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Roster Discussion Thread (Closed)

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Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
I think Pac-Man could be pretty interesting if you have actually played the Pac-Man World games.

B: Pac Chomp
This is like Wario's biting move. What did you expect? :awesome:

Side B: Pac 'n Roll
Pac-Man rolls around like Yoshi's egg move. Pac-Man actually did that in Pac-Man World 2 and the name is based on Pac 'n Roll, a spin-off DS game.

Up B: Pac-Dot Chain
This is similar to Ness's PK Thunder where a red Pac-Dot is controlled by the control stick and it leaves a long chain of yellow Pac-Dots behind. Basically you create a trail where Pac-Man will follow by eating the yellow Pac-Dots. This actually was in Pac-Man World 2.

Down B: B-Doing Bounce
Pac-Man jumps and bounces. It is like Yoshi's Down B move except Pac-Man can bounce around by tapping Down B over and over. This was also in Pac-Man World 2.

Final Smash: Power Pellet
Pac-Man eats the Power Pellet and glows yellow. All the other opponents turn blue. Now it is Sudden Death Match. Opponents can hit each other like normal but only Pac-Man can OHKO them just by hitting them.


Smash Hero
Jul 23, 2012
I think Pac-Man could be pretty interesting if you have actually played the Pac-Man World games.

B: Pac Chomp
This is like Wario's biting move. What did you expect? :awesome:

Side B: Pac 'n Roll
Pac-Man rolls around like Yoshi's egg move. Pac-Man actually did that in Pac-Man World 2 and the name is based on Pac 'n Roll, a spin-off DS game.

Up B: Pac-Dot Chain
This is similar to Ness's PK Thunder where a red Pac-Dot is controlled by the control stick and it leaves a long chain of yellow Pac-Dots behind. Basically you create a trail where Pac-Man will follow by eating the yellow Pac-Dots. This actually was in Pac-Man World 2.

Down B: B-Doing Bounce
Pac-Man jumps and bounces. It is like Yoshi's Down B move except Pac-Man can bounce around by tapping Down B over and over. This was also in Pac-Man World 2.

Final Smash: Power Pellet
Pac-Man eats the Power Pellet and glows yellow. All the other opponents turn blue. Now it is Sudden Death Match. Opponents can hit each other like normal but only Pac-Man can OHKO them just by hitting them.
Thats pretty much everythign he needs. :awesome:
(Totally didn't post the same thing in the precious page of this thread. lolololololol)


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
At this point every Namco choice out there feels underwhelming. There is nothing really out there that would tickle our fancy, and at this point we're only taking the idea for granted. I mean people really want Mega Man in Super Smash Bros. because people really want him as he would fit perfectly with the Smash universe and be a character that would bring in excitement reminiscent of Sonic, while with something out of Namco it feels like something taken for granted and it lacks a strong impression.

Whatever happens with any of Namco's characters won't get anyone rattled up that's for sure.


Smash Champion
Sep 11, 2012
Hyrule Fields
I think Pac-Man could be pretty interesting if you have actually played the Pac-Man World games.

B: Pac Chomp
This is like Wario's biting move. What did you expect? :awesome:

Side B: Pac 'n Roll
Pac-Man rolls around like Yoshi's egg move. Pac-Man actually did that in Pac-Man World 2 and the name is based on Pac 'n Roll, a spin-off DS game.

Up B: Pac-Dot Chain
This is similar to Ness's PK Thunder where a red Pac-Dot is controlled by the control stick and it leaves a long chain of yellow Pac-Dots behind. Basically you create a trail where Pac-Man will follow by eating the yellow Pac-Dots. This actually was in Pac-Man World 2.

Down B: B-Doing Bounce
Pac-Man jumps and bounces. It is like Yoshi's Down B move except Pac-Man can bounce around by tapping Down B over and over. This was also in Pac-Man World 2.

