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Roster Discussion Thread (Closed)

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Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
that's what he means by casuals manly

people who just **** around when playing the game, play everything with items, don't really take the time to understand their character's movesets and just spam their most powerful moves, etc

Deleted member

Tipper was nerfed? How?
In Brawl?

Smaller hitbox for the tip. Sword is shorter, attacks with the tip hit less hard than in Melee, not to mention that the floaty mechanics of Brawl made juggling a bit harder for Marth.

Also, the Changed Shield Breaker and made it ****ty so you couldn't edge-guard with it anymore.

Funny how despite all those short-comings Marth still managed to be a high-tier character in Brawl.

Deleted member

that's what he means by casuals manly

people who just **** around when playing the game, play everything with items, don't really take the time to understand their character's movesets and just spam their most powerful moves, etc
I had a friend just like that. During FFA matches he'd just sit in the middle of the stage and spam Link's Spin Attack, over and over again.

We called him "No Skills" from that day forward.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
that's what he means by casuals manly

people who just **** around when playing the game, play everything with items, don't really take the time to understand their character's movesets and just spam their most powerful moves, etc
Yeah. Casual players play with all items on, and just hit random usually for stages. This being a competitive Smash Bros. site, they tend to lose sight those people are the the overhwhelming majority (at least 90%) of Smash Bros. fans and players out there.

Deleted member

Yeah. Casual players play with all items on, and just hit random usually for stages. This being a competitive Smash Bros. site, they tend to lose sight those people are the the overhwhelming majority (at least 90%) of Smash Bros. fans and players out there.
But that's like the casual Mario Kart players, or the casual gamers for just about any game in the industry. The Angry Birders and such. Their opinions don't matter.


Smash Legend
Jun 4, 2009
Arcata, CA
Considering you are a competitive player, of course you would dominate casual players with Marth. Playing extensively amongst casual fans, they have had an easier time hitting with Roy's sweet spot than Marth's.
Also, we are already know Marth is better than Roy on a tier list.
Marth was frankly made to be too overpowered in Melee. (he even had a few nerfs in the European version of the game).
Sakurai balances as best he can for the product he intends; I highly doubt Sakurai balanced Melee for the way the competitive metagame evolved.

Marth is better than Roy. Roy's knock back on his normals might be higher but you can't string combos with them after two hits. Roy needs to get in close to perform at his in his best zone but nearly every character has better options at Roy's best range. Roy also falls faster than Marth which means he can get comboed with more ease than Marth. Roy's "tip" almost never hist because most of the time the rest of his sword's hurtbox hits the oponent before the "tip" does. There's more stuff against Roy but I'm too lazy to make long(er) posts.

I like playing as Roy too, but there's a reason why Marth is my main in Melee.
Funny how despite all those short-comings Marth still managed to be a high-tier character in Brawl.
Marth is a very well rounded character that makes you rely on fundamentals and not doing stupid ****. Marth's options are fast, safe and have excellent range too. I don't envision Marth ever being bad in a somewhat balanced game.

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
Chrono: I didn't mean it that literally, but ah well. Just lots of speaking about Roy today...

Habanero: If that's so, then I must be getting an Eternal Sword up my ass soon for postponing doing a an argument page for Lloyd.


But really, Roy has to yet impress me. (-´_´-)


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Have you played FE6 yet?

I liked playing Roy in Melee from time to time, but then I played FE6.
Roy is actually amongst the Top 10 best units in FE6 (in a game with over 50 recruitable units in the main game). Amongst pre-FE7 lords, the only two "powerful" ones were Sigurd and Celice.

As a matter of fact, as an unit Roy is regarded better in his own game than Eliwood and Lyn are in their's (just compare their position on the tier lists).

Deleted member

Roy is actually amongst the Top 10 best units in FE6 (in a game with over 50 recruitable units in the main game). Amongst pre-FE7 lords, the only two "powerful" ones were Sigurd and Celice.

As a matter of fact, as an unit Roy is regarded better in his own game than Eliwood and Lyn are in their's (just compare their position on the tier lists).
You sure about that?

/feg/ hates his guts. I should mention /feg/ also dislikes Lyn because of the waifu **** and actually consider Eliwood to be a better unit stat-wise. I tried to argue against them, but they proved me wrong on that one.

/feg/'s fave units are Hector, Sigurd and Ike. Ephriam too.

I would trust /feg/ as they seem to know their **** about Fire Emblem, and their main dislike for Roy had many well founded reasons, including but not limited to his useless late promotion and his terrible early game.

He's even below Micaiah in their eyes.


