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Roster Discussion Thread (Closed)

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Vintage Creep

Smash Master
Oct 8, 2012
Silent Hill
If Star Fox can get 3 characters, then so can F-Zero. I don't think Stewart or Pico are particularily likely, but that's just me.
Yeah but anyway Starfox Command came out around Brawl's release date.
The last F-Zero is dated 2004/5 I don't remember

I still think the only likely character is Goroh, unless they announce a new F-Zero.

Deleted member

Even if they were to announce a new F-Zero, it wouldn't make any difference.

When Brawl's roster was being decided upon, GX was still pretty fresh, and the Falcon Densetsu anime finished its run and had a pair of games made for it.

It really comes down to whether or not Sakurai finds a new character necessary.


Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2012
Riding a Wailord
I feel like we should discuss this roster, not by me, by the way:
Warning;you`re not going to like this roster.It may send you into the depth of depression,gives you convulsion or at the minimum send you into a blind rage that can only be calmed down by playing a few games of Brawl again.You have been warned...

Returning characters from the n64 days;
-Donkey Kong
Returning characters from the gamecube days;
-Mr.Game and Watch
-Returning characters from Brawl;
Intended characters from Brawl that are now playable;
-Toon Zelda
-Pra Mai,the Pokemon duo from the forbideen seven
spiritual successors to some of previous games` characters;
-Legendary trainer;Mewtwo,a Lucario successor and a brand new Pokemon
-Guiharim;a Ganondorf remplacement
-Princess Rosalina;a Peach remplacement
Brand new characters;
-Mach Rider;a re-invention like Pit,can now fight independently from his bike with a variety of stylish guns
-Palutena;a staff and magic user
-Little Mac;has a star mechanic where every sucssesful counter gives him a star which boost his specials and allow him to use his final smash
-Ridley;a Bowser,Charizard hybrid and the larger Smash Bros character ever
-Shulk;a heavy sword user,can charge his sword with a variety of attributes
-The Wonderful 101;a multi-character who works as a group to fight.
-Yoshimitsu;a semi-melee,semi-sword user who`s intended for expert players
-Bayonetta;a fluid,combo-heavy character.She fights with a mix of melee,guns and hair
-Virtual Boy;a joke character ala R.O.B
-Non-Specific Action Figure;borrow moves and attacks from the entire cast of character,offered as a pre-order bonus or as a dlc character
-Custom Character Creator;you can create your own character by using fighting styles and specials moves from every characters in the game.Unlockable pieces allows you to create several Namco characters that haven`t made it in the roster.

Diddy Kong,Magnus,Sakura Samurai,Ketzal Corridor,Pushmo,Dillon and King K.Rool will be joining the cast of assist trophies,the later having a similar situation to Waluigi.


Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2006
The Netherlands
I felt that was pretty much a joke roster only to set people off and will treat it that way. Perhaps it was meant to troll, but he only made himself look like a proper arse, that's no trolling.

The kid removed Yoshi, Bowser, Peach, Diddy Kong, Ganondorf, Zelda, Toon Link, Dedede, Captain Falcon, Jigglypuff, Ness, Lucas, Ike, Ice Climbers, ROB, Falco, Wolf, Olimar, Pokémon Trainer, Lucario, Sonic and Snake. That's 21 characters of the current 35, or 25 out of 38 (assuming he scraps ZSS as well). That's over 60 percent - you can't take that seriously.

Spydr Enzo

Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2009
I'm not so sure the general appeal for Goroh is as big as it is on this forum. While he's definitely a unique character, I don't think he's famous enough to be in Smash, enless he's really popular in Japan.
I wouldn't mind having him in the game, but if it meant taking a place of other more deserving characters, I'd rather not have him in for the sake of having a second F-Zero character.
That's the problem. We're kind of running out of other more "deserving" characters. Even characters from other unrepresented series are questionable at this point. A character being "deserving" of a spot won't always earn them a spot however. Characters like Ridley, Toad, and King K. Rool are by far more deserving than characters like Lucas, Ike, and R.O.B. There are much more factors to consider than a character's "deservingness."

