Smash Ace
Don't know anything about the Robin social, but I do know that the Marth social is quite fun and the people there are fun to hang around to and we have a sense of camaraderie towards people trying to get good with Marth, and a lot of people there play Marth because they love him in his games. However, we don't really talk about Fire Emblem much, and we're usually just talking about Marth in the games and the occasional off-topic discussion which doesn't really last too long.Not sure about the marth social, but he kinda got bodied by sakurai between brawl and smash 4 apparently

Oh, and Marth didn't get bodied at all, that would imply that he's bad now, which isn't true. He DID get nerfed, but honestly the recent buffs have been so nice to an already good character that I think Marth is as strong as Roy this game, and to put that into prospective, I think Roy atm is definitely lower high tier. :3