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Roster Discussion Thread (Closed)

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Smash Lord
Feb 9, 2008
New York
The funny thing about the Virtual Console/WiiWare I downloaded is that my Wii ended up dying, so now I lost all those games. Physical formats for life. However, show me anywhere else you can get Rondo of Blood and Ogre Battle 64 for $10 or less.
Pretty sure Nintendo can transfer them to a replacement Wii if you give them a call.

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
Maan, lots of talking yesterday again, eh?

I tend to bit lament also on Wii being too much of a multimedia machine (my mom made my little bro now watch cartoons from it and it gets in the way when I want to play. And what's with unnecessary junk?) But at least 3DS isn't too much functional as one yet since it's a handheld device.

Chrono and Tri-Hy: Pulseman for life.

Diddy: I dunno why I'm saying this but you better do that Impa-thread or your not fulfilling your role as No.1 Impa supporter. (-öuö-);;;

But like MS&Guy said, you can try keeping yourself logged in by previewing time to time... but more helpful would be ticking "keep me always logged" under the username and password-slots at the front page.

Now go out there and do the Impa-thread


Smash Cadet
Jan 24, 2012
Can someone give me a brief summary of who this board think is likely? Also, how many character slots do you think there will be? I tried looking at the roster topic, but then I realized that the board I usually post on (GameFAQs) has some pretty bad rosters, and because I don't normally post here, I can't tell the bad ones from the ones people agree with.

I'm just trying to make a good roster and want other people's opinion outside of 1 website. I'll probably ask a lot of questions, but if you guys want to know what GameFAQs thinks I'll be happy to say what that board tends to agree upon.


Smash Rookie
Dec 7, 2012
Throw out Diddy and fix Link, Olimar, and Ganondorf. Diddy was absolute garbage and Link and Ganon were ruined. Olimar was never that good.

Bring back Mewtwo and replace Marth with Roy. Roy was always cooler.

But anyway, I would like to see an Eevee (transforms between forms), Ridley, Demise (Skyward Sword), and, as a guest, Ryu from Street Fighter. That last one will probably not happen but it would be awesome if it does. Oh and also have two Marios, one be an old style Melee one and another be a new one, Tanooki Mario or something I guess. Have the old style one have Mario Tornado and all of his old moves and have the new Mario have FLUDD, a Tanooki float, and stuff like that from various suits that Mario has had.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Can someone give me a brief summary of who this board think is likely? Also, how many character slots do you think there will be? I tried looking at the roster topic, but then I realized that the board I usually post on (GameFAQs) has some pretty bad rosters, and because I don't normally post here, I can't tell the bad ones from the ones people agree with.

I'm just trying to make a good roster and want other people's opinion outside of 1 website. I'll probably ask a lot of questions, but if you guys want to know what GameFAQs thinks I'll be happy to say what that board tends to agree upon.
I forgot to say, but you'll also want to check the Roster Display Thread to see what people have already suggested. But, remember that you shouldn't discuss rosters there, only here.


Diddy Kong and Marth out of Smash Bros.? LOL


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
Chrono and Tri-Hy: Pulseman for life.

Can someone give me a brief summary of who this board think is likely? Also, how many character slots do you think there will be? I tried looking at the roster topic, but then I realized that the board I usually post on (GameFAQs) has some pretty bad rosters, and because I don't normally post here, I can't tell the bad ones from the ones people agree with.

I'm just trying to make a good roster and want other people's opinion outside of 1 website. I'll probably ask a lot of questions, but if you guys want to know what GameFAQs thinks I'll be happy to say what that board tends to agree upon.
Likely? I don't speak for everyone especially since I'm ignoring popularity here and are in no particular order:

Toad, K. Rool, Dixie, Ridley, Palutena, Mewtwo, Zoroark, Roy, Chrom, Takamaru, Little Mac, Shulk, Issac, Mega Man, and in general no cuts.

I think I got the main group, if you have any questions about why/why not a certain character is/isn't there feel free to ask, for there certainly are a few I should have as honorary mentions. I still do highly encourage you to make your own roster for critique or to check out some other rosters or the Directory thread.