Also, I don't have the source right now (it's somewhere in this thread, maybe someone else less lazy can find it for you), but F-Zero happens to be one of the top 10 most popular Nintendo series in Japan.

If the point of adding characters to the roster is to get more people playing Smash, it seems better to get many different franchises rather than more characters of franchises that are already included. I don't see people buying SSB4 because Samurai Goroh is in it, but I do see people buying it because the main character from their prefered game is in it, like Megaman, Isaac(Golden Sun), Banjo,...(I am aware of the complications of getting some of those characters)
I'm sure people did not buy Brawl due to the inclusion of characters such as R.O.B., the Ice Climbers, or Zero Suit Samus for that matter. The fact is that F-Zero, despite being seemingly dead, has still managed to remain somewhat popular, and some of its characters (namely Samurai Goroh) have become familiar to Smash fans who would like to see another "Captain Falcon" character.

I feel like we should discuss this roster, not by me, by the way:
I feel like we shouldn't discuss that roster. It's incredibly... bad, and there really isn't anything great to say about it. It seems like a joke to me anyway. I prefer serious roster discussion.


Smash Cadet
Oct 10, 2012
I felt that was pretty much a joke roster only to set people off and will treat it that way. Perhaps it was meant to troll, but he only made himself look like a proper arse, that's no trolling.

The kid removed Yoshi, Bowser, Peach, Diddy Kong, Ganondorf, Zelda, Toon Link, Dedede, Captain Falcon, Jigglypuff, Ness, Lucas, Ike, Ice Climbers, ROB, Falco, Wolf, Olimar, Pokémon Trainer, Lucario, Sonic and Snake. That's 21 characters of the current 35, or 25 out of 38 (assuming he scraps ZSS as well). That's over 60 percent - you can't take that seriously.
I know that you think it`s bad,and i agree with you.But if i were you,i`d be ready to expect dissapointment considering that the final roster could be very different from what most people are expecting.

Also,Zero Suit Samus is part of Samus which is why i didn`t mentionned her.

Vintage Creep

Smash Master
Oct 8, 2012
Silent Hill
I know that you think it`s bad,and i agree with you.But if i were you,i`d be ready to expect dissapointment considering that the final roster could be very different from what most people are expecting.

Also,Zero Suit Samus is part of Samus which is why i didn`t mentionned her.
That wouldn't be a disappointment. It would be beyond disappointment. It would need a new word to describe that. Removing Mewtwo was a disappointment. Not having Megaman was a disappointment. This... can't happen. Because, you know, they need to actually SELL the game.

Deleted member

I know that you think it`s bad,and i agree with you.But if i were you,i`d be ready to expect dissapointment considering that the final roster could be very different from what most people are expecting.

Also,Zero Suit Samus is part of Samus which is why i didn`t mentionned her.
Why bother expecting disappointment?

If we truly want to avoid disappointment, we might as well say we expect this to be the worst game ever with nothing of what we want. Keeping expectations in line, sure, but we're bound to find at least one aspect of the game we're going to be disappointed about.

Spydr Enzo

Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2009
I know that you think it`s bad,and i agree with you.But if i were you,i`d be ready to expect dissapointment considering that the final roster could be very different from what most people are expecting.
"Oh, I know! Let's cut the roster in half and cut some popular and important characters like Yoshi, Peach and Bowser, then add a ton of completely ridiculous characters that no one gives a crap about. That would sure be surprising!"

What a brilliant idea...


You're a vegetable
Mar 24, 2012
There's a lack of Shy Guy in your roster jigglover. Why do I feel...disappointed?



Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2012
No, a better idea, cut out Luigi, Peach, Bowser, Diddy, Zelda, Sheik, Gannondorf, Toon Link, Meta Knight, King Dedede, Falco, Wolf, Pokemon Trainer, Lucario, Jigglypuff, Ike, and Lucas. Then add The main character to every single Nintendo franchise every! :troll: :troll:



Smash Cadet
Oct 10, 2012
That wouldn't be a disappointment. It would be beyond disappointment. It would need a new word to describe that. Removing Mewtwo was a disappointment. Not having Megaman was a disappointment. This... can't happen. Because, you know, they need to actually SELL the game.
...Except that they are many things to like in Smash Bros,like the GAMEPLAY,the MODES,the variety of ITEMS and STAGES,alongside the potential awesomness of the online component and the connectivity between 3ds and Wii U.Oh and i forgot things like the cool unlockables.The roster is just one aspect of the game.

Why bother expecting disappointment?

If we truly want to avoid disappointment, we might as well say we expect this to be the worst game ever with nothing of what we want. Keeping expectations in line, sure, but we're bound to find at least one aspect of the game we're going to be disappointed about.
And the dissapointing aspect could be the cast of playable character.Just saying.

"Oh, I know! Let's cut the roster in half and cut some popular and important characters like Yoshi, Peach and Bowser, then add a ton of completely ridiculous characters that no one gives a crap about. That would sure be surprising!"

What a brilliant idea...
So Little Mac,Ridley,Shulk,Guiharim are completly ridiculous characters:glare:


Smash Journeyman
Oct 8, 2012
It's pretty stupid to assume that Bowser, the most famous bad guy in any Nintendo franchise, will be removed and have Ridley in his stead. Why remove popular characters and in return have characters that have only appeared in 1 game, like Ghirahim.
They'd be fine as additions to the current roster, but definitely not as replacements.


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2012
We need a forum that has a tournament styled event for each sections. For example Mario catgorize would be

Toad vs Birdo
Daisy vs Rosalina
Paper Mario vs Dr. Mario
Geno vs Mallow
Bowser Jr vs Koopalings
King Boo vs Petey Piranha
Waluigi vs Wart
Fawful vs Princess Shroob

(Koopalings, Wart and Princess Shroob are fillers!)

Mario Spinoffs

Dixie vs Tiny
Cranky vs Pauline
K Rool vs Tiki Tong
Kat+ Ana vs Young Cricket
Mona vs Ashley
Jimmy T vs Captain Syrup
Kamek vs Baby Bowser
Baby Mario Bros vs. Shy Guy

(again some of them are fillers.)

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
...Except that they are many things to like in Smash Bros,like the GAMEPLAY,the MODES,the variety of ITEMS and STAGES,alongside the potential awesomness of the online component and the connectivity between 3ds and Wii U.Oh and i forgot things like the cool unlockables.The roster is just one aspect of the game.

And the dissapointing aspect could be the cast of playable character.Just saying.

So Little Mac,Ridley,Shulk,Guiharim are completly ridiculous characters:glare:
Wow. When I saw your roster, I took it as a troll roster but you are actually supporting it. Sakurai has said there will be less of a focus on the roster and that, in SSBB, he felt the roster was complete. I think we can expect to see some cuts. Please note: some.

In no way, shape, or form will we see such massive cuts as you proposed. Really. Yoshi, Bowser, Peach, Zelda, Ganondorf, Captain Falcon, Ness, etc while proposing to fill them with even minor characters such as Rosalina, Ghirahim, and Toon Zelda? That would be idiotic at best.

And then you add characters like Bayonette, the Wonderful 101, Yoshimitsu, Virtualboy, and Plusle and Minun? Those are the ridiculous characters that SSBF mentioned. They have next to no chance in appearing. P and M has the most out of them all.

You can be radical in your roster design but if you truly think this is a possibility, you lost all you credibility. It's laughable. People were furious when the Melee characters were cut. If Sakurai was stupid enough make such massive cuts, the game would hardly sell because they eliminated much of the players favorite characters. You obviously have no idea how Smash fans think or react.

And yes....the roster is just a part of the game but it's a massive part. People play as characters they enjoy. For example, I main Zelda because I like her. I'd be pretty pissed if she was axed despite her importance to the Smash franchise and Zelda. And while I don't like Bowser too much, axing him would be a crime.

It may be "cool" to be radical and different, you really lost any credibility you had with that roster. Just sayin'.



