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Samus's Rivals...Who gets the SSBB spot?


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Dark Samus basically looks like a Samus clone. While I haven't seen it in-game, I do know that it's not. First of all every attack Dark Samus does is Phazon-based. Now I don't know if Dark Samus uses rockets, but if it does, they would be Phazon-rockets. Dark Samus also has somewhat the ability to fly, a thing Samus does not have. I also believe that Phazon creatures have additional tentacles, but I'm not sure.

Those were sexy images.

Anyway, I just got a great idea. You know what would rock for Dark Samus? If they made her Super Smash the rocket-projectile attack, and eliminated all of her ranged attacks. That way they could make her poisonous, meaning grabbing her gave you a DOT not unlike the Lip Stick (But much shorter, and didn't stack), and any attack would give you 'phazon burn'. Running into her wireframe would DOT you as well, which would make it tricky considering certain DS players would just hover on top of you and keep you 'burning' for as long as possible.

It'd add a whole new level to fighting someone with Samus' weight and floatability, because not only could you not grab or run into her, but your attacks would have to be aimed correctly to avoid being burned.

****, that would be ****ing awesome!

And before someone comes back with "OMG TOO POWERFUL," keep in mind this is only a theory, and it'd require alot of revamping before it'd be a finished product. You can't deny that it would be bad ***.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2006
Right here with you... in your heart.
That WOULD be pretty awesome. Maybe, to keep it from becoming unbalanced, the time at which DS does this will be limited.
For instance, one of DS' moves could be that horrible Phazon tackle she used in MP2. The attack has a long cool down, so for a brief duration after the attack (maybe until just after the cool down time ends) DS radiates Phazon. Anyone who comes in contact with her is damaged by it, thus discouraging retailiating. Sort of like the stars after Yoshi's ground pound, only more evil.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
I was thinking that she would have her standard wireframe, and there would be a 'glow' around her, like the Phazon within her body trying to escape. Touching this causes a very light DOT.

The radiation itself, of course, would change drastically depending on what she's doing (Special attacks, standard attacks, jumping, etc).. I figure it'd be a cool and innovative character quality to add to a game like Smash.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2006

Those were sexy images.

Anyway, I just got a great idea. You know what would rock for Dark Samus? If they made her Super Smash the rocket-projectile attack, and eliminated all of her ranged attacks. That way they could make her poisonous, meaning grabbing her gave you a DOT not unlike the Lip Stick (But much shorter, and didn't stack), and any attack would give you 'phazon burn'. Running into her wireframe would DOT you as well, which would make it tricky considering certain DS players would just hover on top of you and keep you 'burning' for as long as possible.

It'd add a whole new level to fighting someone with Samus' weight and floatability, because not only could you not grab or run into her, but your attacks would have to be aimed correctly to avoid being burned.

****, that would be ****ing awesome!

And before someone comes back with "OMG TOO POWERFUL," keep in mind this is only a theory, and it'd require alot of revamping before it'd be a finished product. You can't deny that it would be bad ***.
Ignoring my opinions on DS right now, and speaking from a purely objective standpoint: That idea, while very original and intriguing, sucks. Any character that would cause damage simply by being touched would instantly become broken beyond that which any tweaking, revamping, or fixing could ever repair. It doesn't matter how little damage, or for how long. Getting damaged just by touching your oponent sounds like total bull, IMO. You did put a lot of thought into it, though. Very nice job on that.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Ignoring my opinions on DS right now, and speaking from a purely objective standpoint: That idea, while very original and intriguing, sucks.
And from a purely objective standpoint: You're an *******. You could have said a million different things relating to how overpowered it would be, but nope! Not for Hidden Tiger! You just had to tell me how ****ty my idea is, because that has everything to do with theoretical game physics and balance points.

To the ignore list you go.


Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2006

Those were sexy images.
Yeah, unfortunately the rest isn't as sexy, IMO. But that's probably because I didn't have to put a lot of effort in it.

Also, MiraiGen didn't say the ability was on all the time, only when that certain ability has been used, and it had a limited time, which would not make Dark Samus overpowered. So yeah, you're a tool.