Smash Cadet
Jan 24, 2012

Likely? I don't speak for everyone especially since I'm ignoring popularity here and are in no particular order:

Toad, K. Rool, Dixie, Ridley, Palutena, Mewtwo, Zoroark, Roy, Chrom, Takamaru, Little Mac, Shulk, Issac, Mega Man, and in general no cuts.

I think I got the main group, if you have any questions about why/why not a certain character is/isn't there feel free to ask, for there certainly are a few I should have as honorary mentions. I still do highly encourage you to make your own roster for critique or to check out some other rosters or the Directory thread.
See, that's a lot different than GameFAQs.

We have Isaac, Little Mac, Ridley, King K. Rool, Takamaru, Palutena, and maybe Chrom as most likely. Mewtwo and Megaman are easily the most highly requested/wanted with K. Rool and Ridley next. Pacman is generally thought of to be the Namco 3rd party rep. We think they'll be about 45 characters. I guess I have some questions:

Do you think both King K. Rool and Dixie Kong will get in? Or with it be 1 or the other?

What are your thoughts about the Pokemon reps? I figure Mewtwo, Lucario, and Zoroark is too much, not to mention the possibility of a 6th gen rep. Will Lucario get cut? Will Mewtwo return?

What about Fire Emblem? Roy is highly requested in Japan, Ike was a Brawl favorite, but Chrom's game sold really well. Marth is pretty much a given, but what will happen here? Will Roy return and/or Ike get cut? Will Chrom replace Ike?

Will Shulk's 1 appearance be enough to warrant a spot in the roster?

Is another F-Zero rep likely at all? GameFAQs doesn't really think so.

Lastly I was wondering how large you think the roster will be. And with that, will cuts be made for more newcomers. GameFAQs is pretty undecided about cuts, but at least within the realm of possibility is Toon Link, Ike, Lucas, and Lucario. I have strong feelings that all 3 Star Fox characters will stay, but there are others that don't. Lucario is agreed to probably be most in danger of being cut though.

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
Likely? I don't speak for everyone especially since I'm ignoring popularity here and are in no particular order:

Toad, K. Rool, Dixie, Ridley, Palutena, Mewtwo, Zoroark, Roy, Chrom, Takamaru, Little Mac, Shulk, Issac, Mega Man, and in general no cuts.

I think I got the main group, if you have any questions about why/why not a certain character is/isn't there feel free to ask, for there certainly are a few I should have as honorary mentions. I still do highly encourage you to make your own roster for critique or to check out some other rosters or the Directory thread.
Starfy and MAAAAYBE Lip. They're at least not loathed suggestions and tend to stand out as inclusions.

About Starfy, many think here he's not pretty likely, but he isn't out of question either. IMO in the same boat as Isaac but due different reasons. He got a game outerseas but has minor vocal fan support. Some think he might be an Assist again due how silently his games have faired now and the series are on a hiatus. But he's supported by most of people here despite him having minor chance.

Lip again due being noted in Smash Bros with many things but kept out (Japan-only and obscure: she's a glass cannon chance character if looking at aspects about her. Though it might be more that she'll be staying out again but gets more honorary throwbacks. But yeah, a glass cannon. Supported here too and from what I've seen there's been supporters of her back to Brawl's days. Her support seems more vocal than Starfy's at the moment.

For more 3rd Parties aside from Megaman (Namdai's)

- Tekken: Heihachi? (Someone who knows Tekken-series and which reps might be wanted, please fill in. )
Tales Of: Mostly Lloyd Irving.
- Pacman (Support risen nowadays)

Do you think both King K. Rool and Dixie Kong will get in? Or with it be 1 or the other?
At the moment we don't know will it be both, or one of them getting in. K.Rool has more popularity and support than Dixie, but we don't think it hinders Dixie's chances as well, since she was considered before. Both are generally welcomed (though some have said Dixie might not be included due "being maybe too similar to Diddy".)

What are your thoughts about the Pokemon reps? I figure Mewtwo, Lucario, and Zoroark is too much, not to mention the possibility of a 6th gen rep. Will Lucario get cut? Will Mewtwo return?
Zoroark is "expected", but most of us here tend to support some other pokemon than it (though I might be wrong, but do correct me then). Genesect has some risen support nowadays.

