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Social Roy Social - R O Y B O Y Z


Smash Ace
Nov 18, 2014
Not sure about the marth social, but he kinda got bodied by sakurai between brawl and smash 4 apparently
Don't know anything about the Robin social, but I do know that the Marth social is quite fun and the people there are fun to hang around to and we have a sense of camaraderie towards people trying to get good with Marth, and a lot of people there play Marth because they love him in his games. However, we don't really talk about Fire Emblem much, and we're usually just talking about Marth in the games and the occasional off-topic discussion which doesn't really last too long. :p

Oh, and Marth didn't get bodied at all, that would imply that he's bad now, which isn't true. He DID get nerfed, but honestly the recent buffs have been so nice to an already good character that I think Marth is as strong as Roy this game, and to put that into prospective, I think Roy atm is definitely lower high tier. :3


Hold Baroque Inside
Oct 19, 2012
After like a week, I found my Shadow Dragon cartridge! I know what I'm doing all day tomorrow. :estatic:


Long Body Pokémon
Dec 5, 2014
Oh, and Marth didn't get bodied at all, that would imply that he's bad now, which isn't true. He DID get nerfed, but honestly the recent buffs have been so nice to an already good character that I think Marth is as strong as Roy this game, and to put that into prospective, I think Roy atm is definitely lower high tier. :3
idk, every time I fair as marth in this game it doesn't feel right. His dair feels like a cruel prank of a move, but that's just my opinion.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 8, 2014
New Jersey
Yay, this "Fire Emblem" Social has "Older" Fire Emblem Fans <3
I mean, I started with Awakening because I'm pretty sure if I ever played FE at a younger age than now, it wouldn't have ended well. I still do like Awakening, but since I've gone back to the older ones, I realize it was missing something. I still do like 13, but I just find the older ones more strategicly inclined and balanced. don't hurt me for starting with 13 please :v


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2014
Awakening's story is weak as well as the art style. I don't like the new sprites they used for the mugshots of characters. They are mere still images when before their mouth moved with the scrolling dialogue and they would blink. It's pretty lazy.

Critical hits aren't over the top flashy and magic isn't cool to look at anymore.

The GBA era was something to behold.

I hope Fates story isn't complete garbage but if they go the route of bad anime story that is Awakening then it will probably be more of the same.

Past games never had anything to do with time travel which makes it rather shoddy.

And I don't agree with the whole lack of durability and just adding a weapon ability or certain stats to it. And the new weapon triangle? Absolutely disgusting.


The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
And I don't agree with the whole lack of durability and just adding a weapon ability or certain stats to it. And the new weapon triangle? Absolutely disgusting.
Considering the game isn't even out yet, and we don't actually know what any of this stuff is going to be like to play with, I think it's far too early to start calling these changes "absolutely disgusting". I'm sure they'll find some way to balance the removal of weapon durability - they do seem to be learning from Awakening in regard to balancing new mechanics, given the changes to the pair-up system. I, for one, am very impressed with what I've seen of FE14 so far, but like I say, I'm going to reserve final judgement until I actually get to play the games for myself.

Ryu Myuutsu

Smash Champion
Mar 24, 2013
Niigata, Japan
Time travel isn't necessarily bad when added to a story. I felt they did a good job with it when it came to Lucina's backstory and her ruined future.
I think as well that the animations for the GBA games are a bit over-lauded; characters had a max of two or three animations while the background was too simple, making the whole flow of the battle way too stiff. They were fun to watch during their time, but I think Awakening is the best looking FE game to date when it comes to battles; the backgrounds, the animations, the critical hits (not as flashy as the gba ones but still powerful-looking), the characters moving around dynamically during the skirmish and reacting rather than staying still, and spells like Thoron and Mjolnir were truly amazing.
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Deleted member

I started with Awakening first but I bought Sacred Stones off the eShop the other night like that game a lot. I appreciate the older FE games as well as the newer ones.


Space Pheasant Dragon Tactician
Mar 18, 2008
Omaha, Nebraska
In terms of FE games I started with FE8 actually and still like it. My favorites FE's though are FE9, FE7 and FE:A though ATM.