I was just having a laugh buddy. Only being half serious with that statement so don't look into it too much.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
But really, Roy has to yet impress me. (-´_´-)
I'm in the same territory. At the moment I just do see much with Roy aside from being an inferior Math and a shoddy lord. Ironically no matter what Chrono has said over the months, he only convinced me that Leif would be a cool addition due to him being able use everything but the kitchen sink after being promoted.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
You sure about that?

/feg/ hates his guts. I should mention /feg/ also dislikes Lyn because of the waifu ***s and actually consider Eliwood to be a better unit stat-wise. I tried to argue against them, but they proved me wrong on that one.

/feg/'s fave units are Hector, Sigurd and Ike. Ephriam too.

I would trust /feg/ as they seem to know their **** about Fire Emblem, and their main dislike for Roy had many well founded reasons, including but not limited to his useless late promotion and his terrible early game.

He's even below Micaiah in their eyes.
I don't care what a bunch of people who pirate games have to say,. In general, the Western FE fanbase usually just cares about how overpowered a lord is (in comparison to the Japanese fanbase, there are some that actually disdain for that, and some want to see the power of lords toned down back to pre-FE7 levels). Prior to FE7, lords were more often than not "weak" or "mediocre". Heck, when Shouzou Kaga (the creator of FE) left IS and made Tear Ring Saga, Ronan (the lord of Tear Ring Saga) was weaker than any other lord in the FE series, except possibly FE1 Marth. Reese from Berwick Saga, I heard was even weaker than Ronan.

Secondly, they are right that Eliwood is better as an unit than Lyn (especially on Hector mode).

However, within the context of FE6, Roy is among the best units in his game, though he is definitely among the weaker lords in the series (he is better than Leaf and FE1 Marth, and probably on par with FE3 Book 1 Marth and Micaiah). Roy is not terrible early game, and is probably better than most other units in the early part of the game with the exception of Alan, Lance, Dieck, and Rutger (who in general are amongst the best units overall for FE6).

Roy's main handicap overall for FE6 is his absurdly late promotion. Had he promoted at say, Chapter 16 (where he becomes leader of the Etrurian Army), he would be considered among the Top 5 best units in FE6. As he is currently in FE6, he is regarded among the Top 10 best units in that.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Ino matter what Chrono has said over the months, he only convinced me that Leif would be a cool addition due to him being able use everything but the kitchen sink after being promoted.
I said Leaf would a good addition (he's my favorite lord afterall). However, Leaf can only use every weapon type in FE4 when he promotes (where he is not a lord). In FE5 where he is the lord, he can only use swords, even when he promotes.

Also, its funny how you call Roy a "shoddy lord" when Leaf is far weaker than Roy within his own game, and the second-worst lord overall in the series (the worst is FE1 Marth).


Smash Legend
Jun 4, 2009
Arcata, CA
I think their opinion holds weight as they are the target demographic. At the same time, I believe casuals are too divided to form a common opinion. >_>
The way I see it, if you bought and played the game you're entitled to your opinion about the game and the game play experience. You bought a Smash game, loved it or hated it and that's worth respecting as long as you spent enough time with the product to have an informed opinion relevant to your desired gameplay experience. That being said, if you did not play competitively then you don't have a say in tier list discussions, what characters are good in a competitive 1v1 scenario and stuff like that because you don't have enough knowledge about the competitive medium and all of it's aspects. I know it sounds elitist but that's the way I see it.

If someone doesn't know enough about an art form, a sport, a game or a discipline then that person's opinion regarding that topic is not relevant; with all due respect.

Moon Monkey

Smash Hero
Nov 20, 2006
The Moon
Switch FC
Idk about you guys, but I feel like watching some Roy combo videos now!

Deleted member

I don't care what a bunch of people who pirate games have to say,. In general, the Western FE fanbase usually just cares about how overpowered a lord is (in comparison to the Japanese fanbase, there are some that actually disdain for that, and some want to see the power of lords toned down back to pre-FE7 levels). Prior to FE7, lords were more often than not "weak" or "mediocre". Heck, when Shouzou Kaga (the creator of FE) left IS and made Tear Ring Saga, Ronan (the lord of Tear Ring Saga) was weaker than any other lord in the FE series, except possibly FE1 Marth. Reese from Berwick Saga, I heard was even weaker than Ronan.

Secondly, they are right that Eliwood is better as an unit than Lyn (especially on Hector mode).

However, within the context of FE6, Roy is among the best units in his game, though he is definitely among the weaker lords in the series (he is better than Leaf and FE1 Marth, and probably on par with FE3 Book 1 Marth and Micaiah). Roy is not terrible early game, and is probably better than most other units in the early part of the game with the exception of Alan, Lance, Dieck, and Rutger (who in general are amongst the best units overall for FE6).

