smash right? Dun let people discourage u man u'll getting better so keep palying ur best.

Panda - Thansk for giving us a ride and no thanks for making us stay awake haha =p Well too bad ur partner didn't show up but yeah next time u'll palce better right? Thanks again for the ride

This was a great triweekly and I'll try to attend mroe during my summer break. Later all

Wesley Wicked

Smash Apprentice
Feb 9, 2006
San Diego, Mira Mesa

we missed this one!! cause we had a bunch going on the date of the triweekly (adrian you and your crazy prom)

grr this past triweekly seemed especialy sickk too!


Smash Champion
May 25, 2005
San Diego, CA
Yeah... this was pretty much the biggest tri weekly ever. Oh wellz, you can still get a taste of it at ESCO June 17th.


Smash Rookie
May 17, 2006
socal for life
You guys will have to pardon my naivety, but can somebody please give me specifics/info on esco so i dont have to rely on hungover shinta -_-


Smash Champion
May 25, 2005
San Diego, CA
WTF Pha's already a Smash Director! I'm Jealous, holdin' my own tourney and helpin out at tri weekliez and still nothin! LOL. Remember to sign up for MLG Anaheim: THere are less than 100 spots left in singles o.O!!!


Smash Journeyman
Feb 12, 2006
San Diego, CA
If it in July this gives me enough time to become some what of a threat in the next tourny. Oh man I only had this game for about 3 months, dang it man!!! I need about 4 years of epx and quick.
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