Also within the span of 2 days I made about 4 people salty with Roy 1 online and 3 players in my local scene who was pretty salt when i hit them around 40 percent at the ledge with sweetspot f smash and killing them with f smash with max rage at 60 middle of the stage. Also really delivered the salt against a local Lucario player who was beating my butt and I had 1 stock left against his 3 and turn it up and reverse 3 stock him LMAO. This character is too much fun.
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Smash Cadet
Apr 16, 2015
Okay since we're on my favorite topic...

Awakening wasn't as bad as some would believe it to be. The reason it's so different is because it was meant to be different. This was Intelligent Systems last ditch effort of making this series work and it did just that. It brought in new audiences, had a decent but not over complicated story, and the mechanics of the game were just fine. You didn't have to play on casual mode. The thing that peeves me when people insult Awakening is that they insult it for it's story. Honestly if they were going to bring in the numbers they needed to keep the series going, this plot was perfect. It's not like every other FE game has this big, convoluted plot. Most of the time it's "Hey bad guy's taking over our kingdom. Let's band together and stop him." Anyways, so I don't see why Awakenings story gets so bashed on.

FE: Fates or If doesn't look too bad either. I used to be on the side that absolutely despised all the changes, but I've realized that they could most likely make this game work. From what I've seen of the gameplay, this game is bigger and better than ever and looks overall impressive. I don't mind change, as long as they don't screw it up. I can't get mad at things they add either. Every time I see someone bashing My Castle I know it's a cry for attention. It's a side thing. An addition to the game. You in no way HAVE to do it. Anyway... The only thing that really twists me about Fates is that they turned what could've been one full game into Pokemon, but worse. I have to buy BOTH to get the full story.
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Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
I haven't played Awakening yet as I want it to be the last FE game (not counting FE14 which isn't out yet) that I have my first playthrough. Currently, I finished FE7 & FE6 and i'm about 1/4th through FE8. I plan on either playing FE3 or FE4 afterwards. FE9/FE10 would be great if I could find a copy of those games which is a pain in the behind to find.

As for FE6, I feel as if FE7 was overall better with the way it's story was paced and I personally feel that Nergal was a much MUCH better villian than Zephiel was. The laters backstory was rather weak with him being all "my dad tried to kill me so I want to end humanity!". Nergal was a legit SOB and that's what I like about him. FE6 did have a more satisfying ending though and I prefer Roy over the 3 FE7 lords.


Long Body Pokémon
Dec 5, 2014
Time travel isn't necessarily bad when added to a story. I felt they did a good job with it when it came to Lucina's backstory and her ruined future.
awakening time travel is probably some of the worst usage of time travel in a plot I've ever seen and yes time travel is almost always inherently bad. It's not easy to pull off

A clear indicator of when time travel is poor is when it's a convenient excuse for a character to be somewhere, aka it doesn't take the central plot of the story, which frankly it doesn't. Now I will admit if we played as the child characters from the beginning that wouldn't be the case. However, that wasn't how things went down
I started with Awakening first but I bought Sacred Stones off the eShop the other night like that game a lot. I appreciate the older FE games as well as the newer ones.

I love FE8
Awakening wasn't as bad as some would believe it to be. The reason it's so different is because it was meant to be different.
different does not mean better and I really think there were other factors going into the success of the game
yes there were a bunch of new and nice mechanics which if handled better would have been a plus
but overall I think compared to the rest of the series
  • It launched at the right time, not all FEs are sent out while a console is still kicking.
  • the only FE I've actually seen advertisements for. apparently there are commercials for older FEs, but I never saw them near the games' releases
  • I'd like to think casual mode is a factor, classic is one of the things that turns people away from the series

Most of the time it's "Hey bad guy's taking over our kingdom. Let's band together and stop him." Anyways, so I don't see why Awakenings story gets so bashed on.
It's characters are half ***ed and anytime something happens I legitimately don't care because I appear to be fighting no exposition guy #21382. It's
  1. all been done before
  2. been done better <- (if there is anything you take away from this rant)
  3. and it doesn't make me care about the characters or plot
I could complain about the "heros" of the story, but I'll save that for another day
I haven't played Awakening yet as I want it to be the last FE game (not counting FE14 which isn't out yet) that I have my first playthrough. Currently, I finished FE7 & FE6 and i'm about 1/4th through FE8. I plan on either playing FE3 or FE4 afterwards. FE9/FE10 would be great if I could find a copy of those games which is a pain in the behind to find.
I haven't played 3, I played 12 instead. Maybe I'll go back and do 3 someday, still need to actually finish 10 first


