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Samus's Rivals...Who gets the SSBB spot?


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
The thread wasn't in ruins, but it was failing IMO.

Remember, if you don't actually say who you are adding points to, I will not adjust the tally. I counted the latest two entries and will post the updated list after the next time I see someone put their two cents in.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
Well then, I believe the score should look a bit like this now:

A Metroid 2
A Space Pirate 1
Dark Samus 15
Kanden 0
Kraid 0
Noxus 1
Ridley 20
Spire 0
Sylux 2
The Hunters(General) 0
Trace 0
Weavel 3

Shadenexus, I might have saved your degenerating thread for a page or two, but ultimately someone else(maybe yourself) needs to introduce a new topic or this thread will be chaos again.:chuckle:

EDIT: Also, would it be safe to assume that I can ditch the following categories?: The Hunters(General) and Kraid, one would generally pick a hunter, and Kraid is a no no to me.
I'm pondering that right as we speak. I'm gonna create the ultimate thread one of these days. Anyway, thanks again for saving my thread. Appreciate it Rhyme.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
The New Updated List:

A Metroid 2
A Space Pirate 2
Dark Samus 21
Kanden 0
Noxus 1
Ridley 32
Spire 0
Sylux 2
Trace 0
Weavel 5

I think I have gotten what I wanted out of this list, the majority of people favor Ridley then Dark Samus...this will not change. I will continue updating the list so people can continue to voice their opinions.

DO we have to split our votes? If we don't then all ridley, if we do then 3 Ridley 2 DS 1 space pirate.
Yes, we have to split our votes, as per the rules.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Yay colour change to red FTW! I don't have anything to talk about :ohwell: :urg: so.... about that boat sex....


Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2006
Okay, here's my argumented opinion, with the lowest point ammount to the highest.

Now first of all, the reason why I didn't vote for the rest is because they are either not as important and interesting or too "generic", with which I mean, there are just more of them, and more kinds of them. While this applies for Yoshi as well, Yoshi is a different case, seeing as we all know just one Yoshi, and that is the green Yoshi. At least the green Yoshi is iconic for a Yoshi.

Now for the people I do vote for here are they.

The one with one point goes to a hunter who could have an interesting moveset, mainly because of his ability to split up. He also isn't restricted to long-range, seeing as his blade could also be used. In the game Weavel never uses the blade in his normal form, only in his alternative form, Halfturret, which works better for the game's mechanics, but it would make Weavel a more interesting character if he had both good melee attacks as well as long ranged attacks. However, Weavel does suffer from the same problems as most who didn't make it, because he so far has only featured in one game.

Next, the person with two points. The main problem I see with this character is that people could confuse this one as a clone character, however, this character could have more unique moves, even though this character looks just like Samus. Dark Samus comes better out as a Phazon user, and we know what Phazon can do to creatures. We also know what powers it grants the dark version of our beloved hero. This character comes second because so far it only featured in two games, which are Metroid Prime 2: Echoes and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption.

Last but not least, for three points, it's the most iconic character for the Metroid series besides Samus and the actual Metroids themselves. Although his size could be troublesome (even though they could resize him), we know Ridley stands a better chance than any of the other candidates. Nobody can deny the fact that Samus' biggest rival is Ridley, and nobody can deny that Ridley does belong in Smash. And the size issure? I bet Sakurai can find something for it.


Smash Ace
Jan 7, 2007
Managua, Nicaragua
Dark Samus is Metroid Prime as for its moveset is completely diferent from Samus i agree with Ridley he is the most deserving character to appear in brawl hope we get more characters from metroid they are too cool.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Dark Samus is losing by 11? Unbelieveable! This doesn't change anything cause DS is still going all the way to Brawl.
I'm feeling for ya'. It's the ignorance of the general population I swear! :laugh: /jp

I almost expected Dark Samus to loose, but not by so much. Who votes for anyone besides Ridley before DS?!? It's bad enough that you don't like DS, but placing anyone other than Ridley before DS is simply disgraceful.:(

I also would like to point out that I didn't break the rules because I addressed no one specifically. Just SOME PEOPLE who shall remain nameless.


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2004
Boulder Creek, CA.
Can a Dark Samus supporter give me a reason not related to popularity or assumed popularity (including awsomeness, coolness or anything else?) that Ridley does not trump?


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
Kaid: Thank you.

I'm interested in seeing this answer, too. And don't pull the 'he's too big' stuff, as we all know he can be easily sized down. Give us something tangible.


Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2006
Can a Dark Samus supporter give me a reason not related to popularity or assumed popularity (including awsomeness, coolness or anything else?) that Ridley does not trump?
Actually, Rhyme has said that it was understandable that Dark Samus would be trumped by Ridley, but unforgivable that Dark Samus would be favoured for other, less deserving characters.

Or, something more English. You get what I mean.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Is Ridley too big?
*Looks at the close to Samus tall Ridley in SSBM intro*

Nope, Ridley is the right size.

So do we need more Samus shaped things with Zero running around?
I don't think so.

So I think Ridley should get in. . .( almost by default for being the most reappearing MP character out-side of Samus yet still being very much different to her)


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
I say ridley has to get in, dont give me the Hes too big crap, he has a good size in melee intro, why not used that??... seriously, anyway I SO want dark samus, and please, PLEASE dont give me Hes gonna be a samus clone...:

Dark samus has:
Phazon beam
Phazon meteor dive
Phazon shield
Phazon boost ball
Phazon spreader
phazon chage kamehameha-like attack (can be done twice with one charge)

Do i need to continue? the guy is made of phazon, HES UNIQUE!...

Also im hopin sylux makes it, tough I say 2 hunters should make it in, one from MP hunters, and one of the many hunters said to be in MP3, one of those is rundus, ice-type attack hunter...

so that would be:
D. samus
hunter 1
hunter 2

6 characters, a tad too much, but not bad for a series not well represented in smash for the past 2 games...


Smash Champion
Oct 19, 2006
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
so that would be:
D. samus
hunter 1
hunter 2

6 characters, a tad too much, but not bad for a series not well represented in smash for the past 2 games...
Zamus dosn't count as a seperat character. just an addition to an already existing one. there's only five.


Smash Lord
Feb 18, 2006
Where that boomerang came from
I think there's absolutely no doubt whatsoever that Ridley will not be in SSBB. Evidence? Well, in the beginning of the SSBM opening scene, it shows Samus battling with a workable Ridley that could have well been in SSBM. My conclusion is that they wanted to add Ridley to SSBM, ran out of time, and put his model in the opening movie.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
so that would be:
D. samus
hunter 1
hunter 2

6 characters, a tad too much, but not bad for a series not well represented in smash for the past 2 games...
I'm gonna leave the rest out because I agree with you on this one. Metroid is deffinately underrepped...in Melee there were 6 Mushroom Kingdom characters, 4 Zelda characters and 1 Metroid character!?! Wtf! Metroid could use a few more, make it Samus, ZSS, Ridley, DS and no one would complain...I think.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Well, to be fair, the Metroid world is not as developed as the Mushroom kingdom. In fact, that's part of the appeal.

Mario Bros has always been about Mario taking the role of the hero. Even when he wasn't, like in Mario is Missing or Luigi's Mansion, he was only not there because he was off being the hero earlier in the day. So, since the world is vast and infinite, they started adding more characters - his faithful mount Yoshi, his brother Luigi, old rival Wario, Bowser's kid Bowser Jr., the Koopa Kids, Daisy and Peach, etc etc etc.

Meanwhile Metroid has always been about the solitude and isolation - You, Samus, versus everything that Ridley, Mother Brain, Kraid, Crocomire, and the like can throw at you. The rivals are only there to prove as a barrier to keep you from finishing the game fast. Whenever they started adding in rivals and allies, it produced sequels that people didn't like as much (Metroid Fusion, Metroid Prime: Hunters)

Anyway, yeah, /rant off.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Well, to be fair, the Metroid world is not as developed as the Mushroom kingdom. In fact, that's part of the appeal.

Mario Bros has always been about Mario taking the role of the hero. Even when he wasn't, like in Mario is Missing or Luigi's Mansion, he was only not there because he was off being the hero earlier in the day. So, since the world is vast and infinite, they started adding more characters - his faithful mount Yoshi, his brother Luigi, old rival Wario, Bowser's kid Bowser Jr., the Koopa Kids, Daisy and Peach, etc etc etc.

Meanwhile Metroid has always been about the solitude and isolation - You, Samus, versus everything that Ridley, Mother Brain, Kraid, Crocomire, and the like can throw at you. The rivals are only there to prove as a barrier to keep you from finishing the game fast. Whenever they started adding in rivals and allies, it produced sequels that people didn't like as much (Metroid Fusion, Metroid Prime: Hunters)