The one thing's true though: we all want Mewtwo's return.

What about Fire Emblem? Roy is highly requested in Japan, Ike was a Brawl favorite, but Chrom's game sold really well. Marth is pretty much a given, but what will happen here? Will Roy return and/or Ike get cut? Will Chrom replace Ike?
This is again kinda mixed bag. Most of us might wish to get all three, but at the end none's really sure. Not too knowledged about Ike's support (fill in somebody again hahah), but Roy's pretty requested to come back, and Chrom's pretty much expected to be in.

Will Shulk's 1 appearance be enough to warrant a spot in the roster?
We have been debating this quite a lot, but most of us are positive that this would happen. Xenoblade's one of the most acclaimed new franchises Nintendo has done after Brawl.

Is another F-Zero rep likely at all? GameFAQs doesn't really think so.
Not very vocal on this one but I personally think a new F-Zero-rep isn't likely.

Lastly I was wondering how large you think the roster will be. And with that, will cuts be made for more newcomers. GameFAQs is pretty undecided about cuts, but at least within the realm of possibility is Toon Link, Ike, Lucas, and Lucario. I have strong feelings that all 3 Star Fox characters will stay, but there are others that don't. Lucario is agreed to probably be most in danger of being cut though.
Most of us don't expect a huge roster due what Sakurai had said before (Nintendo has not much "recognisable characters" left and had vaguely said there might not be much newcomers. He also had said he doesn't want to beef up the roster with "unimportant characters". We assume he means series which didn't get playable aside from Pikmin and Animal Crossing. )


Smash Hero
Jul 23, 2012
@Young Horsetail

Good characters to rep Tekken:
Alex (boxing dinosaur)
Roger Jr.
Paul Phoenix



Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
@Young Horsetail: Goroh, Krystal, and Starfy would have been the honorary mentions.

Do you think both King K. Rool and Dixie Kong will get in? Or with it be 1 or the other?
A good majority of us here agree that both of them will get in.

K. Rool: is hugely popular and notable.

Dixie: is just as notable, though not as popular, but has the advantage of being planned for Brawl (on the basis that she'd pull the tag team gameplay from DKC with Diddy, so yes she would have had her own moveset. But complications with it forced her to be cut, to which remember that Sakurai said the roster was mostly done already by the announcement of Brawl at E3 06).

What are your thoughts about the Pokemon reps? I figure Mewtwo, Lucario, and Zoroark is too much, not to mention the possibility of a 6th gen rep. Will Lucario get cut? Will Mewtwo return?
Mewtwo: Was planned for all three games, cut for time in two (the reason for in Brawl is unknown, a good bet would be Jiggs offered more), as is the most popular character for the next game who saw much rage over being removed in Brawl. Nuff said.

Lucario: For one thing, Sakurai doesn't care about sales or generations. Lucario himself was well received in Brawl and there's little reason to remove him especially when he's more popular than his possible competition.

Zoroark: Is okay popular, most of it though is on the basic idea of removing Lucario, rather than actually wanting her. For the most part is the flagship 5th Gen Pokemon. However both of her competition are much more popular than her and most have a hard time seeing her offering much moveset wise. Including her really just depends on whether or not you dislike either Lucario or Mewtwo or if you think Sakurai wants a new character in-comparison to what he already has.

6th Gen: Without going into what a possible new Pokemon could be like, development on this game started around Feb-March and from what we know much of the ground work of the game was already finished months ago. It's an obvious bet that this game missed Gen 6 by a year or so.

General consensus is at least 5 Pokemon (always with Pikachu, an unchanged Red and usually Jiggs), though some you'll find with 6 in order to get all the Pokemon newcomers on (it could have happened in Brawl, and over representation, in the way most people see it, doesn't matter).

What about Fire Emblem? Roy is highly requested in Japan, Ike was a Brawl favorite, but Chrom's game sold really well. Marth is pretty much a given, but what will happen here? Will Roy return and/or Ike get cut? Will Chrom replace Ike?
Ike: Arguably the most well received of the lords and is by far one of the most popular. There's literally no reason to cut him.