Smash Cadet
Oct 10, 2012
Wow. When I saw your roster, I took it as a troll roster but you are actually supporting it. Sakurai has said there will be less of a focus on the roster and that, in SSBB, he felt the roster was complete. I think we can expect to see some cuts. Please note: some.

In no way, shape, or form will we see such massive cuts as you proposed. Really. Yoshi, Bowser, Peach, Zelda, Ganondorf, Captain Falcon, Ness, etc while proposing to fill them with even minor characters such as Rosalina, Ghirahim, and Toon Zelda? That would be idiotic at best.

And then you add characters like Bayonette, the Wonderful 101, Yoshimitsu, Virtualboy, and Plusle and Minun? Those are the ridiculous characters that SSBF mentioned. They have next to no chance in appearing. P and M has the most out of them all.

You can be radical in your roster design but if you truly think this is a possibility, you lost all you credibility. It's laughable. People were furious when the Melee characters were cut. If Sakurai was stupid enough make such massive cuts, the game would hardly sell because they eliminated much of the players favorite characters. You obviously have no idea how Smash fans think or react.

And yes....the roster is just a part of the game but it's a massive part. People play as characters they enjoy. For example, I main Zelda because I like her. I'd be pretty pissed if she was axed despite her importance to the Smash franchise and Zelda. And while I don't like Bowser too much, axing him would be a crime.

It may be "cool" to be radical and different, you really lost any credibility you had with that roster. Just sayin'.

Actually i`m neutral on my roster.Of course i`m behind it because i posted it but myself i dont think removing such amount of characters is a good ideas.I`m just thinking beyond fans rosters.Remember when people through Brawl would double the roster from Melee without having any clones and ended up with 35 slots and several clones,duplicates and lookalikes:reverse:And Sakurai himself didn`t shown any interest in expending it further anyway.

If i wanted to do something worse,i would have disgarded everyone and put random characters that aren`t even part of Nintendo.I would have put Indiana Jone,Dark Vader and Spider-man lol


Smash Journeyman
Oct 8, 2012
You can be radical in your roster design but if you truly think this is a possibility, you lost all you credibility. It's laughable. People were furious when the Melee characters were cut. If Sakurai was stupid enough make such massive cuts, the game would hardly sell because they eliminated much of the players favorite characters. You obviously have no idea how Smash fans think or react.
People were furious about Dr. Mario, Young Link, Mewtwo, Pichu and Roy being cut? I mained Young Link in melee and still wasn't very upset about these being cut when I saw which characters were added. Beyond Mewtwo, there wasn't a lot of uniqueness lost.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
However, you supported removing key and important characters such as Zelda and Bowser in favor for lesser known and, quite frankly, unlikely characters. As well, Melee had significantly more clones than Brawl did. In fact, most of the clones in Brawl were semi-clones or Luigified clones.

In the most likely scenario, we will see cuts but not to the extent you suggested.


Deleted member

Mewtwo and Roy raised a lot of issue worldwide.

The other three get some fury from the people that main them, but nowhere near as much as Mewtwo and Roy.
In fact, both of them are more requested than even the most requested Newcomers in Japan.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Mewtwo and Roy raised a lot of issue worldwide.

The other three get some fury from the people that main them, but nowhere near as much as Mewtwo and Roy.
In fact, both of them are more requested than even the most requested Newcomers in Japan.
What GY said.

I just generalized due to a lack of time and the amount of effort to type them out. But yeah, people were mad. When you cut a character, you cut out those that support and main the character. Of course, they can move to a new character but they also tend to stick with the previous installment (people who main Mewtwo and play Melee exclusively. There are also other factors too). So you lose people who will buy the next installment and those drop in sales. And cuts that ESBF suggested will only serve to alienate fans of the cut characters since the cuts themselves are across the board.


Deleted member

To be quite honest, I don't get why people think cuts are definitely going to happen.