Smash Cadet
Apr 16, 2015
different does not mean better and I really think there were other factors going into the success of the game
yes there were a bunch of new and nice mechanics which if handled better would have been a plus
but overall I think compared to the rest of the series
  • It launched at the right time, not all FEs are sent out while a console is still kicking.
  • the only FE I've actually seen advertisements for. apparently there are commercials for older FEs, but I never saw them near the games' releases
  • I'd like to think casual mode is a factor, classic is one of the things that turns people away from the series

It's characters are half ***ed and anytime something happens I legitimately don't care because I appear to be fighting no exposition guy #21382. It's
  1. all been done before
  2. been done better <- (if there is anything you take away from this rant)
  3. and it doesn't make me care about the characters or plot
I could complain about the "heros" of the story, but I'll save that for another day
I suppose my biggest problem with people bashing the plot is when they say that these are the worst characters and that the plot of Awakening is just as bad as said characters. Honestly no. The worst is Shadow Dragon. To be perfectly honest, I didn't care about anyone in Shadow Dragon or Binding Blade with the exception of two or three. While I agree that change doesn't mean good, it doesn't mean bad either.

The reason the characters may seem so under developed is that, unlike previous FE games the plot didn't tell us about anyone but Chrom, Lucina and Robin and you had to infer what everyone else was like based on their relationships with eachother. Sadly I will agree that the characters aren't the greatest, but you cannot deny the wonderful joy that is F!Morgan.
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Smash Ace
Nov 18, 2014
I'm basically agreeing with everything you say, I'm just giving you my explanation as to why I agree lol.
awakening time travel is probably some of the worst usage of time travel in a plot I've ever seen and yes time travel is almost always inherently bad. It's not easy to pull off

A clear indicator of when time travel is poor is when it's a convenient excuse for a character to be somewhere, aka it doesn't take the central plot of the story, which frankly it doesn't. Now I will admit if we played as the child characters from the beginning that wouldn't be the case. However, that wasn't how things went down
The only reason why I liked time travel in FE13 is because that's how you get Inigo, I don't care about the other children though. Inigo is definitely my favorite character in Awakening btw and is one of the few characters I didn't force myself to like because I had to play as them.

different does not mean better
Basically I'd just like to say that the sales of the game don't matter for me, personally. If they're using it to make a Fire Emblem game on the range of bleh Fire Emblem: Awakening had on me then how successful the series became because of it means nothing to me as for me the series would have been ruined. The fact that time travel is being brought back in FE14 does not make me a happy man.
It's characters are half ***ed and anytime something happens I legitimately don't care because I appear to be fighting no exposition guy #21382. It's
  1. all been done before
  2. been done better <- (if there is anything you take away from this rant)
  3. and it doesn't make me care about the characters or plot
Even if characters in previous games are somewhat similar, it doesn't matter because the characters still have a different personality and at least the archetypes were cool. But characters like Severa and Tharja in Awakening weren't just (anime) stereotypes, but the archetype itself is insufferable.
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Long Body Pokémon
Dec 5, 2014
While I agree that change doesn't mean good, it doesn't mean bad either.
Which handled poorly like it was, it's bad.
Now I don't blame them for most of it. It was going to be the last FE and they were just trying to cram features in it. So obviously there was going to be a lot of fluff. However, you don't hand out gold stars for trying, unless the devs are in second grade
I suppose my biggest problem with people bashing the plot is when they say that these are the worst characters and that the plot of Awakening is just as bad as said characters.
It's not that the characters are bad, it's just all the enemies were tried, true and done before. And your allies felt like they all belonged in a comedy, despite the game wanting to be taken seriously. It's rather conflicting and rather awful as a result, but character design is just straight up bad.
The worst is Shadow Dragon. To be perfectly honest, I didn't care about anyone in Shadow Dragon or Binding Blade with the exception of two or three.
you gotta remember shadow dragon came from a "different era." before they had the ability to pack in loads of text, but there is no getting by it's one of the worst remakes I've ever seen. It was really no wonder the series was in trouble after 11 and 12 (not like 9 and 10 were any better)
The reason the characters may seem so under developed is that, unlike previous FE games the plot didn't tell us about anyone but Chrom, Lucina and Robin and you had to infer what everyone else was like based on their relationships with eachother. Sadly I will agree that the characters aren't the greatest, but you cannot deny the wonderful joy that is F!Morgan.
wish you were a bit more specific in places in this paragraph, but character development even among the main cast in Awakening was fully static
"Chrom don't go starting wars"
*Chrom starts 3 wars over the coarse of probably 3 years
No one changes, no one improves and no one even looks at life differently. There are 0 character arcs, just a bunch of destiny bull***. By the end of the game everyone is goofy as hell like when they started it
The only reason why I liked time travel in FE13 is because that's how you get Inigo, I don't care about the other children though. Inigo is definitely my favorite character in Awakening btw and is one of the few characters I didn't force myself to like because I had to play as them.
Nintendo's got you
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Hold Baroque Inside
Oct 19, 2012
I don't care what FE game you started with, as long as you're a fan of the games then I'm good (although if you only played like one, you're missing out on some other awesome instalments). And if you're not, then that's fine too (you can't like all game genres).