Anyway, let's go on with the hunters. The main problem with the hunters though is the fact that they so far have only featured in one game. However, they could all work, one better than the other.

Now for every hunter, it would be best to have them use the alternate attack for Down+B. It would work out better anyway. They also have the advantage, like Samus, of being able to dodge roll trough small spaces. Not that it's useful or anything.

Trace has an advantage of being invisible when not moving for a short while. While this is practically useless in Brawl, it should be a feature which can stay. Of course Trace has to use the Imperialist (sniper), a heavy damager, but show to reload. In the time it loads it should also disable other movement. He mostly relies on the Imperialist and his Triskelion form, so most attacks would either be based on the Triskelion or the Imperialist. Because of its claws he could also use some vicous punches to puncture trough armor, but I think that long-distance is more of his specialty.

Weavel has some advantages. His Halfturret is a unique ability, which could come in handy. However, his upper half would be twice as light, so that he could be knocked out quicker. Another disadvantage would be his lower part, which, when attacked, also causes damage. As an upside, his upper side will only get half the damage, or even no damage at all if necessary. So basically, Weavel has two sets of attacks. One as a whole, and one as Halfturret. His blade could be used by both forms, though. His weapon of choice is the Battlehammer, which could also work in Brawl. As a downside, he can't charge the Battlehammer, making it less strong than the other weapons. When holding B however, it will rapidly shoot, and you can control its shooting arc when holding B. It has a very short recovery time.

Sylux has an alternative form, Lockjaw, which could be rather similar to Samus' attack, in which it lays mines. However, these mines won't disappear immediately like the bombs Samus throws, but after a short time, or when three mines get placed. Everyone within the three mines will get shocked. His Shock Coil, another electric-based attack, can be used in various ways, even to ignite a third jump.

Spire's Magmaul could be a powerful fire-based attack. His size could indicate enormous strengths, so he might even get some strong melee attacks. A big problem forms his Dialanche. Its attack is just a bunch of rocks floating around it. However, it could work as Jigglypuff's Rollout, with an added feature of being able to climb walls while the attack lasts.

A cool feature for Noxus is his Judicator, which can litterally ice the opponent. As with Spire, his alternative form, Vhoscythe, would be a melee attack. To make it more unique however, it could somewhat act like Yoshi's Egg Roll in that it will move one direction, but its direction can be changed. Using B during this attack extends his blades, giving him a wider range, and causing knockbacks.

Kanden has a rather useless weapon, the Volt Driver, because it blurs the vision of the opponent. So, to give it some added use, it could just stun the opponent for a very short while. To avoid immediate attacks from Kanden, he has a reload time, which is maybe less short than the stun, but long enough to give the opponent some time to recover. Stinglarva is the hardest one to find something for, seeing as it does drop exploding tail segments, but it's kind of useless. Maybe it could give a short knock upwards.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Those hunters don't sound as good as I thought they would. I never played MP:H so I wouldn't know anything at all about them other than what you posted.


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay

Weavel has some advantages. His Halfturret is a unique ability, which could come in handy. However, his upper half would be twice as light, so that he could be knocked out quicker. Another disadvantage would be his lower part, which, when attacked, also causes damage. As an upside, his upper side will only get half the damage, or even no damage at all if necessary. So basically, Weavel has two sets of attacks. One as a whole, and one as Halfturret. His blade could be used by both forms, though. His weapon of choice is the Battlehammer, which could also work in Brawl. As a downside, he can't charge the Battlehammer, making it less strong than the other weapons. When holding B however, it will rapidly shoot, and you can control its shooting arc when holding B. It has a very short recovery time.
dude, if the rep system still existed...

nice work. Weavel is the only hunter I would truly like in Brawl.


Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2006
dude, if the rep system still existed...

nice work. Weavel is the only hunter I would truly like in Brawl.
Yeah, IMO Weavel fits the best as Brawl character, especially because of his blade. Hopefully we haven't seen the last of him.


Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2006
Ignoring my opinions on DS right now, and speaking from a purely objective standpoint: That idea, while very original and intriguing, sucks. Any character that would cause damage simply by being touched would instantly become broken beyond that which any tweaking, revamping, or fixing could ever repair. It doesn't matter how little damage, or for how long. Getting damaged just by touching your oponent sounds like total bull, IMO. You did put a lot of thought into it, though. Very nice job on that.
Also, the fact that you didn't read well enough to get the point:


Those were sexy images.

Anyway, I just got a great idea. You know what would rock for Dark Samus? If they made her Super Smash the rocket-projectile attack, and eliminated all of her ranged attacks. That way they could make her poisonous, meaning grabbing her gave you a DOT not unlike the Lip Stick (But much shorter, and didn't stack), and any attack would give you 'phazon burn'. Running into her wireframe would DOT you as well, which would make it tricky considering certain DS players would just hover on top of you and keep you 'burning' for as long as possible.

It'd add a whole new level to fighting someone with Samus' weight and floatability, because not only could you not grab or run into her, but your attacks would have to be aimed correctly to avoid being burned.

****, that would be ****ing awesome!

And before someone comes back with "OMG TOO POWERFUL," keep in mind this is only a theory, and it'd require alot of revamping before it'd be a finished product. You can't deny that it would be bad ***.
Any Super Smash attack is broken.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2006
Also, the fact that you didn't read well enough to get the point:

Any Super Smash attack is broken.
Super....Smash? Crap. I missed that part. Now I feel stupid. Well, that's what I get for having a moron for a brother who won't stop pestering me to use the computer. I miss things.

Very well. My apologies, then.

*Stupid, HT, Stupid! >.<*


Smash Lord
May 22, 2006
Woking, UK
He's got you on ignore so he can't read that. I still don't like the idea but being a Sup smash means it won't be used anyway as they certainly aren't going on.


Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2006
How about adding something that as long as she's not on the ground, she recieves 1 - 5% damage per second. However, when she's on the ground, she's immobilized, because of Phazon tentacles drawing energy from the stage.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Who's got who on ignore? This is the first ignore list I've ever seen on any forum.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
The ignore list is a myth, never existed. Only a hypothetical-type response to no +/- repping anymore I would imagine. Maybe MiraiGen has his own personal deal, but nothing official exists. Besides, ignoring people only gets you flammed, as I have figured out in the past.:laugh:

As for the DS burn effect, best idea ever. But not constantly active. I would say that for grabs, you take damage based on holding, at the same rate you take damage while offscreen. This would encourage foes to get rid of you more quickly, lessening damage you take from the grab. This would not be broken, because don't forget about IC! You grab them and get Dsmashed by the other partner, that's a lot more broken than a slow burn effect.

For contact, same deal. If you pass through the opponent then they automatically take one damage, and for every second afterwards that you maintain constant contact(again like off-screen) you will take slow damage.

Any time Dark Samus completes an un-interrupted animation of a smash attack, radiation will glow around her for an amount of time. The radius of this 'glow' is in direct relation to the knockback of the attack, the duration is directly linked to how long you charged the attack beforehand, and the power of this 'glow' is proportionate to the damage that specific attack can do. That being said, if you do a low range, high damage, high priority and knockback attack after charging, you will get a 'glow' that has a very small radius which deals high damage(a certain percentage of the damage of the attack) which would last for X seconds(probably a dilation, such as 4 times as long as you charged the attack).

The glow does not force opponents away, so it is their job to avoid DS during this brief period. Also, attacking directly has a damaging effect of 0% for disjointed hitboxes and very brief attacks such as taps or rapid tilts, 1% for smash attacks, sex kicks, repeat hit attacks such as Samus' uair, and for smash attacks with multiple hitboxes, 1% for each contact. Example: If Peach Dsmashed DS and hit 3 times, DS would recieve 30% or whatever that attack deals, Peach would recieve 3% for doing the attack.

This is not a broken strategy, it simply requires optimizing range with every character, something only Marth mains used to worry about. Fairly easy to get around, but could be deadly with a skilled DS player. I don't know what extra effects might be added, this idea might even fall through during development, depends on how cheap it ends up being. I don't think it would be broken.