Roy's main handicap overall for FE6 is his absurdly late promotion. Had he promoted at say, Chapter 16 (where he becomes leader of the Etrurian Army), he would be considered among the Top 5 best units in FE6. As he is currently in FE6, he is regarded among the Top 10 best units in that.

Well, what does it matter if they Pirate games or not? How does that make their opinions any less valid than yours? They still played the same game.

Anyway, I seem to recall Lilianna (is that her name? Hector's girl) being a far better unit Roy could ever hope to be. Also, 'could have been' doesn't mean anything. The fact remains that he is what he is. Also in overall usefulness he's just flat out weak. I mean, compare him to Ike who was a very handy unit all-throughout. Or hell, even Lyn who's, according to them, rather mediocre, in usefulness she served her purpose though.

Here, I asked them why they felt that way in the thread. You're more than welcome to duking it out with them. I actually wanna see what you have to say tbh.

Also, I gotta say, this image cracked me up as I felt the same way about Lucina when I first saw her official art.



Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
Also, its funny how you call Roy a "shoddy lord" when Leaf is far weaker than Roy within his own game, and the second-worst lord overall in the series (the worst is FE1 Marth).
Didn't play the 5th game yet, so I wouldn't know how bad Leif is. Roy however felt more like a chore compared to the other lords, so far at least.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Anyway, I seem to recall Lilianna (is that her name? Hector's girl) being a far better unit Roy could ever hope to be.
There are loads of units that are considered better than Lilina. Roy is especially considered much better as an unit than Lilina. Lugh is a far better mage than Lilinia (especially on ranked runs) because you get him much earlier, and by the time you get Lilina, he will be far more levelled than her. Lilina starts at level one in Chapter 8, and you have to baby her to make her decent. Heck, one of the ways you need to do to make her decent/good is to support her with Roy (their supports build very, very quickly).

The fact remains that he is what he is. Also in overall usefulness he's just flat out weak.
No, the fact is that within the context of FE6 he is among the best units in FE6. On the tier list for FE6, he ranks better than more than 40 other units in the game. Roy ranks as high as he is because of his overall utility throughout the entirety of FE6.

Deleted member

i actually thought that was a dude until i saw her hair


dem jaws
Also, apparently Roy is a fatty because:

>His Awakening art makes him look like he has a gut


>his FE6 sprite makes him look short and fat.

those guys crack me up.

T3h F13R3

just became

The Fatty.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Also, why does Manly keep linking to 4chan when it constantly has foul language, and sexually explicit posts in it? Are the mods asleep at the wheel?

The Black mage

Smash Journeyman
Jan 7, 2013
Regna Ferox
The two main impediments for Chrom about why there does not seem to be much hype for him as a prospective newcomer are:
1. Being seen as bland and uninteresting (due to his similarities to Ike).
2. People who have played FE13 preferring the other main characters over him.
But really, why is he so bland?
No, Diehard smash fans don't want chrom. Chrom's inclusion might mean Roy wont come back or Ike gets cut.
Ike and Roy are highly favored character's, yes. I can understand that...

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
So 4chan doesn't work as a source.

I've only been finding Roy be middle/bottom unit instead of top/best-tier at the internet though. Even with among the hardcore FE-communities. Doesn't scream "one of the best units" to me.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
I've only been finding Roy be middle/bottom unit instead of top/best-tier at the internet though. Even with among the hardcore FE-communities. Doesn't scream "one of the best units" to me.
Want me to link you to the FE6 tier list since you don't believe me otherwise?

Deleted member

Also, why does Manly keep linking to 4chan when it constantly has foul language, and sexually explicit posts in it? Are the mods asleep at the wheel?

4chan's responses to what you said about Roy, so, some people half agree with you, other disagree dude. Also it seems he doesn't rank very high on any tier list.

>I don't think Roy ranks high on any list, even on the Serenes ones.

>Roy's utility is being required to finish the map. His rapier is good for killing cavaliers early on though. Not so much for armors due to WTD, though, but he can double them so he still has a chance.

>Yes. Lugh is better than Lilina.

>I remember he's as good as Lot. Roy's not that terrible until after Chapter 12.

>the only real use roy has is his ****ing sword
he can literally solo the last two chapters because of >effective damage and the fact that the SoS can be used to heal himself
even at base stats, he can one round the final boss, because of how bull**** his sword is

>The Sword of Seals has only 20 uses, though. Without Hammerne support, it's going to break midway through a chapter. And without the sword Roy's back to being worthless
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