Anyway, yeah, /rant off.
At least it was a logically presented rant, not like some of the other crap you could potentially find on Smashboards. If they would add that many more Mushroom Kingdom characters, the least Nintendo could do is put in 2 more Metroid characters. I know part of the atmosphere of Metroid is the unknown, but as far as Metroid's importance to Nintendo, few other franchises outmatch it. That is why I would like to see more Metroid characters.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Yeah, sure the mario series is, without a doubt, the most important of nintendos franchise, MAYBE 2nd next to zelda, but I consider it to be number 1, anyway, back when smash 64 was released, metroid have died down a bit, yes, but by popular demand they decided to make more metroid games, by the time melee was released, metroid series status was quite about the same, but then after metroid prime, the fan base grew considerably, metroid fusion helped, it wasnt the best metroid, but I found it to be my fav. GBA game, then came along MP2, the fanbase grew even more, know Metroid is one of the 3 most important series of nintendo, along with mario and zelda, the other series are good, like pkmn, SF, and other, but they dont have that hype like the 1st 3 previously mentioned series have when a game is going to release, such did TP, and thus hype that galaxy and corruption has right now, so my point is this:
Metroid now being incredibly popular, the franchise most be well represented in brawl, hell if they had 6 mario characters in melee, and 5 zelda (counting sheik), and with the roster of brawl being bigger in brawl, why not have 7-8 mario characters, 6 zeldas, and 6 metroids, cause the series was badly represented b4, it most be represented well now, smash has a way of makin series more famous, just like they did with metroid, earthbound, FE, and others, with the inclution of pit in brawl, I believe the kid icarus series will become famous yet again, and maybe, a new game will be released...

thats my 2 cents by the way XD...


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2004
Boulder Creek, CA.
It's not that METROID had died down... after Super Metroid, Gunpei Yokai (sp?), father of Samus and the Game Boy, died in a car crash.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Yeah i know, but they could have continued the series, in N64... but they didnt... so for some years, yes it died down, I know about the death, still u would think after his death a few years l8r, miyamoto or someone could have made a metroid game...

either way u get the idea in my other post...


May 15, 2006
1. Dark Samus
2. Kanden
3. Ridley

Who is Kanden again? (Point: If I(read: big Video game nerd almost to a pretentious level who makes it his business to know the stories and legacies of particular franchises) don't know who the heck a video game character is offhand, your argument is fundamentally flawed)

Oh. One of the Hunters. And not even one of the popular hunters at that. If you look earlier in the thread you'll know how I feel about the Hunters so I wont dwell. Argument is still on.

EDIT OF SHAME: Wait a minute! Oh! We're not arguing anyway, HA! We're voting! Hey. You leave a thread alone for a week or two and suddenly you're outta the loop.

Okay. If I understand the rules correctly, Ridly gets my "3," DS (For lack of any other character I could possibly want) gets my "2," and "The Hunters (As one entity) get my 1. I can't separate them from eachother enough to justify voting for one hunter specifically, but they are a better fit than Kraid.

Sorry about that BobbyHobbes. I didn't realize you were voting.


May 15, 2006
If you really want to know a little more about the hunters:

No, no. I played Hunters. I know Hunters. I just didn't enjoy Hunters. Hunters is Nintendo trying to cash in on America's blind love of the FPS. Hunters is empty characterization and wasted potential. Hunters is lame, redundant boss fights on nearly every stage. Hunters is a noble (And not entirely unsuccessful, if you use something larger than the tinystylus) experiment with touch-screen control. Hunters is almost an insult, that Retro could take a solid series like Metroid and create such a paper-thin excuse for empty multiplayer matches on the last real console on which a great, final hoorah of a 2D Metroid would be actually feasable. Hunters is one of the few games I ever returned soon after I bought it. I played Hunters, I know Hunters, I just didn't bother memorizing the names of each Xerox copy of Samus they gave me to Kinda play as, but only in multiplayer.

I had such high hopes for that game before it came out. I really thought that this was going to be another "story" Metroid, like Fusion. I thought that the Hunters were going to be more important to the plot beyond "Kill Samus, take crystals." I was actually looking at the pictures and sizing up the more humanoid ones (The ones whose species COULD be human) for potential romantic intrigues with Sammy. But NOOOoooOOOooo... Each character held no more gravity than any other, no character was interesting, ever, except Samus, and thats only because she has so much personality of her own.

No, no. I've played Hunters, I know Hunters, and no sir. I didn't like it.

On that note, feel free to discuss further.

Jazzy Jinx

Jun 22, 2006
Location, Location
Who is Kanden again? (Point: If I(read: big Video game nerd almost to a pretentious level who makes it his business to know the stories and legacies of particular franchises) don't know who the heck a video game character is offhand, your argument is fundamentally flawed)

Oh. One of the Hunters. And not even one of the popular hunters at that. If you look earlier in the thread you'll know how I feel about the Hunters so I wont dwell. Argument is still on.