3 cuts were due to time issues (Mewtwo, Roy, and ironically enough, Dr. Mario)
1 was actually replaced (Young Link replaced by Toon Link)
and the last one either intended to be replaced (if pra_mai is Plusle & Minun, they would have served as Pichu's replacement) or just cut in general (Pichu being a joke character and a clone, he was quite expendable without great issue).

Note that the ones that were intended to be cut/replaced were direct clones. We have none of those in Brawl save for Toon Link, and even his status as a full clone is often debated.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 8, 2012
I doubt the only reason those first 3 were cut was because of time, there were reasons why they were further in line to be made and why they didn't just push back the release until those were done aswell. It wasn't anyone super important like Link, Mario, Samus,... that were cut due to time, it were characters that more or less had replacements(Ike, Lucario) or were simply clones(Dr. Mario). There was obviously a priority set on which characters HAD to be in and which weren't too terrible to lose.


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2012
I would love to see the Melee rejects come back but they don't really have reasons for it. Mewtwo may be the 2nd most popular pokemon but it wouldn't be fair to Dr. Mario and Roy who were also planned for Brawl.

Roy might have been DLC in the last game but so was almost every single important Fire Emblum. If Roy or Dr. Mario got their own game, I would add them into my roster and I would quickly add Mewtwo into it as well.



Smash Champion
Sep 11, 2012
Hyrule Fields
i can imagine 3 characters maybe getting cut for ssb4. maybe 4. but no one like the Bowser or Yoshi or pretty much anyone who that guy listed to get cut. and those guys that i can imagine getting cut would most likely be replaced with someone who's actually worthy enough to be called a Nintendo All-Star. to remove a character like Ganandorf for a one shot like Ghirahim is just stupid and is not gonna happen

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
@GY: we don't know if they will happen or not. I would like to think they won't since most fans dislike cuts. Nothing Sakurai has said do far has indicated there will be cuts.

However, if I had to bet between a cut or more happening or no cuts; I'd put my money incurs happening.


Deleted member

I doubt the only reason those first 3 were cut was because of time, there were reasons why they were further in line to be made and why they didn't just push back the release until those were done aswell. It wasn't anyone super important like Link, Mario, Samus,... that were cut due to time, it were characters that more or less had replacements(Ike, Lucario) or were simply clones(Dr. Mario). There was obviously a priority set on which characters HAD to be in and which weren't too terrible to lose.
Again, they were not replacements.
If Mewtwo and Roy were going to be replaced, they would not have data just like how Pichu and Young Link lack data.
Had Sonic not thrown a monkey wrench (or would it be a "hedgehog wrench" in this case...?) in the works with his late entry into the Roster, we WOULD have had at least Mewtwo given that he was the most complete of those unfinished. I am unsure about Roy, but from my understanding, with Mewtwo and Roy out of the way, Dr. Mario would have been a quick and easy add, given that he'd likely share animation files with Mario like how Nana does for Popo.

And for example, let's hypothetically say that Sakurai did go through with contacting Inafune in regards to Mega Man and had Mega Man added last minute alongside Sonic. Likely Mega Man's late addition on top of Sonic's would have cost us Jigglypuff, Toon Link, and Wolf as well. What then? What excuse could you give for Jigglypuff? Replaced by Pokemon Trainer?

EDIT: And Sakurai has been on record stating that there were more characters he wanted to include but couldn't due to time.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
I do wonder if there were other characters that were planned for Brawl that we don't know about. We know about Roy, Mewtwo, Dr. Mario, Toon Zelda, "pra_mai", and others from the content within the files, but I wonder about characters that were scrapped early in the project or characters scrapped too far into development to include files.


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
I do not believe there will absolutely be cuts. That said, I think people go out of their way to argue that there DEFINITELY won't be cuts, which is just as bad in my opinion. Cautious optimism is the best approach to character selection on nearly all fronts.

Deleted member

We know that a human from Animal Crossing was at least considered at some point, prior to the statement that characters LIKE said human will not be playable if it is unplausible for them to fight.


And we know from victory theme files that there are some blank spots, which imply a number was given for a placeholding amount of characters (transformations included).