One think I forgot to mention, DS does not deal damage by grabbing an opponent, only when she is grabbed by someone else. The release of damaging phason only occurs when her form is disrupted. It is fairly easy to keep the polygon modles from touching so I don't see why DS couldn't still deal touch damage. Chances are that the touch to damage idea will be removed now that I think about it, but still crazy!


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2004
Boulder Creek, CA.
To put someone on Ignore, click on their name, press View public profile.

Across from the person's avatar, there's a "what's this person doing", and under that is the ignore button.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
The ignore list is a myth, never existed. Only a hypothetical-type response to no +/- repping anymore I would imagine. Maybe MiraiGen has his own personal deal, but nothing official exists. Besides, ignoring people only gets you flammed, as I have figured out in the past.:laugh:
Well, if you go to someone's Public Profile and select "Add (Name) to your ignore list", the ignore list does in fact worth.

As for the DS burn effect, best idea ever. But not constantly active. I would say that for grabs, you take damage based on holding, at the same rate you take damage while offscreen. This would encourage foes to get rid of you more quickly, lessening damage you take from the grab. This would not be broken, because don't forget about IC! You grab them and get Dsmashed by the other partner, that's a lot more broken than a slow burn effect.


See, that's all I was thinking. The radiation would practically be on top of you - so in other words Shine Fox players, as they ignited the shine, would probably take a single damage (considering that's the only time when two players would be right on top of each other). Besides, it's pitiful damage, but I can see a player maximising that and using some pretty kickass strategies to rack that burn damage up.

Also - I think that it should do one burn damage, grabbed or being grabbed. Keep in mind this is pitiful damage, but it would start adding up in the end. What's the actual chances of characters being right on top of each other during a real match? I honestly believe that grabbing would be one way to utilize the damage (and not all grabs are identical - they could make her grab less powerful to make up for the burn).

What I'm trying to do here is give people a vague idea about how to make Phazon not only functional in Smash Bros Brawl, but also give Dark Samus a reason to be unique and fun. What I'm going for with the whole idea is to make it so you literally can have a style of play involving using Dark Samus' Phazon Burn almost entirely for damage-dealling, then laying out a couple of Smash attacks to finish the job.

So it'd be only kinda cool unless you actively tried to use it continuously.


Smash Lord
Feb 18, 2006
Where that boomerang came from
I like the idea of phazon proximity damage in some instances (grabs, for instance), but if it activates after every complete smash attack, then it protects you from the vulnerable lag time. Overpowered, in my opinion. If you miss, you shouldn't be given a bubble of high damage to ward off foes.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
I like the idea of phazon proximity damage in some instances (grabs, for instance), but if it activates after every complete smash attack, then it protects you from the vulnerable lag time. Overpowered, in my opinion. If you miss, you shouldn't be given a bubble of high damage to ward off foes.
Not amazingly high damage, only like 5-7% at max. Basically it gives uber relative range to her smash attacks while decreasing damage. Plus, the foe is not stunned so they can still retaliate during the extreme lag DS would probably be given after her Smash attacks.

As for the Super Smash, the phazon missile barrage sounded great, whoever thought of it. Super Smashes aren't broken because everyone's got them. I doubt that Nintendo would make it so any of the Super Smashes are broken. Lots of attention was called to them upon their introduction so I would assume the same level of detail would be added to make sure they were fair.

Well, if you go to someone's Public Profile and select "Add (Name) to your ignore list", the ignore list does in fact worth.

Someone understands. You know a few people would just try to burn you. Those people would inevitably meet their demise via Marth's tipper. Ultimately, if you only use the phason burn, you will get beat. It has to be a combination, such as hitting someone into the air, then jumping up and following them to do 1 or 2 extra damage, followed by a weak ariel to give them more hitstun again right as they are about able to attack. Using some strat like this would maximize damage the character could potentially deal.

*Tries* Your right, not that I have any enemies. Join the Mythbusters!