The only reason why I liked time travel in FE13 is because that's how you get Inigo, I don't care about the other children though. Inigo is definitely my favorite character in Awakening btw and is one of the few characters I didn't force myself to like because I had to play as them.
You have good taste. :smirk: Inigo's like my fave character in Awakening as well.

I also like Libra, but mostly for the character development he goes through from what little supports we have. It may not be super deep, but it's something that's pretty memorable to me.
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Long Body Pokémon
Dec 5, 2014
Inigo is in FE14? Huh?

That makes like 0 sense lol.
all we know is that there are 3 look a likes of the three most popular characters from awakening
but I've been getting kicks out of the jokes people been making



Smash Cadet
Apr 16, 2015
Awakenings characters really got their backstory told in support convos, and that is a very big problem with it. I'm not saying Awakening was GOD like, but they most certainly could've done worse. From the looks of things, character development in Fates seems to be a lot better. By that I mean I don't have to support with Cordelia to find out anything besides her love for Chrom.
Oct 3, 2011
I never wanted to stumble upon the "Awakening is the perfect game that saved the series" versus "Awakening is the worst thing to ever happen to the series and all changes from here on kill it more" debate again.

I've been through it a million times since early 2013 and it never once ended well or went anywhere good. It seems to take the same path every time.

I'm just excited for some of the good things about this coming 14th game.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 24, 2014
Salem Oregon
Have people dropped Roy yet? I hope people stop using him just because hes good and actually like him as a character and how he plays. Thats why i played him in melee and PM. I love his playstyle and i didnt care if he was garbage. (well okay a tiny bit since i could never beat my friends Falco and Fox in melee. PM is a different story though.) Just hearing the fact that people only picked up Roy in smash 4 because he is now viable disgusted me so much i really dislike Roy "mains" in smash 4. Yes someone brought up the fact that they never played melee or PM so that is fine. A true main is from character love. I still to this day do not understand why i like Roy so much. I have never beaten his game and i really have only play FE A. I just love Roy and how he plays even if it sucks competitively. I dont mean to sound like i hate Roy mains i just really hate that all i have read about Roy from most people is "Roys is finally good. OMG HE IS SO OP. Too bad Melee Roy isnt this good." Etc. sorry for the rant. i hope some people understand what i mean


Long Body Pokémon
Dec 5, 2014
I never wanted to stumble upon the "Awakening is the perfect game that saved the series" versus "Awakening is the worst thing to ever happen to the series and all changes from here on kill it more" debate again.
you can't tell me how to live my life

Awakenings characters really got their backstory told in support convos, and that is a very big problem with it.
ya and I never said it was backstory as to why I didn't like them :p
Have people dropped Roy yet?
probs not, it's kinda just like falcon, people really like all in characters
or at the very least playing things that can do that
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Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
I know what you mean though i'm just really glad Roy's not getting as much hate as he did before. As someone who's been a fan of the character for like 12 years and as of late been a staunch supporter of the character when haters/detractors spread hate or misconceptions about him, it's good to see people change their opinion on him. People bandwagoning the character (no offense) is much much better than people hating the character.