Z02-Donkey Kong
Z09-Luigi (UNUSED)
Z10-Captain Falcon
Z12-Bowser (UNUSED)
Z13-Peach (UNUSED)
Z14-Zelda (UNUSED)
Z15-Sheik (UNUSED)
Z16-Ice Climbers
Z18-Mr. Game & Watch
Z19-Falco (UNUSED)
Z20-Ganondorf (UNUSED)
Z22-Meta Knight
Z24-Zero Suit Samus (UNUSED)
Z26-Lucas (UNUSED)
Z27-Diddy Kong (UNUSED)
Z28-Pokemon Trainer (UNUSED)
Z29-MISSING (Going by Brawl data, this would be Charizard)
Z30-MISSING (Going by Brawl data, this would be Squirtle)
Z31-MISSING (Going by Brawl data, this would be Ivysaur)
Z32-King Dedede (UNUSED)
Z33-Lucario (UNUSED)
Z34-Ike (UNUSED)
Z36-MISSING (Unknown)
Z37-Jigglypuff (UNUSED)
Z38-Mewtwo (UNUSED)
Z39-Roy (UNUSED)
Z40-MISSING (Because of placement, this would Dr. Mario)
Z41-Toon Link (UNUSED)
Z42-MISSING (Because of placement, this would be Wolf)
Z43-MISSING (Unknown; possibly placeholder data for any Newcomer after Wolf)
Z44-MISSING (Unknown; possibly placeholder data for any Newcomer after Wolf)
Z45-MISSING (Unknown; possibly placeholder data for any Newcomer after Wolf)
Z48-MISSING (Unknown; possibly placeholder data for any 3rd Party after Sonic)
Z49-MISSING (Unknown; possibly placeholder data for any 3rd Party after Sonic)

Z50-Z58 are fanfares unrelated to characters.

They don't seem to be able to be pinpointed towards the unlisted Forbidden 7 other than Dr. Mario, who would be inbetween Roy and Toon Link, though I suppose Toon Zelda and Toon Sheik could be 2 of the 3 that appear after what I assume would be Wolf.

Dixie Kong doesn't seem to have one, as if she did, it would be right after Diddy unless they somehow shared one like the Ice Climbers did, which would further support the DKC2 style tag-team concept being the route Sakurai intended the two to be.

The one inbetween R.O.B. and Jigglypuff is a mystery however. I assume it has to do with the missing Nintendo series, which I will explain later.

Also interesting is that Sakurai had placeholders for not one extra, but TWO extra 3rd Parties after Sonic. Which is kind of awkward, as it seems that there is only ONE missing 3rd Party series in Brawl's music files instead of two.

What I mean by that is this interesting thing I found by snooping (as usual).
The music for the game is labeled in categories marked by a letter. As you probably noticed from above, you had files like Z23, Pit's Victory Theme. This is because Z is the category for fanfares.

Here are all the categories:

B-Donkey Kong
C-Legend of Zelda
J-Fire Emblem
N-Animal Crossing
P-Kid Icarus
Q-Retro Nintendo
R-Modern Nintendo
S-Metal Gear
T-Melee Remixes
U-Sonic the Hedgehog
W-Melee Originals
Y-Subspace Emissary
Z-Victory Themes

Notice that there is a series inbetween Animal Crossing and Kid Icarus that is outright missing, like the fanfare data inbetween R.O.B. and Jigglypuff. This leads me to believe the two are connected. Meaning, there is a character from an unrepped Nintendo series that was planned for Brawl, but is not one of the "Forbidden 7".

The other missing music series comes after Sonic's series, so I have suspicion that it is a missing 3rd Party, like how there is placeholder data for two 3rd Party characters. Though it could be that Z49, like Z50 and above is a missing fanfare that isn't related to characters.

If I find any more in regards to this, I will post it in this thread.


★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Oct 29, 2006
Sydney, Australia
How many characters are people expecting to be in SSB4?

I remember in the build up to SSBB we all expected more than we got (which was stupid since 35/39 is amazing).
I think spending too much time on the character boards inflates your expectations.