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
Sensai said:
You know, we could all be saying the same thing about Pichu, right? Sure, maybe at first it'll be like that, but over time all the characters will be from the Smash game, not from individual games. Except for 3rd party characters.
This is from a few pages ago, but what I meant by this is this: when someone says Marth, the first thing that comes to my mind is not Fire Emblem, but Smash. Same with most characters in Smash, actually, excluding only Link, Mario, and maybe Samus.

Oyster Meister said:
.Although he won't appear in a smash bros game untill he hits a nintendo system
Actually, Matt Cassamassina (from IGN) says he played a Halo DS game a while ago, but that it was stopped. I have no idea why, but if it were really there, he would've been the man to play it. Do I believe it? No. Just thought it was something worth noting, especially seeing as M$ enjoys Nintendo and would rather help Nintendo and kill Sony then let both of them do 'just ok'.

And I'm done reading everything from the new year 'til now. Cool.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Actually, Matt Cassamassina (from IGN) says he played a Halo DS game a while ago, but that it was stopped. I have no idea why, but if it were really there, he would've been the man to play it. Do I believe it? No. Just thought it was something worth noting, especially seeing as M$ enjoys Nintendo and would rather help Nintendo and kill Sony then let both of them do 'just ok'.

And I'm done reading everything from the new year 'til now. Cool.
Really?!? Omg I have no faith in Nintendo if there really is a Halo DS. Why would they invite Halo onto the DS??? Or any Nintendo system for that matter. If they put Master Chief into Brawl, I am officially not buying it! That's my statement to Nintendo.

Would Nintendo and M$ really team up? What's the driving motivation? Nintendo is just as much of a threat, if not more so, to M$ than Sony is.

EDIT: Ok, I'm better now. I went on IGN and found this article. A demo version of the game was created, and Halo fans tried the game and agreed that it was "appropriately accurate to the Halo experience". Then during the licencing process, the project was cancelled and a production version was never made. Thank science for that.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
Rhyme said:
Would Nintendo and M$ really team up? What's the driving motivation? Nintendo is just as much of a threat, if not more so, to M$ than Sony is.
It's not really that M$ and Nintendo are teaming up...it's more like M$ is attempting to persuade people to purchase a Wii over a PS3. Remember: Wii60.

The reason why Nintendo might want to do this is simple: Sony's kicked Nintendo's *** since the SNES. Nintendo's tired of not winning, and so they wanna pull back in a big way.

M$'s reasons are a tad different, although they do ultimately want the downfall of Sony. I believe, to M$, Nintendo is not a big threat, especially to the hardcore crowd. So, if they take out the only other hardcore option, then they win that demographic.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
It's not really that M$ and Nintendo are teaming up...it's more like M$ is attempting to persuade people to purchase a Wii over a PS3. Remember: Wii60.

The reason why Nintendo might want to do this is simple: Sony's kicked Nintendo's *** since the SNES. Nintendo's tired of not winning, and so they wanna pull back in a big way.

M$'s reasons are a tad different, although they do ultimately want the downfall of Sony. I believe, to M$, Nintendo is not a big threat, especially to the hardcore crowd. So, if they take out the only other hardcore option, then they win that demographic.
That makes sense. Sony did well for many years and now they are finally falling behind. Unless they come up with a killer concept, PS3 won't sell and Sony will drop off the charts...permanent-like. M$ is striking in the moment of weakness.

But who says you have to be a hardcore gamer AND support M$? There are plenty of hardcore smashers who value unstoppably appealing gameplay over next-generation graphics. Just because XBox360 has better graphics does not make it's games better. Stupid spoiled americans and their fancy graphics, Nintendo will never be able to compete in that regard because people in Japan don't care about display as much as gameplay. XBox360 wouldn't sell nearly as well in Japan as the US.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Actually MS did horribly in Japan with Xbox 360, since most Japanese gamers don't like/ play shooting games. So if MS teams with Nintendo then they would have both the Japanese gamers and American gamers at the same time.

