Or maybe he's trying to get you all to realize the Super Smash Brothers series isn't aimed for the pure competitive players, as stated in the article, if it was like that, there would be no new players because it'd be too much for them. You that are outraged at Sakurai, haven't realized that to you it'd sound amazing for Smash to be full on competitive, but a terrible idea, since there would be no new people and given the society we have today, we want everything to be easy that they'd give up after they hear the announcer say "Game." So for it's future, it's best if Smash stays as it is. Nintendo has done this for many years and it's worked, they never change. Not like Call of Duty where it just gets bland and boring, just look at Pokémon, every game it's set up your character, pick a starter, collect badges, beat the league. Is that it? No, it offers a unique journey each playthrough, diffrent experiences depending on how you play, seriously, averagely, or casualy for fun,