Final Smash: Power Pellet
Pac-Man eats the Power Pellet and glows yellow. All the other opponents turn blue. Now it is Sudden Death Match. Opponents can hit each other like normal but only Pac-Man can OHKO them just by hitting them.
yeah thats proably what his moveset would be. people would complain that a moveset like that would be boring... so. honestly look at every character in Smash right now. there are plenty of characters who have a moveset just as boring. that doesn't make them bad characters or anything.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Characters don't have to have flashy moves or interesting moves to be in Smash. Donkey Kong and Marth got some of the most boring movesets in Smash IMO but whatever.


Smash Champion
Sep 11, 2012
Hyrule Fields
Characters don't have to have flashy moves or interesting moves to be in Smash. Donkey Kong and Marth got some of the most boring movesets in Smash IMO but whatever.
hell id throw Mario and Wario in that category as well. but theyre still good fighters right?


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Depends on what aspect of Toad you're talking about.

@Chronobound: Say are you on Screwattack as well? I just noticed a blog that looks almost exactly like it was written by you over Japanese Smash Popularity. lol
I am not on Screwattack. Link me to this. Chew out this person for copying me and not giving me any credit.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
hell id throw Mario and Wario in that category as well. but theyre still good fighters right?
Yeah, exactly. I love Mario's moveset but I really dislike Wario's moveset (because it's based on WarioWare microgames and not on Wario Land transformations) but they are both good.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Well, to be fair, The Sealed Sword/Blazing Sword saga is among the weakest entires in the Fire Emblem franchise, not to mention FE6 is Japan only and Roy is a very underwhelming Lord in a very underwhelming game. Seriously, if you compare FE6, to FE 4 and 5, it is most certainly a downgrade. FE7 makes up for a it a little by giving you a slightly longer game.

In the grand context of representing Fire Emblem, Roy is largely insignificant to be honest, and already a clone character. My personal stance is if it comes between Roy, or another Fire Emblem Lord, I'll take the latter any day.
Personally, FE6 is one of my favorite two games in the series.

As for Fire Emblem as a whole, Roy is basically the most popular and noteworthy lord of GBA Fire Emblem trilogy. There was even a poll in Nintendo Dream asking who their favorite character from the GBA Fire Emblem trilogy was, and Roy got first place. So I would not say he is insignificant to Fire Emblem.

Also, its important to note that as with the West, Roy helped a lot of people in Japan get into Fire Emblem. There have been several posts that I have seen on Japanese forums where they credited using Roy was what got them to try out the Fire Emblem series.


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
Chrono's post sure spread like wildfire. I guess that's what happens when there's such a drought of information.

Also, in case you missed my question in your other thread, Chrono, I was wondering whether the Japanese acknowledge K. Rool's costumes at all, or only ask for him in his "King" form.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
shinpichu ninja'd me. :smirk:


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
O_O talk about a copycat!

anyway, @ChronoBound, I've been reading your findings, and it's been interesting to see what the japanese want.

a tidbit I found rather curious is that Sakurai told Famitsu that Ike's Neutral Special was originally intended for Roy.

everyone wants Roy and Mewtwo back, they are requested more than any other newcomer by far, both in Japan and West.

Dr. Mario, Lucina and Dark Pit seem popular choices for alternate costumes for Mario,
and Pit... I would like that to happen, too.

and it doesn't surprise seeing Black Shadow as a requested newcomer in Japan... being voiced by Norio Wakamoto and possibly inheriting Ganondorf's moveset are two big points, indeed.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Chrono's post sure spread like wildfire. I guess that's what happens when there's such a drought of information.

Also, in case you missed my question in your other thread, Chrono, I was wondering whether the Japanese acknowledge K. Rool's costumes at all, or only ask for him in his "King" form.
You have seen my observations posted in other places besides screwattack?

When K. Rool is requested its usually either just "kururu" (K. Rool) or "king kururu" (King K. Rool). Sometimes I see someone suggest Kaptain K. Rool. I have not really seen any moveset ideas posted for K. Rool so I am not sure whether they know they are all the same person (I know in Japan the story is that each of the K. Rools are brothers or something).


