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San Antonio Brawl Thread: "K Prime's a ******" - Paw, 2014

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Smash Hero
Mar 25, 2009
Knowing him, he is laughing at them while ignoring them. I love that guy.

He just responded to me, yea he's ignoring yall lax10mo


Smash Hero
Sep 18, 2006
SA-Town, Texas
Aight Austin, read your VM on his wall.

I'm complaining because of the painfully "********" use of your locking ability. In response to it not being a social thread, that may be true. It's not listed as such.
His use of locking the thread wasn't "********".
"Future issues handled with longer/permanent close times" is simply going by site regulations.
Threads that continually go off topic after previous closures are def grounds for perm locks.

However, any time spent in that thread would make readily apparent the non-strict posting allowed in there.
I'm guessing that he skimmed through the recent pages and saw enough off topic spam.
Whether or not the thread has been non-strict, it's still supposed to stay on topic.

Further, have you had an actual complaint? Or is this simply your discretion because you're "not feeling the topic is fitting"? If you haven't had a complaint, then I find it laughable that one person should have the authority to close a thread that's so frequented by many others.
It doesn't matter if he received a complaint or not.
If he sees off-topic discussion going on in the thread, he's obligated to take action.
Admins have the power to make that decision, regardless of how many people frequent the thread.

We have done nothing warranting it, and I certainly hope this whole mess wasn't caused because a few select individuals have issues with a cartoon show being popular.
The pony thread has warranted it recently.
Just me doing a quck skim of recent posts, I saw:

This is a pretty good example.
I'm guilty of trying it in the TXPR thread once or twice, but it's immediately shot down by mods.
This is only one of the many examples of off-topic discussion going on, which is honestly just spam.

The MLP thread has had lots of spam, which is off-topic and doesnt pertain to the thread.
If it was purely a social thread, then this wouldn't be a problem.
However, it's not.
You guys know these rules clearer than anybody.
When the SA thread was tired of the MLP talk, the bronys brought up that, this being a social thread, was perfectly fine for MLP talk.
Was really gay for the rest of us who dont want to read it, but it was technically allowed, so nothing was done.

I do understand the argument of there being no warning.
Most mods do warn topics about spam/off-topic discussion before closure.
So yea, I sort of hear where you guys are coming from.
I'm not exactly familiar with the exact rules for mods.
If a warning isn't required (K Prime or Espy can confirm if such a rule exists)
then it's just a matter of tough luck and that you have nothing on Xivii.
If a warning is required under these conditions, then you have an argument against both mods involved.
I guess that's what it comes down to in the end :/

Trying to put myself in your shoes, regarding the disrespect part.
Feel like there was absolutely nothing disrespectful about Xivii's post.
Seemed more like a firm warning.
Obv just a POV thing, though.

One last thing.
I could be wrong this whole time.
From what I gather, you guys support that off-topic discussion is fine.
While I believe that's technically wrong, it might just be due to a technicality.
The difference between "MLP General" and "MLP Social".
If General thread's are allowed to be Social threads as well, then I'm wasting my time lol.
Would also mean that 654564534's of threads could make an argument that social discussion is fine.
Yea, would def get that cleared up.
In fact, there's a Q&A Thread that's perfect for this: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=64734
Jan 30, 2010
Carousel Boutique, Texas
Aight Austin, read your VM on his wall.

His use of locking the thread wasn't "********".
"Future issues handled with longer/permanent close times" is simply going by site regulations.
Threads that continually go off topic after previous closures are def grounds for perm locks.

I'm guessing that he skimmed through the recent pages and saw enough off topic spam.
Whether or not the thread has been non-strict, it's still supposed to stay on topic.

It doesn't matter if he received a complaint or not.
If he sees off-topic discussion going on in the thread, he's obligated to take action.
Admins have the power to make that decision, regardless of how many people frequent the thread.

The pony thread has warranted it recently.
Just me doing a quck skim of recent posts, I saw:

This is a pretty good example.
I'm guilty of trying it in the TXPR thread once or twice, but it's immediately shot down by mods.
This is only one of the many examples of off-topic discussion going on, which is honestly just spam.

The MLP thread has had lots of spam, which is off-topic and doesnt pertain to the thread.
If it was purely a social thread, then this wouldn't be a problem.
However, it's not.
You guys know these rules clearer than anybody.
When the SA thread was tired of the MLP talk, the bronys brought up that, this being a social thread, was perfectly fine for MLP talk.
Was really gay for the rest of us who dont want to read it, but it was technically allowed, so nothing was done.