By my reasoning we start with 35 (39 including transformations) from SSBB.

Estimated cuts: -1
I think one Pokemon will be cut. Lucario is looking very disposable but Jigglypuff is a possibility too.

I wouldn't be shocked if they tried to cut down on the less iconic clones such as Falco, Wolf and Lucas. Although this is unlikely and if it happened you would have to expect some kind of skinning system to get them back.

Although a fan favourite in the past Sheik is becoming less and less significant as time passes. Don't be surprised to see Zelda get a new down B! If they spend this extra time giving Ganondorf a much needed authentic move set you couldn't complain.

Would be a little surprised if these didn't make it: +5
1) King K.Rool (high demand and iconic villain)

2) Palutena (Sakurai bias)

3) Ridley (high demand and iconic villain)

4) Pac Man (Since Namco have joined production there will very likely be 1 of their franchises, but not more. Characters from Tekken are not going to be on Super Smash, don't get your hopes up.)

5) A current generation Pokemon - This may depend on a Brawl pokemon being cut (Most likely Lucario).
(This is a problem given the lack of iconic Pokemon in the newer generations. The only iconic character would be a trainer with the three black/white starters but I double this would happen due to the work load.) As others have suggested Zoroark looks most likely so far.

Decent possibility for a few of these: +4?
- Mii (Personal opinion that it's in with a very good chance now that Mii has established itself as a Nintendo icon of sorts)
- Medusa (Very good chance, Sakurai has shown unreasonable bias towards his own franchises before)
- Little Mac (Rebooted classics are always in with a very high chance)

- Dixie Kong
- Mew Two
- Takamaru
- Shulk
- Isaac
- Saki Amamiya
- Micaiah
- Balloon Fighter (Sakurai has a thing..)
- Another third party (Megaman?)
- Other less expected

35 - 1 + 5 + 4 = 43
(Inc transformations: 39 - 2 + 5 + 4 = 46)

By this reasoning I think 43 is about the most I;d get my hopes up for.
Could be quite a bit less if they get trigger happy with cutting clones.

What are peoples thoughts on the number of characters reasonably epxected in SMB4?
Would you be disappointed or thrilled with about 43 (8 or 9 more characters)?


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
I do not believe there will absolutely be cuts. That said, I think people go out of their way to argue that there DEFINITELY won't be cuts, which is just as bad in my opinion. Cautious optimism is the best approach to character selection on nearly all fronts.
Pretty much this.

Deleted member

Anyone who claims Sakurai has shown bias with his own characters upon selection needs to be enlightened: If Sakurai was so biased with his characters, why did it take 3 games in a span of 9 years for his own series to get more than one character?

So what, since two were added in the same game, that's clear bias? I guess the fact one of them had been planned for both prior games in the series but was passed over (and was a heavily requested character), and the other was another heavily requested character makes him biased and makes further "potentially biased" actions highly probable?


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
So if there were plans for at least two more third party characters, I want to say that one of them would of been Leon S. Kennedy from Resident Evil due to Paul Mercier previously being one of the game's voice actors, if some of the early information was an indication. Though it seems to have been rejected and the name was removed from the voice credits.

As for the "missing link" for Nintendo representation, it could be any series at this point. Though I want to guess that it would of been The Legendary Starfy if the whole "Starly being in the Fighter Related category was an indication that Starfy was planned as a playable character at some point in development" theory was indeed true. Ether that or some sort of retro series that we don't know about, for example Mach Rider, Balloon Fighter, The Mysterious Murasame Castle etc.

Deleted member

Can't be any of those Retro series (save for possibly Mach Rider, but that still doesn't seem likely), given that the music for Ballon Fight and Murasame Castle are under the "Nintendo Retros" category.

Also, it wasn't Leon S. Kennedy. That was from IMDB, and had no basis of truth whatsoever (you can't believe IMDB as a source; they said that Epona, Link's horse, was voiced by 50 Cent in one game).

