Tin Man, I absolutely love film and movies. I listen to film podcasts on a weekly basis, and when I saw the trailer for Last Airbender I had to say that I was not excited. First off M. Night Shyamalan (I never spell his last name right) was in no way suited for it. He's had a slew off horrible movies after his first three. And even though his first three movies were great, they weren't plot heavy at all and relied solely on atmosphere.
Seeing that trailer I knew that it was either going to suck *** or be the next critically successful money-making franchise. Reviews came out and it did absolutely horrible like I predicted. Whether you were a pretentious film buff or a casual moviegoer, you were giving that movie a horrible review.
I'd rather like to take my mind off of that movie and pretend it never existed. Needless to say, I haven't seen it and never intend to view it.
On the other hand, the series is great and I recommend to anyone and everyone. The first season is pretty passable and enjoyable and has a great finale. After that the series becomes absolutely incredible, and each new episode adds more and more to the flame of watching it.
I'm excited since soon the creators are going to come out with a kind of sequel series to Avatar. I can't wait for it.