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
Neener neener. :p

Do you know if there's any way to report a blog post on SA?
Not that I know of. I myself haven't made very many blogs on the new site (the ones that I did I deleted a while back). I'll be sure to make mention of copycatting in the comment section though. EDIT: Done


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
O_O talk about a copycat!

and it doesn't surprise seeing Black Shadow as a requested newcomer in Japan... being voiced by Norio Wakamoto and possibly inheriting Ganondorf's moveset are two big points, indeed.
During pre-Brawl, I remember reading an interview with Norio Wakamoto where he was asked if he got contacted to do voice work for Brawl. Wakamoto's response was that he did not, but he would love to reprise the role of Black Shadow for Smash Bros.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
During pre-Brawl, I remember reading an interview with Norio Wakamoto where he was asked if he got contacted to do voice work for Brawl. Wakamoto's response was that he did not, but he would love to reprise the role of Black Shadow for Smash Bros.
considering that a major reason for Black Shadow's support in Japan is because of being portrayed by Wakamoto, I think this might be possible.

then again, I am just speculating...

by the way, is Ghirahim popular in Japan?


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
You have seen my observations posted in other places besides screwattack?

When K. Rool is requested its usually either just "kururu" (K. Rool) or "king kururu" (King K. Rool). Sometimes I see someone suggest Kaptain K. Rool. I have not really seen any moveset ideas posted for K. Rool so I am not sure whether they know they are all the same person (I know in Japan the story is that each of the K. Rools are brothers or something).
No, I haven't seen your observations anywhere else yet, but it's interesting that they were copy-pasted over to ScrewAttack less than 24 hours after you posted them. I'm sure they'll spread elsewhere, given more time. And thanks for the info!



Smash Champion
Sep 11, 2012
Hyrule Fields
considering that a major reason for Black Shadow's support in Japan is because of being portrayed by Wakamoto, I think this might be possible.

then again, I am just speculating...

by the way, is Ghirahim popular in Japan?
well accoding to that Screwattack article :awesome: Ghirahim is the highest rated Zelda character. but it doesn't look like that means much

Deleted member

I feel I have to be the one that defends Pac-Man, even if I'd rather have Heihachi at this point.

Points against:
1. "He is bland". Subjective. Also doesn't mean anything, since we got a character who could only drive a car, yet has a very flashy moveset in Smash. And we also have bland characters like DK and Marth.

2. "He can't do much". This is a problem with lack of research. The Pac-Man World titles give him plenty of abilities to use. And compare that to again, Captain Falcon, who was shown to do literally nothing but drive a car in-game. As for can't do much, it didn't stop Zelda/Sheik. Didn't stop Peach. Didn't stop Zero Suit Samus. Why should it stop Pac-Man, when he has more to work with than they did prior to their Smash debuts?

3. "Street Fighter X Tekken". Bear in mind that Pac-Man using a mech was used as a counter to the ridiculousness of Bad Box Art Mega Man. If you think the reaction to that Mega Man was bad, imagine if Pac-Man was given "proper" treatment but we still had that Mega Man (by Inafune's request). Namco and Capcom would never hear the end of it.

4. "He's only wanted because he's likely". Not true. There are legitimate Pac-Man fans out there, and yes, while they are more vocal now due to Bamco working on Smash 4, that isn't the reason they supported him in the first place.
But hey, if a character you like suddenly had a reasonable chance to be in the game, would you not be vocal about it too?
As for the argument about Pac-Man being "bandwagon" for Bamco working on the game, the same logic can be applied to Mega Man, who's being "bandwagoned" by people that think Smash will give Mega Man a chance to not be "dead", people that jump the gun on Sakurai's statement regarding a Capcom character being not outside the realm of possibility, and those that want him because he's "likely".
Same logic can apply to Palutena as well, as there are plenty of people that support her because Sakurai made Uprising.