Roy: After Mewtwo, he's the most popular character for the next game. That said he was cut and he is a bit out there now, but he was planned for Brawl and chances are more than likely he would have been decloned (Ike's Eruption?).

Chrom: FE13 is a huge hit, and so is this character. He does however borrow a lot from previous lords (Marth's sword, Roy's non-fire special abilities, and a bit of Ike's design and Aether, though Chrom's Aether acts differently) and may not have much to offer.

Really comes down to who you think has more to offer moveset wise between Roy/Chrom or if Sakurai yet again comes to IS asking for a new character. And yes 3 FE characters is general consensus.

Will Shulk's 1 appearance be enough to warrant a spot in the roster?
Having only one appearance doesn't hurt Shulk, heck it's become a big well received and cult hit game (another Earthbound?). However, being from a new and unproven franchise does hurt him a bit based on Sakurai interviews from Brawl (ex. Nintendo doesn't have very many IPs left, the last Gen only had Pikmin and Animal Crossing).

I also forgot to mention that Saki is also another big character who is seen likely while I'm remembering.

Is another F-Zero rep likely at all? GameFAQs doesn't really think so.
Everyone generally wants an F-Zero rep, so it's just up to Sakurai and his whimsy. Everyone agrees it'd be either Goroh or Black Shadow, the former being the better bet.

Lastly I was wondering how large you think the roster will be. And with that, will cuts be made for more newcomers. GameFAQs is pretty undecided about cuts, but at least within the realm of possibility is Toon Link, Ike, Lucas, and Lucario. I have strong feelings that all 3 Star Fox characters will stay, but there are others that don't. Lucario is agreed to probably be most in danger of being cut though.
I don't really know how to explain roster size, but most have around 48-54 characters including the transformations.

Toon Link is the same difference as Young, not really a cut, and either way is not in danger. Ghirahim is another Zelda one shot like Skull Kid or Wolf Link & Minda. Tingle is Tingle.

Ike and Lucas aren't in danger of being cut, they're both staple characters in both of their series and are very popular and unique fighters.

Lucario, as I previously said Sakurai doesn't care about sales or Generations. In both the Smash and Pokemon scene Lucario stands out very well, he's arguably the most well known non-Gen 1 out there. Was well received for Smash and has a very unique moveset that lends itself to Smash well. The fear of him being replaced comes from not knowing how Sakurai chooses characters, lack of experience in both Smash or Pokemon fanbases, and Mewtwo having been cut.

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
TripleHyper: So what about Lip? Would she also have been " a honorary mention"? Just saying that her support's been rising which makes me think she might be worth of a mention.

And yeah, we forgot Saki. Though maybe because he poses same problem as Isaac (replaced by his son in a mediocrely received sequel). On the other hand he has Sakurai's favour on him.

8-Peacock: Thanks. I'll put these things down since TripleHyper mentioned the honoraries (hahah):

Honorary Mentions: Samurai Goroh, Krystal, Starfy

Namdai/Bamco Reps: Pacman, Jin, Kazuya, Heihachi (Tekken), Lloyd Irving (Tales Of Symphonia, support been quiet for a while now)
Tingle is Tingle.
If you don't get what he means, Tingle's not really supported expect by those who want to see people want to boycott SSB4 for good (for lulz, though some thing he might have a shot due being more of the recurring characters and has his own series. But America loathing him might be biggest reason preventing him for being added)

Though I'm one supporting him but I love the idea anyway. :awesome: :troll:

TripleHyper: But I thought he'd be looked upon positively because of his reception? I mean the interview was long time before Xenoblade was even announced.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
Lip? Honestly this is the first time in months I've seen any real mention of her. I also haven't seen her on very many rosters either.

I mostly forgot Saki out of a goof up. I already knew I forgot someone, he's still a good bet.

I'll let someone else tackle Namco, but in short if Pac Man is the best they have to offer it's a good bet we won't be seeing a Namco character. Namco doesn't seem all that interested anyway.

Deleted member

Dark Dawn and Sin & Punishment 2 were not mediocrely received. Both were well-received (Dark Dawn less than it's predecessors, but still did pretty well in receptions). Sin & Punishment 2 in on par with Sin & Punishment in reception.

