I take a break from this forum, and I see the usual suspects are ****-talking about me. Stay classy. I have had a lot **** to take care of in the real world, so I am not allowed to have "no laifu" like the majority of people here.
It also seems Shortie has had a beef about Roy lately. I wonder what his case is.
Anyway, I don't know why people are tying anime memes to me considering I have absolutely no interest in it.
Lastly, about the killing FE characters. I killed Lyn, Micaiah, and Tharja with Falaflame (the ph1rest of ph1r3 in the FE universe), so there is no remains for even the likes of Manly and DragonSniper to mourn over their dead waifus. Like anyone is going to miss a weak tutorial lord, a Mary Sue, and an ecchi character anyway.