You always bring this up, but the fact remains that you are wrong. Some characters given their insipiration and canon material have different moveset opportunities that other character cannot emulate properly.
Ice Climbers never had ice powers.
Zero Suit Samus only had an emergency pistol that was for defensive purposes.
ROB never shot lasers out of his eyes and had thrusters.
Captain Falcon was never Kamen Rider.
Sakurai has taken lots of liberties with characters regardless of the canonity.
To bring up the Lyn discussion, name another charcter that could a battoujutsu close range fighting style in Smash.
Can you make unique movesets for those other characters? Yes, but none will ever be able to have what Lyn can have. When people say 'uniqueness' they really mean 'diversity.' Having a viriety if different fighting styles is more interesting than having less inspired variations of already existng styles. This is why I made that OC challenge thread. So people can become aware of that crucial fact.
Dr. Mario could have an absurd doctor moveset (think Valentine from Skullgirls), though probably more cartoony in his case (with absurdly oversized syringes, a magnifying glass, his stethoscope, and a blood-presser tester). No other character would be able to bring this to Smash Bros.
Duck Hunt Dog could bring a cartoonish animal style (think Looney Tunes) with a specialty of using ducks and the famed NES Zapper periphiral. No other character could emulate this style.
Dr. Mario is a character that has been playable in Smash Bros. already and was planned for Brawl (as well as from Nintendo's most popular and well-known puzzle series, while Duck Hunt Dog is from possibly the best selling game on the NES outside of the Mario trilogy.
I don't support either of those two characters (and I highly doubt you do as well), but the point is that if you are going to base a character's inclusion solely on "diversity" there are many other characters that could bring that as well, all of which have subjective qualifiers.
In some people's eyes, due the importance of Dr. Mario having his own sub-series, he should be brought back, while to others he is just another Mario. For some Duck Hunt Dog is an iconic character on the NES, while for others he is the worst idea ever.
For the latter, people have similarly used the "think of what they could bring" argument in regards to inclusion. However, for inclusion, its much more than just "moveset diversity/potential". And that is why people disagree on characters such as Lyn, Dr. Mario, and Duck Hunt Dog. To some those characters do have the merits, while to others they simply don't.
The reason why I disagree with a character like Lyn is this, or a series like FE, which has cycling protagonists, a character like Lyn is lost amongst the rest (even within the arc she is from, Elibe FE6/FE7). She is one among three (very arguably the least important of the three) for one game in the series (of which she has to share the game with Hector, who is probably the second most popular lord overall in the West), so her overall importance to the series, is very debateable. I think her position as an Assist Trophy in Brawl was the the right call (along with other characters such as Waluigi and Tingle). I think Tiki/Chiki is another FE character that should make the jump to Assist Trophy status (especially considering she has been a playable character in ever FE game since Brawl's release).
Anyway I do agree that characters should be judged by their merits rather than their gender. As N3ON said, giving women special treatment because they are female IS sexist.
I am pretty sure N3ON was being faceticious there, I know I was with Croph.
Anyway, I think it's fair to admit that sex sells. And that ANY attractive looking female character will have a horny 'loser' fanbase. Crusifying a chatacter because you don't wanna attract that fanbase is absurd imo.
You seem to think I am against any attractive female character. You are wrong with that assessment. I personally think Palutena is very deserving for a playable status, and she is arguably the most attractive possible female newcomer for Smash 4.
As I said before for many of the female FE characters (particularly what happened with Caeda/Sheeda and Lissa), is that people simply supported those characters merely on the grounds that they thought they were the most likely female FE characters to get in. Due to FE13's nature, there has not been a solidfied bandwagon, because those types are basically equally divided amongst Lucina, Anna, and the female version of My Unit.
Lyn does has some genuine support (as well as Micaiah), however, much like I think Ike is the most appropriate representative for Tellius, thus Micaiah is unneeded, I don't think Lyn would be the a good character to use to represent FE6/FE7 (I think if an Elibe character aside from Roy had to be used, the best choice would probably be Hector who is popular both among the Japanese and Western FE fanbases, and was actually very important to the story of FE7). I think Lyn's spot as an Assist Trophy is meritted (though I am skeptical whether she will return, since I think Smash 4 is mostly going to borrow content from FE13, and that the most likely choices for an AT there will probably be some sort of pegasus knight or Chiki/Tiki).
Lumping every female character you don't support as a 'bandwagon' character is unfair to those that have other reasons than the ones you claim.
Again you are wrong. I don't claim Krystal has a bandwagon (though I do think she had more support in the past than she does now due to the belief that she was the most likely female character to get in at that point of time, though I think its a combination of Palutena and the Star Fox series going into hiatus that are the primary culprits behind the depreciation of her popularity).
However, the phenomenon I described for FE is real. Right now the attention is divided between Anna, Lucina, and female My Unit. I think if there was only one plausible female representative from FE13 that such a character would be competitive with Chrom for requests (though if Anna was not playable or My Unit did not happen, I think Lucina would be handicapped in popularity due to her similarities to Marth, though she would have still probably have been by far the most wanted female FE character for Smash 4).
You're entitled to not like a character and cracks jokes at other's expense if you like, but at least give credit where credit is due.
I do that.
Imo, it would at least make you a more sensible speculator. Anyway, I mean this all in good heart bro, so don't take ut the wrong way.
I am pretty sensible even if you don't think that.
Also, I appreciate that you were not overly aggressive or obnoxious in your rebuttal. That is much better behavior and its actually constructive to getting an argument across. I do think the sidebit about female psychology and socio-political stuff was unnecessary for the topic at hand, but otherwise you wrote a very solid response back. I do understand where you are coming from, even if I probably frustrate you.
I am glad you got a lot more done from your abscence from this site. People get too crazy when they spend too much time here anyway.