Deleted member

evilsmashbrosfan said:
...Except that they are many things to like in Smash Bros,like the GAMEPLAY,the MODES,the variety of ITEMS and STAGES,alongside the potential awesomness of the online component and the connectivity between 3ds and Wii U.Oh and i forgot things like the cool unlockables.The roster is just one aspect of the game.
That's true, but why can't we have a good roster on top of all that? If the final roster resembled anything like what you just presented, millions of potential consumers would be lost. I myself would never buy a Smash game which such a terrible roster.
evilsmashbrosfan said:
And the dissapointing aspect could be the cast of playable character.Just saying.
I don't need to be told that because I honestly don't care. I'm not lowering my expectations just because there might be parts of the roster I feel needs work.
evilsmashbrosfan said:
So Little Mac,Ridley,Shulk,Guiharim are completly ridiculous characters
No, you completely took what Spydr Enzo said out of context. He's not referring to those as bad suggestions, he's referring to suggestions like Bayonetta.

Cuts could happen, that I won't deny and if there were to be cuts, I believe that either Sonic, Snake, and/or Lucario would get axed (former two due to potential third-party complications and latter due to time constraints). But I am willing to bet that there will be less cuts than what we got in Melee (5) and I believe that there's a decent chance that no one gets cut because everyone has more than enough reasons as to why they could stay. Even if we do get cuts, I highly doubt that more than two will get axed.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 8, 2012
Again, they were not replacements.
If Mewtwo and Roy were going to be replaced, they would not have data just like how Pichu and Young Link lack data.
Had Sonic not thrown a monkey wrench (or would it be a "hedgehog wrench" in this case...?) in the works with his late entry into the Roster, we WOULD have had at least Mewtwo given that he was the most complete of those unfinished. I am unsure about Roy, but from my understanding, with Mewtwo and Roy out of the way, Dr. Mario would have been a quick and easy add, given that he'd likely share animation files with Mario like how Nana does for Popo.

And for example, let's hypothetically say that Sakurai did go through with contacting Inafune in regards to Mega Man and had Mega Man added last minute alongside Sonic. Likely Mega Man's late addition on top of Sonic's would have cost us Jigglypuff, Toon Link, and Wolf as well. What then? What excuse could you give for Jigglypuff? Replaced by Pokemon Trainer?

EDIT: And Sakurai has been on record stating that there were more characters he wanted to include but couldn't due to time.
Why do you get your panties in a twist about the word replacement? Just because Roy and Mewtwo were in the works, doesn't mean they weren't replaced due to lack of time to finish them. While they aren't the same characters there are resemblances between them. Roy wasn't finished, but that was alright because Ike already filled the role of a second Fire Emblem character next to Marth. Mewtwo wasn't finished but that was alright because they already had 2 new pokémon characters including one that has atleast some similarities to Mewtwo.
Other characters had priority so it's obvious some characters were simply too important not to include and others weren't too bad to be lost.
The rest of your argument is pretty shallow, a lot of what if's and not much merit. Including 2 new characters of two new franchises that late in the development stage would likely have pushed the release date back.


★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Oct 29, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Anyone who claims Sakurai has shown bias with his own characters upon selection needs to be enlightened: If Sakurai was so biased with his characters, why did it take 3 games in a span of 9 years for his own series to get more than one character?

So what, since two were added in the same game, that's clear bias? I guess the fact one of them had been planned for both prior games in the series but was passed over (and was a heavily requested character), and the other was another heavily requested character makes him biased and makes further "potentially biased" actions highly probable?
I think you'll find that three were added in the same game not two (you forgot Pit).

I didn't mean to imply he is overly bias. Just that his characters have a better chance.
All we can do is wait and see what the roster is.

Deleted member

@Reyson: Probably because Mewtwo and Roy were intended to come back. It makes no sense to say that planned characters were replaced by something that was almost completely different playstyle and personality-wise.

Plus developers are not given unlimited time to make a game. Brawl would have taken much, much longer to finish if Sakurai had all the time in the world to add what he wanted, but he didn't. Mewtwo's and Roy's removal went against what Sakurai wanted for the Brawl's roster as he clearly wanted both back.
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