Then of course there's Europe to consider but Wii and MS already have them since PS3 Isn;t out there yet.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Yeah, Sony has a really really bad rep - between their snide arrogant comments about their public relations, racist advertising, an overpriced console, and complete and utter unwillingness to listen to consumer input - but that's not to say that they're behind. Yet. There are still PS3s being bought.

However, having said thus, Red got the idea. Its because Microsoft is doing terrible marketing in japan, so they're hoping to make a connection with DS Halo based.

However, that IGN rumor could be utter bull****, considering the idea of a Halo DS game - even in early alpha stages - would spread like wildfire, and I honestly think we would have heard of it by now.

More on subject - Yeah, Rhyme, you have the idea of what I'm going for with DS's Phazon Radiation. You grab, they take 1 burn and the throw, then you follow up by leaping into the air and hovering on top of them, then downsmashing them into the ground, landing on top of them, burn them, etc etc etc. Make sure you are on them like white on rice.

Whole new play strategy.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
This following link is from Joystiq, so take it with a grain of salt:

That should make Sony feel very uncomfortable....

And Rhyme, sure, a lot of hardcore (XCORE!) gamers play on Nintendo, myself included. But the general idea behind hardcore gaming is the top of the line experience in visuals and presentation. Sure, Nintendo's got a lot of great looking games (Zelda, Galaxy, MP3), but then they've got a lot of ****ty lookin' ones (Far Cry, WarioWare [even though it's intentional], Wii Sports) that just don't appeal to harder gamers.


Got a little more to say...

That's why the PSP is selling MUCH better in America as opposed to...anywhere. People here want a very shiny package.

And that's why the 360 is selling like **** in Japan. People want entertainment, not eye-candy.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Meh, Rep is silly anyway. It's fun, but silly.

Seems like we're running out of steam...


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
I have the perfect solution. Behold, and be amazed at this univeral conversation starter:

Sex on a boat = boat sex ?


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
I have the perfect solution. Behold, and be amazed at this univeral conversation starter:

Sex on a boat = boat sex ?
Laughing my *** off! That statement brings to mind several humorous images.:rofl: Best conversation starter ever, though it will resolve quickly. I will get my statements in before the topic dulls.

But um...I guess it would be boat sex.

I would prefer a more technical term suitable for younger audiences, fensubmedicophili.

Which in Latin, translates into "To Strike Below the Middle, With Love"

As for being on a boat, not a clue what the Latin word for Boat is. I lose.:urg:

As for images, remember the Christain Love episode of South Park, when Father Maxi reformes the entire Catholic Church? The song from Randi's nightmare.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
I think the rep system is necessary, in the way that currency is necessary. The reason why rep failed and money succeeds is because rep is easy to come by.

Lookie there...I'm a rep-economist.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Ok, so this is how it's gonna go down; Here is a list of possible villains from Metroid. For your first pick, give whatever character 3 points. For second pick, give 2 points, and third pick gets one point. You don't need to have 2 or 3 picks, but if you have that many than distribute points as necessary. Some rules:

1)Don't vote for anyone else, just you.

2)If the character you want isn't there, add him in.

3)Even if you only have one pick, don't give that character any more than 3 points.

4)Don't mess, this is a public opinion(popularity) survey intended to test what the majority wants.

EDIT: 5)Type which selection you gave points to. It makes everyone's life a little easier with one less thing to worry about.

6)If you have something you wish to discuss with the poster, PM that person and talk.

If this idea doesn't pan out in the end then that is fine, just wanted to see how it would turn out.

A Metroid 0
A Space Pirate 0
Dark Samus 3
Kanden 0
Kraid 0
MetaRidley 0
Noxus 0
Ridley 2
Spire 0
Sylux 0
The Hunters 0
Trace 0
Weavel 1


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2004
Boulder Creek, CA.
Ridley (3), Weavel (2), Noxis/Iceman(1)

I'm removing Meta Ridley as redundant.

A Metroid 0
A Space Pirate 0
Dark Samus 3
Kanden 0
Kraid 0
Noxus 1
Ridley 5
Spire 0
Sylux 0
The Hunters 0
Trace 0
Weavel 3
Top Bottom