I do understand the argument of there being no warning.
Most mods do warn topics about spam/off-topic discussion before closure.
So yea, I sort of hear where you guys are coming from.
I'm not exactly familiar with the exact rules for mods.
If a warning isn't required (K Prime or Espy can confirm if such a rule exists)
then it's just a matter of tough luck and that you have nothing on Xivii.
If a warning is required under these conditions, then you have an argument against both mods involved.
I guess that's what it comes down to in the end :/

Trying to put myself in your shoes, regarding the disrespect part.
Feel like there was absolutely nothing disrespectful about Xivii's post.
Seemed more like a firm warning.
Obv just a POV thing, though.

One last thing.
I could be wrong this whole time.
From what I gather, you guys support that off-topic discussion is fine.
While I believe that's technically wrong, it might just be due to a technicality.
The difference between "MLP General" and "MLP Social".
If General thread's are allowed to be Social threads as well, then I'm wasting my time lol.
Would also mean that 654564534's of threads could make an argument that social discussion is fine.
Yea, would def get that cleared up.
In fact, there's a Q&A Thread that's perfect for this: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=64734
Cool story bro.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2010
Knowing him, he is laughing at them while ignoring them. I love that guy.

He just responded to me, yea he's ignoring yall lax10mo
Suspect... lax10mo broke me. XD

And Nike, you're so wrong it hurts. Discuss this with me and Espy in person tomorrow? The logic behind this whole thing is flawed, and the paranoia of other threads being allowed to become "social" is absurd.

We talked about Football in the Basketball thread, and not one bit of it was off-topic, it was a community discussing relevant interests. Social vs General is the dumbest thing I've heard since I don't even know what.

This is because of people genuinely putting a stigma on MLP, and I was cool with it until this happened. It's absurd. Mods aren't gods, they're just (in general) easier to hurt in the butt.

Now leave this out of the SA thread guys, I'm just gonna' ignore it.


Smash Hero
Sep 18, 2006
SA-Town, Texas
EDIT: NVM, I'll post it here.

Austin, you just said I'm wrong without really pointing out why.
(I'll be busy tmrw :( )
If General vs Social is the dumbest thing ever, why?
What's the difference between the two?
It's pretty relevant, considering it's the exact reason why the thread was closed.

Espy, why am I silly?

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
Because you're arguing about something that doesn't belong in here.
Like Maan said, this isn't really the place for it. We can discuss this, and how you're wrong about Marth beating Sonic, whenever we all meet again.

Plus, we just finished a nearly 3-4 hour long discussion concerning the issue. Your points are nothing we haven't already talked about, and I'm not sure about Max10n, but I'm too damn tired to really care about it enough right now to discuss it all over again.


Smash Hero
Sep 18, 2006
SA-Town, Texas
Idk when I'll see everyone again, super busy with skool :(
I'm totally alright with being wrong if it's a forum issue, but I'd like to at least know why instead of
"Your so wrong it hurts" or "Nikes silly" when I bring up a legit debate.
Shoot me a PM if you can.

And now my post looks dum since you keep editing yours lol.


Smash Ace
May 16, 2010
under the sun
Suspect... lax10mo broke me. XD

And Nike, you're so wrong it hurts. Discuss this with me and Espy in person tomorrow? The logic behind this whole thing is flawed, and the paranoia of other threads being allowed to become "social" is absurd.

We talked about Football in the Basketball thread, and not one bit of it was off-topic, it was a community discussing relevant interests. Social vs General is the dumbest thing I've heard since I don't even know what.

This is because of people genuinely putting a stigma on MLP, and I was cool with it until this happened. It's absurd. Mods aren't gods, they're just (in general) easier to hurt in the butt.

Now leave this out of the SA thread guys, I'm just gonna' ignore it.

How is touching espy's nose mlp related?someone touches espys nose then a bunch of ppl start spamming "touch espys nose" the mod see this and locks the tread for being off topic/spam then the admin see this isnt the first time the thread has been locked before locks it longer as punishment/procedure. I too am curious too know if a mod has to issue a warning before closing a thread for spam/offtopic. Espy? Kprime? Ziggy? Anyone?





Alicorn or not, my mane mare, my unicorn, Twilight
May 18, 2007
San Antonio, TX
It was a nose-goes to find suggestive themes of a specific character.

And then he scrunched up his nose like another character and then everypony went ballistic over it. (Shrug)

Things, that the public as a whole would probably never understand.

Needs more meat and plans for this month.


Disney Film Director
Oct 4, 2008
Burbank, CA
That's okay, at least my Facebook page doesn't get Egg Spammed by Polt. :)

Also KoN, mods can lock stuff without warning. When you sign up for the site, you're supposed to read and accept the site rules. Some mods are more lenient on locking/infracting.
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