Smash Master
Jun 27, 2012
Plastic Beach
How would you feel if Pac-Man moveset helped represent other games, such as being carried by a alien from galaxian or shooting a missle from bosconian


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
I think that Pac-man actually has the most diversity out of the Namco's choices. This is mainly because Pac-man is, in a vein to Mario, a blank slate character. A character that sacrifices some characterization in order to fill a lot more roles. Combined with the cartoon aspects that tend to influence the games, this means that Pac-man have all of the diversity he can want and be within a reasonable area.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 8, 2012
On a side note, I always wondered why there are so much Roy haters on the GameFAQs Smash Bros. Wii U board. My theory is because there is still a very large contingent of the "we need a female lord" crowd over there, and they think Roy is the character standing in the way of said hypothetical female lord.

Heck, there is some idiot thinking a Marth-look-alike (Lucina) is going to get in despite me saying that she is not even within the Top 15 most wanted characters in Japan, and half of her supporters in Japan don't think she would work with having her own slot due to how similar she is to Marth (the only other character that received that kind of sentiment is Dr. Mario).
So people against Roy "must be against him for some stupid reason" while people for Roy have "valid reasons"?

The vast majority of people in the West, even those that want Roy back, have never even played the game he starred in, so what is the point of adding him to SSB4?
Remove Ike or Marth from the SSB4 and you'll see a similar reaction of people wanting those characters back in SSB5.
If(and it's a big if) Fire Emblem gets a third character, why not go for a character from a game that was actually popular worldwide.
People not familiar with Fire Emblem could end up liking the new character just as much, if not more than Roy and might end up playing the game they star in. The Fire Emblem fans get one of the characters they like in Smash.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
So people against Roy "must be against him for some stupid reason" while people for Roy have "valid reasons"?

The vast majority of people in the West, even those that want Roy back, have never even played the game he starred in, so what is the point of adding him to SSB4?
I doubt most people who want Takamaru in have played Nazo no Murasame, does that make him any less valid to include?


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
Bandanna Dee would be a solid addition. He'd complete the Kirby 4 for me IMO. Besides love the sound of a spear user. Though at times makes me think Caeda would fit this bill too but I don't think she'll be featured.
Waddle Dee may work better because he's got a distinct style.

Sadly, I'm still not sold on if he'll actually make it. He seems popular in Japan, but not as much over here. What do you all think.

Ok, I will pretty much just ignore him then. The problem is that loudmouth fanboys end up convincing a lot of GameFAQs dumb masses to their opinions.
Yeah. Remember that one person trying to convince everyone of that one character from FE4 was important (so unimportant, I forgot the name. Ayra or something).

At this point every Namco choice out there feels underwhelming. There is nothing really out there that would tickle our fancy, and at this point we're only taking the idea for granted. I mean people really want Mega Man in Super Smash Bros. because people really want him as he would fit perfectly with the Smash universe and be a character that would bring in excitement reminiscent of Sonic, while with something out of Namco it feels like something taken for granted and it lacks a strong impression.

Whatever happens with any of Namco's characters won't get anyone rattled up that's for sure.
The problem with Namco character is people think they'll happen just because they are making them game. In the same vein, there was no Game Arts character in Brawl. Sakurai wont put in a character just because, which is why I doubt this. If there isn't a solid Namco character, it wont happen. Even Pac-Man is very weak.

Ghirahim is probably in the Top 15 in terms of requests. He is at around probably 13-15 though.
Interesting. I know you said there was a drop off after Waddle Dee, but what are the next 5 characters below him?


Smash Master
Jun 27, 2012
Plastic Beach
So people against Roy "must be against him for some stupid reason" while people for Roy have "valid reasons"?