I just want to see the same effect to happen with Roy in Fire Emblem as it did in Smash Bros with his inclusion as DLC. Like I mentioned before in the BB Remake thread, Roy having a remake/sequel game where promotes around Ch. 16, has better base stats (on par or slightly higher than Dieck's), and infinite use on his SoS would really quell the hate that he gets from the FE fanbase. Having that game would also make him a lock for Smash 5 just like how Marth and Ike are pretty much automatic locks in every Smash Bros game.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2014
Time travel is kinda horrible. If you travel through time your past self will travel back in time as well so even if you beat the evil dragon it will come back later regardless. Thus time loop.

Time travel 101.

Ylisseans are so dumb.


Smash Cadet
Apr 16, 2015
Time travel is kinda horrible. If you travel through time your past self will travel back in time as well so even if you beat the evil dragon it will come back later regardless. Thus time loop.

Time travel 101.

Ylisseans are so dumb.
Not quite. While what you say is true, it is only one of many presented theories trying to explain how time works. Really, until time travel is actually possible and observable we will continue to know nothing about it. All we can do is pick or make a theory and stick with it. For all we know, the evil dragon becomes a fluffy evil bunny.


Hold Baroque Inside
Oct 19, 2012
I'm just excited for some of the good things about this coming 14th game.
I, for one, cannot wait for that Somari (THE original Mario x Sonic crossover) HD remake for the Vii U!


In fact, I heard the composer is the same guy who composed the music for Crazy Bus (Genesis/Megadrive game)!! This game will be AMAZING!!


Smash Ace
Apr 29, 2015
I, for one, cannot wait for that Somari (THE original Mario x Sonic crossover) HD remake for the Vii U!

View attachment 57878

In fact, I heard the composer is the same guy who composed the music for Crazy Bus (Genesis/Megadrive game)!! This game will be AMAZING!!
Come on man, we all know it wouldn't be complete unless we got Rocman X alongside it!


Hold Baroque Inside
Oct 19, 2012
Come on man, we all know it wouldn't be complete unless we got Rocman X alongside it!
Rocman X HD remake alongside Somari, let's go!

Out of curiosity, I searched up "Bootleg Fire Emblem games" and came across this gem:



Long Body Pokémon
Dec 5, 2014
Rocman X HD remake alongside Somari, let's go!

Out of curiosity, I searched up "Bootleg Fire Emblem games" and came across this gem:

There's a decent number of FE hacks
I've been meaning to check out the FE7x some group made
:4link: for the interested

Ryu Myuutsu

Smash Champion
Mar 24, 2013
Niigata, Japan
awakening time travel is probably some of the worst usage of time travel in a plot I've ever seen and yes time travel is almost always inherently bad. It's not easy to pull off

A clear indicator of when time travel is poor is when it's a convenient excuse for a character to be somewhere, aka it doesn't take the central plot of the story, which frankly it doesn't. Now I will admit if we played as the child characters from the beginning that wouldn't be the case. However, that wasn't how things went down
Not quite so. Time travel isn't inherently bad but merely a trope that requires careful usage to come out effectively. It also doesn't necessarily has to take away the central plot of the story to be interesting. Although admittedly Lucina's entrance came out of the blue, finding the rest of the children who already traveled back a couple of years ago is an interesting part of the game.


Long Body Pokémon
Dec 5, 2014
Not quite so. Time travel isn't inherently bad but merely a trope that requires careful usage to come out effectively. It also doesn't necessarily has to take away the central plot of the story to be interesting. Although admittedly Lucina's entrance came out of the blue, finding the rest of the children who already traveled back a couple of years ago is an interesting part of the game.
ya I'm not talking about interesting, I'm talking about how every thing comes together.
Time travel is one of those things that bring large amounts of nitpicking with it, let alone plot holes. my personal favorite, why the **** are all the children units doing **** all when they know the world is going to end? reasons? convenience, laziness, you can name it. You can argue a lot of things about Awakening, but time travel wasn't even handled, it was just added because the writers couldn't be asked to give a
or because it was shoehorned in, which it was
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Oct 3, 2011
Rocman X HD remake alongside Somari, let's go!

Out of curiosity, I searched up "Bootleg Fire Emblem games" and came across this gem:

I think I have a rom of that. Spooky stuff is, it introduced some mechanics long before FE officially did.
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