@Young Horsetail and ---: Awfully nice of you two to summarize the general opinion on Smashboards to him.

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
TripleHyper: Go check the support topic though.

Okay, I hope I'm not trying to sound making Lip seem more popular than she is, but I was bit caught off-guard by her sudden rise of support. I tell ya, it's reserved, but dedicated. And there's longtimers back from Brawl-days at times even.

Also tackled the Namco-reps already.

SSBF: Well yeah. ``(~ñuñ~) ´´


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
@SSBF: So I did an okay job then?

@Tingle: It's Tingle, I'd rather not go into more detail unless I have to. :/

@Lip: "last post was 4 days ago..." :p It's good to see her get some more support, but she's still not up there with the honorary mentions yet. "Start bringing her up next time someone says Mach Rider." lol

Deleted member

Okay then, so I plan on making a video series of potential newcomers. These are the ones I feel are worth mentioning, regardless of odds:

Others I will talk about include Yoshi reps in general, Fire Emblem females, other Namco reps, Final Fantasy characters in general, and Bayonetta. Maybe an Animal crossing characters.

Anything to add or remove? I want to keep it to characters that are worthy of discussion, but don't want to miss anyone.

@---: I say you did pretty well. :)


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
Maybe deconstruct the varies flawed arguments out there, both for individual and grouped characters.

Also make sure to make it interesting. In other words more then just pictures and text.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Maybe Lucina from Fire Emblem? Otherwise, neat list. Props also for adding Impa.

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
@Lip: "last post was 4 days ago..." :p It's good to see her get some more support, but she's still not up there with the honorary mentions yet. "Start bringing her up next time someone says Mach Rider." lol
Well I let it slide off for now and see what happens. *Grumble* (-=^=)*


Smash Journeyman
Aug 21, 2007
Anything to add or remove? I want to keep it to characters that are worthy of discussion, but don't want to miss anyone.
I would say for the Animal Crossing characters, Tom Nook & Mr. Resetti. Also, Meowth & Petey Piranha (he was a boss :) ).

Also, are those veterans in your list going to have their odds of returning discussed?

Deleted member

Maybe deconstruct the varies flawed arguments out there, both for individual and grouped characters.

Also make sure to make it interesting. In other words more then just pictures and text.
I plan on using my own voice to discuss the characters. Text is not going to get the job done nearly enough to get into depth about these characters.

Going to be kind of difficult to get videos for SSB4 potential characters, but I'll see what I can do.

I will make a series of videos for characters and divide them into sections. The first section will be introducing the series as well as discussing what factors I will be using. As of the moment, I plan on having sections like these:

1st section: Introduction and Criteria I'll Use
2nd Section: Super Mario Bros.
3rd Section: Donkey Kong, Yoshi, and Wario
4th Section: The Legend of Zelda
5th Section: Metroid & Kid Icarus
6th Section: Kirby & Star Fox
7th Section: Pokemon
8th Section: F-zero & Earthbound
9th Section: Fire Emblem
10th Section: Retro
11th Section: Misc. Series
12th Section: Third-Party

Maybe Lucina from Fire Emblem? Otherwise, neat list. Props also for adding Impa.
I'm lumping Fire Emblem females for a reason. And just a warning, you're not going to like what I think of Impa.

I would say for the Animal Crossing characters, Tom Nook & Mr. Resetti. Also, Meowth & Petey Piranha (he was a boss :) ).

Also, are those veterans in your list going to have their odds of returning discussed?
I'm lumping Animal Crossing characters for a reason.

Almost forgot about Meowth. Will include him so Arcadenik doesn't whine about him not being included. Petey Piranha won't be in because I don't see anything going for him and I feel talking about him is a waste of time.

The veterans that are in there are the ones I will discuss the odds for. Veterans that aren't on there are ones I consider guarantee and don't merit discussion on the possibility of being cut.

Also forgot that I'm going to discuss the Diddy & Dixie Kong pairing as well.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 21, 2007

Ninka's roster Version 1.0
Excuse the Japenese names for certain characters, as I got the art all from one site (minus 3rd party characters)

I'll write up a description for these choices at some point.
Where did you get those pictures? I really like them!