The vast majority of people in the West, even those that want Roy back, have never even played the game he starred in, so what is the point of adding him to SSB4?
Remove Ike or Marth from the SSB4 and you'll see a similar reaction of people wanting those characters back in SSB5.
If(and it's a big if) Fire Emblem gets a third character, why not go for a character from a game that was actually popular worldwide.
People not familiar with Fire Emblem could end up liking the new character just as much, if not more than Roy and might end up playing the game they star in. The Fire Emblem fans get one of the characters they like in Smash.
So, we should have had someone from earthbound over lucas


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
I'm pretty sure half of the people here have never heard of a lot of the franchises established in Super Smash Bros. Hell, I'm pretty sure the majority of us never heard about Mother and Fire Emblem until Ness and Marth respectively appeared in Super Smash Bros.

I suppose the reason for supporting an "unknown" franchise these days is to get it recognized and have miracles happen because of it, kinda what happened to Fire Emblem and Kid Icarus. It's one reason why I do support the underdogs, especially Takamaru.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Interesting. I know you said there was a drop off after Waddle Dee, but what are the next 5 characters below him?
Black Shadow, Starfy, Ghirahim. I can't really discern who would be next after those three. I said Toon Zelda was the second most wanted Zelda character, but that was only one site where there was a lot of people requesting her.

Funny enough, I see Takamaru come up more often in the West than in Japan.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
I'm pretty sure half of the people here have never heard of a lot of the franchises established in Super Smash Bros. Hell, I'm pretty sure the majority of us never heard about Mother and Fire Emblem until Ness and Marth respectively appeared in Super Smash Bros.

Black Shadow, Starfy, Ghirahim. I can't really discern who would be next after those three. I said Toon Zelda was the second most wanted Zelda character, but that was only one site where there was a lot of people requesting her.
So it's not clear cut. The top 10 are pretty distinct but it gets hazy after that. I assume there is a good distance between Waddle Dee and the next one.

As a side, anyone every figure out who's popular in the English boards. Seems about the same, but you know.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
Funny enough, I see Takamaru come up more often in the West than in Japan.
I believe it's like you stated a handful of times, "retro" characters hardly come up much from eastern support. No idea why it's like this to begin with. Are the Japanese in general less influenced by nostalgia or are they more focused on the present then the western side of things?


Smash Ace
Dec 31, 2009

I doubt most people who want Takamaru in have played Nazo no Murasame, does that make him any less valid to include?
This is true, but I myself, Who has played Nazo no Murasame really thinks that he could have an interesting moveset, with a mixture of bombs, Shurikens, fast sword play, Fire magic, Lightning Magic, and Invisibility.

I dunno about Roy's moveset, I just kinda have a fear of him being a clone of marth again...

If he isn't a clone, and ends up having his design from FE awakening, then by all means go for it.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006

So it's not clear cut. The top 10 are pretty distinct but it gets hazy after that. I assume there is a good distance between Waddle Dee and the next one.

As a side, anyone every figure out who's popular in the English boards. Seems about the same, but you know.
I may throw Black Shadow and Starfy (and maybe Ghirahim) into a C-tier, because it really does get really hazy after those three.

So its basically this:


Mega Man
K. Rool

Dixie Kong
Waddle Dee

Black Shadow

Everything else is too uncommon to really group.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
I believe it's like you stated a handful of times, "retro" characters hardly come up much from eastern support. No idea why it's like this to begin with. Are the Japanese in general less influenced by nostalgia or are they more focused on the present then the western side of things?
As a thought, it may be because the series that were new and exciting here were not as much in Japan. Earthbound was kind of obscure here and Fire Emblem was an unknown. People in the west expect that more from Smash. Of course, Sakurai also loves to do it, so we also expect it.

In general, retro characters are ignored the world over. Little Mac may be the most popular just because we like him in the west, though I think even his popularity is depressed.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
In general, retro characters are ignored the world over. Little Mac may be the most popular just because we like him in the west, though I think even his popularity is depressed.
Punch-Out is kind of an exception considering the NES Punch-Out is legitimately one of the most popular games for the NES. I always saw Punch-Out in the Top 20 most downloaded Virtual Console games each week. Punch-Out Wii also sold very well.
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