EDIT OF SHAME: Wait a minute! Oh! We're not arguing anyway, HA! We're voting! Hey. You leave a thread alone for a week or two and suddenly you're outta the loop.

Okay. If I understand the rules correctly, Ridly gets my "3," DS (For lack of any other character I could possibly want) gets my "2," and "The Hunters (As one entity) get my 1. I can't separate them from eachother enough to justify voting for one hunter specifically, but they are a better fit than Kraid.

Sorry about that BobbyHobbes. I didn't realize you were voting.
No, no. I played Hunters. I know Hunters. I just didn't enjoy Hunters. Hunters is Nintendo trying to cash in on America's blind love of the FPS. Hunters is empty characterization and wasted potential. Hunters is lame, redundant boss fights on nearly every stage. Hunters is a noble (And not entirely unsuccessful, if you use something larger than the tinystylus) experiment with touch-screen control. Hunters is almost an insult, that Retro could take a solid series like Metroid and create such a paper-thin excuse for empty multiplayer matches on the last real console on which a great, final hoorah of a 2D Metroid would be actually feasable. Hunters is one of the few games I ever returned soon after I bought it. I played Hunters, I know Hunters, I just didn't bother memorizing the names of each Xerox copy of Samus they gave me to Kinda play as, but only in multiplayer.

I had such high hopes for that game before it came out. I really thought that this was going to be another "story" Metroid, like Fusion. I thought that the Hunters were going to be more important to the plot beyond "Kill Samus, take crystals." I was actually looking at the pictures and sizing up the more humanoid ones (The ones whose species COULD be human) for potential romantic intrigues with Sammy. But NOOOoooOOOooo... Each character held no more gravity than any other, no character was interesting, ever, except Samus, and thats only because she has so much personality of her own.

No, no. I've played Hunters, I know Hunters, and no sir. I didn't like it.

On that note, feel free to discuss further.
Hunters are number 1 on your list? You sir, are one confused individual.

Deleted member

Well, it makes a change to 31 pages of Ridley vs. Dark Samus.

Not that I dislike them at all. Its just...DS is a Samus clone (obviously), and Ridley is a huge boss (IMO; I know about 100 pages worth of stuff has been written against this, but this is what I think, k?)

I support weird people. Period.

Jazzy Jinx

Jun 22, 2006
Location, Location
Well, it makes a change to 31 pages of Ridley vs. Dark Samus.

Not that I dislike them at all. Its just...DS is a Samus clone (obviously), and Ridley is a huge boss (IMO; I know about 100 pages worth of stuff has been written against this, but this is what I think, k?)

I support weird people. Period.
Wrong! DS is not a Samus clone.

People argue that she is and it makes me sad that I have to restate my points repeatedly. Here is a point/counter point argument for your enjoyment.

DS is a Samus Clone!

No she is not. She has several different moves warranting her own moveset. These moves include a dive bomb, more powerful morph ball, phazon spreader, and several other interesting moves.

She has the same structure!

So. Ganondorf and C. Falcon have the same structure, Peach and Zelda have the same structure, Kirby and Jiggz have the same structure. It doesn't matter.

She is just another Samus!

Wrong! She is Metroid Prime. An entirely different character I might add which is a lot better then Dr. Mario and Young Link (both of whom where the same character as already exisisting characters in game).

Why can't a Metroid Hunter be in instead?

Because they are clones. At least DS has her own moves. The hunters merely mimick already exisisting moves.

Why can't Ridley be in?

Put them both in. Zelda has four characters (five if you count Shiek). Besides, the Metroid franchise is growing and it was underrepresented in the past games. Time to make up for it.

She is too minor.

She is the main villian in Metroid Prime 1, 2, & 3. Ridley wasn't.

She sucks!

Great argument. (sarcasm)

Deleted member

Dude, IMO only.

DS is a clone ingame, in the same way that SAX is.

Jazzy Jinx

Jun 22, 2006
Location, Location
Then I will use the "Just opinion" argument and whisper that you are wrong.

Literal clone, not melee-esque clone. And even then she is still Metroid Prime. The SA-X where flat out clones unlike Metroid Prime who simply uses DNA.


May 15, 2006
Hunters are number 1 on your list? You sir, are one confused individual.
Wait, what? I thought it was going by points. 3 points is good and 1 is highly indifferent. I guess I got confused about the voting. If thats the case I change my vote so Ridly is in the lead and Hunters are last. I still hate the hunters though.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Its ok that u dont like her/him/it, but u cant say it would be a clone, DS has attacks that samus doesnt, like the dive bomb, and the spreader... DS can be unique, so that goes 4 everyone that says they'll be clones...
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