Smash Journeyman
Aug 2, 2007
What's your opinion on Balloon Fighter guys? He was planned during Melee's development, I think. Sakurai also said he was bringing back old characters for SSB4.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Balloon Fighter? considering he was planned for Melee, he might have a chance.

however, I am neutral on him. I don't see how he could fight, but if he makes an appearence I will be fine with his inclusion.

for retro characters, I'd prefer Takamaru, the Prince of Sable or Lip.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 21, 2007
What's your opinion on Balloon Fighter guys? He was planned during Melee's development, I think. Sakurai also said he was bringing back old characters for SSB4.
I wouldn't mind him personally, I just feel as though he has alot more competition this time around, even in the Retro category.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 2, 2007
I wouldn't mind him personally, I just feel as though he has alot more competition this time around, even in the Retro category.
Same, I'm leaning more on Takamaru getting in over Balloon Fighter.

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
I remember that one long article explaining newcomers behind Melee and IC took the spot Balloon Fighter was going for. I think he was ruled out by Sakurai because "he'd be useless without balloons".


Smash Journeyman
Aug 2, 2007
I remember that one long article explaining newcomers behind Melee and IC took the spot Balloon Fighter was going for. I think he was ruled out by Sakurai because "he'd be useless without balloons".
Makes sense, wonder why he wasn't gonna have Balloons? That could easily be some of his upmoves.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 21, 2007
I will admit I've never played his games, but I am wondering what Takamaru will offer in terms of a moveset. Basically what I mean is "What will separate him from from other swrodsmen?" If he has a unique playstyle, I'll be satisfied.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
I will admit I've never played his games, but I am wondering what Takamaru will offer in terms of a moveset. Basically what I mean is "What will separate him from from other swrodsmen?" If he has a unique playstyle, I'll be satisfied.
He's a samurai. Samurai use katanas, which are different than normal swords like Marth's or Link's.

I think he has potential for a unique moveset.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 21, 2007
That's what I was figuring, which is why I support his inclusion. He should be able to offer a new spin on sword-wielding characters.


Smash Cadet
Jan 24, 2012
Okay thanks for the summary. That was incredibly helpful, my roster has been a lot more easy to create my roster. I might post it within the week, but I have finals. Not sure if I have any more questions, I'm just still debating Isaac and whether Ike or Chrom with get in. I'm just going to assume for Fire Emblem that Marth and Roy will get in, and that there will be 3 FE reps.

I just checked my roster, and if I don't cut anyone I have to choose between Isaac, Dixie Kong, and Shulk. I'm leaning towards Shulk now, but I'd like to fit Isaac in there. Ugh it'd be so much easier if I could just cut Lucas.

And in case you were wondering, the other newcomers I'm looking at right now are:

King K. Rool
Little Mac

The only ones in this list that I really feel comfortable with taking out are Roy and Ridley. Roy's too popular and Ridley would be a slap in the face if he wasn't in.

Deleted member

I think we'll see two of Isaac, Dixie Kong, and Shulk, but if you're deciding between one of those, I'd say Dixie Kong.


Smash Cadet
Jan 24, 2012
I think we'll see two of Isaac, Dixie Kong, and Shulk, but if you're deciding between one of those, I'd say Dixie Kong.
I'm starting to wonder if Dixie Kong depends on if Sakurai really thought of a moveset for her. I'll have to think about it, but I'm leaning towards Shulk now. We need more than Little Mac to represent new series IMO, not counting Takamaru.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 21, 2007
I'm not sure if Dixie Kong will make it in this time. I feel as though she will either just barely get in, or just barely miss the mark.

Deleted member

Given that Dixie Kong was planned for Brawl, I'd say that she will either be one of the higher priority newcomers or considered, but Sakurai feels she shouldn't be playable by myself.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
I remember that one long article explaining newcomers behind Melee and IC took the spot Balloon Fighter was going for. I think he was ruled out by Sakurai because "he'd be useless without balloons".
Which really makes no sense at all at this point in time. Think about this for a minute. Olimar, without his Pikmin, is barely able to fight at all.
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